Favorite movie posters and why

Favorite movie posters and why.

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that's a gr8 one user. love the old 80s style of posters. especially when you can almost see the fold creases

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Okay none of you fags have said why including OP

Based reddit thread

Man a lot of those Polish posters are fucking crazy. What were they smoking back then?

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That one's actually Hungarian.

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post the kino japanese Apocalypse Now poster

This poster singlehandedly restores my hype for star wars

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>inb4 "minimalist" blade runner

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Because we like the look of them?

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It just looks cool.

Attached: Evil Dead 02.jpg (500x770, 53K)

>what were they smoking

Why lmao it's so bad?

>palpatines face is literally a picture of a doll
>pussy kylo about to get BTFO for the third time by Mary Sue

Those foreign Star Wars posters are crazy good.

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Which Star Wars cartoon is this for?

This was a very powerful billboard. I remember when it was competing against TLJ and it just kept making money, an absolute box office monster.

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This is brilliant...

>Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
>not JumanjII

You realize this isn't the official movie poster right? It's just a promo shot you moron.

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If by cool you mean nightmare inducing...yes.

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Polish posters from back then were cool as fuck.

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>the absolute fucking audacity of this poster

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One of my favorite movies of all time

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Well I’m retarded. Thanks

I've always had mixed feelings about the Revenge/Return poster. I love how it looks but was always bothered by its use of imagery from Empire Strikes Back instead of Jedi.

This one. No doubt about it.

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>Revenge of the Jedi
Nice fan fiction poster, you nu wars loving zoomer idiot

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