Why can't Zoomer Punks just Fuck off?
Comedians keep getting banned from colleges
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no one cares about this gross-looking clown
There's one part where he says something like "don't you want adults to respect us?" The man is 25 years old, weird to talk about adults like they're a different group.
>Put the phones down you fucking KIKES and stop sending your NIGGER texts before I bring about eight days of rope on your CHINK assholes!!!
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
People in their 20s do that all the time to refer to people in their 40s - 50s for some odd reason.
>Don’t f—ing ruin the show for people who actually want to be there,” he said, per video posted by an attendee on YouTube. “That’s what f–ed up about our generation. … That’s why we’re embarrassing, that’s why the world is going to end in 25 years because you’re all f—ing r—–ed. Yeah, I meant it that way, idiots.”
>“You should f—ing grow up, okay? It says no phones … just behave,” he continued. “I have to have my f—ing boy patrol you guys like you’re 5 years old? That’s f—ing embarrassing.”
>“Don’t you want adults to respect us? Don’t you want your parents to be proud of you?” he went on. “You know how f—ing embarrassing it is to be our age and walk out and knows everybody thinks you’re a f—ing idiot? Grow the f— up. Now we’ll continue. I just wanted to scare you. But just grow up, don’t do that s—, seriously.”
>Our generation
Why is this elderly millennial pretending to be a zoomer?
>obey the rules or else you won't get respect from older generations
lmoa get a load of this fag
>be sjw on the sjw show SNL
>cry when your fanbase is sjw's who cant take a joke
>Don’t you want adults to respect us?
this some kinda trick question?
He's 25, practically a zoomer
I’m 24 and I’m outside what is considered zoomer
>Pete "people who listen to Michael Jackson are just bad people" Davidson
>having any worthwhile opinions
why can't comedians be funny?
>brain damaged phone retards can’t pay attention for more than five minutes
All millennials should be executed
isn't 95 the cut off?
that's a zoomer trait, zoomer.
your opinion on anything LITERALLY DOES NOT MATTER if you were born after 1996.
F A C T .
95 or 2000 depending on who you ask.
>paying attention to this SNL faggot
No it’s not you worthless millennial fuckbag. It started with your shit generation
>"don't you want adults to respect us?"
>at a fucking college
jesus christ the infantilization of humanity is in full swing
>people can't stand to pay attention to me for more than a minute
>it's not my act it's my generation
He's probably half right
Millennials are Boomers 2.0.
Prove me wrong.
>follow the rules, goy
where's the rest of the set?
>be such a horrible entertainer that people just pull out their phones instead of paying attention to you
>try and spin it as a generational thing like a literal boomer, and not the meme definition
>leftist retards tell college kids "burn it down, fuck the man, rise up against nazis"
>get mad when they don't give a fuck at some boring talk from shrek's retarded half brother
>too young to witness the baby boomers ruin everything
back to Yea Forums with you
>t. pedo
>it’s all the 70 year old boomers fault!
Spotted the shit eating cunt millennial.
get off your phone and go to bed
Satan has cursed you millennial shit bag
Based trips. Fuck clueless zoomers to death.
Pete Davidson is a ugly fucking unfunny faggot and I'm glad his kike dad died in 9/11.
I hate how they use this guy as if he has his finger on the pulse of today's culture.
His reaction to Ann Coulter on the roast just showed how intolerant, unfunny and how much he himself can't take a joke.
Comedians should be banned from society. They haven't been funny for over 50 years. Only retards pay attention to comedians anymore.
>wah wah wah it’s always someone else’s fault
Spotted the millennial living in mom’s basement
>wah wah wah I don’t like the thing!
Yes, he’s definitely an unfunny drug addled cunt, but if you’re going out to a show put your phone down for five minutes you laughable millennial retards
>implying zoomers can afford to live on their own
how do you do fellow zoomers?
>implying you can either
I've seen this a thousand times before and I'll see it a thousand times again, everything changes and stays the same
it doesn't say hes banned
And so... his strawman crumbles.
why do people just ignore that boomers are on their phones just as much as any younger generations?
Why does joe rogan make it sound like comedians are on the cultural upswing? What kind of boomer boomers are even going to these much less college kids.
I never thought I'd have a reason to respect Pete Davidson of all people, but today I found one.
>Ariana defends ex Pete Davidson
As a 35 year old millennial I say cool, boomers are based.
97 according to Pew Research, so I'd use that
Holy shit hes only 25? I'm older than him???? wtf he looks way older than me.
These fucks need to put down their fucking phones for a bit
This, don't know why the other replies are shitting on him. Fuck faggots who always have their phones out due to being addicted, always having to record any time they're at some event to post to social media later
Careful Pete, with your condition you might've shit yourself on-stage
*whispers sneed*
He has bowl cancer that spread to his face give him a break
Oh right ok. I didnt know that.
That SNL guy is a comedian? I thought he was just jewish
>our generation
Are his plates okay at least?
Can he still eat cereal(
>I have to have my f—ing boy patrol
Does this mean something along the lines of having a "kid patrol" as a hallway monitor in a school? Or does this guy have someone who works security he calls "his boy" and he has that dude walk around telling people to stop using their phones? Why can't I help but imagine "his boy" being black?
Jews always have black lackeys doing their dirty work
If your annoying an audience with your flashes while a show is going on fuck off I hope you unironically get hit by a car. The world is better off with you dead.
How boring you have to be that people would rather use their phones?
Sjw nigger lovin snowflake leftards have ruined this world.
He's somewhat right. Should've toned down the cursing to get more of the point across.
Youre basically still a kid in your 20s. I cant believe were even allowed to hold certain positions.
People in their mid and early twenties do this a lot, to be fair most older people view them as kids
based immortal
Fucking mini-boomer. No wonder Ariana told him to fuck off lmao
he still mad that ariana dumped him
Well his gig on SNL is done. I'm fine with this though. I go to UCF, this place and area has too many dumb people.
You really going to act like people don't use their phones everywhere whether they at an event they are enjoying or not?
Comedians are fags lol
>I somehow find myself at a fucking Pete Davidson show
>don't find him funny at all
>he eyes me three levels up posting Sneed
>stop recording meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
>*cries tears of shit from asshole eyes*
What a fag.
they lack a funny bone
How old are you?
>our generation
He's 26 and talking to 18 year olds, who are technically a different generation.
he cute
People today are "worse", in every sense of the word, than they have ever been. Spoiled brats or entitled doesn't even begin to cover it.
typical Semetic Fragility
it's scientifically proven that the brain continues developing until your mid 20s, so you literally are not a fully formed adult yet.
regardless, since i've turned 30, i've realized most people under 25 are retarded and full of shit
>since i've turned 30, i've realized most people under 25 are retarded and full of shit
I'm turning 30 in less than 2 months and I've already known this for quite a while. You want a front row view to what retarded young people look like go to /r9k/, basically filled with angsty redditors in their teens and early 20s trying to act hard done by and jaded at the world when their life experience couldn't fill 10 pages of a journal.
What the fuck is no-phone rule? Does that mean he doesn't want you recording him or something?
There is nothing more grotesque than seeing hundreds of people all filming the same thing on their phones. Often times they do it at sporting events or other places where professional production staffs are documenting almost every action from every angle to begin with.
When you see the placid look at their faces as they all hold their phones up nearly identically its impossible to have any hope at all. This entire thing is broken beyond repair and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Everyone is walking around depressed and unfulfilled and they refuse to blame the actual culprit for these feelings even though they live the majority of their waking existences with it plastered to their face.
he doesn't want his set getting leaked, like his uncontrollable bowel movements
People in their twenties are generally worthless.
But we are force fed gargantuan amounts of media that makes us believe that if you haven't accomplished your dreams by thirty you may as well give up and give your life to Gigacorp.
It's all the biggest conjob ever. A generation of myopic young people who think they are failures because they aren't millionaires by the time they are thirty.
Reality check:
Historically men went to war around 14-16 and women started families
But in the current year they say shit like puberty lasts until you are 30
If you don't think society is being poisoned you are delusional
Physically you are fully developed by mentally not even close. In fact the fact that it takes until your mid/late twenties to be fully mentally developed actually makes people younger than that better soldiers.
48yo ADULT checking in. Please do not take advice from this pathetic drug addict.
>I make millions, life is hard. MOMMY!!!!!
What a complete faggot, you sold your soul to the devil (jews) now live with the consequences of it
Freudian slip, I hate to say this because I am a peter pan boy myself, but on average men nowadays don't become adults till like 32
It’s funny because it’s like he’s punching himself in the face. Also he has BPD and is suicidal so he is in no position to be giving life advice to anyone, no one who is secure has to have a rule that says “no phones” during a comedy special. Are you kidding me? You’re getting paid thousands to tell jokes and you can’t handle a few people on their phones? The only exception to me would be if the room is dark while he is on stage, because then the light from the phone would be distracting.
Pete Davidson is a faggoty fool and a loser and is literally worthless.
Why do millennial manchildren like shitting on zoomers so much when you are aging, balding, full of wrinkles, in your 30s and you act exactly like that?
More like Boomers 4.0, we took all the retarded shit the boomers did and perfected it unto annihilation.
No, it's just you millennials pissed away your 20s and you keep saying
So you keep putting on hair dyes, playing videogames and watching superhero movies even though you are starting to look like creepy pedophiles trying to get into child circles.
Comedians have always been losers, to pursue a career in comedy means that you have to glorify vanity and foolishness and even perfect it. They are funny because they are fools, anyone who acts like they are modern fay philosophers is an idiot
agreed, it’s pretty amazing how we can never see it coming though, because the form of the similarity changes so drastically that it is hard to see coming but once it is past you can make the comparison. I have noticed this as well: The opposite is always true
Why does Ariana look like a little girl?
That's really just infantilized yopros.
>that’s why the world is going to end in 25 years because you’re all f—ing r—–ed. Yeah, I meant it that way, idiots.”
actually kekked
Lol what a dumb cunt. He's like that rape woman comedian who bans laughter.
>I say "fuck" every three words, that's how you know I'm serious!!!!
Terrible trope.
You also have to be a narcissist that thinks people need or want to know what you have to say on issues
coz she is one? she's in early 20's and is like 5 ft nothing tall
>why does DUDEWEED say anything
Because his guests said it.
>it's scientifically proven that the brain continues developing until your mid 20s, so you literally are not a fully formed adult yet
This is a dumb meme. There's no clearly defined or agreed upon point at which the brain reaches full maturity. For most people, the brain does reach its peak around the age of 25, but then begins to decline. If we consider the brain to only reach maturity at its peak, then adulthood would only be a few short years from around the age of 25-30. In other words, give it a few years, and those "retarded" people will have a more "fully formed" brain than you. Even then, the main differences between an 18 year old brain and a 25 year old brain involve impulsivity, emotion, and reactions to reward stimuli. The actual cognitive potential and capabilities of the two are the same.