Why didn't they just settle their differences by fighting instead of drifting?

Wonder how that would've turned out.

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>because race

why do the asian "male" always lose?

alpha male asian vs average white guy

Small penises, dyels, fragility.

Because it was about drifting

Why do southerners have such huge foreheads?

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Because the movie is called Tokyo Drift, not Tokyo Fight

God I live that movie

Why didn't they just kiss

>white man you can't flatten my face im already flat face
>very smart kato lets race then


daily reminder AFWM is a myth.


>Asian "MALE"

I don't remember this scene from Cowboy Bebop and that looks nothing like Savage. Very unfaithful adaptation.

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>Asian """"""masculinity"""""""

Attached: chinese+cucked+by+white.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

just ask brad pitt


The asian guy would have been thrown into that stupid toyota supra

japanese are peacefur peepor, drift preace

oh, man

Chinks BTFO

>average american high schooler

Then entire movie was the white man showing superiority to all asians.
We come to your land and do your shit better than yourselves.

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Why the fuck isnt he in the new fastkinos?

Japan is a civilized society where the bushido code lives in street racing.
All disputes are settled by dorifto

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why didn't they just measure their penises?

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why did the gaijin have such a shit haircut? dk had a badass do

Takashi has an ugly profile. Look at that nose and eyebrow bone. fuck. :(

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>You know what DK stands for?

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I'm sorry but if two guys have their faces that close together and don't just start passionately making out then what is the point


I think the leather club's two blocks down

Donkey Kong, baybee!

Why do I see so many in Vancouver?

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>17 year old
Yh ok

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why do asians get accused of spamming?

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the funniest part is the white dude hurrying to catch up for the ruse

welp this just shows the state of Yea Forums, imagine watching a movie about mma but all the fight scenes includes guns

What's going on here? Is the Rock supposed to be standing next to Vin Diesel?

Romeo Must Die

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Southerners are result of pure British stocks, northerners had intermixing with French and Portuguese and other imperial stock. It's the reason southerners are more retarded and stubborn in general,look at the old fucks who caused Brexit- just as racist,stupid and stubborn as southerners

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He isn't bald

We all know the answer

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Looking past each other

familia rules

Keep your REEEs to a minimum, reddit. Thanks

We can all agree this is the best one of the whole franchise, right?


It's about family

Why didn't they just kiss and make up?

are you retarded? it was the south that had all the french and shit. Read a fucking book.

>southerners the result of pure british stock
this is retarded and i didn’t read the rest of your post

alright you fucking retards here's how it goes

south: scots-irish, english, french (louisiana only)
north: english, irish, german, dutch, italian

yo let's go grab a drink at The Moose.

Lots of Germans in Texas. Pretty sizable Italian demographic in the delta region too

Christ that's brutal. He's easily in the top 0.5% most masculine asians and getting completely mogged by an Applebees waiter

>Read a fucking book.
okay, which one

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why do asians have such flat faces?
it looks like they've been run over by a steamroller

Attached: steamroller face.jpg (930x673, 173K)

>Whats wrong? Bad at drifting, gaijin?

imagine not marathoning this movie in one go like some kind of pleb

I'm not into cars and I hate endangering other people's lives but fuck me if street racing isn't really cool. TD is all I ever wanted out of an FF movie.

>"Race wars... We invented it."
What did Dominic "La Familia" Toreno mean by this?