While I appreciate the effort to make jokes about things ((((we aren't supposed to joke about anymore))))) the special...

While I appreciate the effort to make jokes about things ((((we aren't supposed to joke about anymore))))) the special just wasn't funny. Tbh none of his new stuff has been funny. Sad!

Attached: Screenshot_20190827-203229_Chrome.jpg (765x823, 315K)

it's not worth $50 millions for sure

Attached: chinese.jpg (1037x582, 43K)

Nah, I thought it was pretty funny. Pretty fair, too. Everybody got made fun of.

I don't care if you don't like it. I think his stand up was important to the comedy industry, as he is trying to save it from SJW faggy bullshit.

I just like how soft handed all the angry sjw articles are toward him, because he's a black muslim.

Gay Shill Thread
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>Gay Shill Thread

This sounds familiar...

Chapelle just another antiwhite comedian, hes just smarter about it

what the fuck does "woke" mean?

I laughed many times and form my own opinions

"Liberal faggot who uses tumblr lingo and cries if someone says faggot."

In a weird moment of unity, SJWs and /pol/tards decided to shit on Dave in unison. SJWs do it because he is not PC, /pol/tards do it because he will always be too black.

Everybody else just had a good time.

this is out? anyone got a link please?

two sides same coin

how can one man be so based

>Everybody else just had a good time.
So is it good?
I haven't really bothered to see much of Chappelles new stuff, but he's forever in my top 3 comedians

how can anyone think this fag is funny its literal reddit humor

Dave is the only comedian who continues to make me laugh to this very day. His Netflix specials are excellent too, although he seemed a bit off in The Bird Revelation. Maybe he should start smoking weed AFTER the show.

Damn I guess I better check out Reddit then

Dude Aziz did the same shit and called out sjws even harder and funnier in his new special. And that's fucking Aziz Ansari lmao

Now no Burnhams last special. That was KINO

You are correct satan

Did you even listen to Aziz's cadence and delivery? He was clearly going through Dave's play book.

He is a smart, sensitive guy and got caught uo in the story by the end of TBR.
He is funny because he is smart and sensitive, he always cracks me up and im loving this specials.

aziz's is a disgusting immigrant.

I agree even though you sound like an obnoxious faggot.
Just watched the special and laughed a handful of times but the majority of it was the most obvious setup punchline and the extremely outward politically charged "punchlines" which are just very seriously delivered almost vitriolic statements were too much at times
most of the funny bits even go the same exact way
>okay I'm being serious now I'm going to say something very serious, this has got to be one of the most serious things we need to address right now
>change to sarcastic voice
>something outrageous, cue laugh prompt
not that the old chapelle stuff doesn't follow this formula it's just that it's a way more hateful tone now than it was before
Africa really changed this nigga

i think a lot of people on the right want to say they like a black comedian so they pick chappelle, ignoring how he hates whites since it's not as overt as most things

I laughed my ass off. specially in the first half.

chinks keep getting btfo. what a glorious month.

standup comedy fucking sucks man. it's a dead medium. the only people who enjoy it are drooling JRE retards

how can one man be so fucking based

This. What's the appeal? Some retard telling dumb stories in a specific 'hey gotcha" manner? I don't get it.

standup is literally just an appearance vehicle for has-beens to bank on ticket revenue and vip meetups
it has been for at least a decade and a half
a lot of rappers, podcast hosts, c listers in general and failed tv writers all flock to clubs that'll let anyone with a name that's been mentioned even a dozen times online play their set for peanuts
real standup is an archaic entertainment model because everything is injected with humor these days so the concept of someone just taking the stage to tell jokes is so redundant when you could just compilations on yt or go on [Yea Forums normie equivalent]
this is also why no one can ever do comedy specials these days without it being so political because it gives the audience more of a night show experience instead of actual standup like dangerfield or don rickles

this one was his best effort out of all the new things.


Attached: tips.jpg (640x533, 78K)

"Oh no, I'm retarded"

It's a wonderful medium if you watch worthwhile comics. Visit your local comedy club and delight in the rampant refusal that hosts and comics take in being soft-gloved with sensitive targets. Televised comedy is dead. The clubs themselves are still great.

simpsons did it already
>must be the acoustics

back where you came from little zoomer

it was funny, especially the bit about smollet
>'aren't you that faggot nigger from empire' sounds like something *I* would say

You mean the French actor, Juicy Sommolier?

I like Dave Chappelle. He's one of the greatest comedians of all time. But seriously though, fuck his new special. And no, I don't think he should be "cancelled." I think he should stop attacking disenfranchised people that are in less fortunate circumstances than himself just because he thinks they're different. He knows better. But hey, controversy sells, so fuck me, right? People like me, the "triggered SJW baby safezone snowflakes" blah blahs or whatever they're calling "people who try not to act like dicks," we're the butt of the joke, right? So laugh at me all you want.

But forget words for a second and let's talk numbers.

When it comes to discrimination, transgendered people have it the absolute worst, especially black transgender people (numbers provided by UCLA and the Williams Institute):

Family chose not to speak/spend time with them: 57%

Harassed or bullied at school (any level): 50-54%

Experienced discrimination or harassment at work: 50-59%

Doctor or health care provider refused to treat them: 60%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: — At work: 64-65% — At school (any level): 63-78%

Disrespected or harassed by law enforcement officers: 57-61%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: By law enforcement officers: 60-70%

Experienced homelessness: 69%

Suicide attempts among trans men (46%) and trans women (42%) were slightly higher than the full sample (41%)

These numbers are not an accident. They are a direct result of our culture of intolerance towards the trans community.

I have seen, first hand, how this prejudice leads to trans children killing themselves. A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday, and you're lying if you don't think jokes about her being trans aren't what pushed her over the edge. This shit isn't funny. It isn't a joke. It isn't a game.

Trans lives matter.

I would agree that he should stop attacking trans people, if I thought "attacking trans people" was a fair characterization of what he was doing. He talks about trans people. He jokes about trans people. But I don't remember any real "attacks". Watching the special, I didn't get the impression he was anti-trans.

>that entire pro-abortion segment
was the only bad and pandering moment on the whole set, there weren't even any jokes.

I hate trannies

I don't know, I enjoyed it. Sure, a lot of the jokes had an obvious punchline but they were still funny.

if trans lives matter, you should be out there convincing them to get mental help.

Why the fuck did you even respond to that post? Just tell him to dilate and move on.

Congrats, you fell for marketing tricks
Comedy isn't saved, no one else would even be able to make these jokes. Chappelle is a retard hypocrite that hates PC culture except when it benefits his own group of people


Funny how there was no Paul Mooney pedo bit.

Except black people of course

I wonder why they didn't find the pronouns joke funny but this

Did I accidentally type reddit?

Go dilate somewhere else.

Yea, Dave Chapelle has never made a black joke in his career!

Not really, not since he had his sperg out and became Mr Woke Black Muslim

how do you people keep falling for the world's most obvious bait

That whole speech was a setup for a joke, are you retarded?

Yes he has, even if you think they were softball jokes.

No he hasn't, you just have a hard on for LE BASED BLACK MAN
He whines about whitey and them cries that faggots and trannies do the same to him

Imagine missing the point of his special and seething this hard at jokes
>hurr he hates white people because he doesn't make as many jokes about hood culture like he used to
Might be too subtle for you but a good portion of the trans and gay jokes had a undertone that highlighted how the black community is often harsher on those groups.

It's better than his first netflix special, but nowhere near his 90's work. They should replace this clone for a thinner one.

>He whines about whitey
You are an actual brainlet

Attached: 1450336590358.jpg (566x480, 54K)

>jewflix forced to pay 50 million for an hour of anti sjw shit

Attached: honklhonk.jpg (800x450, 47K)

I like chappelles comedy because his go to "white guy" impersonation sounds and acts almost exactly like me.
That shit is hilarious to watch when it happens, but there wasn't enough of it in the new special

Its like that 'war is peace, ignorance is slavery' etc thing from 1984. Smart agenda driven people told dumb fucks that being retarded (sjw) is now called being 'woke', even though they are close minded as fuck for holding such opinions like women are equal, being pro immigration etc..

*ignorance is strength


God this term is so gay

how does this work? Why did Louis get so much shit here but Dave gets praised hardcore?


>send out articles saying chapelle is cancelled to get anti-sjw's to watch it
>send out articles that say it's actually fine so sjws can have plausible deniability when they watch it since this news article says it's good

Chapelle is overrated and the latest special wasn't funny.

Fuck Aziz. Or did Trump already do that? I'm not hearing that whinny baby bitch complaining anymore about orange man bad.

HAH! Actually it does now that I think I about it. Ah, that's a good one Dave.

Does he pray 5 times a day?

I don't know, I don't care. Enjoy his comedy if you want, I just don't get how it's different from Louis making white people jokes.


he doesn't talk about it publicly but he always raises one finger when he takes pictures

ugly smug white chasing curry nigger

Dave has been pretty unfunny ever since getting pozzed (ie replaced)

Agreed, it will be like radio/big shows, it is for a specific generation and the next generation will despise it

I hope every homosexual/bisexual/transexual and anything other than a man and a woman kill themselves as quickly as possible you included. Die quickly faggot, no one loves you

hers an idea, fix your mental health rather than chopping your dick off

There ain’t no fixing psychopathy. Trans are all clinical psychopaths which has no cure, they have to he killed because they are all child molesters and rapists. They literally eat shit in secret.

>/pol/tards are not shitting on him, they dont even care,

stop making stuff up

synonymous with "redpill"

That too. Why is it that people see through Aziz's shit but still think Dave is /ourguy/ because he hates trannies?

I thought he made some good points, but I didn't find it funny.

I chuckled and I am one of those libertarian T that hates other T he mentioned in his last special. He just casually talked shit on everyone, good times.

t. dumb nigger who can't find comics netflix doesn't serve him with

stand up is literally the lowest form of art. it's on the same level as mimery or slam poetry and I'm glad the stupid fucking bubble is finally popping so faggots like Jerry Seinfeld can't sit around talking like a pretentious twat about how he's a genius for coming up with some shitty set on tv weatherman or something.