Eddington edition
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
>the liberal mindset
Do we ever get to see sex in Star Trek? Not normal sex but a kind of alien sex that's different so it's not porn?
Why does Picard's borther hate him?
>Do we ever get to see sex in Star Trek? Not normal sex but a kind of alien sex that's different so it's not porn?
Please post examples of the sexiest women in Star Trek.
Trip gets knocked up by a Xyrillian
I would pay money to see VF fight P&S
thank you for reply :0
Now that the dust has settled is he really related to the Caretaker?
Ever get the feeling there's one guy who's in every single thread?
Wouldn't you have to be in every thread to notice that?
its you
Vee looks weird with long hair.
Friendly reminder that Nurse Chapel's fiance found the remains of a dead civilization and the secrets of robotics, immediately setting to work building a sexbot.
>Tell me your favorite Trek character.
>Then tell me your favorite Trek series.
>And finally, tell me your darkest kink.
hooking up with women who are in relationships
i cant play him now. itd look like shit
begone foul jesuit clone
>>Tell me your favorite Trek character.
>>Then tell me your favorite Trek series.
>>And finally, tell me your darkest kink.
Travelling to third world countries and impregnating hundreds, if not thousands of women.
>32 hours of (trek)
There are three guys in every thread.
How is Tuscon this time of year?
>"Computer, create a Turkana IV alleyway"
*beep boop*
>Computer creates a rape gang consisting of Naussicans, Klingons, and Borg with sex toy implants"
*beep boop*
>Computer increase character phallus size by 500% and increase libido to maximum level"
*beep boop*
>"Safety protocols off"
>"Barclay to Lieutenant Yar, please report to Holodeck 2"
Yeah, I bet your mom keeps the air conditioner on for the dogs.
>thread discussing how repetitive things are
>post a cringe facebook meme you posted in the last thread
this is why the beatings must continue
stick to your own business
u contribute shit
do you think that Klink Janeway was so vicious it sent the hirogen into heat and they took turns hunting her down and raping her?
no that wasn't me, I got it from that guy and i liked it so I saved it and now I'm sharing it you sperg
you don't care about others
Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high
Take a look, it's in a book,
A Reading Rainbow!
I can go anywhere
Friends to know, and ways to grow
A Reading Rainbow!
I can be anything
Take a look, it's in a book
A Reading Rainbow
Reading Rainbow!
Martha Hackett picked the wrong meal ticket.
>Tell me your favorite Trek character.
Ro Laren
>Then tell me your favorite Trek series.
>And finally, tell me your darkest kink.
Being overpowered by a cute Vulcan and having my wrists and feet bound while she tortures me for information on Maquis raids using intense methods of advanced interrogation, eventually choking me until I pass out like she's nerve pinching me
Does Discovery have anything near this hot?
up your game /trek/
So what are you guys into other than Star Trek?
oh you know, masturbating until my arm breaks, smoking weed, eating meat, the usual.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Babylon 5
Blake's 7
You can die doing that.
I still like to think she was a deep cover agent all along whose programming flipped and she became the bajoran she was posing as. It makes ds9 much more interesting if you interpret her entire character like that from the start.
Plus she's hot as fuck as a cardie
What is your fav content?
>So what are you guys into other than Star Trek?
That's actually none of your business.
if anything, it adds to the Terry Farrel's natural charm
literally me
>uses hand in 2019
too skinny
Was this called for?
I'd bite her cheek
keep your sex junk to yourself
fuck off, space puritan prude
look at those fat green tits
Let's clean this place up!
>6 2
>Massive tiddies
>dat ass
Agreed. Too much shit in this general.
imagine the exhilarating sexual terror you would feel with a woman like that
how can human women even compete
Clean from who?
>how can human women even compete
frogposters are often the most insecure
trek goddesses don't know how to quit
too much woman for a barclayboi like me
Just like stationfags and Voyagerms
I feel less like watching after reading this
>ywn get kehleyrd
how did worf even live
he's hank hill, didn't even appreciate it, they just did klingon missionary
K'Ehleyr vs Dukat: who was more smug?
lol ikr?
Literally who
my dick
a correct appraisal
Worf probably didn't even grow back at her and made her feel self-conscious about being so sexually assertive. Even if K'Ehleyr lived they probably wouldn't have lasted for very long and she would have cucked Worf for Riker.
>she would have cucked Worf for Riker.
dude Jadzia damn near made an ensign's life at her bachelorette party while Worf was making his friends do gay klingon shit like not eat in a hot room.
how am i supposed to in good conscience recommend tng to normies when they will have to see shit like this before they get to the good stuff.
It makes sense - all Cardies are based, while all Bajorans deserve to be genocided, with the exception of Kira. Having er be a Cardassian would explain why she's so awesome.
Is the federation more like USA or like Europe?
kinda looks weirdly proportioned from that angle
The Federation is the United States of America.
>this is the asian twink who triggers /trek/
Is that supposed to be a guy or a girl?
VF has been a thorn in the side of this general for weeks.
VF said he's male a few days ago
Let's not go into it.
I want newfags to leave
The thing I always loved about Starfleet was that even though they were primarily focused on science and exploration, they still kicked pretty much everyone's ass ( in the AQ).
The Enterprise-E was basically a science vessel and it still mopped the floor with every Klingon ship, a supposed "warrior species".
Starfleet is fighting with one arm tied behind their back, and they're still winning.
If they went full on militaristic, they'd probably own half the galaxy.
>threadverse fleshed out
The Federation is the UN.
Die in a fire
to complete the metaphor, Earth is America, doing all the heavy lifting.
She's posted her superhero costume in the discord.
>thread envelops own language
>it sounds gay to outsiders
post it
Is it fair to say Eddington is one of the most Based characters of all time?
Hesh, I've been working on "hesh" it's half heck half gosh
What did ggfag mean by this
yup, it's /trek/
aww hesh
I only nitpick the ggfag because he nitpicks everyone else, despite being mentally challenged
I'm no longer intrigued by the tripfags or the drama or the endless mongposting surrounding it. I just want the civil war to end.
It's not grammer you dipshit, he's using the wrong word
I can't find it in my folder
put your trip back on Vee Eff
Did he go down on a smurf on her period?
Some of you i would like at a meet up but not all
Forced faggot indoctrination
Bless you user.
I love Beverly Crusher
All I'm gonna say is I'm bringing my phaser to the meet up.
>Oh, yes... They float, Harry... They float... and when you're down here with me... YOU FLOAT TOO!
The greatest mind of the 24th century
>cardassian displays at 240p resolution
In order to not increase the bandwidth when encrypting your signal, you have to downscale the video quality.
>EDDINGTON [on monitor]: I know you. I was like you once, but then I opened my eyes. Open your eyes, Captain. Why is the Federation so obsessed about the Maquis? We've never harmed you, and yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. Starships chase us through the Badlands and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you can't accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everyone should want to be in the Federation. Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You're only sending them replicators because one day they can take their rightful place on the Federation Council. You know, in some ways you're worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You're more insidious. You assimilate people and they don't even know it.
>SISKO: ...You know what, Mister Eddington? I don't give a damn what you think of the Federation, the Maquis, or anything else. All I know is that you betrayed your oath, your duty, and me. And if it takes me the rest of my life, I will see you standing before a court-martial that'll break you and send you to a penal colony, where you will spend the rest of your days growing old and wondering whether a ship full of replicators was really worth it.
I don't think Sisko ever really recovered from this verbal massacre by Eddington. I think it really shook Sisko to his core and irreversibly changed his belief in Federation dogma, which is why he became more unhinged as the series progressed, culminating in his condoning the assassination of a Romulan Senator. Sisko's motivation for taking Eddington was 100% personal.
I'd like to read a DS9/VOY fanfic where Chakotay and Eddington switch places
patrick chewart lmao
The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after everyone admits Eddington did nothing wrong.
Wiggus Maximus lmao
dead thread
She looks so mean.
formerly maquis
fuck you saying cuh
Eddington was a simple egotist and an opportunist. If he had really cared about the fate of the Maquis, he would've stayed in Starfleet and saw the war with the Dominion to completion. Obviously, the Dominion would destroy the Maquis in no time at all if left unchecked and there was way more at stake than their quibbles with the Cardassians and the Federation.
He had no justification for betraying Starfleet, at least not when he chose to betray it. His timing reveals a desire to make himself a folk hero, some kind of larger than life figure, which means that his motivation was never ethical.
Sisko didn't feel the need to explain that shit to him. Saying he 'betrayed the uniform' said it all, and Eddington knew exactly what he had done. He wasn't about to engage in Eddington's delusion.
Times that you were like St. Barclay?
Neighbor left her laundry in washing machine for more than 12 hours and I really had to do laundry, but instead of knocking on her door and asking her to move her things I decided to wear dirty clothes instead.
Jesus, stationfags don't even watch their own show.
Dude just tell her you need to do some laundry
>muh stationfags
How does my post reveal any sort of preference for DS9 over any other series? TOS will always be my favorite.
>no argument
Go figure. The next time you reply to me, try to say something that doesn't make you look like a single-digit IQ mongoloid.
>9 years
Fuck off, Nine Years.
The Dominion war was next season, Eddington left during the Klingon war
STD sucks
this fag is worse than the trips and charts
Nigger, the "Klingon War" was part of the Dominion war. Did you forget about the changeling telling Odo that they were everywhere at the end of season 3, or their replacing the federation ambassador, or you know, Martok being a fucking changeling? The entire war was motivated by the Dominion and it was obvious their invasion was inevitable.
Were you too dumb to realize that somehow? The writers basically hung it around Gowron's throat in neon letters.
who shit in your replicated cereal?
feel free to fuck off at any time
Go back to Yea Forums and complain about DS9 there.
There's a lot of samefagging in response to your post, so this reply might get lost in the noise, but I do want to attempt to let you know that you're a divisive jerk, and your constant attempts to incite inter-fandom conflict are making the thread a worse place.
You’re the worst part of these threads, and that includes sneed
Really makes you think...
JK I think he was referring to the active phase of the Dominion War, you know after the invasion
Apu/frogposter and "at least it's content" poster are worse, honestly
Don't defend him, we can't allow anyone to malign the best of all Star Trek series because we're all independent free thinkers
>the federation is supposed to be the galactic equivalent of the UN
>nonhuman species that have been spacefaring polities for ages barely contribute anything, the vast bulk of ships and crews are supplied by humanity, a species that has very few colonies
Fuck aliens.
Some of the posters in these threads have very serious mental health problems.
Same person. He's "stationfag" poster, piss and shit, Tilly poster, the guy who makes the STD threads, mspaint fag, and trekkie229.
DS9 being good was never part of the argument. You're just a salty faggot. Fuck off and stop moving the goal posts with your autistic obsession.
It’s accurate though
as long as I keep getting delicious (You's) and yummy vitriol like this post I'll be baiting stationfags long after your third heart attack
>everyone I don't like is the same person
Take your meds, schizo
>Chaka Khan sang the Reading Rainbow theme
based LeVar
>lolllll muh (You)s and angry replies
Why not go to leddit if you like that shit? At least your could measure people's anger in downvotes and you might actually get some sort of direct acknowledgment.
Ultimately, it's an attention seeking mentality and nobody likes that shit. End life (yours).
You're wrong
The Federation is exactly like the UN, as in one member state does 50% of work, a few others do 45% combined, and the majority don't do shit.
You're just mad that I'm not mad (now tell me how you're not mad)
Fuck off, NTT
A white male posted this.
Low quality b8
I'm also incredibly lazy and have a cushy office job
Then why are you here?
All of them.
This post is original.
You fool, that was our secret backup general.
Is /trek/ the most autistic general on tv? What other generals are there even? Wasn’t there ones for got and dr who? I don’t see any in the catalog
Bajorans are for ______
Whenever I go to IIRC to complain about VF to the mods they always laugh at me and call /trek/ the autism general.
>Tell me your favorite Trek character.
>Then tell me your favorite Trek series.
>And finally, tell me your darkest kink.
I want to be fat and have sex with pretty women.
I want the pretty women to fatten me up and then have sex with me
>If they went full on militaristic, they'd probably own half the galaxy.
Implying you wouldn't get a drop in scientific output to go with your Trumptard philosophy
>darkest kink
>want to have sex with pretty women
woah slow down there you animal
>other than Star Trek
hah, good joke
>wanting to associate with 4chinz mods in any sort of way
Big Cardassian Cock
Pretty sure we're getting a drop in scientific output right now due to your retard commie third worldism that is causing dropping intelligence across the west.
No, if they squeeze the sides of the neck you experience all the euphoric bliss with none of the suffocation. The only danger is in crushing the windpipe which won't happen as long as they don't squeeze the center.
Please come by my shop when you have the time, I'll be more than happy to show you the latest trends on Cardassia.
*taps mic with spoon*
She was right, though.
>No puppet, no puppet, you're the Dominion puppet!
What did he mean by this? How can she be the Dominion puppet if he just said that there is no puppet?
My Trek series pitch?
Starfleet ensigns and former Academy rivals Ezra Miller and Sofia Boutella get in a shuttle pod accident and crash in Romulan space and have to escape, but they meet a group of Romulans working towards unification and have to help smuggle them across the border. At first Ezra and Sofia hate each other but as the story progresses they overcome their differences and fall in love.
I call it "Under a Romulan Sun"
>Ezra Miller
Watch him cut a slit in the back of the Star Fleet uniform for impromptu gay sex.
because the fucking humans in the senate have done nothing but obstruct cardassian policies in the senate ever since gul drumpf was appointed.
Ezra will be Starfleet's boytoy offering to Romulus as a way of opening peace negotiations. He can go guymode or girlmode, and Romulans love androgyny and ambiguity.
however there do exist some alright hu-mans.
>increase character phallus size by 500% and increase libido to maximum level"
i always knew barclay was a CoC player
that's asinine
there is zero evidence kira wasn't a deep cover cardie
when she carried o'brien's baby
bajoran physiology is significantly different from cardassian and bashir would have seen when he cut her open
Or TiTS.
>worf wearing a niners jersey (or whatever they're called, shut up baseball fans) with the logo front and center
>no one's edited it to say something else
Bashir was deep cover for Section 31
He would have noticed she was a cardie and not said anything, continuing to observe her for S31
why does this klingon have a big iron on his hip
Because no one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip, because the Klingon there among them had the big iron on his hip.
These threads are hurtful to some Star Trek fans
He's a "creative type". Probably huffed some spray paint one weekend and decided to just run with it.
Check em
guys go check out the sperg throwing a hissy fit in the search for spock thread lmao
link it
Is it ok to like neelix?
What's the point of the neutral zone?
romulans use it as a buffer?
what am I looking at here
one of the posters?
fcuk I just want to bust a fat nut in that ass and watch it drip out onto my bed
imagine grabbing those hips and just slam slam slam
I want to spitroats him with yuo
Ah yes, so very semitic. Why again did (((they))) choose that for their special racist term?
Is that VF?
That's the DCEU's "The Flash"!
God bless Warner Brothers®!
What role would you like to see Ezra play in Star Trek? Dashing captain? Goofy ensign? Smokey holodeck fantasy?
At it's core, Star Trek i̶s̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶e̶x̶p̶l̶o̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶b̶o̶t̶h̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶n̶e̶r̶ ̶s̶p̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶ RAPED MY DAD!
I'd like to see a get the fuck out of our thread role.
chow on my bunghole
Meet outside the holodeck in five?
bring lube, but condoms not needed
I think Henry Cavill and/or Ben Affleck beat you to it
Are we running girlmode Ezra or guymode Ezra? I'm honestly fine with being surprised but some people have a preference.
I'm feeling Next Generation era uniforms, maybe Picard's ready room as the setting and we can hear the bridge crew and they can hear us so we have to start out trying to be quiet but eventually give up and the entire ship can hear us?
u hurt community
boring retard
at least i post on topic
cares nobody
Leave him alone.
people here care about trek
so post about star trek dumb retard
Is there anywhere in Trek universe that we can drop him off where he can be savagely and brutally raped? I'm into that sort of thing.
no namecalling pls
There's a planet called Risa which is basically Planet Spring Break and everyone is a cumbrain looking to have a good time. You can do anything to anyone on Risa so I'd recommend that, but the Klingon homeworld Kronos is pretty brutal and they're famously rough lovers and won't ask any questions as long as we spitroast Ezra honorably.
Risa if you want to have fun, Kronos if you need to have fun. I'm down for either.
Please keep your homosexual waifufagging out of /trek/, thanks.
it's content
The Ezra posts are on topic.
not really
>haha what if x was in star trek
No. Fuck off. Your posts are the equivalent of twitter screencaps. Those aren't on topic and neither is this.
just let peeps post
If a wild Ezrafag discovers something about Star Trek which inspires them to become interested in the franchise, is that not the reason for having 24/7 generals? To attract fans new and old?
So far the user who wants to spitroast Ezra has asked questions about Star Trek while /trek/posters screech their predictably canned victim complex replies about a divided community. So far the Ezrafag has been more of a real Trek fan than the /trek/ regulars.
Suck on that, retards.
No. Because someone willing to call themselves an "Ezrafag" isn't ever going to post about fucking Star Trek in here, they're just going to spampost their waifu into oblivion while making half-hearted attempts to make it Trek related. Because that's what these people do. Stop being naive. If they were really interested in Trek and wanted to learn more about it and discuss it, they'd do that and leave their waifufagging out of it.
Friendly reminder that Archer watches his college water polo games only in VHS rip quality like a true bro.
don't call me THE Ezrafag, we are many
I'm still waiting for someone to post better Trek content instead of whining like a bitch.
when one ezrafag posts all ezrafags post
These threads have taken a serious nose dive.
that's Lt. Commander Barclay for you.
I'll behave user, sorry. I have a Pavlovian response to be lewd when seeing .webm's like that one above posted.
He's so gross and creepy.
Don't apologize to /trek/, they need to learn to be more tolerant and inclusive. You're perfect as you are.
fucking god damn enabler shit
I'm a firestarter, it's in my gypsy blood.
based riker9.jpg poster
based DTO poster after Riker9 poster
based 9riker.jpg poster
Holy shit, Molly just fucking stabbed a dude in Quark's Bar. WTF?
make a new threadd
not so tough now eh braddu pittu
drop the racism
That's not funny.
Drop the tv, nigger.