What's the best cinematic depiction of Satan?

What's the best cinematic depiction of Satan?

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You, OP. The guy who keeps posting these threads every day.

That's not Satan, it's Darkness.

Attached: Bedazzled - Elizabeth Hurley panties.webm (902x816, 1.02M)

Viggo Mortensen.

legend has it that even satan isn't really satan, but rather another demonoid of the same name

explain to me how he's satan, i'm developmentally disabled

this hands down

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He is not the devil that’s a Reddit tier theory


Robert Blake in Lost Highway

>born in lust turn to dust
>born in sin come on in
this hurts my autism

The Devil's Advocate.


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South Park

give him what he wants and he'll go away

End of Days had a form that was kind of creepy and freaky looking. I guess you could also say it was an unconventional design to what he's usually depicted as.

Attached: End of Days - Satan.jpg (768x489, 142K)

Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny.

Good choice, Anonymous

Might not have been the big guy himself but he had the best entrance.

Attached: Legend 1985 enter, darkness.webm (800x340, 2.91M)



Lol the acting was fucking terrible in this

Thought it was a big mantis in the thumbnail

Honestly this even if he had such a short amount of screen time.

Made an average movie into a really good movie with just 5 minutes, pretty incredible.

My favorite is when Satan is like a smooth talking businessman and Hell is a bureaucracy.

Attached: 2010-11-30-ray_wise.jpg (510x383, 22K)

Everything in this scene is so goddamn beautiful.

I remember

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Angel Heart
This movie had a couple of scenes that made my little pp cum so hard back in the day.

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Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny

Nothing else even comes close and he wasn't in 10 minutes of the movie.

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