How will he spin this as being the white man’s fault ?

How will he spin this as being the white man’s fault ?

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Mooney can’t go down fast enough. At least, that’s what Richard Pryor Jr. tells us. BAZINGA.

So he's a fag just like his dad

>The Shade Room

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Isn’t there a story where Pryor was in bed with another guy or? Why are there so many black comedians on the down low?

He wanted to sexualy claim this glorious black brother before the white devil could swoop in.

>I had to teach my black brother that white bussy is not to be trusted

I love you.

Its all fault of the white man because a white man molested him but Crews speaking out empowetes Pryor jr to "speak out" despite it being fake. All of this is just another caucasian complot to diminish and feminize the glorious black masculinity.



I didn't even know Pryor had a son. And holy shit Mooney gettin metoo'd what the hell is going on.

I always got a faggot vibe from Mooney.


Was surprised that he wasn't a known gay seeing how he talks and acts. He's also trash, everyone is entitled to their opinions and all but there should be a limite when it comes to him.

I always wondered why mooney was so angry and bitter all the time, turns out he was a repressed faggot all along.


He's the "lynch white people (males)" type of negro.

mooney does look like a nigger faggot if I ever saw one.

Mooney is gay. Just look how he acts.

Like a feg Scatman Curruthers


It didn’t tip you off how he has the sass of a black woman complete with crossing his legs after every epiphany he has

blacks are statistically gayer. apparently him and brando did the gay


this also

mooney was also likely responsible for dave chapelle's mental breakdown, berating dave for enabling whitey to laugh at blackey

Ive been concinced of this for years, its not all on Bill Burr alone.

This would be the biggest sin if Dave ever would confirm it. Based on what Wayne Brady’s said about Paul and Dave’s relationship, it seemed like Dave was trying to help Paul stay afloat but he wanted to be too much of a faggot so he got dropped

Because homosexuality, like almost every other perversion (pedophilia, beastiality, BDSM, cuckolding, cross dressing, to name a FEW) are almost exclusively white practices and there is ZERO evidence they were practiced in indigenous and colored civilizations until they were forced to mix with European ones. Go ahead and prove me wrong, you can’t. Whites are the most sexually degenerate, devilish and animalistic race to ever inhabit the Earth and I guess God wasn’t clear that you don’t belong here when he let the sun start shining and y’all start burning up.

Fuck you jannie stop deleting threads before I can reply. I know this nigger is in here. Reply is to pic related.

>Prove that image wrong, then. Show how those numbers aren't true.

Okay faggot, read it again >total deaths include both ideologically and non ideologically motivated killings
Jesus christ not this ADL shit again. For anyone who doesn't know what this means, here's a sample of what they include in their extremism """"""""data"""""""".

Go to page 13 of
> GREELEY, COLORADO, AUGUST 16, 2017. Kelly Raisley, believed to be a member or associate of the 211 Crew white supremacist gang, was arrested on first-degree murder charges for the murder of his uncle, Randy Gene Baker. Baker’s wife and sister were similarly arrested. The motive was apparently personal.
>Century Correctional Institution, Florida, June 19, 2017. Robert Hunt, an inmate with white supremacist tattoos, some common to prison gangs, is accused of stabbing to death an African-American inmate, Jorge Slaughter.
>• PUTNAM COUNTY GEORGIA, JUNE 13, 2017. Ricky Dubose, a member of the Ghostface Gangsters white supremacist prison gang, and another inmate, Donnie Russell Rowe, reportedly killed two corrections officers while trying to escape from a prison bus. They were later recaptured.
>• TAMPA, FLORIDA, MAY 19, 2017. White supremacist Devon Arthurs allegedly shot to death two of his roommates for making fun of his recent conversion to Islam. All three, and a fourth roommate, were members of Atomwaffen, a neo-Nazi group.
>• NORTH JUDSON, INDIANA, MARCH 3, 2017. Aryan Circle member Edward Blackburn allegedly shot and killed another man who was reportedly dating his ex-girlfriend.

The ADL is literally a bunch of dishonest kikes trying to dress up Aryan Brotherhood prison shankings like they're the next Al Queda. Never post their garbage again.

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He's clearly a massive faggot.

Go twerk nigger

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Meanwhile pastors keep fuckin kids and other men and sweep it under the rug but go off king

i'm sure the pinoy wife didn't win dave any brownie points with mooney either

looks like you've had a full day

Now we know why Chappelle defended pedo jackson, he's probably a raper too

>likely responsible
lmao nope, Chappelle is a thin skinned faggot that cried when whitey laughed too hard at his joke. Don't try to pull revisionist history now that Chappelle is rebranding himself as Mr. thick skin

oh geez, look what happened by accident

this thread is for a different faggot nigger, user.

>Chappelle is rebranding himself as Mr. thick skin
He literally whined about white privilege in a Netcux special

White, catholic priests you mean?

I know, in a special called "Sticks and Stones" all about how people are too sensitive lol

Mooney is such a weird guy. He has these super over the top flamboyant gay mannerisms, but twists them just a little bit where you go "is this guy gay or a power brother Black Panther type"?

He made jokes about a lot of stuff user, of course he's going to make jokes about white people but they weren't mean spirited (mostly) and most importantly they didn't take up the bulk of his set.

>b-based black man good!
Nope, I'm tired of being lectured by spear chuckers, it's not funny anymore. Just because he hates le libtards, doesn't mean his entire new persona isn't bullshit

Everyone in Hollywood is either bisexual, homosexual, or pedophile.

Some nig who wrote comedy for another nig years ago

Look dude blacks make fun of whites whites make fun of blacks asians seem to hate every other variet of asian. You can't let yourself be held back just because someone comes at you from a different perspective. Now I do think dave has taken a major dive in quality since his return but he has fair points, it's just they're not wrapped up in as many jokes as I'd like.

He's more of a disconnected rich guy than some sort of ghetto nigga, you could see it at the end of both shows where you just see all of the photos with the rich people he's constantly surrounded himself with. He's making a critical bet in believing that the thin skinned attitude that's literally brought our nation to its knees isn't the way to go. Of course he isn't going to say everything you or I want him to say, but he says what he believes and I agree with a fair amount of it so I take what I can and move on. There's nothing in any of the sets he's released that's worth a watch though, but the first two sets are pure unadulterated kino

Tons of people cross their legs. How does that make you gay?

>He's more of a disconnected rich guy
I got that heavily from his 'newer' Netflix specials. We're on 4 plus what, is this one new one or another new duo? Anyhow, he'd make lots of casual "I'm rich so fuck you"-esque jokes but with its repetition and the demeanor in which they were conveyed, there is certainly an air of superiority to it.

>see some shit on jewbook a while back about a couple's tickets getting cancelled last minute or some shit
>the guy was in a wheelchair
>Dave got them tickets and met them when they were having dinner
>when interviewed, one thing he mentioned was "and it didn't cost me anything"
C'mon my dude, really?

This, I don't know who either of these men are. Sorry /tv

I'd watch it.

You aren't convincing anyone with this constant sperging. Chappelle is funny, people like him, that's not going to change because you got upset he said fuck trannies and you think you can play him up as some far left figure to get your enemies to do your dirty work. Fuck off, dilate, lubricate, and fuck yourself.

>Piss off white people
>Wonder why white people are pissed
>Wonder why pissed people get violent
>White people are the problem guise!

No. Whoever is poking the proverbial bear is the problem. Stop pissing us off and we'll stop shooting up malls or whatever in minecraft. You know how this works.

Its one special that shows you a Q and A he did in the NYC portion of the tour but you only see that once you finish the special fully. Its not any worse than any of the other specials released though this one feels like its the newest where the first two of the netflix bunch felt more like jokes he's come up with in the last ten years compiled together. It has a few laugh out loud moments but he was more interested in making points than jokes but he's skillful enough to make that work for him.


You do understand that we (were) primarily protestant here in the states, and that the catholic minorities were primarily either German or Black (Southern) right? Realistically, you're just as likely to get yourself a black man of the cloth touching kids as a white man of the cloth touching kids, here.

So it was like The Bird Revolution in content?

Stop deflecting for the gays, rabbi.

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exactly. contrast media response to a muslim shooter and the response to a White shooter

The q and a was, sticks and stones is intended to be a comedy set through and through. He just mixes a bit more of his opinions in between the jokes but it doesn't slow the pace of the show much

This. It’s completely normal for straight men to cross their legs. And sucking each other off after a workout is just a way for bros to relax and unwind. Some people are just so uptight

Africans have no recorded history

What if I do the thing where I just place the ankle of my one leg on the knee of my other leg instead of placing my legpit on the knee of my other leg? is that still ghey?

>chappelle made fun of white people whaaaaa
You sound even mpre thin skinned than him my dude

This is true about the first 2 specials. I saw him years before the special and over half of the jokes in the special he told back then

>the average pederast molested an average of 150 boys
that seems like an astronomical number. that can't be real.
it would be difficult for a normal man have sex with 150 different woman in a lifetime

mooney is one of the best stand ups of all time. i will still watch and study his specials.

lol you're too butthurt to even type correctly. Dave had a nervous breakdown, he is in no place to call others sensitive, that's all.

You sound like a fag in denial

I don't care that you disagree with me, I'm going to speak my mind. Or is this the Dave Chappelle fanclub now?

>y-you have to like him because no one else is better
It's honestly eye opening to see all this shit. None of you actually stand by anything you claim to care about lol

>Bill Burr
What does Burr have to do with that? I always thought him and Dave were friends, Burr even mentioning he helped him get his foot into other shows after Chapelle's Show ended

I'm not saying you have to like him user, I;m just saying grow thicker skin. Jesus christ it's like you want to justify people hating white people for being bitchy. People have different opinions, in my opinion chapelle should've come back 8 years ago waiting till now just shows that he's only in it for the money. But I won't deny he still has it, its kinda like Conan. I still love conan but nigga got bitter as fuck after the tonight show and it showed in his demeanor and material, same thing happened hear but instead of getting bitter I think chapelle just got tired, his voice isn't what it once was and he's not as cartoony as he used to be, to his own detriment. I love the guy and think he has some good points but making points was never his strong suit and he's not good at all at making emotional appeals because everything he says feels disconnected from the intended audience. So just nut the fuck up buddy people don't like white people for the same vapid and shallow reasons you hate black people, its just unlike you they have no problem saying it directly to white peoples face

its kind of annoying how often information on pedophiles is ruined by the retarded american belief that a 17 year old having consensual sex with an 18 year old is pedophilia, or heaven forbid a 16 year old having sex with an 18 year old

when did he accuse him? and of what specifically?