What the fuck happened with this guy?
He was an extremely promising handsome young actor and then it’s like I blinked and now he’s a tranny faggot.
Shit like this makes me believe in Hollywood MKUltra.
What the fuck happened with this guy?
Well, for one, he went from being an extremely promising handsome young actor to a tranny faggot,
(((they))) got to him
Father issues
That’s hapas for you - mentally ill.
It this Elliot?
He jerked off his classmates while wearing panties when he was like 11, what do you expect?
No need to type your fantasies out
>Black Flag shirt
>he doesn't even listen to them
>he describes a time in elementary school when he and a boy a couple years his senior—“a friend and also sexual partner”—found a sexy stash of items belonging to the boy’s divorced mother: Playboys, the Kama Sutra (“I remember it being very influential”), lingerie. “We would jerk each other off while we interacted with that stuff in various ways
but then why wear the shirt?
He's part kike and grew up an actor, what do you expect?
Nice logo. Same deal with the Misfits
he thought it read "black fag" when he bought it
having been to a lot of music festivals and complimented people on their shirts, boy do I have news for you
who is this dude? (She)
that is unironically the name of a gay black flag tribute band
He describes the time user wrote homosexual fiction in an anime board to jerk off tol
Brush up on your Basedfaggot lore scrub: playboy.com
That's hilarious
well that's silly. i would never wear a shirt for a band i'm not a fan of and i don't understand why anyone would.
wearing a germs shirt right now
>Black Flag shirt
I'm offended.
>Liberace Morris and his band mates Greg Streisand, Cher Dykeowski, Robo Simmons, Bugger, Raymond Pettiboner and Joe CarGucci, make up the world's greatest (and only?!) gay Black Flag tribute band called – wait for it – BLACK F∆G!
>Taking to the stage dressed up as gay icons, like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and Lloyd Lee from Entourage, they've built up a loyal following giving Black Flag’s back catalogue a fist-pumpingly camp makeover, kind of like queer-eye for the hardcore guy?
Genuine question, why aren't they called Rainbow Flag?
Because Black Fag is a much better name lmao
you're quite right. even that girl in op's pic is one of (((them)))
what's the religion of that twink Flash anyway?
>Sometimes, I don’t have sex for a really long time because a lack of sex is as important to me as sex.
Haha yeah me too, I haven't had sex in a really long time either
He's just like me!
Would've sworn the same, but supposedly this guy is jewish and German and not asian at all. But there's no way, his mom must have cucked his dad with a rice-chad
He was always a faggot.
He's not even a tranny. He just dresses flamboyant. Was Prince a tranny too because he sometimes wore women's clothing?
I could give less of a fuck
I think he's bretty based actually.
He just has a knack for aesthetics and he doesn't give a fuck. He's not posting SJW shit on Twitter, he just likes clothes and art and fashion.
I think it's pretty cool to have someone like him who can appreciate and demonstrate visual arts without being a political faggot about it.
Some Jews are descended from turco-mongol steppenigger khazars, probably why he looks that way
what a weird looking freak
I find him intensely attractive actually. I don’t really understand why though.
There's a huge difference you retard
He's not transgender.
Some Jews look ethnically ambiguous. Ashkenazi Jews in particular since they're so mixed.
>There's a huge difference you retard
His dad is semi attractive joo with round eyes and not mongolish at all.
His mom however who's dutch has weird ass almost closed slanty eyes and not a joo.
He just got lucky and taken best features of both parents, while his sister came out looking like a horse.
Are you actually implying there's not a difference between the guy in OP, an effeminate faggot who crossdresses sometimes but for the most part is for all intents and purposes MALE... and a transsexual - someone who identifies as female so much to the point where they take hormones and have surgery? And undergo counselling while going through a transition?
There's a massive difference.
Ezra Miller is cute! CUTE!
he's so attractive wtf.
He is unique looking. There's almost an uncanny valley/ayy lmao vibe to his face at times. But it works so well for him imo.
Noone have that clip of him jerking off?
I got you senpai.
My niggah
He’s perfect
I really like looking at this guy
Gimme gimme GIMME!!!
I know that feel
I don't know why though
He’s a fucking kike
Neither do people who think Henry Rollins is a part of Black Flag.
where does one purchase this shirt
I went to a Wavves show in Boston one time and the drummer was wearing this. Screws to the people who buy Wu-Tang and Iron Maiden shirts from Aeropostale
>do you still want good roles and a productive career ezra?
>suck cock and dress funny
cute cute cute
He's cute tho
Can confirm. I like to crossdress because I can pass if I put effort in, but I'm not insane enough to believe I could live that way, and I have no dysphoria. CD's who think they're trans are a cult called 'autogynephiliacs.' lurk
There is no difference they are all FAGGOTS
Everyone actually loves Ezra, they just need a little help realizing it
is this the power of being really good looking? you can just act like a huge fag 24/7 and people will praise you? seems amazing.
Tilda Swinton could actually be a relative of his with her ayy lmao face of hers.
I wish I was cute and or handsome too :(
I'll never be as good looking as him but he's definitely a big inspo to cut weight because I have some similar features and a decent jaw.
Yeah he looks good the leaner he is too imo
I keep wondering how they're going to make him look for the Flash movie since he was pretty decently muscled for Justice League (in comparison to how lanky he normally is)
Considering how some user who said he had a gf and hated gays wrote practically half a screenplay of his original movie idea where Ezra gets turned into Nicholas Cage’s sex slave on a leash...I would say you’re not alone.
Kek it was on my mind as well
unfortunately a lot of hipster faggots/soundcloud rapper niggers nowadays wear these old band shirts for literally no other reason than "it looks cool"
"but then why wear the shirt" happens way too often lmao
Literally no one cares about this guy but actual homosexuals
You're wrong
As opposed to metaphorical homosexuals? :^)
Did he also describe the time he was abused as a child because that’s the root cause of 90% of faggotry and trannies and would also explain hypersexuality at age 12
Hypersexuality at that age is explained by being fucking adorable and probably making all of his classmates curious
damn that's cute are you sure he's a he?
He has a bepis and some nice chest fur, he is a boy (male)
Imaging rubbing him off through those panties, he looks he'd make a lot of precum and stain right through them.
Jesus! That dude looks like the motherfucking Night Stalker!
This is one of the face’s of DC’s franchise. That they have interest to make actual money with.
Let that sink in and imagine how hard it’s going to crash and burn.
Who would see a movie starring this fag?
Imagine if he sat on my face until I passed out from lack of oxygen haha