Is Halt and Catch Fire good? Just finished Mad Men and I want to watch businesskino

Is Halt and Catch Fire good? Just finished Mad Men and I want to watch businesskino

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Don't expect anything groundbreaking but it does a lot of things well. The business parts of it are pretty weak though if that is what you really are interested in.

It tried to reinvent itself 1 too many times. Lacked identity. It is a curiosity more than anything.

Unwatchable shit is my two word review

The first season is pure kino. The second season is still really good. The last 2 seasons suck but atleast donnas boobs.

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It can be godlike if you like personel dramas. This show its all about the characters. Yes they are dressed in 70-80-90's style informatics and business style but first and foremost its about the characters and their jorney. And yes i am old as fuck and that one episode i cried from start to finish.

Halt and Catch Fire is really great and probably the best modern show that's been made.
The 1st season was the best (the most tech driven) and it got more girl power as it went on, but I've watched it 3 times already.

The only people who watched it were old as fuck. That's why they kept it running. Because it was direct marketing to Mercedes-Benz future owners.

>And yes i am old as fuck and that one episode i cried from start to finish.
Which one?

>The only people who watched it were old as fuck.
As opposed to the epic TikTok and youtube drama shit that young people watch.
Don't get mad because we have better tastes than you.

>people who are old as fuck
>knowing how to change the television from CBS

Seasons 1 and 2 were great. All three main characters are pretty cool.

The most likeable character on the show got absolutely butchered.. leaving us with the chad-weirdo, and two strong independent women.
it was hard to watch after he lost his family, luckily they quickly put him out of his misery by giving him cancer.

It's a really good show. Definitely deserved more praise during its run. If you liked Mad Men, you'll definitely like this.

Season 4 Episode 8

The pilot is the best ep. I enjoyed the series as a whole though. If you are like 35+ you will probably enjoy it more and it depicts a lot of early Internet stuff.

I have to go to great lenghts to get CBS in my country.

it's comfykino
mad men is obviously the objectively better show but as a retro computer autist i enjoyed HACF a lot more
although in the last season set in the 90s they have sun unix machines that run windows which completely broke my immersion and ruined the show for me don't watch it

>Lee Pace

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Kerry Bishe is so fucking hot

Season 1 is good. Once it turned into VIDEO GAMES ALSO WOMEN INVENTED THE INTERNET it went to shit.

Lee Pace's character gets so sidelined in the series he only has like 2 scenes in the finale.

It's one of those shows where you're only supposed to watch the first season and pretend the rest doesn't exist like homeland and house of cards

Kek you're an asshole

Im not an asshole thats literally why. There are published reports about it. HaCF drew 100k viewers. Reruns of fat girl in the south is rude season8 drew more. But HaCF drew 50 year old tech people, and was therefore a giant marketing platform for 100k cars. That's why every single commercial in s3 and 4 was for mercedes, bmw, acura, or caddilac.

Insane. He's the only reason I got through the first season.

Its prettt good, worth a watch.