Wheel of time
so i'm reading the second book now, the part when ba'alzamon meets rand (chapter 15) and he talks about the "last battle"? what last battle?? if the last battle is soon then what will the other 12 books be about?
anyways i don't mind the cast too much. from what i've read they're adapting the first two books in only a 6 episode season though. bummer...
They were black in the books
yeah i always pictured the desert people as niggers in my mind, everyone else was northern european though
well, there was the first last battle at the eye which was revised by the top editor at tor after she saw the potential for a series. then there was the second last battle at falme when the first book printings flew off the shelf. then there was the last battle at the stone of tear where the sword was pulled from the stone and rand became king of england. then there was the "last battle" at merrilor and shayol ghul when the series had been exhausted completely and the original author had perished from it and the top editor's demands. spoiler: the top editor was his wife
The Last Battle isn't until book 14, user. Although really it starts in the last parts of book 13 and book 14 starts to happen with preliminary engagements and such during wartime and the Dark One's advance.
Aviendha was literally described as a tall, fit redhead who was pale everywhere the sun didn't touch her skin.
ah yes, the curley haired perrin who got red in the face every time he was embarrassed was surely black
If they were just honest about this it wouldn’t be so bad. Just admit you want to make the world a better place by giving black peoples more role models. It’s misguided but at least it’s understandable in some level.
Lying about it though and inventing this absurd idea that they were black in the books just makes you look like a bunch of arrogant pieces of shit with an agenda.
do you really think i bothered to read his descriptions after 8274838292648290201018337648338 occurences of Nynaeve tugging her braid and smoothing her skirts? guy was a fucking hack, nice magic system tho
Reminder that by shopping at Amazon or subscribing to Prime (or Netflix) you are supporting people who hate you and are willing to lose money creating propaganda against you.
Moiraine looks more like I imagined Elaida or some other mean lesbian Aes Sedai.
I'll just leave this here.
Business is a game of exploitation. When you stop in at a local 7-Eleven, you don't think the owner is trying to get the most from you and the most for himself? It only escalates. Even philanthropy is geared toward purposes which usually don't benefit the targets. Grow up and accept the cast. Amazon employs so many people in the United States that by boycotting them, you are only harming your community.
What do you have against Rosamundfu, fag?
Personally, my problems with her as Moiraine are twofold:
1. Moiraine is dark haired. This can be fixed with dye, but I don't know that dark haired Rosamund Pike will work. We'll see.
2. Moiraine is short. She's no taller than five feet, maybe five foot one, and this is a continuous facet of her appearance that informs descriptions, how she is viewed by others (the huge Two Rivers boys by comparison, especially Rand and Perrin, are definitely out of sorts by how commanding she is, and they're 6'6" and 6'3" respectively, the latter one also with shoulders and a chest broad enough that he has trouble fitting through doorways front-on), and how she views herself. Rosamund Pike is extremely tall.
Nothing to do with her acting talent, but she has none of the look I would associate with the role. But there have been odd fits that managed to work out before, so it will depend.
If she doesn't have the kesiera, we riot.
Why do they even adapt books with white leads if they hate whypipo so much?
>Amazon employs so many people in the United States that by boycotting them, you are only harming your community.
That’s completely fucking retarded and backwards. It’s like saying by not buying cheap Chinese shit at Walmart you are hurting local businesses.
Please tell me the villains are white
Do you think the phrase "Tall, dark and handsome" refers to niggers, user?
no, just a sports injury to nose
you would have to be absolutely retarded to think the aiel are black
We actually have enough to make an educated guess to their skin tones, thanks to Robert Jordan's near-autistic attention to detail for appearance.
Ishamael: original fuck knows, but slightly shorter than Lews Therin and handsome. Moridin is similar height to Rand, dark hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes.
Lanfear: pale skin, dark hair, dark eyes. A pretty impressive bosom too, but in the sense of "perfectly shaped" rather than "giant tits" (the latter is more Cyndane).
Rahvin: dark skin, Rand's height, near-black eyes. Probably almost certainly black, or at best a mutt.
Demandred: hawk-nosed, otherwise handsome, but artwork has him with Caucasian or possibly mutt-Indian features.
Semirhage: tall, black skin, dark eyes (similar to Rahvin, so they're probably of shared ancestry). Full lips. Definitely black.
Asmodean: tall, dark hair, handsome, "deep-set" eyes. Probably Caucasian.
Be'lal: white hair (age probably), otherwise Caucasian.
Sammael: short (about 5'6"), blue eyes, blonde hair. Noticeably muscular. Bearded manlet. Caucasian.
Aginor: unclear, he was semi-fucked. Briefly was tallish like Rand, but with a strong man's build. Caucasian possibly.
Balthamel: never described, also fucked up like Aginor.
Moghedien: sturdily handsome, not "pretty" but with dark eyes and smooth skin. Artwork has her vaguely Asian.
Graendal: tits, ass, curves. Red-gold hair. Caucasian.
Mesaana: Brunette, average, blue eyes so Caucasian probably.
Great analysis. Do you know what happens to towns when employment goes away? Look at the waste left in the wake of the steel and auto industry vanishing from the Midwest. If Walmart were to disappear because of a stupid boycott, it would devastate America. Same with Amazon. We're talking about people's lives here.
You're right, the Dark One is just tanned, and Darkfriends are only slightly evil. Any other portrayal demands protest
How about the protagonists? For starters:
Egwene: dark coloring, brown eyes
Nynaeve: dark coloring, deep brown eyes
Perrin: curly hair, dark brown eyes (before becoming yellow)
Rand: gray eyes, red hair
>dark coloring
This is a reference to their hair color. When Egwene etc meet sea folk and the like they always notice their dark skin. They never notice people with white skin because it’s their norm.
Lan: blue eyes, broad shoulders, tall, shoulder-length dark hair, "hard angular face" and a bit battle-worn.
Rand: gray-blue eyes, red hair (Avi, Elayne and Min all describe it as "silky fine" under their hands), fair skin (noticeable as just a tan when examined), pretty well-built, 6'6", fit.
Logain: dark hair, dark eye, dark-ish skin, shoulder-length curled hair, broad shoulders, tall. Possibly Indian.
Perrin: 6'3", MASSIVE shoulders and build (everybody says he's an absolute unit), brown hair, brown eyes that switch to wolf-gold, lots of hair.
Galad: dark eyes, dark hair, light skinned, slender, so attractive that women cream themselves when he walks past.
Gawyn: red-gold hair, blue eyes, oval face, pale skin, similar build to Rand but not quite as tall.
Thom: white hair, blue eyes, mustache. Stooped from age.
Mat: either 6 feet tall or just under, wiry build, brown eyes, brown hair, tanned skin, supposedly has a fantastic ass in tight pants. Probably an ottermode build.
Aviendha: pale skin with a tan, red hair, green eyes, about a head shorter than Rand so perfect chin-rest height, amazing legs, hips and breasts "made for carrying babies" and with a decent bosom in the latter case, but not tittymonster.
Faile: tall, bold nose, tilted eyes, generous mouth, high cheekbones. Asian.
Birgitte: tall, blue eyes, golden hair.
Elayne: face described as a "perfect oval" with red-gold hair. Blue eyes. Notable breasts. Once she grows into her mother's looks, she'll be "lushly ripe".
Min: shortest of the main three, slender, brown eyes, dark hair, ass looks great in high heeled boots but Aviendha has her beat on legs.
Moiraine: dark eyes, dark hair, top of her head barely reaches Rand's chest.
Nynaeve: beautiful, slender, dark hair, slightly larger bust than Elayne. Small enough that Lan can effortlessly lift her so she wraps her legs around his waist to tongue him like crazy.
Egwene: brown eyes, brown hair, slightly taller than Moiraine.
RJ does use "coloring" to refer to eyes and hair, that's true. Still, I don't see the big problem. Can someone explain it?
Be'lal is plausibly dark-skinned, or at least dark-skinned enough to pass for Tairen. He may have used Mirror of Mists/Illusion to pull it off, but I find that semi-unlikely. Basically, Tairens are somewhat dark skinned, like a mix of Indian/Asian.
Cairhienin are olive-skinned, so Moiraine is probably Mediterranean/Greek/Italian in her colouring.
Domani are coppery, whatever that means, but it's applied to Leane a lot.
Nynaeve and Egwene both have brown hair and brown eyes, but their only tan comes from being outside. They don't have the "full lips" that black characters (Tuon, Semirhage, etc.) are described as having.
>Moiraine: dark eyes, dark hair, top of her head barely reaches Rand's chest.
I just finished binging Veep and Juliet Louis Dreyfus would have been great as Moiraine, although she’s way too good for this WB tier shit show.
>Moiraine: dark eyes, dark hair, top of her head barely reaches Rand's chest.
I think they chose the right Perrin. Thanks, Rafe!
Perrin is significantly more built than that. He's pretty much Thor-tier muscles.
series had way too much blue balls
>high yellow cast
How come they never have the balls to cast real black people?
so there are tons of "last" battles. i assume the dark one isnt defeated till the end of the series. thanks for marking the spoiler, even though from reading these threads i got spoiled a bunch of stuff but i'm still enjoying the series. when will rand stop being all like "uh uh i'm just a shepherd! i wont use the one power!" it's getting annoying because you just know he's the chosen one and will defeat the dark one in the end. he's still best boy though.
There’s almost 30 years worth of artwork, book covers, and comics where they are white. Pretending they were black this whole time almost feels cultish, where believing something obviously untrue gets you extra good boy points.
If you strip out all the descriptions of what people are wearing and other filler, there's really only one or two books worth of actual story.
Not sure why you think he isn't a good choice.
Tam and Rand take Bela to Emond's Field. Hu and Tad stable Bela at the Winespring Inn. Tam and Rand take Bela back to the farm. After the Trolloc attack, Bela is missing. Bela escapes and makes her way to Emond's Field. Egwene rides Bela to Taren Ferry. Rand unknowingly channels, restoring Bela's stamina. Egwene crosses the Taren River with Bela. Egwene rides Bela as they leave Baerlon. Rand, Mat and Perrin take care of Bela in the shelter of a building in Shadar Logoth. Egwene flees Shadar Logoth riding Bela, but Bela falls behind Perrin's horse. Perrin finds Egwene and Bela and they head toward Caemlyn. Bela is terrified of the wolves accompanying Elyas Machera. Elyas refuses to ride Bela. Elyas sets such a fast pace that even Bela tires. Perrin, Egwene and Bela are captured by Whitecloaks. Nynaeve frees Bela from the Whitecloak camp. Egwene rides Bela through the Blight. Moiraine tells Rand she suspected he could channel because Bela was not tired after their hard ride from Emond's Field. After the battle at the Eye of the World, Moiraine is carried on a litter between Aldieb and Bela. Egwene rides Bela from Fal Dara to Medo. Egwene rides Bela through the Ways to Toman Head. When Nynaeve and Elayne find Egwene she wants to go get Bela. Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne find Bela and escape Falme. Egwene rides Bela to Tar Valon. Siuan rides Bela in her flight from Tar Valon. Siuan rides Bela away from Kore Springs. Siuan painfully dismounts Bela at Lugard. Siuan rides Bela to Salidar. In Tel'aran'rhiod, Egwene rides a dream Bela from Cairhien to Salidar. Siuan rides Bela to a meeting. Siuan rides Bela back to Salidar. Egwene rides Bela from Salidar to the River Erinin. Siuan regrets that Nightlily is not as mild as Bela. Siuan rides Bela to Tar Valon. Faile rides Bela bareback through a Trolloc camp to recapture the Horn of Valere. Olver rides Bela carrying the Horn of Valere. A Trolloc arrow strikes Bela. Bela dies.
Because he needs to get into the gym and put on double digit pounds of pure muscle.
>omani are coppery, whatever that means
it means Asian. Outside Malkier, the borderlands are broadly Asian.
Tarians are Spanish, but their poor dress like East Asians.
Arad Doman isn't Borderlands.
>I have won again, Lews Therin
Okay, so let's just argue from the premise that Rafe trolled you people (and I do mean "you people"), with Harriet's explicit permission and approval. What about the story can't be portrayed now? Why will you dislike it?
I know that there's sparse news about this series-in-development, and recent casting is the only thing available to discuss, but does EVERY /wot/ now have to be a /pol/ thread? If there's textual support about why these castings cannot happen according to the story, present them, and I will apologize for feeling annoyed. But our comfy recurring thread has basically been ruined. Not by Rafe: by YOU!
>If there's textual support about why these castings cannot happen according to the story, present them, and I will apologize for feeling annoyed
Two Rivers is kind of a pre-industrial welsh village analogue that has been in complete isolation for literally a thousand years. Isolation so complete that even a visitor once a year is an event and the queen is not even aware the village exists. Isolation for so long that it is factors of magnitude longer than is required for everyone in the village to become genetically similar. We know this happened because Rand repeatedly obsesses over tiny differences in hair/eye color that mark him as being different from the locals.
They literally cast people who genetically are obviously from different continents as coming from the same isolated tiny village. Perrin is black which makes zero sense and there are four distinct haplogroups just in then six core villagers.
Its retarded. It's stupid. It's done purely for political and identity politics reasons and the worst part is it was completely unnecessary. WoT is a very multicultural setting with major characters of every race and then will be in a huge multicultural city by episode four. They just couldn't stand looking at a majority white cast for even a few brief episodes, even if it makes narrative sense. The prospect was just too horrifying.
>I will apologize for feeling annoyed
You should apologize for being an imbecile instead.
God, everyone is an overexplaining, spoilering cunt. Here's the idea: The last battle is merely part of a prophecy. No one knows when it's supposed to come exactly. No one knows how it's supposed to go down exactly. Except some characters seem to have their own ideas of what the prophecy means.
The only thing that appears certain, is that the last battle will happen after the dragon is reborn. No one said it would happen next week.
I can see Rosamund Pike pulling off the aes sedai gaze perfectly. I just think she's 10 years too old, and 8 inches too tall.
For the sake of argument, say it's an isolated village which, due to [Breaking, immigration, magical causes, take your pick] happens to have several family lines which aren't similar. Over their years of isolation, they grow, some combine and create variations, but mostly stick to themselves. However, they're all familiar with one another and know what "Two Rivers" folk are like -- doesn't mean identical, but they can identify them. Does this ruin the story?
Also, regarding politics and identity politics and violating WoT: why would Harriet go along with it? She has veto power, and no interest in ruining her spouse's legacy. She fought hard against the all-White Winter Dragon, going so far as to come to a settlement making them producers. She's old and has no logical interest in degrading WoT. Why would she do it, in your estimation?
If the cast have a specific ethnicity (or close enough to) in the books, I don’t see the point in actively trying to avoid casting actors of that race. And at least in Perrin’s case, unless they cast the Bornholds as black too, the entire theme of that plot will be misread on a racial basis.
>What does the red rod ter'angreal do?
>When will Egwene die?
>Was that really a Mercedes-Benz hood ornament?
>Why was the casting couch for Sanderson covered in Crisco?
>Why doesn't Ishy merely gateway into the dreamworld and balefire himself?
>Who killed Asmodean?
Who cares what that senile cunt thinks? Do you think your boss or any of the shareholders care about MacKenzie's opinion on how he should run Amazon?
>I don’t see the point
There are (probably -- how would I know?) many different motives, some of which involve things that have nothing to do with the series or the IP itself. I don't have any evidence, but I believe there will be "dark" Whitecloaks, so don't worry.
>>Who killed Asmodean?
Who DID kill Asmodean? Included with the audiobook, was an interview with the new author. And in it, he promised that mystery would be solved in one of this upcoming three books. But I didn't notice anything related to that mystery. What happened?
*avoids Darkhound's vitriol*
*walks away from post*
It should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer.
If they cast the whitecloaks as white, the entire arc with them will be misread as racism rather than being about the institutional decay of a religious organization. And I bet you they will cast them as white.
>due to [Breaking, immigration, magical causes
Just an FYI it's painfully obvious that you either didn't actually read the books, or are just too dumb to retain anything you did read.
Graendal, you woolhead.
>Does this ruin the story?
It does because it doesnt make sense. You could start with mixed stock but after a thousand years it's long since reached genetic equilibrium. Most villages of this size throughout all of human history ebery single inhabitant is at least partially genetically related and are very similar in appearance. Most villages of this size, right now, in 2019, nearly everywhere in the world are filled with inhabitants who to an outsider look extremely similar in appearance because they are genetically similar. The only place you see villages/cities with this amount of genetic variation is in white countries that have experienced mass immigration. And that's exactly what the show runners, not of this show but literally every show, are obsessed with making every single settimg look like; the racial distribution of New York in 2019. But no where on earth ever looked like that. No where on earth looks like that right NOW except places in white nations. Almost everyone else has genetic homogeneity.
>Why would she do it, in your estimation
You already know the answer sir. What happens to anyone regardless of age, achievements, wealth or standing who speaks out against diversity, social justice, identity politics, gender issues. It's not exactly a new development. I wouldn't even feel safe saying anything I just said here if I were not anonymous.
Not the user you're replied to. But Rafe stated outright that he was casting a blend of races, as he sees America in the future. As in, his idealic portrayal of a mixed society. Which of course runs counter to the idea of an isolated village. So you can't sit here and claim the reason for their race change is anything other than identity politics. As much as you ration out the narrative, that's only a cover up for what we already know as the truth. And a thin cover at that.
Yes, that was already stated in so many words, and as I said, I don't believe this mistake will be made.
I've read the series over two dozen times, friend. I'm tired of your hysterical abuse ITT. You only abuse and insult, and you should probably try to moderate your ways.
I don't get it.
Also, stop using "based" as an upvote, reddit.
But why? How do you know?
Are you a fan of the series? If so, do you honestly believe that a show runner who is obviously a feminist will be faithful to a series that’s quite critical of extreme feminism, a series that premises it’s entire magic system on “separate but equal”?
It's a joke that Jordan used to make when people asked him who killed Asmodean. The origin was that a professor of his used to say that when students didn't understand difficult material, i.e. it's a mystery on purpose.
Reminder to cite how disappointing this show was whenever you cancel an Amazon service in the future.
Beijing, Damascus, and Luxor all have long-existing family lines which look very different from one another while also having equilibrium among herrenvolk. I'm not sure about the accuracy of the part of your comment about "most villages of this size"; it could be true, or it could be invented. Don't know, so won't comment. If you have evidence that isn't anecdotal, I'd be willing to consider it.
As for your comments about Ms. McDougal, I don't think she has anything to lose by opposing changes(?) to her late husband's great work. Your statement is false. Old, high-achieving, wealthy, high-standing persons can say anything they want.
Who the fuck cares about this about this stupid story anyway? If that fag Jordan had anything of value to say with his masturbatory nonsense, he would have finished it on his own. But instead we got
>Moiraine: "You think I'm stalling?"
>Rand: "Yes! Stalling!"
For twelve fucking books.
Graendel killed him. Original it was going to be Demandred, but after the plot changed the killer was changed to Graendel
Wasn't that in an initial version of a screenplay? Ever write a screenplay and just get absorbed in the idea of the thing you might create in the end? Rafe doesn't have the final say and everything he does is vetted. I'd chalk that ONE problematic line up to euphoria.
Oh... Well it's a pretty lame mystery, in my opinion. The first time I read up to that point, I gave absolutely zero shits about the forsakens actions, because they're all too vague and mysterious. I guess I'm supposed to note every odd behavior they display, and try to suss out their lies, but eh...
Do you hate all feminism, or just third wave? I don't think empowering females is such a bad idea, personally. I adore the series, and eagerly await the Amazon adaption.
>posts the 28th post on Yea Forums
>invents the trollocs meme
>gets called reddit by a zoomer
>it's a pretty lame mystery
You are correct, it was lame but that was because that the killer was arbitrarily changed after RJ started to lose his marbles so it ended up making no sense.
Amyloidosis isn't dementia, and it was changed prior to his diagnosis (per the notes). If you'd said "changed out of butthurt over being figured out prematurely," you might have a case to make.
I can't tell if you are a halfway decent troll, or a shill with an IQ below 90.
Goddamn that face is so fucking punchable. He looks like an underbaked fetus.
>Ever write a screenplay and just get absorbed in the idea of the thing you might create in the end?
No... I guess you're a screenplay writer yourself? Don't you realize that's a fairly rare occupation/hobby, and that you wouldn't be likely to find anyone who could relate?
But anyway, what you're describing doesn't disprove his identity politics. It reinforces it even more. Because you're saying that in his most euphoric state, he wrote what he felt were his ideals. Like, part of an ideology one might say.
Look, I'm not going to pretend to know who has the final say. But in the position of showrunner, Rafe has considerable power. The project is pretty much his. Who would challenge such a ideal? Especially in liberal Hollywood? Imagine the damage you might do to your reputation, being the first person to say "no, I don't believe we should have a diverse main cast".
I don't have an interest in the series beyond being a longtime fan, and my IQ is normal. Sorry for not participating in anti-boardculture-culture, but I don't agree with it, and I don't see the harm in telling you that. /wot/ is not /pol/. Go away!
ok, you say it's lame because the mystery changed. But I say it's lame regardless of what it was meant to be. What difference does it make? Honestly. I didn't know nor care to investigate when it was supposed to be one character. And I didn't know nor care to investigate when it was supposed to be another character. Shit was just plain lame.
Rumor has it that here's a pretty powerful person upstream of Rafe at Amazon who is a superfan of the series and is micromanaging decisions beyond Harriet. All I'm going to say for now...
After watching 7 seasons of D&D progressively fuck aSoIaF more and more thanks to their big brain changes to the source material, I have little faith in WoT being done well. Rafe is clearly starting this production already in the mindset that he can improve the source material with his own changes. What’s more, he seems to fundamentally misunderstand the setting, and the sexual politics of the series. Plus he’s favorite character is Egwene and he has described Nynaeve as a challenge to write. That should ring alarm bells by itself.
I don't mean the Amyloidosis. There was something wrong with him before that. People have all these dumb theories like publisher greed for why the series got so bad but I think the real reason was more that he had been going nuts for a while. It's not a coincidence that addiction, losing one's self, and madness were some of the main themes in the series.
The original plan made sense. Demandred was going to masquerade as Taim, so he had to kill Asmodean so he wouldn’t give the game away (Lanfear having informed the rest of the chosen that he was traitor). RJ changed his Taimdred plan while writing the LoC (or maybe just after), but Asmodean was dead so somebody had to be the killer.
*ignites lightsaber, cuts off your head and makes your headless corpse kneel*
>series got so bad
But Knife of Dreams is easily up there with TSR and TFH. And all the best bits of the last 3 books are Jordan too. I just think he hid a mid series slump as he tried to work towards a pre planned ending.
Heh, it's always the same. Get hit with uncomfortable truths, start with dissembling and disingenuity.
We are not talking about Beijing. We are talking about a tiny village that has been isolated for a thousand years. You could go to any village of similar size and circumstances in any major population hubs like Africa, China, India, etc and to you the inhabitants of the entire village would look like they were from the same extended family. Not just hair, skin, eye color but facial structure.
No isolated village anywhere ever had the kind of genetic and racial diversity they cast on this show. It was and is being done for purely political reasons. It also makes zero sense narritively.
>Rand "my red hair makes me feel like an outsider"
>PS Perrin is a black guy and Egwene looks like an aborigine
It's stupid.
>Old, high-achieving, wealthy, high-standing persons can say anything they want.
Oh please. That's a flat out fucking lie and you know it. No one is immune. You win a Nobel you are not immune.
Uh huh... Well if you're doing the impression of an industry shill, then it's a good one. But you're still just an user on the internet, so I'm going to write it off as a load of bullshit, until you back up your claim with prove.
And don't even bother replying with some half assed insistence. like "no rly guize, its tru!" Show proof or shut the fuck up.
This is Freudian projection; you are the one dissembling and being disingenuous, and cherry-picking. I've replied with specifics constantly throughout this thread, and it's driven you into an insult-fueled rage. You can't even consider my entire post, much less the chain of replies before it. You're just stupidly sniping. Also, guess what? James Watson's actual life hasn't changed because Instasnap was against him for 3 seconds in time, and he also accrued a cult following on your homeboard because of what he said. Losing unsought honors, oh no!
How is citing the specifics of how rands genetics are tied into how his characters behavior unfolds throughout the narrative cherrypicking? Moreover James Watson suffered significant financial loss because he lost most of the connections he could have used to accrue money. Sure, its not like he is destitute but financial loss isnt measured in relative terms.
Good to see Zoe Robbins getting roles post-Power Rangers.
>Why will you dislike it?
I honestly wouldn't care if it were a one off thing. The problem is that it's a pattern which means it's part of an agenda. Nobody from Achilles to Nynaeve is safe these days. On the other hand, god forbid a white person so much as dresses up in the wrong costume for Halloween.
The truth of the matter is that I've just been scanning posts for keywords and issuing responses based on them without reading the actual posts, in an attempt to generate responses. I'm extremely tired of reality and want it all to end so that I can find peace in oblivion.
you seem to think that in modern first world countries money automatically means power. While you could argue that money can be turned into political or social power, but it seems that Watson and many others have failed to be so Machiavellian. As a observer in this thread you still seem to be arguing from a two basic fallacies. 1. You are asking people to justify why the new medium CANNOT deviate from the source material rather than the proper understanding of adaptation which is that every argument should be justified as to why a new medium CAN deviate from the source material. 2. You are ignoring every point about how genetic variation and phenotype expression is significant to the characters, the plot, and the interactions in the world and instead seem to focus on nitpicking the tone of the user or whether or not his claims are 100 percent true. For example whether or not James Watson was hurt is entirely irrelevant to the point. The other user needed simply to provide a possible reason as for wife to meddle with the source, not to prove it, as proving it would be impossible. Also women are more susceptible to peer pressure so get btfo.
More lies. But I guess you want to cover your tracks, now that you realize how obvious you've been acting.
Or maybe you want to appear as though that's what you're doing, when in reality, you're just some random shiposter.
>This is Freudian projection; you are the one dissembling and being disingenuous
top kek it's delightful how dumb you are.
>women are more susceptible to peer pressure
>JOR is the one who agreed to be her pusyslave and keep expanding the series whenever she brought out the riding crop
Keep fooling yourself. Also, I haven't committed any fallacies. You can't cite any, you just say that I have. This argumentation style is dishonest and alarming.
>Knife of Dreams is easily up there with TSR
Opinion discarded!
Just came off a fresh re-read, and slumpfaggots can go fuck themselves. Jordan's prose is immaculate, and the story is always compelling. Fans who had to wait years between books complained, but it's always a really entertaining series from start to Sanderson when you read it once through now.
KoD is kino from the prologue to the finish.
kod is better then any shit BS has ever written, shut the fuck up
>You are asking people to justify why the new medium CANNOT deviate from the source material rather than the proper understanding of adaptation which is that every argument should be justified as to why a new medium CAN deviate from the source material.
I hate this argument. Because no one cared about the faithfulness of the little mermaid's animated adaptation. Oh sure, we all knew that Disney deviated from the source material. I remember growing up hearing how the original books were different than the movie. But it was just an interesting bit of trivia that made you go "huh...".
But now only now, after they cast a black person, do people want to make a big stink about the faithfulness to the source material. I reject the notion that changes need to be justified. Because these stories are fiction, and thus don't have basic human rights. They aren't deserving of faithfulness or respect. I wouldn't deem partaking in loli the same as harming a real child. Because loli isn't real. Similarly, I won't deem deviations of fictional stories the same as misrepresenting a real event. Because the story isn't real.
time to quickly correct all you retards, the slayer killed asmo on orders of graendal, we know this because she thinks about it during one of her pov chapters in tgs
Slayer savors his Black Ajah kill as his finest, so how could he have killed Asmodean, one of the Chosen, and not relished it more?
Now you are not even making an argument at all, just ranting.
I never insulted you, but I will now. You are a dishonest deliberately disingenuous idiot clumsily pushing your own agenda and predictably lose your shit when confronted with facts you don't like. Worst part is your not even good at it, but you are hampered by not having facts on your side, always a handicap.
The type of racial diversity they jammed into Two Rivers does not and cannot exist under those conditions and in that setting. Rand, Mat, Perrim, Engwene, Nynaebe look like they just stepped off boats from different continents and met in this village five minutes ago.
Does it really matter that much in a story with magic swords, dimensional travel and knock-off orcs and ringwraiths? No. It's just annoying, one more thing that doesnt make sense within the setting that people will have to ignore to enjoy the show. The fact it is done solely so the showrunners could avoid the horrifying prospect of a white cast for a few episodes and pretend that a village where it makes no sense is as wonderfully diverse as the ones in their fantasies is irritating. But that's all.
No one who watches any media this decade expected anything different. What would have been shocking would have been a setting correct narrative correct white pseudo-welsh village. But we will have the Lord of the Rings show for that won't we? Hopefully sacrificing WoT on the altar of diversity is the prelude to the LotR cast being shockingly, outrageously, horrifyingly white. As white as a reddit meetup. As white as an Antifa rally. As white as Apple or NASA board meetings. As white as the crowd for an Irish punk band. You know, WHITE.
>Does it really matter that much[...]? No.
I'm glad we could come to an agreement, and I've always been honest and calm in my responses, as those who review the thread can see for themselves.
All this forced diversity. Meanwhile, Malazan has all the diversity they could ever want. All ten books have their fair share of white niggers, black niggers, yellow niggers, brown niggers, blue niggers, gray niggers, gay niggers, tribal niggers, sand niggers, celtic niggers, marine niggers, heavy infantry niggers, sapper niggers, swamp niggers, inbred niggers, elf niggers, cavemen niggers, magic niggers, crusader niggers, barbarian niggers, mongol niggers, comanche niggers, rapist niggers, skeletor niggers, furry niggers, hive mind niggers, lizard niggers, god niggers, dragon niggers, crippled niggers, fire niggers, ice niggers, chaos niggers and Kallor.
is malazan the series where the cuck sits outside while his prostitute girlfriend gets fucked
WoT has tons of diversity. There are important characters of every race. Literally the only purely European characters were from Two Rivers who after leaving their village experience an incredibly diverse world. But they had to hit even those five characters with the diversity stick.
It's hilarious watching the shill in this thread trying to use Yea Forums lingo mixed with community college gender study jargon to fit in.
No that's Kingkiller Chronicle.
>whenever you cancel an Amazon service in the future
I get Prime whenever I need goods delivered immediately and the shipping cost is less than the cost of subscribing, then usually quit unless I know I need to get more stuff later. Caught Jack Ryan this way, not bad, but I was buying shipment for stick-on O-rings, vitamins, leather paddles, and briefcases, not the show.
I'll watch WoT in the same way. Just get some obscure herbal tea, a faraday cage backpack, some microsd cards, and a pair of sneakers delivered to a Locker where I'm about to work, and afterwards... bask in the glory of WoT for a month before I cancel it again. Maybe listen to a channel playing the same 20 songs on Music in the meantime.
After I saw the casting I just decided not to watch it. But I can't cancel prime. If you live in a major city it's like having a star trek replicator in your house. I get same day everything.
The only way I ever would... if they force diversity into LotR series I will cancel it in rage and tell them why as well.
It's nice to get weird items almost on-demand wherever you happen to be at the time, but I don't need it usually so I always cancel
nah dude
because RJ changed his mind because of Taim that decision fucked up a lot, i think the question shouldve been left unanswered, but someone wouldve probably murdered BS if he didnt
RJ could channel and perhaps even access the True Power, but we all know he was a leashed one. Did he make the decision to nix Taimandred, or was it his sul'dam? What was his pet name?
Robert Jordan was his pet name.
Holy shit, go back to Tumblr you unfunny faggot.
Nigga they from Fantasy Medieval Country Based on England #294
She's literally the only actor with any credentials so far and the only thing that can save this show.
This will be a career ender for her.
>They were black in the books
we wuz manatherangz
Lan confirmed as black
Its a good read.
we wuz
I was here possibly before you were born. You should be careful about what you fuck with in life. You are not carefree. Take that as a serious lesson.
Confirmed for never having met Black people.
Is every woman a bitch in this series?
And when the Horn is sounded, Bela reappears. Because that's how great a pony she is.
>trollocs meme
I didnt say they were formal fallacies. Fallacies=false. Can you dodge the points i made any harder coward? Also
>implying the husband cucking to his wife is an example of a literal group dynamic
>all critics are the same
These two groups have nothing to do with this. In fact using the metric I just stated you could theoretically radically change material from its source, you merely have to justify it (example a modernist retelling of shakespeare but keeping the characters and their dynamics intact). To go even further what you are advocating in this wheel of time casting is the equivalent of remaking henry V but with henry being a commoner. His social status is inextricably tied into the character, the plot and how he interacts with the world. Just like how phenotype is inextricably tied to some of the characters. Whats the difference between real and fictional events? Do the wheel of time books not exist in objective reality? Are they not "Real things" with an essential nature that is distinctive? I bet you have no argument as to why retelling a real event is any different than a fictional one. More importantly like I said earlier I never made the argument for 100 percent accuracy, but the primary consideration must be for the integrity of he story. Again, if I made an adaptation of Alice in Wonderland but Alice was a poor black girl in new orleans who never went down any rabbit hole and sat around sipping tea for 90 minutes would that be a proper representation of the story? According to you it doesnt matter because its "not a real event".
Calm yes. Honest no. Youve done nothing but insert words into people mouths. Also you havent agreed upon anything. Youve been arguing that race doesnt matter, he is arguing it does matter but will degrade (but not destroy) the integrity of the story). There is nothing more pathetic than claiming false victory.
GURPS. Not even once.
Hey, , did you make ?
If you did, then you're a Freudian-projecting, ranting, mental cripple. If not, sorry about that, and I think we have a misunderstanding.
>it's an abo Egwene is beaten for an entire season season
>it's a Nynaeve has to chimp out to use the Power episode
>it's a Perrin is NOT afraid of canines episode
Making quality posts because the /pol/ retard can't.
>it's a Nynaeve has to chimp out to use the Power episode
The rage this one will cause will be hilarious. Servers Rafe right.
You’re arguing with multiple people, friendo
Pike will carry the show.
when did skincolor in movies become more important than story writing? no wonder modern movies suck ass with the left and right only caring about this crap, as if an actors look has anything to do with the quality of the movie
>when did skincolor in movies become more important than story writing?
To the left? Uhhh about 2010 I guess was where it really passed the tipping point where it became not just "diversity good" but "diversity mandatory" and then finally "lack of diversity is a hate crime".
Also "diversity" to them only means one thing "more black people".
I hate this wannabe drake lookin nigga
>tfw thicc forsaken gf
dammit I fucked it up
>pulls braid
which one is nynaeve and which is egwene?
It doesn’t matter user. You posted the pic, you didn’t fuck up user.
Egwene is top middle. Nynaeve is bottom mid.
The entire series takes place over 2 years
Reminder that when they attempted to make a Metro 2033 series, the author vetoed it because they wanted to blackwash it.
Thank you friend. May Graendal embrace thee
>ah yes, the curley haired perrin who got red in the face every time he was embarrassed was surely black
DOES THIS NIGGA LOOK BLACK? On what fucking planet is that actor actually black? He looks pale as shit, wtf
>Is every woman a bitch in this series?
Without exception.
Sneed of Time
Seed of Feed
Honestly looks accurate
>sjw’s favorite character is Egwene
Every time.
name of the actors?
>Confirmed for never having met Black people.
God, I wish that were me.
She's a genuinely good character.
nah, she was always a self centered cunt
The season will have 10 eps most likely.
If she'd become Chosen it would have been one of the best character arcs. Tor/Harriet should release all of the notes and hold a contest to write a better ending
No they weren't. You're lying. Why do you lie, user? Are you just straight up an evil person or is there more to it?
*dark person
It wouldn't matter if there wasn't an obvious double standard. As it is now you need to write a goddamn essay if you want to keep a white character white and even if you succeed, you're still treated as a racist, but even slightly altering a nonwhite character is treated as the worst sin imaginable. Either hold everyone to the same standard of skin tone not mattering or keep everyone as they are. It's obvious that these people are a borderline cult and erasing white characters in favor of nonwhites is automatically virtuous to them.
>If she'd become Chosen it would have been one of the best character arcs
i unironically suspected this was happening, all the way until she became amyrlin and started to demand oaths of fealty, and started to oppose rand in everything. i genuinely dont understand why they didnt make her forsaken, it made perfect sense for her from the start
The only abuse is being done by Rafe who apparently has only contempt for the source material despite claiming to be a "fan". It's obvious he doesn't give a single shit about the books and only wants to use them to "fix" them to fit his agenda better. It's clear from the things he has said and the changes he has already revealed.
darkfriend detected
Redditors are bending over backwards to justify the race changes and its fucking clear there are here after the casting news. It's not a fucking coincidence that there's suddenly a persistent "ackchyually they were always black" poster in every thread.
>so there are tons of "last" battles
Not really, they are just book finale skirmishes for the most part, regular battles or showdowns against the forsaken etc. The actual last battle is so ridiculously massive in scale its nowhere near comparable.
Stop being so butthurt because you're wrong. It comes off as incredibly childish and petty.
The focus on race in every single recent Amazon's Wheel of Time™ thread makes me think that perhaps the race-baiters are the shills, trying to generate false outrage.
No, it's because everyone was expecting this would happen because it's pretty much the rule nowadays, but before any official casting news we could still hang on to a small hope they won't fuck it up. Rafe's retarded virtue signaling however was increasing the tension and pessimism and when the casting got finally announced everything just exploded in one big "fucking called it" shitstorm.
Not sure what you mean by this, but I hold no court with the Great Lord of the Dark. I walk in the Light, friend.
Newsflash: criticizing a clearly bad casting and explaining why the redditors trying to justify it are fucking dishonest snakes is not /pol/. It's simply having some fucking integrity.
>happens to have several family lines which aren't similar
But it doesn't. Please read the fucking books before trying to shill. You're painfully obvious.
It should have happened. I don't know why it didn't. Well, there's the issue of things changing because fans figure them out...
>She fought hard against the all-White Winter Dragon
Yeah, because CLEARLY the whiteness was what was wrong with Winter Dragon. Are you purposefully this fucking dishonest and evil, or are you simply grasping at straws and hoping to come up with something that would support your bullshit?
please stop responding to my rafe larps
>Why doesn't Ishy merely gateway into the dreamworld and balefire himself?
Because that wouldn't solve his problem, dear speedreader.
>>Why doesn't Ishy merely gateway into the dreamworld and balefire himself?
>Because that wouldn't solve his problem, dear speedreader.
Why not? He would never live again if he died in Tel'aranwhatever
That only applies to wolves and even that is not confirmed and could simply be the wolves' speculation. It was stated that dying in the world of dreams will simply kill you in real life and going there in the flesh was "evil" for reasons that were never specified further. In any case, any possibility of a complete removal of a soul brings massive issues in a cyclical world with infinite cycles. They would literally run out of souls if it was possible.
>not knowing that life is a dream
>not knowing that T'A'R is Zion and the world of Randland is the Matrix
>taking the bluepill
I'd like to wash my spears right now.
Wash your dick, user.
>If they were just honest about this it wouldn’t be so bad. Just admit you want to make the world a better place by giving black peoples more role models. It’s misguided but at least it’s understandable in some level.
They explicitly DID do this. It's not a Witcher situation where they're pretending like the books were racially-ambiguous.
That's a convenient escape. You were proven wrong by every single participant in this thread. You should be ashamed.
Halima's pretty nice
Plenty of people are pretending the races are racially ambiguous.
Why the fuck do you keep brining up /pol/? The world of WoT is very diverse, but the Two Rivers isn't. That'slliterally just a fact and people have every right to complain when the casting is bad. If your only argument is muh /pol/, you don't have an argument in the first place.
At 1(+12), which male channelers could Alivia defeat?
Not the showrunners, they explicitly said, "we're making white characters black, for representation."
so they've ruined this scene now
Robert Jordan would have posted on /pol/, /hc/, and /k/, but not Yea Forums
>a woman
pick 1
I accept your concession of defeat.
Why do incels only go to read the book after the pozzed cast is set.?
Is it so they can feign outrage later and try to fit in? (It is)
Instead of wasting your time learning about underage girls scissoring eachother and pulling their braids whilst being in constant denial they are the cause of all the books problems, maybe you should try having sex.
You stick out like a sore thumb. You're very obviously someone who only started coming here after the casting news and it shows.
>thinking it was going to be the best Bel Tine ever
>it's actually the worst Bel Tine and the last before the apocalypse
Why was Rand al'Thor so lummoxy and woolheaded?
Also Yea Forums and /d/
Thanks I'm gonna use this as a pasta
What I am is someone who stopped visiting here after aging awhile (adding reCAPTCHA accelerated this) but who dips in from time to time. I'm sure you're right about the first part, but I don't give a single fuck, my friend.
Holy fucking based
Sure you did.
Trevor Moore for Asmodean
Graendel killed asmodean. That is revealed in towers of midnight.
The Yea Forums threads about AMoL were kino. I use the archives to revisit my posts in them as if I were returning to a crime scene (for reasons)
Pretty sure Taimandred killed Asmodean
No, and who the fuck is "Taimandred"? Mazrim taim wasn't even seen yet, and demandred only had a few brief appearances by this point.
She's perfect. I had no expectations about the casting so I don't really care about all the shit everyone is obsessing about. All I want is the story! If they cut Shadar Logoth I'll riot though.
Yeah, they definitely won't have the budget to do something like pic-related in the first season. Remember the battle of the green fork was completely omitted from GoT season 1.
just made it up lol didnt think anyone would catch me
Reminder that Perrin was said to blush red, there's no debate over him not being white. And folk from two rivers are all genetically close so it makes no sense that Perrin is white and someone else is black
Taimandred refers to the (popular) (wrong) fan theory that Mazrim Taim was in fact Demandred.
This is, however, unlikely. As soon as Taim shows up, Lews Therin in Rand's head would have reacted to him with a "that's fucking Demandred KILL HIM" if it were the case. We additionally never see Taim do anything particularly Demandred-y, and given that Taim lacks Demandred's hawk nose and that Demandred would never in ten thousand years attempt to fake being Rand by putting the dragons on his sleeves, it's fairly certain that they are different.
If he can act I think he could be good as Perrin. Starts out as kind of an introvert trying not to hurt anyone by accident cause blacksmith muscles. Ends up turning wolfman and hacking up whitecloaks!
That person can blush red. In fact, if you struck him in the face he'd probably exhibit a red area. Afro-Americans even call this sort of person "red" (cf. Spike Lee's Malcolm X)
*ends up teleporting between the matrix and the dreamworld in anime battles
Unlikely? It's a stupid theory and there's no evidence to support it, at all. It's just fucking dumb.
interdasting cast
seal yourself
Taimandred WAS true in the beginning. This is indisputable, it's literally in Jordan's notes everyone can go read. It's also extremely obvious from the way he speaks and the wordings he uses, which is why everyone correctly called it back in the day. It's left unclear why exactly it was changed (Jordan being butthurt because the twist got guessed so fast is a funny idea but not confirmed one way or another) .
If you are expecting a good adaptation of the story after they have made it clear they care more about politics than being faithful you're in for a rude awakening. They are going to completely butcher the gender politics for example. No fucking way they get it right when the showrunner himself doesn't seem to have anything beyond extremely surface level understanding of the themes of the story.
The Dark One is never defeated. Rand just ensures that humanity continues in a constant circle of destruction with the height of technology being where we are now.
Age of Legends was way beyond our level.
They couldn't even get a cunt on Mars. They invented electric swords and butterfly planes then dicked around until they got nuked back into the stone age.
I think the reason is that one of the first controversies in WoT fandom was people arguing about her, way back in the early days of the web. Astute readers pointed out all her evil traits and speculated she would turn, but then a shocking number of proto-SJW brainlets got really upset and defended her.
RJ made the rookie move of reading the comments because nobody understood back then how debilitating that can be and made several changes as a result. The other famous example was changing Taim to not being Demondred which ruined several plot lines.
This show is going to be a disaster btw. Not only because of the political agenda nonsense but because the guy in charge is a genuine retard. He’s a survivor contestant who, judging by his tweets and script leaks, writes at the level of an 8th grader.
They literally had colonies on other planets, Moggy talks about this.
I know that all of these replies are only guys trying to stoke political race issue
>but why does everyone focus on identify politics
Because any self respecting fantasy reader knows the WoT books are bottom of the barrel in terms of prose, characterization, plot, you name it.
Dumbass, stop posting.
My man, that not it all.
He tries to create a world where the dark one does not exist, or rather he hypothesizes a world. He's horrified to see that humanity is reduced to lifeless husks. They have no emotion or free will, they are essentially NOT human. Rand then realizes the importance the Dark one has on free will and thus cannot "kill him." So instead he, Nyneave, Morraine, and a (mindcontrolled) Moridin using Callandor create a virtually perfect seal consisting of both the male and female halves of the one power, AND the true source via Moridin. Thus the dark one is resealed in such a way he could never get back out again, without a literal act of God.
Calling it now they are going to ham up the whitecloaks, give them southern accents, and have some kind of unsubtle cross burning imagery, probably with their camp bonfires.
Then those colonies should be coming back and lazer bombarding everyone.
Blacks don't show blush, you fucking retard. Their skin is too dark.
They would have been destroyed by male channelers too.
Pre-AoL Portal Stone creators are the real beyonders. And the ones who came back were big fat retards called ogier
Can you imagine how comfy these threads would have been if they had decided to go with a good faith adaptation instead of turning it into woke propaganda.
>in a literal infinite amount of cycles people have never tried sealing him away with both sides of the power
Nah bullshit he'll be back out again in two eras, Ishmael is right and the Creator is a cunt.
Was Galad the FBI?
You referring to Cooper?
Other than Pike, everything about this show so far screams Shanara or Legend of the Seeker level bad.
There were but they were strictly from specific nations or lands. Its fucking stupid to have completely abandoned the importance of nationality that plays a role in thia series and it honestly disgusts me.
Dumb fucking Nazi incels this is a work of fiction it doesn't matter what race or gender the characters are. it doesn't matter how faithful it is to the source material because it's and adaption of a FICTION work
Just like the books
The Dark one showed him that hypothetical world, and claimed to be the source of humanity's passions and what not. There is zero proof of this, Rand just got tricked into not destroying him because he's a retard
Let's remember that the Dark One is super petty personality wise ALL CAPS VOICE SPIKE CEILING THAT MAKES YOU CRAWL, makes food go bad, made a guy literally turn into bugs, etc.
There's no need for a conscious force of chaos/evil in the world anyway because "God" is The Pattern, a neutral force, not a Yahweh type. No evidence of the Light or whatever existing
Amazon is a hundred time richer than HBO is. Problem is, regardless of how good the show is (and we all know there's zero to none chance of that happening), they still fucked majorly with the casting. It'll suffer the same problems as the Witcher series will.
>if the last battle is soon
Its Soon™
Not soon.
Learn the difference, it could save your life.
Are you high or something you fucken noob
Do not listen to him he is an idiot
intimidated by her since gone girl tbqh
It’s funny how these losers try to blame /pol/ when normal people get tired of character after character in everything from fantasy to historical fiction being changed from white to black. Their tone deafness is similar to the dynamic that got Trump elected where people are tired of being called racist for no reason.
If they make Tuon black, we riot.
Jesse discovers that he can channel. After a brief but difficult boot camp at the Black Tower, he weaves Earth, Air, and Fire to create indestructible methamphetamine crystals. They become more popular than tabac in some regions of Andor, and Jesse has to flee from the Queen's Guards.
My man, the dark one's prison was sealed imperfectly, thus only temporarily by Lews Therin Telamon and his Companions. The reason for this is that it consisted only of men, so it was done only using Saidin, which the dark one then tainted. When rand and co re-seal him all existing powers are used, even the dark one's own true source! Thus his seal is essentially perfect and there is no way the dark one can undo it!
There have been an infinite number of cycles that has seen the dark one sealed. Are you telling that some Ginger autist is the first cunt to get it right?
that's the keyword right there m8, anyone with an actual soul would've caught another backlash from the dark one
>The dark one showed him that world.
False. Rand created it. I will explain.
They take turns essentially in creating their own ideal realities. The dark one shows his in the form of the whole world becoming like The Blight. Where nyneave becomes one of the Forsaken.
Rand takes his turn in literally shaping the pattern, the very fabric of the universe, in his hands. He then creates the hypothesized world where there is no dark one, the dark one cannot appear there, (because if he did he would be destroyed utterly in the real world!) So after seeing what the world would be like, as I just explained above...he realizes that world must not come to pass, so he settles with re-sealing the dark one. And Rand "dies" as a result of those actions.
Based. Fuck anti russian faggots
Whats annoying to me is that this troll is subtle enough that I still want to reply in the vain attempt that we can rationalize our positions and come to an understanding.
Resealed technically, but not resealed the correct way.
>Thus his seal is essentially perfect and there is no way the dark one can undo it!
Eventually at some point the people will repeat Lews Terrin's folly. They will find the prison, think its a source of energy, bore, and keep boring until the prison is breached.
Possibly yes, it could be unsealed by humans here on earth, but since nearly all the Forsaken are dead or literally obliterated from all existence that's not going to be an easy task. (Also I forget what happens to Callandor? )
The main accomplishment is that the dark one cannot get out on his own anymore. And this time there was no counter stroke (the taint on saidin) as he cannot access our world anymore. You see this in the very last stages of the battle, the blight literally starts to heal, as in lush vegetation spontaneously appears around shayol ghul as the dark one loses all grip on reality. He cannot be killed as that would ruin the balance of the universe, there would be no yang to the yin, essentially.
It's highly implied that the bore is where the pattern is weakest, so the Dark One will eventually chisel away at a location/point within the pattern that it's trapped behind.
I believe the Dark One is always influencing the world, and like the Dead Space Marker/One Ring it is able to tempt humanity subconsciously to find the location to bore and release him.
Ultimately however, the point of the series is that the Dark One will always fail in some way, and the pattern will eventually reject it. What Ishamael didn't understand is that his fatalism is faulty logic, there are no infinite chances where the Dark One eventually wins, the Dark One will always job and get sealed again before reality can actually unravel.
Not even going to bother pirating it.
The books are all I need. My fault for expecting anything I guess.
>And this time there was no counter stroke (the taint on saidin) as he cannot access our world anymore.
This means that people probably have a good three full ages without the DO until channeling is forgotten before the 1st Age (our age) begins, and at the beginning of the 4th Age they already have gunpowder and Rand's industrial revolution schools. They should be able to create a galaxy spanning space empire by the end of the 7th age but that raises the question of what happens to all the space ships, satellites, and colonies on other planets. Maybe something like the ending of Battlestar Galactica.
>It's highly implied
Its just where Dark One is sealed. No big deal.
>chisel away
Not on a perfect seal.
The entire point is that the imperfect seal with the aid of Cuendillar... was a piece of shit and could be chipped away.
For the Dark One to be unsealed, one merely has to repeat the follies of Age of Legends: He has to be unsealed from the human side, most likely because True Power has a really nice allure.
Just like how the Last Battle can't actually happen without Darkfriends and conspirators to fuel it. World might be shitty, but somebody needs to drill into the weakpoint and make a army.
Otherwise The Dragon will just go there, try to seal it, fail, and be reborn, and it repeats itself until the Dragon doesn't fuck up.
Dark One is doomed to job, and has all the odds stacked against him. Anything perceived otherwise is just lies and subterfuge.
I wish the Dark One broke out during the first era. I'd love to see him get blown the fuck back to hell by the United States Airforce. All these magicfags getting obliterated by 5.56.
When will they stop making shitty shows of books I liked when I was young?
>colonies on other planets
I think it was implied that the Snakes and Foxes lived on different planets than Earth, rather than in a magical realm like the World of Dreams.
Unfortunately a single channeler who knows Traveling and Compulsion could take over current day earth in about one month.
>this is what magicfags actually believe
>Someone warps into your bedroom while you're asleep and mind rapes you
What's your next move?
Dark One can't bread out from his side.
He needs to be drilled out via Saidin and Saidar. And he can't confront the Dragon without willing conspirators.
Essentially troughout Wheel of Time, Rand do not encounter The Dark One until he goes into The Bore and leaves his flesh behind.
>I'm in a barracks
>everyone hops out of bad and emptys the magicfag who is probably a woman because magic is for fags
They flew to other solar systems in ships. It's also confirmed that a circle of less than thirteen strong channelers could gate to other planets in our solar system. A big circle with sa'angreal (but not all maximum strength) could gate to other solar systems.
The average lifespan was something like 200 years or more even if you weren't able to channel. Lews Therin was 400+ and barely into middle age.
They conquered disease, poison, genetic science. They were ubermensch.
They had powered their entire society via the One Power. Nuclear fusion was laughable to them.
They controlled and regulated the weather patterns of the entire planet, and could literally terraform worlds if they wanted to.
They could access and control bubbles in the Pattern that fucked with the flow of time.
They were able to access alternate timelines and dimensions.
They had considered even exploring beyond the boundaries of the Milky Way galaxy.
The Age of Legends was legitimate science fiction.
They would have been torn apart by the War of Power as well. If anything survived elsewhere, it would be to the same levels that the Randland world survived to. If that.
No. The Bore must be wholly closed and completely sealed by the Dragon, acting as the Creator's agent. That way, when next comes an Age where the Dark One is released, the prison will be whole and un-bored.
Remember, originally the world forgot the Dark One existed. Mierin (fuck you Lanfear you turbobitch) and Beidomon found the prison outside the Pattern by using extremely advanced AoL theoretical physics. Then they designed and used a method to bore into this theoretical location, finding it, breaking it open (they were theorising/looking for a source of Power that men and women could both use, rather than saidin/saidar). It was a prison that had been sealed by the Dragon in a previous Age. In AMoL the prison is sealed by Rand. But it can be unsealed if people figure out how.
>It's also confirmed that a circle of less than thirteen strong channelers could gate to other planets in our solar system. A big circle with sa'angreal (but not all maximum strength) could gate to other solar systems.
Where is this from?
>They flew to other solar systems in ship
And they would still get ANNIHILATED by a single M1A1