The most important film of all time

The most important film of all time

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lol nope
it's just a bunch of screensavers stitched together
literal filler
good score

there's a band doing a live rendition of it while it plays in the background coming to my town in a few months, thinking of checking it out.

Incomprehensible tripe

Read kaczynski's manifesto and you'll understand, brainlet

I watched the Quatsi trilogy in the space of a few days; can't think of anything that really make this (or any of the others) stand out.
and Samasara is basically one of those demo videos for HD TVs in electrical stores

It's the logical conclusion of montage theory. As much as it is captivating to watch, it is a terrible lie. You are led to believe it is the world that is cold and inhuman, but really it is just the editing style.

No, that would be Splash!

>it is a terrible lie. You are led to believe it is the world that is cold and inhuman
I think you missed the point

Some guy recreated the trailer for koyanisquatsi using only stock footage from shutterstocks and the likes
It's impressive how little changes

Watched this movie when I was a little kid.
Probably fucked me up.

Do you realize that someone can understand someone else and still disagree? Or to you, is understanding the same as agreement?

You're missing the entire message of the movie to nitpick

When a director makes a movie, he has a message he wants to tell people, it's not "up to your interpretation"

>a bunch of stock footage with great music

I didn't find it cold or inhuman. I thought it intriguing and in many ways awe inspiring.

You're missing the point of the movie


I don't think you understand what awe means.


I don't think you do.

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which version is the kinoest?

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The Pruitt-Igoe demolition scene was kino

If he wanted me to care about its message (which was banal at best) he should have given me something interesting to watch instead of filming screensavers

Part of me wants to say it was boring as fuck, but another part of me remember tat despite it being “boring” I absolutely could not look away and I dont know why.

Was this the original 'we live in a society'?

imagine thinking a compilation of landscape shots is incomprehensible lmao

nice brain, nerd

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Dude landscapes!

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I'm sorry to tell you this, OP but no one has the attention span or maturity to ever enjoy a movie like that again. The movie is presently the equivalent of the Antikythera mechanism in the hands of a bunch of retarded chimpanzees. That movie and Baraka was the swan song of civilization. The retards in this thread will watch it for 5 minutes on their smartphones and then go back to pewdiepie.

Sometimes, sure. In this case, definitely. And his message is wrong. He lies in telling it. He is manipulative. The style of editing is what creates the feeling of alienation which is central to his purpose. Life feels out of balance because he chooses to show it out of balance, while misrepresenting what the reality actually is. The movie is literally lying to you.

Meme film.

It's a documentary and not at all good as a film.

>no u

Pretty pictures. That's why. And the music

The movie speaks to the people who aren't indoctrinated enough to think it's bullshit

No that would be modern times, from which he copied a couple of shots

>technology bad
>nature good
>look at these crowds of people
>they don't care
>they're unhappy
>you're unhappy
>you're unhappy because of too much technology
>learn from the Indians
>let's go back to nature

And you disagree with that because?

in all seriousness take some acid and watch this in a dark room with headphones on

It never delves into everyone in that crowd.
People may appear unhappy but may be content and their lives good.

Gross generalizations to make a specific forced point.

10/10 flick
clasiffying a movie as "important" is such a cringey, biased, egotistic, arrogant thing to do

>It never delves into everyone in that crowd.
Because your belief that you're a special little snowflake with an important story is vanity. The individual doesn't matter, he never has.

The beginning of the movie was pure fucking kino

The people who made this movie definitely make use of the technology, don't give a shit about natives and nature and are massive hypocrites.
Fuck this movie, fuck pretentiousness and fuck Yea Forums.

I never got that message from the film.
When I watch this I think "look what we've fucking built. look how far we've come. holy shit look at all the people. look at the complexity of modern life that we take for granted."
the film gives perspective, it's not anti-civilization

it is certainly beautiful

>he says as an individual.

I don't experience reality in a collective.
If I moved into the woods, it would still be just me and my experience. Individuality is the base of all other experiences.

>The individual doesn't matter, he never has.
Would you want me to control your life? Choose a gf for you? Give you a job?
If you answer yes then you are a weak shell of an excuse of a human.

It matters because without the individual you are just a pawn of others. It matters to you because reality is singular. You live and die alone. People can relate and experience the same things but ultimately the journey of life is done alone.

I should add, I know what the *intended* message of the film was, but I said fuck that and made my own meaning. It's inspirational

one of the more harrowing scenes for me

That was my take away from it. Plus a lot of stuff about the rhythms of nature manifesting even in our most artificial of environments (the brake lights pumping through roads like blood through veins etc).

who has that koyaan meme video at comic con or whatever

You're a fucking idiot.

I am indeed a fucking idiot

>If I moved into the woods, it would still be just me and my experience. Individuality is the base of all other experiences.

bro read a book, you are always performing for the theoretical other even if you are literally alone in the woods. all human experience is necessarily a social experience from day one

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Spot on. Tries to equate civilization to the coldness of a machine and ends up making it look neat, efficient and satisfying to look at.
No wonder similar images can be found in upbeat music videos.

>your wrong, read a book.
Debate the point please, don't just dismiss the point and give a general dude read a book. Which one user?

I do not think you are performing when alone. If you are then great but I'm not.

>all human experience is necessarily a social experience from day one
If a person lives their entire life alone, how is it a social experience?

You haven't even argued against individuality.

Never seen it. If it's about environmentalism or inequality or something (which I assume due to the name "life out of balance") I don't give a shit. But I'm glad it was made because Phillip Glass composed for it.

>NOOOO stop supporting capitalism and ruin the environment

A great film, though I wouldn't call it "the most important film of all time"

You can't even logically do that.

Nothing about this film is objective. You can't rate the importance of a subjective experience. Especially when you're talking about a film with no objective data. It's all images and music. It's art.

I really like this film, but your post is shit.

never got the intended message, maybe because i'm not a fucking white male living in 80s america
anyway, you can enjoy"Chelovek s kino-apparatom" or "Berlin - Die Sinfonie der Großstadt" without knowing/caring for the socio political context. politics are transitory, art is forever

the fuck is this guy and whats wrong his his head/scalp

"important" implies a subjective political opinion
movies are art, movies shouldn't be "important" never

It's great but why is it important?

well maybe it's "important" in the sense that it broke new ground? Were there other films / pieces in this style before?

>If a person lives their entire life alone, how is it a social experience?

being anti-social is still holding a social position, and in order to be alive you are socially related to parents, even the wolves that raise you constitute a social relation, or the game you hunt- because they are all connected to the activity of human society. it's inescapable trust me, if you could prove otherwise you'd turn the philosophy world upside down.

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Why does it have to be a political opinion?


Reality is experienced solely at an individual level.

>if you could prove otherwise you'd turn the philosophy world upside down.
Stop speaking like a retard. Philosophy isn't a set thing you fool. It's a set of ideas and INTERPRETATIONS of the world.

From my experience the world only exists at an individual level. Things happen because people will them or make them happen. When I die, it will be alone because no one else will die with me since only my reality dies.

Uhh, this?

One criticism I legitimally don't get about this movie is that it's super vague or even meaningless. I love it despite not agreeing with the message, but I think it's pretty straightforward (all things considered), hell, I understood the point of it as a teen with almost zero previous knowledge of what the film was even about, and when I showed it to my younger brother, he also didn't have much trouble catching on...

The majority of people are unconscious automatons who live to work is the answer

Yea Forums is incapable of talking about any subjective, abstract films

if you want a hivemind go to reddit

reddit is just as bad, you fucking STEM faggots don't understand subjective experience

is that in the movie, really? you sure you aren't projecting some of your own ideas there?
how would you show a moving, living city, without implying that?

We're talking about the retards ITT wrtiing the movie off as a montage of stock footage

What you're describing is sociopathy. You're a sociopath. You're not normal, you do not represent the human experience, go be mentally ill somewhere else.

user, I treat people kindly. You are wrong.

Its in my top 9.

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I got to see it in the theater about 15 years ago. It was my first time seeing it. A wonderful experience.

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Pardon me, a montage of stock footage with a trite message.
Sure takes little to impress you.

Buddy, it wasn't even the most important film that YEAR let alone all time.

The Thing, Blade Runner, First Blood and Conan the Barbarian all came out that year. Come on nigga, be serious.

It fades over time. You have just never spent long enough alone to experience it.