How did this film manage to lack any noteworthy atmosphere whatsoever?

How did this film manage to lack any noteworthy atmosphere whatsoever?

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Because Tarkovsky is a shit director

Those dunes look like shit.

Brace yourselfs for maximum butthurt!!!

>it's another episode where Yea Forums hates one of the best films ever made

>one of the best films every made
kek it's fucking dogshit and this is the one time Yea Forums has ever been right about anything if they even think so

Idk. The actors aren't suffocating, so certainly there must be SOME atmosphere, no?

>it's another episode of user thinks the subterranean circle-jerk of art cinema pseuds decide what films are the best

I merely posed a question. How do you manage for 3 hour long journey trough a mysterious wasteland to be as unatmospheric as Stalker? It shouldn't be possible. The setting already does 80% of your job.

>he wasn't already fully immersed and captivated 30 mins in
you'll never gonna make it
embarrassing opinions

Stay pleb, pseud

wewie, lad

So you are basically saying that if i make a movie with three russian Retards Walking around an abandoned factory and talking deep like 15 year olds Smoking pot, i would be a cinematic Genius????

Know how I can tell you like anime?

I'm saying stick with capeshit

You have shit taste, get fucked

The only reason people consider this a masterpiece on Yea Forums is because of its association to Roadside Picnic (a genuinely great book) and STALKER (genuinely great games).

The film sucks and is the worst Tarkovsky film by far. People who praise it must have never seen Solaris or The Mirror.

Sorry user. Animation is vastly superior to live action. A medium that promotes expression more than live action ever could. La Chute is a more impressive accomplishment than anything live action directors produced over the course of the past 20 years.

solaris, the mirror and stalker are masterpieces

Yeah respected film critics always rank it as one of the best films ever made just because of a video game

most non-russian critics have never even read the book and the game came out much later after the movie has garnered well enough acclaim

Is that blade runner 2049

please watch avengers

Solaris is his worst film, even he said that.
Mirror, Andrei Rublev, Offret and Stalker are masterpieces. Nostalghia is great. Ivan's Childhood and Solaris decent.

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If I didn't like Solaris at all will I hate Stalker?

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got 'em

>a genuinely great book

Sometimes i forget that it's already American hours and Yea Forums is absolute garbage filled with no taste morons with embarrassing opinions everywhere. Time to go to sleep.

It's very likely

I am not the person you responded to. I simply wnated to point out that you've clearly never engaged with animation at all.

possibly. I guess it depends on what you did not like about solaris, but it is not uncommon for people to like one and dislike the other.

Jesus christ this thread is plagued with unironic zoomers

Clowns are more expressive than dramatists. Does that make the circus more insightful than the theater?

what shit movie
>dude lets wander through a bunch of filthy russian landscapes for 3 hours

Don't mind me, just posting the greatest scene ever put to film

Bitch, I can hire a clown on fiverr, what the fuck are you spewing.

Poorly concocted analogy, not that I'd expect any different from someone who's unable to tell the difference between a French and a Japanese title.

I think you wanted to post this.

It's as trash as tarkovsky you pleb magnet

How I hate this board and its dwellers...

The mirror is fucking shit you posted nothing but overrated dogshit

If there's such a great difference, then why did you use French animation to defend anime?

Because you very clearly hold animation in its entirety in low regard. Common for mentally disabled letterboxd posters such as yourself. Your reasoning isn't something you came up with yourself either, but rather something you've been told to believe. Sorry, retard. Live action is shit and will never reach the heights of animation. You wouldn't know, given how the only animation you've ever engaged with are Shingeki no Kyojin, Pixar and Disney.

ask me how I know you're an avid cuck bbc porn addict

Andrei Tarkovsky is a genius of cinema and everyone not able to enjoy his films should leave this place and stick to capeshit and Hollywood big ass joints.
Fuck you all, disgusting tasteless faggots, take the Avengers and stick them to your big murican asses.
>not having atmosphere
You have the setting, the soundtrack, the dialogue, can't get more atmospheric than that.

Based, I feel most films do exactly this, few gimmicks to trick the audience, for example Marvel
>dude let’s just bounce infront of a greenscreen
Or Kubrick
>lmao have you seen my bevel? if not lets just mirror it in post
Or Bergman
>sorry about that, ill try not to hit your face with my camera
Hell, even Bresson does this
>a set? wtf just dance infront of that dry wall before i make you fuck that donkey
They’re all hacks. True raw film? Student films, content uncorrupted by vanity or money.

I am sure black dicks are your field of expertise, but this is a blue board so please contain yourself.

>I am sure black dicks are your field of expertise, but this is a blue board so please contain yourself.

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The author's opinion on what's good and what's bad never matters. I could barely finish Andrey Rublev, it's Begotten tier. Why is Tarkovsky so obsessed with shit and garbage?

Kys you fucking faggot brainlet cunt.

That would be German with Hard to be a God. Andrei Rublev didn't have that much shit and garbage and it's definitely better than Solaris.

Why are fat people allowed to give their shitty """"insights"""" on film?
>i'm gonna mention kubrick and co after mentioning marvel so i don't come off as a brainlet
literally kill yourself you fucking degenerate weeb

bad thread.
embarrassing for all involved.


As much as I love Tarkovsky, Stalker is probably the most boring one. Unless you're into philosophy and maybe photography then it isn't going to do much for you. It teases with some suspense and anticipation that never really gets fulfilled. I think I enjoyed Solaris more, and even Ivan's Childhood.

This is the only Tarkovsky I’ve seen. Do all of his movies have those extremely long shots?


As a child, I'd always photograph things because I found it enjoyable. At the moment, I don't have that much time, though I still love going out and take random pics of what I see.
As for philosophy, it's an important part of understanding life in itself, I consider it to be as much of a science as chemistry. It's the starting point of a society, a set of ideas that guide us through our lives and maybe beyond.
One having an interest in music can also find Stalker a masterpiece. They way sound is treated is impressive, it feels as if everything you hear is music, even the character's talk.
I got captivated within the very first five minutes. It was slow, but I was curious to see what's next. Eventually, seeing the whole film, I felt as a different person. It had a huge impact on me, so I watched it four other times, each time I was discovering something new or having an intriguing idea running around my head.
I can only laugh at the plebs not getting it, but also at the pseuds who claim to have got it. For me, it's easily my all time favourite.

Straight for Letterboxd.

That no one has discussed the baptismal themes of the film, or Tarkovsky's crypto-orthodoxy, demonstrates the general amateurism of this board.

a silly thread for silly folk

that screenshot is better than most films
oh and the start of Solo rips off the chase near the raillines

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>an infinite flow of capeshit, Netflix tv shit, the fucking walking dead and star wars being discussed in such a fashion showing that the many, many participants actually do watch such trash
>any thread about actually decent films regardless of genre is instantly flooded with "lol pretentious pseud cuck overrated trash"
Amazing as always Yea Forums

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Have sex and stop pushing dogshit ruskie directors

I don't disgree with you at all, I feel this about Stalker too, and the subject matter that the characters talked about were things on my mind in every day living. But at the same time I can say that not much happens and I just wouldn't recommend it to your average person as I know they'd be bored. It's a slow crawl of a film and like I said, if you're not into the subject matter or any of the little details that make up the film then you won't take anything from it. As much as I liked the things you said I couldn't help but feel I was being teased the whole way through. Moments where you're anticipating something, drawn out moments of suspense like something could happen at any moment and then it seems like something happens but then nothing actually does. It was the equivalent of being blue-balled. Solaris was more satisfying to me in that regard.

There is no chance to discuss anything just read the thread.

But that film is literally nothing but atmosphere?

Yes, i should push more kike disney garbage.

I was surprised to see such Christian imagery in films during the Soviet era. Such imagery was banned in the early to mid part of the century in Soviet Russia, but perhaps that iron grip loosened over the decades.


Only a week before the zoomers are gone for another year.
We're all going to make it.

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Honestly i'm in agreement with it just being "meh". Maybe i'm to blame for going into it right after playing shadow of chernobyl but i expected it to have a bit more action to it. Did have some cool depictions of the anomalies though, like the dude with the white string across his back having a heart attack.

It pretends to be, but utterly fails at it. Probably one of the poorest attempts I've ever seen.

I had this same feeling only with Stalker because I had read Roadside Picnic first and the imagery in that with all the strange anomalies and deaths was fantastic to me and I enjoyed the book so I went into Stalker thinking I'd get something like that. I don't think less of Stalker for it though, it was my own expectations going into that film that left me feeling a little disappointed.

It's really not for the avarage person, but it's still enjoyable.
I liked those moments creating tension, only to see nothing is happening, but, then again, it's a matter of preferences.

stalkers anomalies have their moments

Sorry I meant the film not the game.

>implying the advent of smartphones didnt make summerfags obsolete

Honestly i think it applies to both the games and the movie

>nooooo you can't just call out tarkovsky for being midwitcore!!! skolimowski who?

This film sucked.
Boring and dull.