First solo film

>first solo film
>first Avengers film
>second solo film
>second Avengers film
>team-up film disguised as third solo film
>third Avengers film
>fourth Avengers film

Which one of them had the best character journey?

Attached: chrises.jpg (600x801, 81K)

Cap soldiered on through his pain, Thor went on a roller coaster. Thor’s journey isn’t over yet, while Cap took the selflish way out. Thor was willing to kill himself for the team, but the team needed him to improve way before any of that


>Thor’s journey isn’t over yet
And it's about to be hijacked and pissed on for progressive good boy points.

I think his first movie was his best movie

Cap retired at the end of a second war. He deserved it. It was the first selfish move he’s ever made. You could argue his defense of Bucky during Civil War was selfish but that was rather grey territory he found himself in.

What are you on about?

>He’s the Cap
>this superhero in a movie for babies? Yeah, I call him the Cap


If you just watched Cap 1-3 along with Avengers 1-4 you'd get a complete character arc with emotional catharsis at the end of it.
The only character that gets that is Tony, and his payoff isn't nearly as good as Cap's.

>dude he’s the Cap
>gotta love Cap
>Cap? he’s a character in my favorite movie, it’s a super hero movie for babies

As many people were, I was pretty upset with how Thor was handled in Endgame. I was very interested in where his character was going in Infinity War. They cut out all the tryhard humor from Ragnarok and actually made him display the weight of his pain after everything he's lost. But then Endgame just turned him into a running gag for three hours and he never really got his shit together. So, we'll see if Thor 4 can close out his journey in a satisfying way (which I doubt greatly, given that it will probably finish with him officially passing the mantle on to Jane Foster).

I loved Thor 1. I wouldn't have minded seeing more of him, his brother and the warriors three going to various realms and stirring up shit together.

love these cuties. bless em

KB is the man. I like the direction Thor has gone with getting to be more humorous but the Branagh Shakespearan Thor was awesome. Too bad The Dark World was such ass. Cap 2 is probably my favourite of his movies.

Don't be embarrassed to like Thor 1, user.

I feel the two 2011 films are the most underrated of the franchise.

He's obsessed with being offended, often about things that are completely made up in his own head, ignore him.

Cap Cap Cap Cap Cap

The warriors three were wasted in every movie aside from the first. They and the rest of Asgard were the best parts. Instead they doubled down harder on the human crap rather than keeping as a light element, then what all over Thors compatriots in ragnarok. Thor doesn’t even know they’re dead and has no reaction to them being gone. He doesn’t even mention them in his loss speech during infinity war.

Caps easily the best out of the Trinity.

Just wait, you will see.