Besides Starship Troopers, what movies fit this characteristic?

Besides Starship Troopers, what movies fit this characteristic?

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Other urls found in this thread:

bee movie

Michael Bay films.

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batman v superman

Pain & Gain


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Kung Pow! Enter the Fist

Flip the line upside down and you've got Blade Runner 2049

Horror as a genre.

The Last Jedi.

this along with a lot of silly comedies. You could probably add some Monty Python to the list.

Dune (1984)

The only true answer itt.

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American Psycho

You couldn’t even get away with this today.

all bad movies I like

Full Metal Jacket

Alita: Battle Angel

So movies normies dont like

Miami Vice

Underrated post.

The movies everyone likes but me

All the Fast and the Furious movies.


The Bodyguard (1992)
But I'll also say MOST movies fit that characteristic.

Pic related

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Fight Club is the all-star champ for this graph

Monty Python would actually be the inverse of that graph

Not a movie but season 2 of Mindhunter

spring breakers

Why did they not show the gun range scene?

The film makers were Jews, I think they could get away with lots of shit

>Anons in this thread comment with things they like, thinking that they're on the high-IQ end of the bell
>They're actually on the low-IQ end

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The oc for tv shows

Son of Mask

Xmen Origins: Wolverine


any of that guys movie

hobs and shaw

That's too easy. Give me a kino that satisfies THIS graph

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Home Alone 2

Uwe Boll

The Ten Commandments

Explain graph. The higher IQ is, the higher the enjoyment? Fucking Starship troopers?

>how does y axis work

A Christmas Story

Pretty much every Nolan film

Nailed it

That would be a sharp dropoff with no recovery

Kung fu hustle

t. average iq

jingle all the way

Check It Out with Dr Steve Brule

what about movies with this feel?

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every movie, name one that doesnt fit this category


t. moron who thinks he's smart

any rom com

Inception is the other way around

Every Disney film.


Literally how do I read this graph?

un-nonironically this

no, this is inception

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no its not inception is garbage if you critically analyse the multitude of plot holes

Kill bill

>American "education"

the dark knight ______
the fox and the hound

people is really retarded enough not to recognize satire?

Alita: Battle Angel

DaVinci Code and other pseudo intellectual films.
Enemy (2013) is a HUGE offender in this.

100% this
im so sick of those 110 iq retards making those threads

t. Pledditor who knows nothing about filmmaking

you are in the valley, congrats

Ah yes, the valley of pseuds

What about this

Attached: image_2019-08-28_02-54.png (1080x1680, 50K)


Enemy is amazing. You just didn't get it.

Godard films

Any Kubrick flick masquerading as kino

Still truth, but no quads

here is proof positive that if you push being a contrarian too far you just end up coming across as stupid


Die Hard

Anything Tarantino


Christopher Nolan

This, anime fans are either latinos & blacks that like the LIT action scenes and buff goku shit or whites & asians that are complete autists that talk about themes and character development within the arcs.
t.100iq retard

Sorry big brain but you're mid IQ. Hate CGI all you want but Michael Bay is a master of the craft

Im literally white and blond

Found the left-ender

This for all anime except JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind

Please explain the merits of Michael Bay's filmmaking and how dangling shiny objects in front of ADHD kids punctuated with poopypants humor qualifies as "mastery of the craft". I'll wait.

Pirates of the Caribbean

t. mid-IQ

stupid ppl like it cuz explosions and car chases on motocycles
average person likes it cuz time bending shit
smart person hates it cuz everyone said the plot was complex but it really wasnt, and the hype makes the above average iq person wishing it was more than some thrills
the high iq person realizes that the story is based on real life

It's also a complete deconstruction of the modern action film, but no one who isn't high iq even notices this.

kys pseud

hmm lets work it out.

>retards dont like it
little to no action elements
little to no dance or strong musical rhythm elements
lots of talking

>Normal morons have increasing interest based on intelligence
Pseudo intellectual topic

>Humans despise it and there is shear cut off
Subtle plot hole that is directly related to the main plot/purpose of the movie

any guesses/ additions?


>dummies dislike Monty Python because they don't get it
>mid IQs like it because either they get it and think it's funny, think that British accents are funny, or don't want to appear stupid or tasteless by saying they dislike it
>high IQs dislike it because they fully get it and realize that it, like all British "humor," is absolutely garbage

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Only God Forgives


>stop using words I don't like

Nope you're probably just a moron. I watched Enemy twice. First time I thought ok... so women are trapping Jake? The movie cant really be saying that? That's too fucking cliche. On second viewing i just realized. Ok so this is just a cliche commitment issues/desires movie with spiders to trick morons into thinking it's deeper than that?

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Because he understands scale and how to make the scope of things in front of the camera grander and more impactful than they actually are. The way he uses and knows when to use motion of objects in the background, wide shots, and close ups creates great tension, action, and shots you remember long after seeing it. More Bad Boyz and the Rock than anything, but still can be seen in Transformers.
Better summary than I can over a phone using up data


t. midwit

where am I on this graph if I loved the last jedi?

Marvel movies

A lot of artsy fartsy foreign films maybe. People feel cultured by watching foreign films, but smart people know it's just some swarthy faggot director with rich parents and thinks way too highly of himself.

Donnie Darko

Perfect answer

so true

This is OGF

Attached: pseudvalley.png (1400x1400, 32K)

It's about his relationship with his mother. You are sub to low IQ and didn't understand the movie.


Yup, you're a pseudo-intellectual to a T


Not a movie but God

what's a movie where like knowledge of cars is the x axis, enjoyment the y axis and you get the same dip in the middle like in OP or just regarding specialist knowledge in general (warfighting, healthcare, etc)

Can you imagine being a Yea Forums poster and not knowing anything about directing? Go back to your capeshit threads faggot

God is the inverse

Can you imagine being an idiot and thinking that all that vague generic substanceless nonsense amounts to actually knowing anything about directing? Go back to your teenage jerkoff fantasies masquerading as films.

She was the "biggest spider" and probably the one that was walking over the city but the whole movie isnt about his relationship with his mother. That's retarded. You're retarded.

Spot on

By smart people you mean pseuds who are easily frustrated and confused, hey that rhymed

It's more specifically how his relationship with his mother poisons every other relationship he has with the women in his life.

Stick to capeshit.

Kill yourself

Shoot em up

stfu midwit

Got bad news for ya. pic related

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>Enemy (2013) is a HUGE offender in this.
This is good bait. I almost responded

Heat if you're a /k/ fag
Low brain: Haha I love guns and shooting
Mid brain: why are they wasting so much ammo and not aiming?
/k/: one of the most realistic shootouts put to film. Shoot to provide cover and move your squad up, rarely hit anything

>so triggered he actually took the time to open up MSPaint
Sorry brainlet. That hot sensation under the collar you're experiencing is frustration at not being smart enough to understand something.

Stay mad reddit

What movies fit this graph?

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Sorry bud, but i'm afraid my original interpretation still stands.
>. First time I thought ok... so women are trapping Jake? The movie cant really be saying that?

you're just mad that someone doesnt like your pretentious brainlet movie.

An Inconvenient Truth

Problem Child 2

>giving up completely but still feeling the urge to post
it's not even your fault really, it is in your nature as a moron

I find that the dumber the user the more need for visual aids haha. I might need to break out powerpoint for you though lol.


your original interpretation is something a football player with a brain injury would come up after seeing the film. You're the one who is mad that someone likes a movie you don't like. Get over it.

this. proof:

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You really should just stop embarrassing yourself. Just move on to a different thread or switch to another activity. You'll feel better.

Except Hobbs and shaw

Back to the future

>You really should just stop embarrassing yourself.
It's an anonymous board dipshit lol. Why would I be embarassing myself? what a moron.
>Just move on to a different thread or switch to another activity. You'll feel better.
Sounds like it would make you feel better user. It's because I hurt your feelings.

>It's an anonymous board dipshit lol. Why would I be embarassing myself?
Because you are clearly quite fragile.
>Sounds like it would make you feel better user. It's because I hurt your feelings.
Projection. Finger painting might be more your speed than film discussion.

>your original interpretation is something a football player with a brain injury would come up after seeing the film. You're the one who is mad that someone likes a movie you don't like. Get over it.

You're the one coming after me for not liking your movie and seeing it for how pretentious it is. here's the link below where you come after me all buttmad.

Except it could have ended there if you hadn't decided to continue replying? You're just the pot calling the kettle black at this point.

first 2 terminators

I wouldn't say its about his relationship with his mother, but about lacking self-actualization and succumbing to women's wims.

you have been btfo by your own nature. Your inability to look critically at the masterstrokes of Bay shows you up for what you are. A petulant know-it-all who doesn't understand anything outside of his sphere. If you want to educate yourself, watch Armageddon and then Deep Impact and then every 90s disaster movie. Then work out why Armageddon was the smash hit that the others weren't.

Also, even if you lack the ability to appreciate his type of art (because that is what it is), you can still ask yourself - if any idiot can make a "Michael Bay film", why can't anybody make as much money as Michael Bay when they try to make a Michael Bay film? why is Michael Bay more successful than the rest? also go fuck yourself because you sound like a bellend lmao

This one?

Attached: Enjoyment iq.png (588x419, 10K)

Can't think of one that fits it as perfectly as Starship Trooper like you mentioned.

Forrest Gump

>Except it could have ended there if you hadn't decided to continue replying?
I'm educating you. I'm an educator.

Inception, Lost, Sherlock



I would argue that his relationship with his mother is WHY he lacks self-actualization like you're saying. He's largely the cause of all of his problems. He kind of hates women, really, or at the very least has a huge level of resentment towards the opposite sex and that's why his relationships are the way they are and why he bails whenever they start to get serious. There's a lot of subtle and not-so-subtle references to Communism and "no I, only we" mentalities in the movie too, so I think his mother domineered over him in a way that compromised his sense of individuality and now whenever he starts to get that feeling in a relationship with a woman he starts to act out and, in many ways, behave like another person.

There's a small bump early on for the red alert players who got hyped because they mentioned tesla coils in the movie.

End of Evangelion

The chart means that both very stupid and very smart people enjoy the film but it is loathed by those of average intelligence.

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>Bay is a good filmmaker because his movies make money with dimwitted audiences
Jesus Christ. Leave this place and never return.

You need an education first.


left = low iq
right = high iq
top = high enjoyment
bottom = low enjoyment.

The graph shows that when IQ is low, enjoyment is high.
Then as IQ increases enjoyment drops.
Only for enjoyment to again rise as IQ increases much more.

So OP is asking what movie is loved by dumb and smart people, but not by those inbetween.

what is strange to me is that Robocop was so successful with general audiences while Starship Troopers wasn't, even though they both are similar in this regard. They have action and excess for the dimwits and clever social commentary and satire for the smart people. They didn't even come out that far apart, so what happened? Why, HOW could Starship Troopers not do well?

Prometheus is this:
perhaps the best example so far.

Coen brothers

I don't think "no u" is the right response considering the accusations in our arguments lol. you probably wont understand what i mean by that.

I think what Starship Troopers was satirical about was more sensitive than what Robocp was satirical about, which could turn off viewers and reviewers.
Maybe during that time aliens were seen as more childish than robots, which influenced audiences.
Not sure.

>t. Low IQ

Everything video art like Stan Brakhage or Matthew Barney

Your reading comprehension remains stellar as always. My post doesn't really qualify as "NO U" since I'm not offering to be the one to educate you as that would be a task for some kind of miracle worker.


Mission impossible fallout


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All of Tarkovsky's catalog.

I dunno. Robocop was satirical about some pretty sensitive topics at the time, like nuclear war. Perhaps the problem with Starship Troopers was that it wasn't current or topical ENOUGH? It was largely a satire of 50's Americana which had a resurgence in the 80's and was already gone by the time it came out in 1997.

>My post doesn't really qualify
It's not perfect, i agree. but it's enough. get rekt.


the problem with threads like this is that it always attracts trolls who are just trying to get reactions out of people

>I don't think "no u" is the right response considering the accusations in our arguments lol. you probably wont understand what i mean by that.

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>you should really stop embarrassing yourself
>no, I refuse

Anyone who disagrres is top onions

Freddy Got Fingered

Michael Bay films are for roided out retards so it makes sense they'd also be soi posters

Every Christopher Nolan movie.

Yes, but particularly Inception and Interstellar.

Tokyo Drift, unironically. Pseuds hate it because of poor acting, dumb people live it because of terribly tuned cars, and intellectuals enjoy it for its critical exploration of a steadily growing Japanese subculture.

I don't know user, does it really make you a pseud to value good performances?

Wasnt even me who posted that one but agree with him. If any braindead idiot can make 300M+ while still keeping a unique directing style that's completely recognizable why doesn't every director do it?

Plebbit :)

Sorry guy but i'm not the one crying because someone doesnt like my very special, infallible movie. I just think Enemy had a cliche plot that used red herrings and an abused "unreliable narrator" as crutches to make it feel deeper than it was. Sorry. get rekt

That's not true because mid-IQ people hate it so they can make simple "why didn't she run to the side" type criticisms.

Anyone who mentions goes on about "plotholes" when criticizing movies is most definitely somewhere in the middle of the curve.

Matrix, I mean all of them

Michael Bay is friends with powerful Jews. That's all. General audiences have no taste, everyone knows that.

caring about IQ on a neo-vietcongonese board about sushi and sushi accessories

this so much mooooods please downvote them

You are crying because you absolutely positively refuse to shut up. You didn't get the movie because you are too dumb, that's all there is to it.

There's a difference between valuing good acting and an inability to appreciate an otherwise honest film because of it. Tokyo Drift doesn't attempt to get Oscar nominations. It tries to explore subcultures and ghetto politics all while being a love letter to racing. It's the truest Fast and the Furious has ever be with itself, and arguably the best film about racing ever made.

Plotholes vary in terms of how much they matter depending on the film and especially the type of film in question. So it really depends on what movie the person is complaining about plotholes in.

>honest film
Oh no. Are you one of those weirdos who likes Armond White's nonsense? That would make sense since you're defending a movie that no one would ever bother to defend.

Avatar: 2
Avatar: 3
Avatar: 4
Avatar: 5

Mulholland drive

>ranking movies that aren't out yet


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Raiders of the Lost Ark

>You are crying because you absolutely positively refuse to shut up. You didn't get the movie because you are too dumb, that's all there is to it.

Why are you saying I have to "shut up"? You're the one that is getting so mad that I dont like your precious movie. You can walk away at any moment lol. facts. get rekt brainlet.




Everything by David Lynch

based anarchy poster

shitting up the board since 2016



Attached: GOD MODE.png (588x419, 19K)

You could be actively engaged in a number of other discussions in this thread like I am, but you aren't. You're just sticking around out of pure ass pain and you're repeating yourself over and over again saying the same stupid shit for no reason. Just give it up. I like a movie, you don't like it, we clearly have no common ground and neither of us is going to budge. The end.

Cowboys & Aliens

2016, I agree

no, this more accurately represents Lynch

Im actually downloading codeblocks onto my laptop lol. I only have this tab open on my desktop because you keep messaging me. isnt that wierd?

OP, do you realize that two people of the same level of intelligence can have entirely opposite opinions about the same film? Art is a subjective medium. By even posting that graph in the first place you are kind of indicating that you are somewhere in the middle of the valley.

Also i can easily "budge" on my opinion of the movie Enemy. Im a reasonable person. You arent apparently.

Son of Mask

I have a high IQ and all his movies but Armageddon are dogshit


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Shitposting on Yea Forums

It sure is.

>do you realize that two people of the same level of intelligence can have entirely opposite opinions about the same film?
On the individual level, sure, but in general terms a lot of movies (and other hobbies) fit that graph.

>maybe if I virtue signal something something about the (((Jews))) Yea Forums will accept me
Actual mid bordering low brain redditor holy shit

Really? So you admit maybe there's more to it than you are claiming? I'll be honest, I definitely wasn't expecting that.

Lowest IQ

but both of those demographics are retarded, arguably the former is less so than the latter in your example, my man you are mixed Up

Fight Club


Steven Speilberg has a producer credit on almost all of his movies. It's common knowledge you braindead idiot.

What about someone who is really insightful about things that aren't movies? People who are intelligent aren't universally adept in all the same categories, there are savants.

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>Really? So you admit maybe there's more to it than you are claiming?
Yeah of course. I simply stated that i thought the movie was about women trapping jake etc. and then you came at me saying it was about his mother. But i already knew his mother was one of the spider and even stated that she was probably the big spider stomping around the city. I kinda gave up on the argument when you said it was ALL about jakes mom (which it clearly isnt). that's the recap as i see it.


both are shit and only idiots post the virgin/chad meme

I should add that "big spider stomping around jakes city" i interpreted as that spider's representative stomping around in jakes thoughts. I'm typing with my arms around a laptop right now so it's hard.

king kong spider = mom, shelob size spider = wife, small humanoid spider = stranger hottie walking down the hallway. use of magnitude to represent how much influence these things have over jake

>hating bad boys
>""""""""""high iq""""""""""

The classic example

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That giant spider in the city is actually a sculpture made by Louise Bourgeois. Want to know what it's called? Mother.

>liking bad boys
>""""""""""high iq""""""""""

well i guess i hit the nail on the head. I'm confident in my estimation of the movie.

Son of Mask

>watches 80's nostalgia porn for adolescents born in 2005
that's another check in the idiot column

Except it's a confirmation of precisely the thing I was telling you about the movie that you kept insisting was incorrect. You really are a very stupid person.


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yes but on another layer, we are all responsible for stearing our own ship. He resigns himself to being stuck in a rut at the end of the movie even though he knows it is not what he wants. He just accepts it without attempting to better himself even though he recognizes his own conditioning

go away troll


Israel #1

I mean to enjoy the movie you have to be stupid enough to not notice the obviously fake baby and burst out laughing so I reject your hypothesis

Avatar is a perfect example of this. Pseuds hate it, while brainlets and smart people love it.

sorry champ. just because something has a large influence on the main protagonist doesnt mean the whole movie is "about mom". A MUCH MUCH more accurate way to state your already dumbed down estemation of "what the movie is about" is that the movie is about jake's reactions to the women in his life and how it affects his desires, needs for security, desires for adventure/independence, identity etc. it's just a young mans "coming into old age" story with spiders and red herrings to trick the viewer into thinkikng it's deep.

>brainlets and idiots who think they are smart love it
fixed that for you

>hurrr USA bad!
>multiculti good!
>make tree love hurrr

fuck off hippy

>it's just a young mans "coming into old age" story with spiders and red herrings
this is completely wrong and you are an idiot, please just shut up.

Its hard for me to track because there seems to be a hard "above average" ceiling for people who publicly display anime affinity and the ones online can take you down a rabbit hole of theme dissection and obscure observations.
Either the autism factor makes them all retarded in public or intelligent anime fans are so few that only a wide open medium like the internet is able to display them.

Avatar is the ultimate pseud movie since there is nothing more pseudointellectual than stealing blatantly from other movies and pretending you're smart for doing so, see for reference Quentin Tarantino

Dont see a counter argument bud. Just bad words lol. See ya later brainlet.

Hit a raw nerve, mutts? Avatar has awesome world building and has the timeless story about coloniser and indigenous relations.

Here's my counter argument:
>See ya later brainlet.
So you're finally leaving? Do you promise?

anything with the theme of fuck niggers

That's what I mean, this is a great justification for being a complete ripoff artist if you're a pseud
>world building
[citation needed]

t. sub 100 IQ

go to bed Jim

Avatar had terrible acting, a contrived bad guy story in order to demonize the American military, shitty CGI only a nerd would enjoy, and the ever so 'timeless' fascination with the WE WUZ agenda.



t. 105 iq


Alien 3

Attached: alien IQ.png (2397x1500, 185K)

> (You)
>Here's my counter argument:
"It's about his relationship with his mother" your statement in quotes agrees with my initial statement so i dont see an argument yet.
"It's more specifically how his relationship with his mother poisons every other relationship he has with the women in his life." This still goes with my original estimation of the movie. You just feel that it is a much larger plot point than I do. So far this "argument" of your is just you agreeing with me.
minus the communism and womanhating this post that you didn't direct at me is just saying what I said. Except i went further and said that this premise was packaged for brainlets so they can have muh spiders and muh red herrings.
>>See ya later brainlet.
>So you're finally leaving? Do you promise?

get rekt (again) kid. why are you defending this movie to the point of tears? stay mad?

>admits I'm smarter than he is
damn son. also not that it matters but last time I was tested I scored around 146

>Avatar is the most popular movie of all time, especially with normies
>not fitting this curve

interesting take my brainlet friend.

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we already covered that in this thread, pseud.

challenge: list one movie for each graph

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Do you like anime?

nah. This is more Avatar's speed

Attached: graph.jpg (588x419, 19K)

Not really. I think there are like three animes total that I have enjoyed.

Conan the Barbarian

Attached: conan-the-barbarian-56a5dd6bb082a.jpg (1000x1426, 1007K)

that's good to know. i was afraid that I hate moeshit cause I'm a brainlet.

show me one for interstellar and one for martian please

The Spongbob Squarpants movie

The audience for the "so bad it's good" movies, the sort who attend screenings of The Room.

Attached: the room.jpg (692x732, 28K)

Interstellar is 7, The Martian is 8

Came here to post this
Perfect answer

>confusing intelligence with taste

Very based

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Cringe. What a deluded brainlet.


I'd say Equilibrium is more of a straight line across. I'll give it this, it's a better Farenheit 451 movie than the Farenheit 451 movie.

The Matrix is an obvious one and its sequels to a lesser extent


what exactly am I looking at?

Hell yes brother



it's the inverse

t. moron who thinks he's smart

the problem with this comparison is it doesn't consider the guilty pleasure angle, i.e. someone who is plenty smart enough to notice and acknowledge the problems with something but gets something out of watching it anyway.

Everybody loves Conan.

>not recognizing nu male's sky

back to Yea Forums with you

casual sex

MiB (original)
MiB (international)

The answer is easy: Arrival

The Passion.

Attached: the-passion.gif (480x270, 3.73M)

deconstruction and absurdity is cheap and negatively destructive.

Attached: John Cleese.jpg (1280x1440, 501K)

Last Jedi is flatline.

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