Did Yea Forums like The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns? I heard they were good movies

Did Yea Forums like The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns? I heard they were good movies.

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I legit laughed when the guy died from cancer at the end

Imagine if some stranger had just messily eaten from the bowl of Cheerios. He slobbered all in it, milk spilled back out of his mouth into the bowl, some of the Cheerios have been chewed on a bit. Well, what if 48 men had eaten out of that bowl of Cheerios. Would John Greene still eat those Cheerios?

Well, probably, but I wouldnt

I definitely would not.

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>food analogy

>held to a different standard
By whom? Women are free to hold men to whatever standard they choose. No one is forcing women to sleep with men who manwhore around. Women are welcome to prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos. They don't, but that's not my fault.

I like my coffee black

holy shit the past doesn't matter

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Based Christian man

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>Incel fanfiction
kill yourself


well not like cheerios is special or something

>try a new cereal
>your body's sphincters all loosen

Unironically this
There is no standard. It's all relative.
John Greene is a retard.

why is it always about food comparisons with americans?
Cleveland Show said it best though
>why is it so important for Roberta to be a virgin daddy?
>if I told you you could have a fresh soda pop, or have one that had seven penises in it, which would you prefer?

>grr men get to have ONE double standard against women that's not fair women should have ALL the double standards
Go enjoy all your available used goods you fucking cuck, quit bitching that other men have higher standards than you. You're not better than anybody for liking sloppy seconds.

as opposed to illegitimately laughing?
what the fuck are you even trying to say? learn what words mean, think before you post

Post more john green memes

>You're not better than anybody for liking sloppy seconds.
good luck convincing them of that
people are so goddamn certain that their own personal sense of "social justice" is the correct one, and that everyone else is a bigot for disagreeing

humanity is sick and dying and people embrace it with open arms, expecting a fuzzy feeling inside just because they weren't 'pessimistic'

All women are mentally ill whores. The sooner you come to terms with this the easier your life will become.

Not him but he meant that he honestly did laugh, that the laughing story is true, literal and legitimate and not hyperbole

It is interesting though, i wouldn't date a woman that have slept with "to many" other guys, there are a lot of things women could have done in their past that make me think less of them.
I suppose it might have something to do with loyalty, but desu i don't know, it is just a feeling one have.

What a legend :^)

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The Fault in our Stars was tolerable.

The other one with the caveman eyebrows was awful

Food is a relatable concept that transcends cultural boundaries

>i like the taste of dick cereal
Wow so cultured and transcended

Someone post the image of I also enjoy my cereal with 40 dicks in it.

so is your mom

yeah some fuckstick in ghana is totally nodding when it comes to sugary breakfast cereal brands and how many there are
and furthermore liken them to a woman taking miles of dick

somebody post the girl going in for disease testing and when she's asked about her number of partners she gets upset and says the doctor is slut shaming her when he finds out the amount

Hey guys, anybody want a bowl of cheerios? I was just going to make myself a bowl and thought I'd make some for anybody else that's interested.

By the way, 20 guys stuck their dicks into the cheerios box and ejaculated inside it.

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I didn't say that. I just don't understand why so many people hate on food analogies so much. Its like its the new reddit circlejerk or something.
Just replace cereal with a banana or something.

>38 brands of banana

of course. just like they have in guam

In fact, women hold men to the opposite standard. Many will find it strange if a potential partner is a Virgin.

my friends with benefits is a massive slag. I'll bang her but nothing more because of it

In some states you can get jailed for saying something like that

realtalk you probably are a weirdo if you're an adult male virgin

t. adult male virgin weirdo

No argument here.

They hate on food analogies because they are most easiest type of analogies to make, therefore most people who use them to prove their point are pseuds (see OP's picture for a prime example)

>marry the fresh soda pop
>it turns out she tastes bad
yeah nah, I'm not cucking myself like that. but you're also a cuck for getting married to a non-virgin, so just don't get married.

>Many will find it strange if a potential partner is a Virgin
That's true for both sexes.

i hate food analogies because they never effectively carry over. having multiple sex partners can be considered slutty and disgusting whereas eating different cereals cannot. it's a useless comparison

Only incels are gonna rage at a pic like this

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Int no one here is talking about marriage you imbecile.
the mere fact of making out with a non birgin woman makes you a cuck

Marriage is one of the final three goals of life for all good Catholics.

imagine that same stranger stuck his cock in your bowl of cheerios and shot a fat wad

this image always weirds me out because it looks like he's a new and incompetent english teacher with a heart of gold but no spine of a difficult group who got locked out of his classroom but doesn't want to go to principal scared he's going to look incompetent so he's sitting on a schoo'ls corridor floor and he just has this insaly elaborate anserws ready as if he was constantly thinking about it before being asked the question.

gf i dont give a fuck about previous partner
wouldn't marry a women who had lots of them, cuz whores stay whores

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> gfs brothers are 20, 24, 26
>all blonde hair blue eyes and 6' 4", beefy as fuck from farm work
>all goodboy christian virgins who can't talk to women
>tfw good morals and all that farmwork kept gf a virgin and gave her massive muscular ass but made her brothers weirdos

I will start taking advice from Catholics as soon as Pope gets married

It's an intentionally useless metaphor, he's drawing an impossible comparison to demean the argument.

meanwhile most women every year are murdered by their boyfriends

god i wish most women got murdered every year

That'd be great and keep women in their place, so it must not be true.

Sorry I phrased that wrong, I mean that if a woman is murdered, it's more likely she was murdered by her boyfriend than by any other person.

making men moral is a death sentence lmao

Good, fucking hos probably deserved it.

Is that his actual hair cut or is it shopped

ITT: Incel seething

is this the uncanny valley

Unironically based and redpilled

if you're a cuck whatever but do you have to brag about being a cuck?

I like that scene where they make out in the Anne Frank attic

Funny thing about both cereal bowls and people is that they can be washed and cleaned

Legit is short for legitimate, I know you dropped out of first grade but try not to be so dumb

>clean pusy

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I doubt anyone this thread has ever washed or cleaned anything, especially themselves.

legit is nigger for legitimate

In fact, people shed their skin and grow new skin to replace it, something cereal bowls cannot do

if the dude is a fuckboy, sure
most guys either dont care or see it as a bonus if the girl is a virgin, literally no one cares if she's not experienced, thats just a meme slags came up with to cope

>entirely new pusy every few years
user please, my penis can only get so hard.

humans can't shed their brains which have had their ability to form lasting emotional bonds destroyed by having random sexual encounters

yeah, but that's body. human nature does not change, shit thats in your brain stays

They also shed virus particles into your penis

>most guys either dont care or see it as a bonus if the girl is a virgin, literally no one cares if she's not experienced
Yeah, what most guys look for is the shitiest sex of their lives.

girls learn user, and if you're not a bitch you'll be doing most of the work anyway

A virgin can get better at sex. A whore will just always be a whore, it is irreversible and can't be changed.

If you just want a one night stand or random sling? Sure, guys will prefer a girl with some experience. But for wives or long term girlfriends, a virgin is superior because she will mentally think of you as the only source of sex.

A chick always remembers her first, even if it was with a drunk uncle when she was 8. How you going to compete with that?

Not defending the roasties but I will also remember my first time with the class slampiggy and her ass smelled like sweat and poop. The memory will be forever ingrained in my head but that doesn't mean its a pleasant one that I want to relive.

I unironically hate this shit too

>a virgin is superior because she will mentally think of you as the only source of sex
Women talk, retard. Once she finds out that her best friend's husband is doing something you don't, she's going to cheat on you. And let's not ignore the amount of men bad at sex. And let's not forget the fact that what turns on one woman will not have the same effect on the other.
>A chick always remembers her first,
Yeah, and I remember first time I got fired and first time I saw a dead body. That doesn't mean shit, I remember the girl I lost my virginity to and she's nothing more to me than 'huh, that happened' thought.
>How you going to compete with that?
By not having shitty sex with her

Regardless, no woman would ever say 80. That's not how they talk. Even if it was 80 she'd say 3, or "i've only been with boyfriends".

>I remember the girl I lost my virginity to and she's nothing more to me than 'huh, that happened' thought.
you're not a girl, girls think differently. if you were such an expert you'd know that

>Women have 12 partners a year from 14 on
>Every minute that passes the woman you'll eventually meet gets a higher and higher body count while you stay at zero

If they choose to date murderers, that's on them.

Not from stds and mental changes from being a degenerate.
A whore will be forever damage goods.
Most normal men wouldnt eat cheerios out of a bowl full of piss and semen from 30 men, even if you clean it all day.

I don't think you'd want a bowl of cheerios that had someones dick in it

The "virgins are bad at sex" meme is perpetuated by bitter roasties who are trying to spin their whorish tendencies as a positive, everything can be practiced and improved upon with time

Most of them starfish anyways

He said, without an ounce of self awareness.