What are some white actors with this body type?
What are some white actors with this body type?
>miniscule penis
all of them
Michael Cera
In his playThe Clouds(c. 419–423 BC),ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes summed up the ideal traits of his male peers as “a gleaming chest, bright skin, broad shoulders, tiny tongue, strong buttocks, and a little prick.”
Henry Cavill.
Are most dicks really tiny?
why did u scribble the dick out are u afraid of dicks u faggot
Idris Elba
Yes but the greeks unironically loved tiny peckers with big foreskins
when they're not erect, yes, femcel
Sculptures like this are Chad disinformation propaganda created by incels to trick women into thinking Chads have tiny dicks
>Yes but the greeks unironically loved tiny peckers with big foreskins
But that's Hercules, he's Roman. Heracles was Greek. Go get educated.
>exaggerated godly physíc
>shoulders probly 2x bigger than irl
>penis smaller than one of his fingers
so how small was hercles penis really?
>Are most dicks really tiny?
The greeks put small dicks to de-emphasize the viewer's attention to it and so they appreciate the rest of the statue. They also believed it meant a man was smarter.
fuck off retard
Even if that one in particular is exaggerated, those types of bodies were probably common back then. People were always outside and active all day
You don't naturally develop a body like that just by going outside and being active.
Like many otherAncient Roman sculpturesit is a copy or version of a much older Greek original that was well known, in this case a bronze byLysippos(or one of his circle) that would have been made in the fourth century BC
Doesn't the sculpture depict a flaccid penis? Hercules could be a grower.
Based retard
Yes you do you out of shape coping faggot. Same reason why people that grow up working on farms develop perfect bodies for wrestling
yes but it was also sculpted small on purpose as the focus isn't and shouldn't be the weenie but the well-built body
Aristophanes' Clouds:
This is the right way for you, my lad, and if you do what I say you'll be eternally blessed with a strapping body, a gleaming complexion, huge shoulders, a tiny little tongue, big buttocks, and a small cock. Should you choose to follow the fashion currently in vogue amongst the young men of this city, then it'll be pasty skin, round shoulders, concave chest, an enormous tongue, no arse, a great hunk of meat, and a very long . . . turn of phrase!
Absolutely no one looked like that back in the day
>calls me a faggot
>knows about ripped cowboy wrestling
outside and active all day, eh?
that looks nothing like the statue
that guy is skinny as fuck, he just has a low body fat so the muscles are visible
he has no strength
and the average height in india is 5'3 so he's probably tiny
Not only are you stupid, you're fucking blind if you think that manlet looks anything remotely like the Hercules statue aside from visible muscles.
Why do you think that? Honestly, maybe his abs are a little too defined but that body isn't some insane roided out physique.
That pic is just an example, not comparing him to the sculpture. I'm saying even pajeet can get shredded from extremely active outdoor lifestyles, could be genetic but who knows
Mogged by a statue
I'll add that people back then were short, like 5'6 average height (we shrunk down from 6'0 average before we discovered agriculture) and everyone knows it's fucking easy to get beefy when you're a manlet
Good thing greeks made bronze muscle cuirasses to show us they knew what abs looked like.
>tfw a child is bigger than your penis
this, you wouldn't censor the mona lisa would you OP?
>big buttocks
The greeks worshiped male beauty. Their big sport was pankration - super physical wrestling. They were warriors as well as citizens, the political leaders would frequently take military leadership during crisis. Pic related is a 3 time panhellenic games champion. Pankration requires a shit load of strength but they don't need the endurance to run for 4 hours. A notable winner of the olympics died from a chokehold, but broke his opponents toe or ankle who gave up from the pain, and it wasn't discovered he was dead until his hand was raised in triumph by the ref.
Physique was a huge part of ancient greek culture. Yes, that statue may be slightly exaggerated due to it being one of the most well known of their era, but it wasn't that absurd.
Mines pathetic when not in use. When it gets going it's nice. I hope I'm never pantsed
There's no such thing
I always figured Greeks sculpted dicks as small as possible so it wouldn't make them feel insecure
They thought big dicks were for barbarians.
"The ideal Greek man was rational, intellectual and authoritative," explainsOredsson. "He may still have had a lot of sex, but this was unrelated to his penis size, and his small penis allowed him to remain coolly logical."
Why would having small dick have anything to do with being smarter? If anything it would make you look like an inferior male
Dubs and I get a hot girlfriend next month.
Greeks were naked a lot. I imagine they looked down on dudes getting erections at the gymnasium or market. They saw you as uncivilized. Romans and egyptians were the same.
hey, fellow “grower” coper
i have the same fears when needing to piss in public urinals
I just instinctively respect a man with a large penis more than a man with a tiny penis
If it gets hard then that's weird but still, a big penis means they're a leader
A larger penis means they're a more powerful person
Not what your mama said. I clapped those jiggaboo cheeks.
This is not actually correct
When the Greeks switched from static symmetrical statues a la Egyptian style to artistic renderings of athletes and warriors performing or fighting, they were obviously well aware of the effects of physically straining yourself. During athletic feats, blood is pumped into the large muscles groups and away from unecessary extremities like the penis.
Greeks were literally just depicting fucking exertion-induced shrinkage man.
You're literally an animal
>Not HercUles
>Not HerAcles
>Simply Hercles
B-B-B-B-BASED retard!
Dude wtf? You sure your not just a gay boy?
oh look someone who actually knows about Greek adoption of contrapposto
this, it's gods way of showing us who should be having fun. Just sit back and two-finger tug to images of Chad railing that nice girl from the campus library who loves anime
It's the way it should be
>censoring benis
literally why
Blue board, gay jannies etc
>being so afraid of big penis
tiny dicks always out themselves
Fuck off
how the fuck would you know you lapring faggot
That was just a cold day and it's a funny angle. Everyone knows Arnold has a horse cock.
Literally me, too bad nowadays girls only want big black mutilated cocks.
at least the ass is phat
I remember reading this exact post.
Lurk tiny dick threads often?
When and where? First time I've posted here really, but Ive mentioned the same thing on /pol/ before.
Yea Forums has been going through a naked male sculptures phase lately
Kinda weird desu but OK
You are genetically gifted if:
You have a smaller penis that will fit all holes.
You come quickly.
Big dicks are overrated.
so you're saying if another man's dick is .25mm longer you'll do whatever he says?
Grower not a shower shut up
Came here to post this. It's the closes in terms of overall proportions.
Tom Hardy
Tiny penis is weak and scared and dicklets always cope by saying it makes them smarter and better lovers but these are just tiny dick lies
Large penis is proud and confident and tells everyone it is powerful without saying a word
It doesn't need to tell you why it is alpha because everyone instinctively knows
Any kinos about sculpting?
Less blood pumping to your Johnson