Do you fear death, Yea Forums ?

Do you fear death, Yea Forums ?

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yes. theres plenty of ongoing mangas i want to read

I fucking look forward to it. Kill me dead Squid Boi

I do if you're the one delivering it Octoman! Cheese and crackers.

Yes. I have to play Bannerlord.

Kinda, yeah. Less so death, more the "what's after death" bit.

I welcome it desu

my life is shit

If I get dubs, does that mean I get to join the crew?

Part of the ship, part of the crew

Those with dubs become part of the crew

maybe our grandchildren will be able to

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I wouldnt know until being in a situation where death becomes a real possibility

>no dubs
to the depths

Is this peak cgi? What went wrong?

It's coming march 2020.

We're going home.

Yes, but not as much as I fear life.

go outside and socialize,user-kun. Single women in their 30s are baby-crazed

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What do you think it's like to die? I'm a religious man, and I prefer to think there's life after this, but what if isn't? Your conscious just vanishes forever? It's just so weird to think about it.

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I'll take my chances sir

It doesn't matter. When you die, it's as if you never existed at all. All the happiness, sadness, hope, all of that blows away like sand in a desert, eventually to be forgotten by everyone and everything.

too much ass

just like the billions of years that passed instantly before you were born.