What is this expression meant to convey?

What is this expression meant to convey?

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going in dry

jezebel spirit

intends to destroy white men for daring to allow her to destroy them

its a reference to black narcissus

Lol at this bitch thinking anyone wants to cumb in her

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extreme lust for patriarch cock

The resemblance is uncanny.

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dios mio...

>I could have had a career as a paralegal and now I'm a fucking MOM

everytime she sucks a (((producer))) to get a part playing feminist.

I cant watch anything with this scientranny in it.

it is kind of ironic that she's a scientologist while playing the main character in the handmaids tale

She has such a strong, masculine Nordic face. Great choice for the role. Must be of swedish heritage.

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Feminists masturbating to oppression porn.

>"I'm gonna getcha patriarchy."
libs suffering in da Trump era but they will have their vengeance



Bravo Kubrick!

>Every time Poochie's not on screen, everyone should be saying, "Where's Poochie?"

Corporate product cheaply references a work of art! So deep!

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i just started watching mad men. holy fuck the years were not kind to peggy. she is BUSTED

She's a Scientologist in real life. A real cultist playing a fake cultist in a fake cultist show.

She is a gremlin without makeup holy shit. I usually trash women for wearing makeup but I guess you can really put lipstick on a pig.

the wymen are going to rise up against drumpfs america