What is this expression meant to convey?
What is this expression meant to convey?
going in dry
jezebel spirit
intends to destroy white men for daring to allow her to destroy them
its a reference to black narcissus
Lol at this bitch thinking anyone wants to cumb in her
extreme lust for patriarch cock
The resemblance is uncanny.
dios mio...
>I could have had a career as a paralegal and now I'm a fucking MOM
everytime she sucks a (((producer))) to get a part playing feminist.
I cant watch anything with this scientranny in it.
it is kind of ironic that she's a scientologist while playing the main character in the handmaids tale
She has such a strong, masculine Nordic face. Great choice for the role. Must be of swedish heritage.
Feminists masturbating to oppression porn.
>"I'm gonna getcha patriarchy."
libs suffering in da Trump era but they will have their vengeance
Bravo Kubrick!
>Every time Poochie's not on screen, everyone should be saying, "Where's Poochie?"
Corporate product cheaply references a work of art! So deep!
i just started watching mad men. holy fuck the years were not kind to peggy. she is BUSTED
She's a Scientologist in real life. A real cultist playing a fake cultist in a fake cultist show.
She is a gremlin without makeup holy shit. I usually trash women for wearing makeup but I guess you can really put lipstick on a pig.
the wymen are going to rise up against drumpfs america