I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture...

>I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'

Was it kino?

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>i am become retard, destroyer of proper grammar

Nuclear weapons aren't real.

Kinost of Kinography.

I've always preferred Kenneth Bainbridge's quote right after the first nuclear test.
>Now we are all sons of bitches.

Cringe kino.

Off-topic. Reported.

The most kino interview ever

Oppenheimer was based as fuck, it's a shame that he was ostracized afterwards.

you just outed yourself as a brainlet son

Shit this guys a pretentious knob.
More like CRINGE kino


funny to think how deep and intelligent and educated people used to be compared to today

How is it off-topic Janny bootlicker?

That's a cool quote. If I created the nuke my quote about it would be something retarded like "People died. Sorry 'bout that."

>show regret for building the world's deadliest weapon
>immediately blackballed into obscurity

>Hindu scripture

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Was it just Oppenheimer that was discredited and ostracized? Because as I recall, several, if not all o the scientists who developed the bomb went on to become anti-nuclear activists.

It's pretty spooky

>the jews in charge of the project just had to bomb the most two most christian cities in nipland
It was just jews killing nice nip christians.

>Oppenheimer opposed building further nuclear weapons and, at a meeting, told Truman "I have blood on my hands". This led Truman to characterize Truman as a "crybaby scientist" and to say, "don't ever bring that damn fool in here again. He didn't set the bomb off - I did. That kind of snivelling makes me sick".
Was it kino ?

Most of it is aryan mythology retard.

Based Truman.


This guy. I like this cut of his jib.

He didn't feel bad at all until his New York friends shamed him for ending the war too soon. He advised the Anola Gay crew on how to drop it to maximize destruction.

Epic Hindu poems can be quite based despite how over the top they are

Also did this jew ever find out the USA also was employing former SS and Gestapo guys at the same time he was on the payroll?

fucking based and Trupilled

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wtf I like to see jews killing nips christians now

Sakharov was like that for the USSR
And don't forget Nobel
What is with developing the biggest bomb of your era and converting to pacifism?

the jew fears the samurai

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Poo in loo, street shitter

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When you hit the level cap in one skill set, you might as well start putting your remaining points in a different one for lolz

Aryans were dirty steppe niggers

The magnitude and potential of your invention weighs on your conscience. You dedicated your life to scientific progress and ended up making a death machine.
Not all of them become active though, Sarah Winchester just went crazy and thought she was being tormented by ghosts.

let me guess, 56% with much spic? chink?

Is Yea Forums seriously this ignorant?
You study this one at school.

Hinduism is pretty based, it's a shame that Indians have basically made it into a tourist trap or a means of oppression recently.

Holy mother of BASED

>whoops I feel real bad about building that nuclear bomb guys
>even though I happily dedicate years on it teehee
>and all the science was out on how it could fuck up areas worse than a normal bomb
>and the entire time we were concerned about it stripping the atmosphere but did it anyway
>I fweel weely bawd

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But Sarah didn't invent the weapons, her father-in-law was the founder of the company. Though the legends say that ghosts of men killed by Winchester guns haunted her and made her feel extreme guilt.

Hindus are violent even to tourists

grandstanding bleeding heart. boo hoo, look at me, i'm so remorseful, let me demonstrate how remorseful I am by giving this self-important quote from an obscure book! there, now please think I'm smart and profound!

he translated it himself retard brainlet

He was afraid of the Nazis getting the bomb first because the military exaggerated their progress

>an obscure book
It's the holy scripture of the oldest still practiced religion you actual fucking retard

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And now you know why this board is SW and Capeshit.

>oldest still practiced religion
Kek, imagine being this retard

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Adam was a muslim

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His eyes are what get me.

He absolutely knew what he was doing at the time, and he knew it had to be done, or otherwise even worse people would do it first.

Imagine carrying around that weight.

that'd be voodoo actually dumbass.

I meant specifically for the Manhattan Project scientists. Bainbridge and Fermi both went on to oppose nuclear weaponry, but I think only Oppenheimer lost all of his status.

Based retard

voodoo is just an evolution of traditional animist beliefs

You're all gonna burn

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>The religion of Hinduism originated in Northern India, near the river Indus, about 4000 years ago and is the world's oldest existing religion.
t. Wikipedia

Inb4: Wikipedia isn’t as good a sauce as random user incel. You got shown up and you know it, stupid cunt.

Zoroastrianism came before you fucking nigger


still seething

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that's not up to you

>The genetic basis of a number of physical features of the Yamnaya people were ascertained by the ancient DNA studies conducted by Haak et al. (2015), Wilde et al. (2014) and Mathieson et al. (2015): they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European.[26][5]


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Knowing something does not mean worshipping it, imbecile.
It just means being aware of the world and its history. Indo-european history in this case.
I recommend Dumezil and his Mitra-Varuna: An Essay on Two Indo-European Representations of Sovereignty.
It's stuff so rooted in most cultures that you can find them in Lotr and even fucking Cowboy Bebop.

>the farmer does not understands the importance of private property rights
>the pillaging riders do
Who made this trash?

>he doesn't know that God lurks on Yea Forums

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>hurr nazis were insecure trannies
>not knowing it was inherently ridiculous and comedic for a man to be wearing a woman's clothes

Not really strange
I just watched the good guys do this in Bridge on the River Kwai. A movie from the 50s.

i mean it depends on when you say "hinduism" really started, but zoroastrianism is not 4000 years old.

Hi God
When next patch? Info?

>hindu scripture

Sorry but Adam has you beat with Christianity by 2000 years

Yes it fucking is you stupid braindead niggermonkey

I don't get it

I saw a documentary about him, and they mentioned when he lived in the West as a young man, he was bullied in school and didn't have any friends.
It is very rare that people are just randomly bullied, there has to be something there to pick on..
I suspect that he wasn't "cool" at all, most likely he is the kind of guy that always throw random quotes from the Bhagavad Gita, and then act like everyone is stupid for not celebrating his brilliant reference to the Bhagavad Gita and how the reference relate to the watercooler.

Can someone please make a meme that is titled “The virgin Chad vs. the Chad virgin” and have it be about staying pure before marriage and bottoming out at age 40?

>prevedic religion can be dated to 4000BC
>even earlier mesolithic remnants can be dated to 30,000BC
Stay mad

We've ceased development

do it yourself fag

okay prove it zoroaster

Almost like he was a fucking nuclear physicist or something!

Protip: Laymen have always been retards.

Unironically based

I am a virgin meme maker

You do it, because you love me