Let's discuss the shortcuts Voyager took on its way home. Which were your favorite? Which were stupid? Which bent or broke Starfleet regulation and/or the Prime Directive?
>Kes sends Voyager out of Borg space (The Gift)
>Slipstream modifications from Arturis (which burn out after 300 light-years) (Hope and Fear)
>Vortex gets them through the void (Night)
>Quantum Slipstream Drive (Timeless)
>Vaadwaur Subspace Corridors (Dragon's Teeth)
>Q shaves a few years off their trip (Q2)
>Borg Transwarp Hub/Borg Sphere (Endgame)
/trek/ - VOY edition
Other urls found in this thread:
is poop recycled into chocolate sundaes?
Voyager was my first teck but it objectively sucks
>It took Janeway and Co. 7 seasons to do what Picard could do in a two-parter episode
more like let's discuss shortcuts Voyager didn't take because Janeway is retarded
>muh Ferengi opressing random people
100% of the blame goes to the writers. I liked all the actors.
I there any angle the Voyager ship doesn't look disgusting?
just wanted a trek discussion of any kind bros. didnt see anyone throwing up a thread, and tired of recycled garbage, so...
Everything that happened in the Equinox two-parter should've been spread across the entire seven seasons.
I like the cast and the character dynamics, but it always feels like there's something missing.
>tfw I knew the episode from the thumbnail before I even clicked it
I've watched too much voyager
Ah, a fellow man of culture.
It would have been kino.
Janeway is underrated, I'd definitely have fucked her if we were lost in deep spade together.
are you saying it should've been a season long atmospheric slow burn?
[/spoiler]year of hell could've lasted more than two episodes as well
Eye of the Needle was one of my first faps.
I'm more making the point that Voyager had it too easy for the most part. Year of hell and Equinox are just ideas for how it could've played out differently on a larger scale and been much more interesting.
>Voyager had it too easy for the most part
TNG didn't? Every confrontation they walked into they had a tactical advantage. They also had backup not too far away. This is kind of a suspense killer.
TNG Enterprise wasn't cast to the other end of the galaxy and didn't have to traverse the length of it through uncharted space with severely limited resources.
I imagine myself on Romulus, leading my Red Squad. Our mission is to genocide and rape romulans and to stop romulan dogs from advancing. We mow down romulan dogs but they keep coming. I shoot romulan dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my bat'leth, and begin slaughtering romulans, since romulans are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. Romulans were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see captain kirk smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in federation space, my homeland. My STARFLEET brothers Jean Luc Picard and Johnathon Archer gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
I read someone's opinion a time ago that stated that the voyager actors almost always did a better job playing characters other than the normal voyager crew. They used episodes like Workforce or the episode where Chakotay is brainwashed into being a soldier as some of the examples.
If they have magic spore drive infinite universe mycelium why don't they just strap that engine to a bunch of fucking nukes and shove it up the ass of every klingon out there? it would be utterly unstoppable
std is so fucking dumb jesus christ tilly is a slampig
I imagine Beltran was just glad to play anything other than Akoocheemoya on this series we are far from an actual Native American advisor Akoocheemoya
There are people in /trek/ who get unreasonably upset at the suggestion that Yeah of Hell should have lasted a year. I've seen it happen. Anytime someone suggests that Voyager should have been a little grittier, they break out the
I've just started rewatching Voyager, having not seen it since it aired. I know there's some awful episodes ahead but its pretty comfy so far. Maybe nu-Trek has reset the bar for whats considered fine.
Voyager was never that bad, it just wasn't as good as TNG and DS9. People were more disappointed about what it wasn't than what it was.
picard had a stacked deck. An android, Troi and Gainan, wonder boy, and probably the best engineer in star fleet. What a pussy.
then again, I guess Tom Paris was as good as all those combined
Tom Paris could've been if he wasn't too cool for school.
To be honest, I am just lonely.
The only thing that upsets me about Voyager is the absurdly tiny bussard collectors.
There's some legitimately good voyager episodes, maybe even a lot of them. But there's also a lot of pretty boring episodes that makes it feel like your brains are leaking out your ear, because they're so mired in lazy, cheap formulaic writing with unmemorable guest characters, weak morality plays, bad action and bad acting.
I'm kinda new but how so I like make friends here?
Fuck off, the last thing we need is tripfags and discordfags shitting this place up again.
I don't know what any of those are.
Yeah but I can see how the writers A. wanted a different tone from DS9 and B. tried to be more inline with the fun atmosphere of TOS.
I mean, basically voyager is tos season 3 fused with tng season 7 and mixed together with ds9 season 7.
Was Picardo the only person in the main cast (of VOY ofc) actually having fun with the role?
Then they probably should have picked a different premise.
A white male posted this.
Looks like it to me. Paris too in the early series but he becomes a whiny faggot over time.
Exactly the reply I was going to make. Voyager is a fine premise executed poorly, they could've done another thing though.
If you're not a white male honestly why the fuck are you even in this thread?
Show started off as TNG clone. Which is weird because none of the TNG crew show ups apart from Barkley.
I was told that this was a friendly thread. Were I wrong?
sneed trek
They should have had DS9 and Voyager concluded together.
That would've had the potential to be great but I wouldn't have trusted the writers to not fuck it up. DS9 is my fave series too so I'm quite happy for it to be kept separate from Voyager.
Riker showed up in the first(?) Q episode
To me, /trek/ is a place to come together. Heck, we might disagree about many things but at the end of the day we can unite behind our common love of a timeless story of human companionship.
I don't know if it's really fair to say that voyager necessarily started as a TNG clone. From the concepts, it would have been a lot more serialized and survival focused.
Why did they even stop? Why not just go warp 9.3 and go through all their dilithum stores instead of wasting years negotiating with the locals?
Because they needed other supplies to keep their replicators functional.
I do so enjoy these threads as they disway me from my all-encompassing solitude.
just post your frogs and be done with it
wtf is /trek/ now?
>ITT the same exact guy regurgitates the same exact """opinions""" he has about what Voyager should have been about
voyager episode comprehension general
I often do fear that hatred should be the victor in this, yet I have hope in my heart for /trek/ to be a beacon of light...
VF, why do you always have to shitpost about Voyager? You honestly annoy me more than chartfag when you do this shit. We can't even post about Voyager because of you.
>someone mentions anything related to voyager
We get it. You don't like Voyager. Please do not participate in any discussion involving Voyager because, by your own admission, you don't care about Voyager. Please do not ruin it for those of us that do.
go reeee to mom
these are the only interesting things to talk about concerning VOY. Aside from posting Seven's ass or MUH TUVIX, no one cares to actually shill for the characters like people do for Dukat.
/trek/ is a place where those 27-45 can come together and just share their love of the franchise.
based VF living in your quarters rent free
>gossiping about the trips when THEY AREN'T HERE
it's part of the thread. just chill
>DUDE it's just one person saying this LMAO
Even people who worked on Voyager were pissed at Voyager for those reasons.
Deal with it.
Another thing you always say. Yes, I know it's you.
VF is obviously the anti-Voyager shitposter. Whenever anyone mentions Voyager VF always replies with a litany of vile, cruel remarks about the series even though he admits he's never seen it. We're having an interesting conversation for once and if VF has any respect for /trek/ he'll stop trying to derail the thread.
people are talking about these assholes
I'm going to be real nice for the rest of my life. Because I ton't wanna go where you are when I die.
I'll hear it now.
n e r d s
It is mostly friendly, but there are assholes, as well.
Have a Voyager webm, newfren.
I don't click links.
Clearly you've never met me before, because I also quote other writers like Bryan Fuller, as well as the actors who worked on Voyager and hated it.
staring the thread on one device, then bumping it on another?
I piss and shit on Voyager
many watchers like kira but she supports terrorists and lies to sisko but he never says she's wrong?
It's mostly friendly until tripfags and discordfags fuck it up for everyone else.
Trek fans have been chronicling the shortcomings of Voyager for over two decades now. Nobody wanted Voyager to be dark and depressing a la STD, but it would have been nice if all the explosions and gratuitous action scenes had some sort of stakes.
They could have kept the same optimistic, family-centered tone as TNG without pressing the reset button every week. Seasons 1 & 2 were probably the most successful in this regard with the Kazon/Seska arc, but by Season 3 it felt like TPTB had just given up.
You're not P&S. Don't larp as him.
Kira is the most irritating main cast in DS9.
>Ywn see a maquis takeover with Seska insisting on using interdimensional aliens as fuel
>entire season of Seska trying to fuck Chakotay while Janeway is in the brig
Jeri Taylor, Berman, and Braga suck.
No one can replace BF.
It just feels empty without her.
>Star Trek? I love TNG and DS9!
>top of her class
>Maybe nu-Trek has reset the bar for whats considered fine.
oh good, you accept mediocrity
*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* so it's this again?
Talk about something else then you gigantic faggot.
Er, some of the posts here have been less than lighthearted so maybe we need to keep in mind that /trek/ is a cozy, cuddly thread?
>I'm kinda new but how so I like make friends here?
fuck off, ensign newfag
sneed trek: fancy german ship
I miss her and hope she's doing okay
>having a nice thread
>VF turns it into a shitpost brawl again
remember the old days when Jimmy was our biggest problem
He's not generating content for the thread.
Jimmy was a huge head ache back then.
Any episodes about having friends?
Well it's a woman in charge so that checks out
>woman boss make me feel bad
>Why yes, I follow Bill Shatner on twitter. How could you tell?
I'm grossed out by this.
so voyager captaiin gay?
>Relax, man. It's just a television show. Hey, tell you what. I've got to meet my girl for lunch in about half an hour and she's bringing her friend along. You want to come? You'll really like her, I hear she's single.
As a TNG fan DS9 pisses me off for disregard to established canon
How about you post somewhat closer to a topical issue?
Any TNG episode featuring that little faggot Alexander.
Just call these threads a day. All that's left are the CWs.
If a webm post gets no (you)s, can it be assumed no one watched it?
heh one of the best episodes
I did but my (You)s are not offered lightly.
>ywn go for a dip with the boys
That would have been cool, but a big part of Voyager's appeal is the insular story structure. Same with TOS or TNG, you can watch a random epusode start to finish with minimal introduction and enjoy it. There's a reason that DS9 and ENT aren't being shown on tv while I'm watching the Thaw on BBC America as I type this.
You're transported into Voyager at a relatively calm interim period between episodes 2 & 3 in season 1. Before you transport, you manage to grab the nearest object to your right before disappearing. You know what you know now in the 21st century, whatever skills you may have, and knowledge of the show you're in.
>How do you interact with the crew?
>Do you act oblivious, or do you use your knowledge of the show to your advantage.
>How do you make yourself useful?
>Who will you try to befriend?
>Who will you try to fuck?
>wat do??
I'll probably become like a sage, and have "visions" before major plot events. Proving myself immediately by exposing Seska as cardassian. I'll therefore often be on the officer table and will interact with and befriend Janeway the most. I'll try my best to get her in bed as well, because I have a mummy fetish.
Voyager was great. It was always a highlight of my week.
>Look, don't worry. It'll be fun. We'll get some lunch, talk a little, you can get to know her and then I'll get B'Elanna to help me with something so that the two of you can be alone for a while. Okay? But you've got to lay off that shitposting stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with shitposting, but you know how girls are. You're going to scare her away before you even get a chance to make your move. Alright? Just be yourself.
Why, tho
I love talking about star trek but when these treads are not up I get lonely.
What if /trek/ moved in together? Like Yea Forums mansion, but /trek/. We could even invite the /tg/ guys.
I'd smash their overpriced toys faster than you could say Captain Kim
>inviting soulless ship autists
No thank you.
we could meet up at my place
This is a great image. I'm going to save this one, user.
Let's talk about ships for a moment.
>ships with "the"
The Enterprise
The Defiant
>ships without "the"
Any questions?
Name a more irritating recurring character.
Rekt and Trekt.
Are you even trying, user?
yes we get it, you wasted an hour of your life adding pips to the fetal alcohol syndrome child for god knows what possible reason, no one cares
u care enof o post
keep making good art fwend!
>no one cares lol
posts about it
Main cast for most of his time on TNG.
Some posters here pretend to be ironic when in actuality, they are truthful.
i know its hard to use your gourd when you have a double digit IQ, but if you think REAL long and hard about it, you'll find that theres actually a difference between caring about the existence of something and caring about it getting waved in your face every single day
Zoomers here don't understand the difference between recurring and starring roles.
Okay, let's do it.
>every single day
This is /trek/.
>doubling down on the bait
Yeah, that's a fair point. Maybe I just erased the fact that Wheaton was part of the main cast from my mind entirely.
I can't really think of any other even marginally annoying recurring characters. Seska, maybe? I don't know.
I'm a tad drunk but I read as good as I can. pls no advanced english :)
Having only seen a few random episodes of TNG growing up, wheres the best place for a complete rookie to get into Trek? Are these charts worth following or is it better to just watch every episode of each series?
Nazis? Im mein Star Trek? Es ist häufiger als Sie denken...
VF is ruining a sculpture thread by laughing at tiny dicks:
I want to fuck T’pol
germans dont talk like that
While VF is most certainly a complete shitheel and a moron, that thread looks like it was bait to begin with. You can't ruin an off-topic bait thread. They're just shit regardless.
no more vf gossip
>not wanting to fuck T’Pring
It's no surprised that he's obsessed with penises, he did have a dedicated discord channel to doxxing Bashirfaggot
The VOY novel Battle Lines fucks this up royally by referring to the ship as "The Voyager" the entire way through. It was really off-putting, and told me either the author or the editor probably didn't watch the show.
All of those charts are worth following as long as you watch every single episode.
The charts are useful for rewatchers, not first-timers.
Honestly, the actress is really hot, but the character doesn't get my dick going.
Yeah, let's not ruin the thread with tripfag obsession. It was going so well.
Please enlighten us.
Mods please ban /trek/ or /stg/ or whatever it's called.
I agree.
Here's how it works:
If a series is good, the title has three words.
>The Original Series
>The Next Generation
>Deep Space Nine
If a series is bad, the title has one word.
>doesn't like thread
>posts in it
/trek/ is home to a lot of posters who otherwise would have nowhere else to go. Have a heart.
>>The Original Series
Ban /trek/ but not /stg/. /stg/ is where the real discussion happens as opposed to this constant tripfag circlejerk.
I don't talk about VF or BF.
>implying that you actually just call it "Star Trek"
The Animated Series would like a word with you.
The simple rule is TOS, TNG, DS9 and I-VI are good, and everything else always has and always will suck, but because you love the good stuff you'll troll yourself by watching it all for the rest of your life.
ban trek
I rally have nowhere else to post my opinions.
I enjoyed The Animated Series though, so my rule holds true.
Dyson's Sphere, why not?
>Rick kept a large dish of Jelly beans on his desk. He wouldn't eat the licorice ones, disposing of them by flicking the offending beans at writers who suggested they do another "Wesley" episode. (Cinefantastique, Vol. 38, No. 4, February 2003.)
we know its you, b
There's more than that
too bad
this has gone on long enough
Holy SHIT bros she was so hot in this
Most pathetic character of all time?
She is a pleb who can't stand TOS/TAS, so you are incorrect.
>this has gone on long enough
generals are by definition organic
She's a 4 on a good day
She looks like she's about to take a giant dump on that guy's chair.
is she jew?
He's completely spineless.
Yes, in all her neanderthal glory.
all that lives must eventually die
>Denise Crosby had this to say about her last day on set on Star Trek The Next Generation: 'As soon as primary filming wrapped on Skin of Evil Rick Berman darted to me and hissed "You won't be needing that uniform anymore" He forced me to strip in front of the cast and crew. I was so humiliated. Brent, thank god, had the decency to avert his eyes but I could feel Jonathan Frakes eyes bear into me, hungrily undressing me as I endured the cruelty of a man who I thought of as a mentor.
>it’s a da Vinci episode
Berman was so based. Truly we did not deserve him lads.
FACT: All Bajorasluts CRAVE Cardassian seed.
I had better things in mind for these threads.
At least we're nearing the end of this.
fanbase vindicated
One of the best recurring characters.
because he's you.
Only kind of. He was me, not any more though.
>Oh, yes... They float, Harry... They float... and when you're down here with me... YOU FLOAT TOO!
wtf is this?
lol these threads are so funny!!! XDDD
Times when you wee just like St.Barclay?
I once invited a girl over to my apartment to play video games and when she put her hand on my knee I screamed like a girl.
Has /trek/ always been the same five guys?
>Do you just not love Halloween?
So then, the Andorian says "That's not my antenna."
>five guys
While you're there get me some fries, please.
It's the same old shit every fucking thread.
The first time I brought a girl to orgasm I was confused because I thought it was a myth
I hear after season 8 SG1 stops being good, is that true
229 pls go
two of those are me and my phone
So are we going to see the Delta Quadrant in the nuTruk continuity or is that going to be ignored alongside the Dominion and Gamma Quadrant?
The Dominion is not a quadrant. It is a race.
The Dominion is the Gamma Quadrant, it's literally their dominion.
Why does Piss&Shit's dog look so uncomfortable?
And the Delta Quadrant is the burg of the Borg.
Yeah but they practically own the entire Gamma Quadrant
Sorry for meta but this is supposed to be about star trek, no?
Post White Photography
Yes and no
The Borg does occupy a crapload of the Delta Quadrant, but it doesn't stop other advanced races like the Voth to not be bothered with assimilation.
sup pakledstani
Star Trek has never defined geographic borders too strongly IMO, are there any governments that are truly the size of a quadrant? I doubt the dominion is the entire size of the gamma quadrant. In fact the dominion wasn’t near the wormhole exit as it still took them a while to be introduced
Probably because he fucks them.
I wish we got more of the E.
First time posting.
Is this a normal day here?
>It's the same old shit every fucking thread.
How? I created this thread. The subject I brought up is orginal nigga. Quit being a contrarian misanthrope.
Also The Dominion is comprised of many races, including the Karemma and T-Rogorans
>see a girl on the street
>jump out of my car and follow her
>fap to her later
she's a hard 6, might be an 8 or so back in the day depending on context, but that 6 is sagging into a 5 these days.
He’s one of the people mad that all the trannyposting got called out, ignore him
kys dog fucker.
To calibrate to your scale, who's a 10?
this is such a white people picture
the seed is strong
Back in the day is when this aired bro she was 25
There are non-Dominion civilizations in the gamma quadrant.
This is me except TOS is my favourite.
TOS > DS9 > TNG and I haven’t even finished the other series, haven’t even started Discovery. Discovery looks like garbage.
You frog at me and I'll just get nerdier and nerdier
Personally, I'm a hard 7"
this thread is like a convo with me and like one other guy lol
He complains about the quality of threads while providing nothing of value.
for me, it is ensign Allenby
>saves screens
furrowed brow no
he masks just enough to still start a dream career
the virtues of Starfleet and the Federation turn him into a satisfied normie instead of a mass murderer
>just wanted a trek discussion of any kind bros
This is what you're sparring with.
IF I’m honest I’m VOY > ENT > DS9 > TOS > TNG
just be yourself bro
Step aside pleb fucking shits
God I wish this was a cleverer forum
That isn't how math works.
then leave
fanbase insert
Pedantic asshole
Eat shit, dude.
put a new on on the boiler
>Come on!
Looks like we're gonna be a while. Might as well stick on a new thread.
you're mocking me for starting the thread and just wanting a fun trek convo
*epic slow claps your post*
I remember the first time I bust my nut in a pussy. I just lay there in silence and shock for a few mins.
Holy contrarian Batman
Let's play a game.
Tell me your favorite Trek character.
Then tell me your favorite Trek series.
And finally, tell me your darkest kink.
Maybe he just wants attention?
>getting this butthurt
cry more lol
ikr? lol
JJ Trek is underrated desu. I would’ve really like a series based on that cast but with more of a tradition ST tone to coincide with the JJ action movies.
I would slaughter a thousand men and swim through a sea full of their dismembered remains just for one faint shot at Troi in this scene. God fucking damn.
new thread
My favorite Trek character did nothing wrong, absolutely nothing.
nah you just need an alien to dump superintelligence in your brain with spacemagic wifi.
>Let's play a game.
>Tell me your favorite Trek character.
>Then tell me your favorite Trek series.
>And finally, tell me your darkest kink.
It's either feet or really old women, I dunno, you decide.
Next Generation, Tasha Yar, forced discipline/bondage/spanking.
a Pakled
The Contact with these guys alone should have brought the Federation at least 100 years ahead of everyone else.
because it's /trek/, not /voy/
Speaking of such things, I've still never seen it sufficiently explained how Vulcans were spacefareing for centuries before humans, but then they are little more than humanity's bitch in the Federation in the 24th century.