#2 Boston Celtics vs #3 Milwaukee Bucks East Semis Game 4 Gamethread

Bucks up 2-1

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RAD wins let’s go

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tatum's legacy is on the line tonight

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Fuck I can’t even watch this game cause I’m wage slaving. Hopefully they send me to the back and I can just watch on my phone in the back room that no one besides me goes into

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wagie wagie

we gonna get another world class shimmy runanddunk bros?

Don’t remind me…

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I just seen some stranger things Doritos at the store

SOVL I used to do this in high school but with the new dragon ball super episode

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Stephanie Ready can get this 5 incher

Stephanie’s awful haircut does things to me bros


why does ireland's presence make everyone seethe like bitches? you're all like his own little puppets


Turkish frik

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Celtics by a billion

may the lord have mercy on the celtics for the level of running and dunking they're about to experience tonight

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Don't expect Tatum to play that bad two games in a row


its over

series is over if Bucks get this one. no chance they win 3 in a row against Giannis, don’t care where it is.

stream me

yeah celtics are ded, robert williams is a pussy

scor dot nbabite dot com

This boston team is full of crying bitches.

Holy fuck any time someone is touched in the face they hit the floor writhing in pain as if they were shot.

Jaylen Bust is a bitch

>Bucks foul you
>Get rewarded by the league
>Every time

thks bb

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Tremendously soft elbow Jaylen decided to flop tonight

today is the day that boston dies

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what is the kino.tube ad? just streaming random kino movies?

>refball already
Just stop this. Silver wants Bucks to win again

celtics have made more mistakes than the refs so far

why does tatum refuse to drive?

how many fat irish wives are taking a beating tonight?

When can Middleton come back?

great recovery from greek freak

when is the last time marcus smart has contributed something of value outside of defense?

hilarious how quickly Boston went from thinking they were playing bully ball because of the Brooklyn series to screaming HELP at the refs every single fucking possession. fuck Boston.

>boston memechucking
its over

tatum just whitesploded


oh hello tatum, thank you for showing up

here comes crazy eyes

They were playing tough defense and not giving up ground
They weren't running people over and elbowing people

hope bobby rapes ur mum

>hold your face dramatically
>will force refs to review for a flagrant automatically
>in the process of the review, refs see the incorrect call was made, but they can't change it because reasons, they can only review the flop because acting

NBA is the biggest joke league to ever exist at this very moment unironically

>retard shoots a 3
>gets bailed out by his own rebound

Janice is a turnover machine lol


is everybody watching it on stream? cheap fucks

Taytums legacy will be getting bailed out by Smart and Brown whilst getting clamped by the Bucks.

i have cable, i promise it's not my parent's cable

Giannis please stop larping as Dirk just start running and dunking PLEASE

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give me a break. if they want a charge they need to plant their feet or get out of the way if they don’t want to get trucked. sorry he’s as dominant as mid-90s Shaq

God I miss T-Mac.

he never goes ultra agressive pre-3rd quarter
>t. nets fan

I don't think anybody will remember this series user

this, plant your feet else you just getting bodied

Go Bucks

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His worst performances' post season wise have been against the Bucks, FYI.

status on the game?

He shoots 3s so the defenders don't completely sag off him when he's on the perimeter
It's good in theory but maybe he overdoes it

c’s too small

Shaq didn't even play to foul others. They were under the basket.
Giannis, runs as hard as he can right at a guy, aims for them, runs them over while they are trying not to foul and he gets rewarded.
It's not even close to what Shaq did.

>oo my knee is a little sore today i don't think i should play and put my team in a bad situation possibly

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bucks are such frauds

You actually have to hit them for it to be good theory

ur mum was a fraud whore, she gave it all out for free

it's a game.

ive read through each leaf and teeth post and they are all idiotic faggots


holy shit mathews has cat like reflexes