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Based. He probably knew exactly how much he needed before california taxes for an annuity paying 3.5k a month.
Aww, does baby miss his 15 minutes?
do you think they paid him off or made him check his privilege and guilted him off
he looks like a soft touch
I stopped watching about 6 episodes into his streak, faggot's probably tanking their ratings.
He's doing damage control because a dimwitted lesbian beat him. Nice try, Holzy but you lost because you missed Daily Doubles
I mean, he intentionally bet like a couple thousand on the final jeopardy when if he wold've bet it all he might've won
Wow you clearly have no fucking clue how Jeopardy betting strategy works
EXPLAIN then faggot bitch. oh, he must have know lezz bitch would get the question right yeah? fuck you you absolute sperg idiot
No one with a basic understanding of math believes James did it on purpose.
>a soft touch
That some way to call him a poof?
Different user, but your post has more sperg than him.
I read the daily doubles and final jeopardy answers before i watch it with my gf. She thinks im a genius
>you post has more sperg than him
>cryptic tweet
>doesn't post the tweet
Epic thread. Think I'll go on to twitter, create an account, find this fucker, follow him, read his tweets, and decide which one seems cryptic
4D chess right bros?
You are the stupidest motherfucker on 4channel
The, the ONE time a tweet from literal who in the OP would have been worthwhile.
Scores going in to FJ we’re as follows
James bets 1,399. That is literally the perfect bet. Emma has to bet 20k+ to cover a situation where James goes all in so James know with his bet in a situation where he gets it wrong and Emma gets it wrong he wins. He wins if he gets it right and Emma gets it wrong. Also the bet is small enough that if he gets it wrong and Jay doubles his money James still wins. If James bets bigger he risks losing to James. If James and Emma both get it right (which is what happened) James’ bet is irrelevant. The only scenario in which that bet fucks James is if Emma bets nothing. She didn’t because she knows if she bets nothing and James bets enough to pass her (which a worse player probably would’ve done) and they both get it right then she loses and looks like a fucking idiot.
I miss Jeopardy threads, new season's gonna be good.
Is Trebek Ok?
Tournament of Champions is gonna be great. Holzhauer vs that furry I hope
Fucking based.
I bet she's so impressed that she sucks you off afterwards.
I got a vasectomy when I was younger and I met a girl who wanted to have a baby and I said I would be the father.
Six months of nonstop sex before I said I needed a fertile girlfriend and left her.
Based autist
He's got terminal pancreatic cancer or something awful like that.
What was the cryptic tweet?
Who should replace him?
The guy from the clue crew apparently does practice games for production. Probably him
They need to get someone that's not a celebrity already. I feel like they'll just get some half assed "smart" comedian and ruin the show
how the fuck is this cryptic
of course he did. it was pretty obvious he took a fall
James always looked like he was trying to recall something he'd just read the night before.
You're a fucking loser dude. What kind of post is that? Sneed.
literally the only sneed post thats ever made me laugh
does this much strategy go into jeopardy or is it just this autist who does shit like that
No that’s pretty standard strategy
What did Andrew luck do?
Sure, it's really not that complicated. Just sizing up what you would need to win assuming best/worse case scenario with your opponent and their bank.
name literally one other time then
Retired from the NFL as he walked off the field because he didn't want to end up a brain damaged pant shitting retard in his twilight years.
Retired two weeks before football season starts and lost hundreds of millions of dollars
Let the meme become reality and have Will Ferrel replace him
Literally every single final jeopardy where its really close or really lopsided.
If you both have 1,000 dollars and get the answer wrong, but one of you only bet 500, while the other guy bet everything, the guy left with 500 wins.
realized he's the most over rated QB of the last decade and called it quits before he takes a big injury.
that's not the same level of strategy
It is, I'm just simplifying it for your baby ass.
Who the fuck were his fans?
TV lies.
Why would the n-word frog be the ace of spades?
I guess, but consider that you're the pud pulling pudding head that doesn't understand how jeopardy works you should frequently question your judgement.
Thanks anons im not much into sports
He based like that
Holy shit I saw this movie a million times on HBO growing up, and I never realized Robert Redford directed it.
No wonder its so unbearably comfy.
you're such a pseud and lack any self awareness to see just how obvious it is
back to Yea Forums, no more (You)'s.
CONFIRMED: Bandwagoning smolbrains don't actually know how Jeopardy strategy works.
Reminder that the wagering calculator on j-archive, a computer program literally designed to make optimal final jeopardy bets, picks the exact same bet as James in that scenario.
You must be a real fucking dumbass if the guy who schooled you on basic gambling via Jeopardy is a pseud.
literally you
I'm surprised this still doesn't have a blu ray release despite being in HD on netflix
The tweet seems to imply he lost fair and square and wishes he had just walked off while on top instead
Doesn't surprise me, I thought it was weird he went with a low FJ question
oh shit it's the ruse master!
Literally have sex
this guy is a closet-faggot and literally EVERYONE refuses to acknowledge it and/or talk about it
no straight man smiles with his bottom teeth like that, and blows kisses to the camera. fucking queer
doubles jeopardy
this movie is a 9.5/10
Huh, that does directly imply he lost on purpose...
I knew a girl couldn't win! He threw the game!
You're just the only one who cares because you're also a closeted faggot and wonder what his dick tastes like.
digits confirm
That's called autism
Based women are worse at everything
He has a wife and kid
What an autistic reaction.
Based checked and blessed
Doesn’t mean anything, retard
he’s had more sex with women than you have
That some way to call him a faggot?
checked and based
I wanna protect him.
I don't remember the question exactly, but it did seem like something he would have known
Bro his wife is a 4/10 piggy, she's one of the most obvious beards I have ever seen in my life. Like that fat crazy bitch Michael Jackson married.
you seem like a real funny dude
Only a faggot would care this much
what question?
He should have bet it all and then activated his double or nothing.
I'm going to go with payoff. He was crushing everyone with relative ease, then all of a sudden he makes an amateur hour bet like he couldn't figure out babycakes was going to go all in? That reeks of a buyout.
Bruh please don’t make light of jeopardy
That's it? How the hell do you infer a conspiracy out of this? He's a sports gambler commenting on a big sports news item.
This thread has been blessed by St. James
BASED JAMES still pulling 100+ replies months after losing. Truly the GOAT. Truly /ourguy/
fuck Ken Jennings and fuck Brad Rutter
that explains it. No way he could’ve lost other than throwing it
thank mr holzhauer