Capeshit can't be kin...oh never mind then

Capeshit can't be kin...oh never mind then.

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It was one of the better marvel movies.

This shit sucked

ok op

Worst Thor movie, and one of the worst MCU movies

Kino? Absolutely not.
A fun, mindless romp, yes.

Hela was the best

Top 3 MCU, can't beleive Waititi is being wasted on Love and Thunder

I enjoyed it but Winter Soldier was the only kino MCU movie. It was so kino they had to remake its best scene in Endgame.

It's the best Thor movie because he doesn't speak like a 17th century asshole from europe.

One of the best MCU movies. As a standalone.

As the ending to the trilogy and as a prequel to Infinity War it completely fails.

>completely destroy a character
>at least he can make da funny quip quip now

No, he spoke like a redditor, forced quip after a lazy quip

I liked the part with Hopkins pretending to be Hiddleston as Loki pretending to be Odin

Thor is one of the biggest disappointments in entire MCU for me.

For me? It's "How Marvel redeemed Thor" by YouTuber Browntable

Browntable is a massive

Saw this in theaters. Pretty forgettable shit, desu.

Who uses the word forgettable to describe a kino?

better than thine thou shit

This is the lowest point of cinema.
I can't imagine anyone actually liking this but they do.

The scene where Hela pegs Thor and forces Loki to watch was a bit much.

If you need a proof of how easily impressed capeshit audience are, look no more. This movie turned boring character into just another superhero quipmaster, and capeshiters are praising it as the greatest character development of the modern cinema.

This is garbage.