Was the title of this film accurate?
White Men Can't Jump
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>a film like this will never be made again because of the amount of conservative incels crying on twitter
The title is an ironic take on the concept of movie. The idea that white men can't jump but this white along with a black use this prejudice to hustle people out of money.
I miss pre-obama race relations
Goddamn Super Panavision 70 to Smartphone Portrait Mode aspect ratio losses.
this movie was one of kubricks favorites
aren't they both like 5'10?
Say what? When have they ever gotten their way in anything, especially when it comes to not making a movie about minorities?
and niggers can't think
Not so fast!
It’s official, Yea Forums has been invaded by /pol/.
Yea Forums was created as a spin-off of /pol/. go back
They are supposed to be making white girls 2 you faggot desperate cunt
You people are the racists
I've only ever heard it said he liked the Vanishing and Bergman's films, is there some list that collated all the films he liked?
shut up nigger
>You people are the racists
Kek. You are literally an r/the_donald faggot
>be me a white man
>taking a nice stroll
>obstacle in my way
>there's no way around it
>can't climb it
>can only jump over it
>have to go back the way i came because white men can't jump
wow what an accurate title
The right can’t meme holy shit
Yea Forums has been /pol/ lite for about 5 years, and /pol/ has been the_donald for about 3 yrs now.
fuck off faggot
when has that stopped anything or anyone?
>rewatch Chapelle's Show recently
>mixed audience of whites and blacks
>Chapelle rips on all races
>everyone laughs at each other/themselves
A damn shame, lads. We were ALMOST post-race.
mostly accurate, though the biggest advantage blacks have in basketball is their longer wingspan and longer vertical reach rather than their jumping ability, which is only a bit better than that of white people
t. white guy with 37 inch vertical
>ill be waiting for that summer blockbuster Negros Can't Read
i'm pretty sure this list wast originally compiled by criterion but i can't find it anywhere on their website
Right? We fucking almost made it.
It would be "Black Men Can't Swim." At least try to be funny.
How are you almost post race when the majority of the dudes comedy is on race
darkies are kinda upset because slavs are about to take over NBA apehoop from the apes
fuck off leftypol discord subhuman
>thread derailed by leftist scum crying about "incels"
>"/pol/ did this!!"
fucking faggot
black men cant read is funnier than both black men cant swim and white men cant jump
Post-race doesn't mean we all magically stop talking about it. It means race truly no longer matters, ie anyone could make fun of anyone and it wouldn't result in a minor civil war in the streets.
None of you have seen this have you? Shame. Its a good movie. He dunks btw
Nobody gives a shit. Dilate
I've seen it. MoneyTrain is also a good film where a black guy and white guy are just friends.
The real redpill is the ((bankers)) started this shit because of occupy wall street
They don't want the common man to unite and demand what's rightfully theirs so they force the racism shit.
Divide and conquer.
fuck niggers
I agree but them also being racist is true
What's the better Harrelson Hustling Kino?
Kingpin or White Men can't Jump?
>whitey fucks the world around for centuries but can't stand getting his feelings hurt for being called what he was
>"we were so ready to move pat though!" which is why your convictions crumble like a house of cards
>whitey fucks the world around for centuries
that didn't happen. go back
user the sad reality is it's too late, Yea Forums is too far gone. There's too many now.
Wrong faggot.
It wouldn't be made because it shows blacks and whites interacting without blacks crying about oppression and the white person not being le racist.
In the film, the Wesley Snipes character is yelled at by his wife not having a steady job and he says that basketball playing puts money in their pockets. Today, Snipes would have been fired and oppressed by his white boss.