Go on vacation. come back. Yea Forums arguing with imaginary trannies. political threads everywhere...

>go on vacation. come back. Yea Forums arguing with imaginary trannies. political threads everywhere. has it always been this bad recently?

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No just since your vacation 2 weeks ago ecery thread was on topic.

only when you came back

i need to leave forever then

>has it always been this bad recently?
OP here. I meant to say BASED, not BAD.
my bad, guys. guess i'm just a stupid faggot.

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you can do that with a gun and a bullet

shoot the Yea Forums mysql server? sure.

To add to this, you can purchase a used shotgun at a pawn shop for about 100 dollars. It doesn't need to be in great condition, it only has to work once.

gamergate did a number on Yea Forums

>has it always been this bad
Yes, that's part of the charm of Yea Forums

I wonder who's behind this post

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FPBP op is a frogposting faggot

Start a topic on tv or film go.

I like trump as much as the next guy but the election is what really killed this place. Redditors, shills, all of them flooded here to engage in a neverend online war of identiy politics, not realizing the general futility of having an anonymous argument and the immense power (you)s can have over a person. Now, they're stuck here just like the rest of us.

All we do now is shit on each other. Newfags sucking the cocks of /pol/ in an orgy of self-deprecation and delusions of grandeur.

oh ok OP haha no worries we all make mistakes

>imaginary trannies
see and the rest of the thread

Was your vacation on the reddit resort?

thanks for asking. Alaskan cruise. Never going on a cruise again.

I know this feel. You'll be right back into the swing of it after a few posts. I'm just too entertaining for you to not think about what I'm going to post next, while you're here, right before you go to bed, and right after you wake up.

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Kek, cruises really are just garbage. A bunch of dumb rednecks throwing their money away because they're on a big boat with buffets and gambling is allowed.

/leftypol/ is down so they're all flooding here.

it's been this bad for well over a year.

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it's a group of leftists from the same discord. they pick a thread to raid and all start posting together to "fight back against /pol/" it's fucking pathetic

you stop that, now.

But it is working though, look how demoralized you are right now. #winning

>I like trump as much as the next guy
>"noooo muh safe space"

this isn't a safe space (the thing leftists invented and demand, yet which you now ridicule others for, you projecting ignoramus), your retarded beliefs just aren't popular here so they get shouted down. go back to your discord and dilate with your e-friends

dumb frogposter

this. It’s all so repetitive and predictable now. Any kinos for being bored of a place that held you hostage for over a decade?

>go back
>not a safe space

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omg so clever lmao!!

go back

but we’re on Yea Forums

Good one

oh boy i’m out

>go on vacation



>omg so clever
thank you sweetie that is correct