So Bond has a machine drill into his skull and he’s just fine afterwards?

So Bond has a machine drill into his skull and he’s just fine afterwards?

Was this realistic? He didn’t even seem to bleed

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Was Christoph Waltz his brother?

He's actually better afterwards.

In the previous movie he couldn't even aim straight. After getting stabbed in the brain he activates his aimbot and takes out 5 guys.

trepanning is highly beneficial to health and evidence to the contrary is the product of a massive intergovernmental healthcare conspiracy

Yes, i read it in homunculus

>Casino Royale has the villain mock elaborate torture devices by tying Bond to a chair and whacking his balls with a rope
>three movies later, we get this

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They’re tiny, short, drills. I doubt they're even getting more than a half inch or so into his brain. He also only got drilled twice. Doubt that’d actually do much damage.

Adopted brother which was a terrible idea.

Realistically speaking the drill rendered him comatose, blind and deaf and the entire rest of the movie was merely a death hallucination

It drilled. Into his brain.

What was it, into his brain or drilled his skull?
There's a big difference you know

Absolutely based. It started as a treatment for concussions in the ancient world, but became a spiritual discipline.

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You really have to wonder how people got the idea to do this.
>Just drill holes in my head brah, it's cool.

that's power of love

It started as surgery for concussions and other brain issues. They still remove a chunk of your skull temporarily if you get a bad concussion.

this person has mild numbness in one arm. its not that unbelievable that bond would be fine

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I had never been more disinterested in a Bond movie. There was one I hated with Timothy Dalton and it was better than this piece of shit.

scene was a metaphor for how fucking shit spectre was

It’s not for concussions, it’s if your brain is swelling. They remove part of the skull to relieve pressure so the brain doesn’t swell against the inside of your skull.

Concussions make your brain swell knumb skull.

Well, they can, but lots of other things can too. The point was that it’s for swelling, not concussions specifically.

You said it's not for concussions and it absolutely is. You're wrong.

No, I just said it’s not for concussions, specifically, it’s for a symptom that can be caused by concussions, but can also be caused by other things. If you have a concussion that doesn’t cause swelling, they won’t take a piece of your skull off.

>They still remove a chunk of your skull temporarily if you get a bad concussion.
jesus christ what medieval hell hole do you live in?

>surgery for concussions and other brain issues.

Just stop posting.

The United States.

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>They still remove a chunk of your skull temporarily if you get a bad concussion.
No, they don't. A concussion is literally your brain slamming into the skull. It's bruising, and trauma. They open up the skull when there's too much pressure, like from a hematoma. The brain is surrounded by a barrier of tissue called the meninges, that carries blood to the brain, they will drill small holes to drain any leakage there, without drilling through it. They will CUT through when there's deep brain bleeding, but they DONT FUCKING DRILL INTO THE BRAIN, EVER.

They don't drill into the skull for concussions, retard. EVER.


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Remember that time you got a bill from Blockbuster for $239.75 for a copy of "Ghoulies2" you never returned, a movie you for absolute certain you've never even seen, let alone rented?


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>A craniectomy is a surgery done to remove a part of your skull in order to relieve pressure in that area when your brain swells. A craniectomy is usually performed after a traumatic brain injury.

>A craniectomy is usually performed after a traumatic brain injury.(concussion)

Also I never said the brain is drilled in the procedure.

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Both are garbage. I despise the tacked on grittiness, but I also don't want the films to turn into full sci-fi. Why can't the new movies balance credibility and fun? Goldfinger still has the coolest setup with his mining laser.

Fuck this movie was so bad, even worse than Skyfall. Only good parts were intro until the helicopter and when Bond punched the sanatorium guard

>make bond laugh at goldfinger's retarded plot from the book as a cheeky easter egg
>leave the name pussy galore in
Why would they do it?

Skyfall was great.

no, it's actually legit medical practice. a hemorrage or an infection can cause the brain to swell up. but where does it swell up inside a thick skull? they literally remove chunks of the bone in order to relieve the pressure so the brain doesn't get extra damage

Brain damage does not always lead to severe consequences. There are examples of people who received severe brain damage, even losing large parts of it, and lived on without major complications. The truth is, the brain is insanely complicated, well beyond the understanding of modern medicine. Neurosurgery is similar to kicking the boot of your car until it starts.

I can live with that, but Blofeld can never be caught. That just sucks. He should either escape or die.

...why do they put the cranial bone in the abdomen?

>Neurosurgery is similar to kicking the boot of your car until it starts
It's more like taking out pieces off the engine or the electric components knowing there's a bare minimum where the car will still be functional and you're hoping you only have to remove so much.

oh my god stfu

But casino royale balanced credibility and fun perfectly user

He couldn't aim because there was shrapnel in his shoulder. He recovered by the time they caught Silva. Question is, how the fuck did the MI6 medics miss a chunk of shrapnel in his body?!

It was cut in the theatrical release but the post-credits scene show him supporting the labour party so it clearly had an effect to his way of thinking.

> single guy walks in a courthouse and fires a pistol so we need to move the secret service chief to a home alone style mansion instead of simply giver her more bodyguards

lmao they stuck it in his pocket so he could have it later, what good samaritans
like a little kid made it

giving her*, whatever

you can't just put the skull fragment in a drawer with your nametag. bone marrow needs blood flow and body temperature to stay "alive" and optimal, so they temporarily put it inside your own body until it's time to move it back

There is quantum tunnelling involved in the functioning of the brain. For those who don't know, it's basically nature saying that if you really want to break the rules of physics, sometimes you can.

In addition to having double agents everywhere, Silva had full access to the British security networks as he hacked into them. The only way to be safe from him was to get her away from technology and away from the British government.

I see.

This is actually a crop from a much bigger infographic describing a different surgery. It wasn't HIS abdomen. Basically, you repeat these steps couple hundred times and you're bulletproof

No, on the contrary. It went so gritty that I refuse to acknowledge it as a proper Bond film. It's just another 2000's action movie. Except with too little action.

yes, because skull bone is known for being strong enough to withstand bullets

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makes your abs look rock hard

Spectre had four screenwriters, too many cooks ruin the broth. To be clear, I do NOT dislike the torture scene. It's one of my favourite parts.

Almost as dumb as in Skyfall when they move M to bum fucking nowhere with Bond and some geriatric dickhead but leave "bread crumbs" for the bad guy to find her.

Why should I? I'm correct.

People in this thread might be interested in Phineas Gage

Even that nigger's skull is saying "Fuck that hurt."

Fucking kek. "Skull mail."

The Scottish setting was deliberately hearkening back to John Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps which was a major early influence on Bond and a lot of spy/espionage fiction.

It also acts as a counterpoint to the technophilia and grand set pieces in villain's lairs of the Bond films for decades. We finally have a Bond lair (which of course gets blown up).

There's a reading of Silva as an anti-Bond character (like Red Grant and Alec Trevalyan) and I think in a way he kind of acts like the twisted ghost of the Brosnan era. Instead of hacking bank computers and then destroying them with an EMP nuke satellite like Trevalyan though, he just hacks to fuck with M specifically.

Go to bed Penrose.

If it's so great and beneficial, how come that guy had it done and he's dead?



Consider the following: The entire final act in London should have been thrown away. Just show Bond arresting and/or killing C, while Blofeld is presumed dead in the explosion. That would bring the bloated runtime to the 2 hours standard for the series.

you have to lace it with adamantium stupid

how the fuck did they remove that?

Inter-cranial pressure caused by swelling from a traumatic brain injury is the reason they remove part of the skull.

Man this was almost a solid movie. Last third ruined it.

I don't think they did. If he functions normally with it, you don't risk fucking it up by removing it.

More like last 20%

>he hasnt seen a dalton bond
dont comment until youve watched the whole series please

they did remove it. very carefully, i guess. guy's name is shaun wayne, you

Same Dalton bond where he jumps on a big rig truck to dodge a missile?

>be a white south africa
>go biking outside alone
what did he expect honestly

Don't worry about the burrhole itself, worry about the meningitis you get because of improper covering of the hole

>where felix has his legs eaten off
>where a mans head explodes on screen
>where bond kills the bad guy by simply shooting him or setting him on fire
>where a henchman is punished for his failure by being impaled through a forklift
if you thought bond getting whacked in the nuts with a rope is "too gritty" you havent watched the dalton bonds plain and simple


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If that's the grim and gritty criteria for you, then let me introduce you to the grittiest Bond film of all times: Live and Let Die, where not just the head, but the entire person explodes on camera.

haha very true although dr kanangas death was more hilarious if anything

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Bond could have been shot and killed when he was unconscious after the car wreck in the tunnel. But, no, Blofeld wasn't done telling him he was the one behind it all for the third time. Specter is shit.

This part is fine, Blofeld was always a retard who cums from the sound of his own voice

it actually resembles a heavily bloated corpse already decomposing in those frames before the explosion. shit's freaky

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