>the most /pol/ stand up special of the last 30 years is made by a fucking nigger
How can all the other races even compete?
>the most /pol/ stand up special of the last 30 years is made by a fucking nigger
How can all the other races even compete?
This kebab abuses the audience's ability to stick with retarded premises.
>So um niggas is gone save 'murica...
jfc Dave how much does reality have to be suspended to get on board with your joke premises
It's almost like the redpill is realizing gamers, muslims, etc are not the problem, the big J are
do you think he hand-picks his audience now?
There were a lot more black faces in there than he usually gets
Normal black people have always been redpilled. They hate black women, women in general, gays, and illegals that dont speak English. The media would never want you to know that though so they show you the most cucked black men to paint the picture that they're Angel's for their agenda.
It’s Atlanta no shit
he said black people are the only way to stop people from having guns and I stopped the show
telling black people to vote for gun legislation or to steal or rob white people of their guns is fucking retarded
Nah, there was rustling and dissent when he said some of the jokes.
medium quality bait.
Every hoodrat has an illegal gun though. If you don't have one as a nigger you're seen as a cuck by the others.
i like how the reaction to this was a tame "you can go ahead and skip this special". imagine the screeching if he was white.
Isn't Atlanta predominantly African American? Could be the explanation you're looking for m8.
yep thats exactly what he said user
I seem to remember the "my money my choice" joke causing a lot of angry confusion among the roasties.
what happened here?
I've been in Atlanta is yes. It is. In fact, it's the scariest city I've ever fucking been lost in. I had to catch a train from a bus in Atlanta for job training one time, literally the second I got off the bus a fucking fight broke out between two niggers.
rolling blackouts
>does an impression of a dumb person and asks the audience who it is
>people call out trump
>"nah its you dumbasses"
Not a right-winger, not even American but that bit was kino
maybe next time don't have a tantrum when he says something you don't like and try watching the next 2 minutes so that he can explain what he meant
gentrification, maybe?
i stayed at a nice hotel on the outskirts of atlanta once. they were coincidentally holding a cheerleading convention there. it was an extremely fun weekend.
Fuck Chappelle, he wants to be anti pc yet whines about racism 24/7
actually he said he cant see any oeaceful way of disarming white people, right before he launched into a fictional story about shooting a white person with a shotgun.
this kebab just wants to die, hos jokes werent even funny. It was an hour of purposely pissing off ideological groups.
what does he thinks hes andy kauffman or something???
>You can skip this. Don't question, just trust us
The absolute state of "Journalism"
They can't because they literally wouldn't be allowed to compete. This is why Nick Di Paolo had to release a (superior) special for free on youtube.
I watched it on netflix all the way through the credits and couldn't find the Q&A segment anons are talking about, was that just bullshit?
you can watch it where it shows the extra content, the same place you see episode lists for shows
its not worth it
the epilogue with the q&a plays as if it were the next episode after sticks and stones finishes. it's mostly chapelle rambling. you aren't missing anything.
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
Resist these Gay shill threads
>Resist these Gay shill threads
xir is an opinion blogposter for Vice. no where does xorf claim to be a legitimate journalist relaying the news. get over yourself.
>actually being "pissed off" by Chapelle's latest comedy special
seething tranny
embrace these gay shill threads
dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
well, he's a man, nuff said
>make jokes about how women are emotionally feeble and cause scenes because they get offended
>women on social media take offense to the jokes and cause a scene
how much more based can you get?
So /Pol/ is anti-white ?
Did i miss something or what ?
>Call special "Sticks and Stones"
>People still get hurt by words
What's the opposite of subtext and how do we hand deliver it to these idiots?
He really is the greatest comedian of all time bros, he's the only one who can make race based comedy funny and make an entire crowd laugh at their own and each other's race
>the scariest city I've ever fucking been lost in.
Would fuck the chick on the left and the mom too
He's Muslim. As a rule he hates degeneracy.
imagine the same exact special made by some white dude..
it would literally be the only thing the tv media and internet media would talk about enraged for AT LEAST a month
the weird thing is, if you told Chappelle that, he wouldnt get it and he would probably call you a conspiracy theorist
it's too easy to make fun of niggers.
>Why can I say nigger but not faggot?
>Because you’re not gay Dave.
>Well I’m not a nigger either!
Literally what did he mean by this?
There were quite a lot of white people.
/pol/ is anti-white women.
Mainly because white women are kind of shitty.
Well he isnt a nigger. Hes smart, successful, charismatic all traits the common American nigger does not have.
No, i'm pretty sure he is a nigger. He got dark skin ain't he?
atlanta is getting gentrified hard
the city center is pretty safe nowadays
Is it another one where he sits on a stool chain smoking while mumbling and rambling in a steroid fueled stupor.
He's an equal opportunity racist though. He shits on niggers just as much as she shits on whites.
Queers and women got btfo.
it's not that /pol/, it's pretty fucking tame let's be serious.
The fuck are you talking about? He said trannies should be allowed to exist
nah he isnt special
i just dont like n-words in general
I've always said that if anyone was going to name the Jew, it'd be blacks
this is some jew type shit right here
Chappelle literally left the country because Hollywood producers kept trying to get him to crossdress, idk why anyone thought he'd be pulling any punches when it came to trannies.
>Mainly because white women have been compromised by zionist indoctrination and cannot be trusted anymore
i thought he quit because a white person laughed at his joke too hard
he seems like a really shitty person
OP confirmed for zoomer.
I remember a time where chapelle was regarded as the greatest working standup comedian. He caries the torxh for Rock, cosby, carlin and kinneson. Hes the laat of an ancient art. If anyone could defy the sjw hordes its chapelle
The joke is the producer or whoever is indirectly calling him a nigger
netflix doesnt allow sjw defiance
this is nothing but a netflix shill campaign disguised as controversy
Because he is one
This. He’s Facebook dad tier when it comes to racism and homophobia
They wouldn't fuck you ugly ass whiteoid