How do I become as chill as Cliff?

How do I become as chill as Cliff?

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be secure with yourself by getting constant attention from women by being handsome

Smoke LSD cigarettes

if you have to ask, you're already too late

Move into a shitty trailer and have no job

I could actually do this

But how he pay for rot fee?

be fit and lean

I get attention from girls (not as much as Brad Pitt obviously) and I'm still an insecure bitch. How do I get over my shitty childhood to actually enjoy what life gives to me right now?

Post face

Ashwaganda, theanine and St Johns Wort in the morning with coffee
Ashwagana and St Johns Wort again in the afternoon
Magnesium and Zinc before bed
2 Krill oil caps twice a day
Sunlight at least 30 minutes a day on your bare torso
5k iu vitamin D3 per day
Compound lifting or at least bodyweight lifting 3x a week
Jog or walk 5x a week
Remove all simple sugar from your diet, increase saturated fat and protein intake
Intermittent fasting

Your brain will be running at peak optimization and all forms of anxiety will be mitigated and easier to deal with. Avoid the big pharma jew at all costs; they're destroying our minds with the scrips they've pushing on us. Try it, you've got nothing to lose.

You pay in kind.

Lot fees can be really cheap. Like 300 dollars a month.


why arent alphas ever portraied with long hair?
is long hair really that much cringe on men in any age or era?

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Not a good idea but I promise I'm not lying user, I even declined a threesome last year because I lose physical attraction to girls once they become into me. I was also too afraid of cumming fast or some shit that could make them laugh at me. I'm mentally fucked.

Are there any that take place in modern settings?

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Stop masturbating, reset your dopamine receptors and lower your prolactin; it makes you act like a bitchboy. If you cum fast, you'll have enough stored up that you can fuck her again within minutes if you've been abstaining long enough. Also, do this

i mean i get it the medieval times, ok , but what about the 20/21st century?
i mean the hair still grows on men's head today...

Kill your wife

I already take D3 and ZMA for two years now. I always failed nofap at day 5 or 7 max. If I don't cum, the smallest problem I have in my life becomes an existential crisis, I failed yesterday after 5 days just to drain off my brain.

beat up chink insects

Post clavicles

browse Instagram

as normie and cringy as that site can be, you can totally find male alphas with long hair there

Based and blackpilled

Date an Asian chick and flaunt her around Asian guys.

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alphas don't post their shit on instagram expect if their girlfriends do it on their own account
twinks aren't alpha

Practice whats referred to as "transmutation". You need to redirect that energy into positive pursuits. Lifting, writing, creating. (((They))) know this and use it to control, weaken and diminish our potential. If you can figure this out and act on it, anything is possible.

live in the 60s.


Where can I buy some of these mockasin shoes?

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21st sucks but Mel rocked it in the 20th pretty well

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believe it or not, some do, when they want to be praised by thots

I can see what you mean by this, it's close to freudian sublimation. As I said, when everything goes great, I keep doing it and I can feel the profits but when someone pisses me off or something really unpleasant happens, I lose any focus and all that energy turns against me. It's that part that I can't deal with for now.

beat some asian incels

why everyone think bruce lee was a joke like tarantino portrayed him?

we need to agree on definition of long hair bros

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get ripped and stop caring what people think about you

I'm 6"4' and rather fit, I could definitely take some asian souls from their bodies it that can calm my nerves, not sure about that though.

long hair is not in style

99% of guys with long hair are turbo autists

Have successful wealthy friend who is also a general fuck up at life.

Height and weight are huge in fighting, even Mayweather is a joke against any amateur heavyweight boxer. Bruce Lee happens to be really small.

>Have successful wealthy friend
I find that's the key, I need to find some rich guy with a flamer to protect my ass.

in martial arts im not so sure, since techniques are made up exactly to make even a small person punch like a car

its not the current fad, and sure not all men look good with long hair, but find one that does, and is a king among plebs

you cant trick physics faggot

>techniques are made up exactly to make even a small person punch like a car
That's bullshit to sell dojo subscriptions. Look at Max Holloway in the UFC, he's a great champion, still he's so thin that he can't KO anyone without jabing him at least 300 times.

bodies are sometimes weird

you could have the body of a tank and punch like a kid, as well as being small and punch like a train

it all depends on technique

you are just picking some extreme cases where a huge person is retarded in the head so he dont know to make a fist and swing

if technique didnt helped improve the hits one can make, then most of martial arts moves would just be for show and nothing else

Fearlessness and not giving a fuck. You won’t get as much pussy as him unless you look like brad pitt though.

Stop talking to yourself.

i hope this is a troll

this is like people who wore fedoras in the early 2010s. if something is not currently in fashion, then most people who wear it are turbo autists, so if you wear it, you are grouped with them. sure there are some male models on instagram who can pull it off anyways but they would be just as desired, or more, with the current trend

What happened to BRADDU PITTU threads?

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>Max Holloway
>great champion
LOL, he can't beat dustbin or mcnuggets

you clearly are an NPC, next

>then most of martial arts moves would just be for show and nothing else
A good part of self-defense (bad) techniques are only that, they're made to sell to your 50 years old landwhale the idea that he could beat someone's ass. If you're a 6"6' beast, a very basic technical level is enough to beat any long time martial artist.

appearance is mostly all there

if you act like this character while being ugly, you are seen as a lowlife criminal scum

but if you are a chad looking guy, you are seen as an alpha sex god

>If you're a 6"6' beast, a very basic technical level is enough to beat any long time martial artist.
umm sweetie, jonny bones and magumbo have to roid in order to fight old men LOL

He wasn't in his prime when he fought the vodka drinker though.

How naive are you? They have to roid themselves because the other guy does the same, they're just too niggerish to hide it like him.

>walk every day
Can't stress this enough. My blue collar job has me rucking/hiking every day, and I feel fantastic.

>How naive are you? They have to roid themselves because the other guy does the same, they're just too niggerish to hide it like him.
Show me when Stipe and DC popped ok buddeh?

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you can´t, no matter what you try, you will ONLY get more and more cringy.

I prefer DC to that nigger and I'm still convinced that despite his lack of physical aesthetics, he's juiced as hell. I saw a video from an ex-fighter who explained how easy it was to cheat the test and how dumb Jones must've been. They all cheat and the drama about the ones who get caught is a joke. Just look at Costa who never got caught.

OP was killed by ninjas


instagram has helped me get laid so many times, you just need to know what to post and how to market yourself as a suitable partner on the app.

Chael already exposed nigger bones. DC is natty all the way, Costa too.

everybody's on steroids

>having to ask

I’ve seen plenty of mediocre looking guys with dimes. You just need charisma.

How do you even get in touch with the girls? You send a DM? They already receive 20 of them by day if they're decently attractive.

If you try to act like somebody else, people will instantly see through it
Unironically just b urself, and be more comfortable in your skin and with who you are

>DC is natty all the way
Bro, I like DC but you don't one punch a 6"4' slave guy with only water in your system. See

>Unironically just b urself
Don't listen to him. Be your better self and always set the bar higher until you feel like you've done enough.

That's literally what I just said, though yeah imo "being more comfortable in your skin" involves self-improvement