Announced Ms. Marvel Showrunner Bisha K. Ali Deletes 5,000 Tweets, some containing #WhiteGenocide

>British comedian and recently announced Ms. Marvel showrunner Bisha K. Ali appears to have mysteriously deleted 5,000 tweets and locked her numerous social media accounts prior to Disney’s official announcement.

>Ali’s social media purge was discovered following the D23 Expo announcement of her involvement in the Ms. Marvel television series, as fans flocked to social media to learn more about the relatively unknown comedian whose IMDB page lists a total of 9 credits. However, upon attempting to access her various social media accounts, fans discovered that her pages had been hidden from the public: her Twitter , Instagram, and Facebook accounts, along with her personal webpage, were set to private.

>While Ali has not publicly given a reason for this attempt to hide her internet presence from the public, fans noted that Ali had deleted a total of 5,268 tweets less than a month prior to Disney’s announcement.

>It is currently unknown what the contents of her deleted tweets were or what prompted the mass deletion of tweets, but Google search results and a handful of archived posts have led to speculation that Ali deleted the tweets due to her social justice-based progressive beliefs and views.

>These include tweets defending the recent trend of political assault known as ‘Milkshaking’, the use of the racist hashtag #WhiteGenocide, and multiple interactions with her account responding in agreement to her posts with racist, anti-white rhetoric.

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Who will stop her?

What a hideous creature

Send her back

spread this over facebook or twitter so normies catch it up

>endorsing milkshaking
what a scumbag

Honestly, when can we get this over with? We all know the solution.

Ugly brown girls tend to be the biggest anti white male sjws even moreso than white women. All their seething comes from the fact that they’re not sexually attractive in the eyes of men


Stopped reading here. This shit makes me ill.

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I don't get it. She MUST have known what happened to Gunn. You get selected for something like this, why not preemptively delete those tweets? Women truly are subhuman

>Captain Britain

isn't that what she just did?

Also these tweets aren't that bad, not even nearly as bad as the bullshit Brie Larsen said, as an example

you can't expect brown lady writing for brown character show to be anti-brown can you? It just wouldnt make sense

not saying she won't be an abortion, just thinking

Bitch looks about 9 too.

what an absolute U.N.I.T.

Why is she fat?

I'll say this and keep saying it. Pakis, niggers and Mexicans need a Holocaust.

physically and mentally repulsive.

This. They are mad that even their own ugly Paki men hate them. Imagine being rejected by a Paki, a race that would fuck almost anything that walks and even they think you are uggo

What about Indians and Yellows?

is fascism even a thing anymore

Nah, mexicans are fine

Attached: Mexican Milf.jpg (1079x1200, 255K)

British is just now an alternative word for foreign cunt
The native people here identify as either english, welsh or scottish rather than british

but if Pakis, Mexicans, Negros, Latinos, and Chinks hate white people, white people are the bad guys lmao the whole world hates whites

Can you blame her for being an angry racist? Imagine being seeing that nose in the mirror every day and then having to go outside and see white girls.

user you shouldn't smother your grandma, even if it's with Mike's patented formula

I disagree, however fat/obese people need a holocaust, so she would still not exist in my ideal world

Looks like my gf’s mom

What a cunt


Stop thinking with your cock. They need to be eradicated

She might be mexican then.

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Does her mom look better than her

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It's ugly people (inside and outside) in general who are like this

I just said I hate fat people, that doesn't have anything to do with race or gender

Someone send these comments to her

Have sex

I'm Black

Quiet, paki

t.entitled paki cunt , she will get binned an surprised they normally check you out better than MI5 /CIA

Cunts are Never stand up funny

Oh fuck off you no-chin false flagging little shit

>literally cannot go one argument without relating it to sex
Liberals are the original jizzskulls, I swear

fuck off

Do our women really say things like that when they leave? We actually would kill them here lmao
>t. actual paki

what clitoris its FGM you daft cunt lol

Can you read? She deleted the tweets and locked her accounts a month before she was announced as showrunner. Also, what the fuck is milkshaking?

This is getting really ridiculous. Any conservative can be vetted by the media for one thing they said years ago and lose their job but calling for white genocide is ok

based free advertisment for a shit product, based outraged soios

I'm asian you stupid cunt

If a conservative can lose his job for claiming non-whites should die then a liberal should lose his job for calling for white genocide. It's the only fair thing to do.

This but the Libtards think is Just then look at Ion Fury Game stuff

I think so. She cosplays too.

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kaise jara hai bhosdiiiii

Holy shit

Milkshaking is the act of putting concrete into milkshake containers and throwing them at people

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millkshaking is when you play “milkshake” by kelis really loudly from your car

That's not a very nice thing to say about your gf? You think her mom is better looking than her? You're a bad boyfriend.

The last guy that called for a non-white genocide was elected POTUS, so that theory falls flat.

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I thank god everyday that im a straight white man, with a decent sized paycheck, and a rockin white wife, and 4 children. It just hurts their fragile egos knowing whites are better than them in every single way. White supremacy is a world view I adore

Pakis are filth

when did trump ever call for genocide. give me actual evidence

Or even better nobody should lose their job because of twatter and twatter should be eliminated in the first place.

Mitch McConnell is doing a-ok

If you're not a commie or dislike open borders, you're a facist, to these "people." You're supposed to cheer for texas going blue but not connect it to a wider replacement scheme.


desu throwing a milkshake at someone who's an asshat is pretty funny.

i don't know why people get pissy about it. it's not like they threw acid at them.

No, both should lose their jobs.

Had a dyslexic moment and read your question the other way. Don’t tell on me, fren.


Fake news. Kinda like when Andy Ngo accused anti-fa of brandishing hammers when in reality they grabbed them from the Proud Boys. Look at the mighty alt-right crying over literal spilled milk.

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all those people hate niggers and jews too

wtf it's rightists that like safe spaces and censorship now

holy shit you sound gay as fuck

Nice larp, paco.

Wtf is a Ms. Marvel showrunner?

summarize then go back Yea Forumseddit

BUT DID HE , he said stop gangsters /murderers/rapists cholo coming in the USA

Go reddit for your upvotes you slimy lying sack of pigshit

it usually has concrete in it

also liberals are smug assholes who think political violence is only ok if they do it

Imagine being this stupid. Kill yourself and make the world a better place.


Give me actual evidence the actress in question called for "White Genocide" and isn't just shitting on the status quo that just so happens to be dominated by white men.

Are you retarded?

Timmy tard lezza trans fag time for a nap

>white conservative zoomers are on my side
What the fuck

Is it opposite day?

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That is what you’re fighting for. This is who you are.


>big fan
no kidding, hamplanet
looks like she belongs on an NFL offensive line, not a board room meeting



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>someone who's an asshat
>if you're not a commie open borders supporter, you're evil
We should have picked our own cotton. Fuck the subhuman minorities.

The triggering ITT speaks to itself

>(((white men)))
ok mr. Shekelburg

Why the fuck did you quote me for?

>doesn't have the necessary iq to care for abstractions like freedom of expression
Communism is just one giant iq test. Lots of people fail it.

Fact check! The whole "concrete in milkshakes" did happen, at leas according to a few police reports. Nobody in specific was hit with them (not that I can remember anyway) but there have been eye witness accounts of concrete being poured into milkshakes.

Also, the guys in that bus were no Proud Boys, they were American Vanguard. IE actual far rightists, not fratboy brodudes.


I'd rather have them than pic related.

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And the fucker still hasn’t done shit!

Just like you

go back

Everything is an accident when you have a sub 60 IQ.

Still no proof. lmao. Conservahicks keep shooting themselves in the foot. Keep crying wolf and no one's gonna take you seriously when someone legit calls for "white genocide"

yeah we all know you prefer violent rapists and murderers to people who have views you disagree with

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Well of course you would

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anti fa mob hates them
devs cave in
then all real gamers refund game cos a few comments upset the non gaming mob

Devs tell sjw to go fuck selves

This is real days

>fake stats from the fbi

>be let into a country
>teehee fuck all you original inhabitants, let's do things my way
Why are they like this ? When I was a kid and went to a friend's house, I'd always be on my best behaviour and would do whatever he wanted.

Why aren't our immigrants like this, humbled that they had to rely on our generosity ?
I don't think I'm even that racist, I'm tired of the ungratefulness though.

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I'd much prefer it if every leftist got expelled. You're nuts, and will destroy any country you live in.

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I prefer people that aren't violent conservahick neo-nazi buttlickers. And that's a good thing.

As if she would ever throw away a perfectly good milkshake

oh it's the subhuman from the other thread. do you still think you and your discord/r*ddit pals are going to change anyone's mind here?


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They aren't fake.

>t. 80 iq antifa commie that's projecting

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... so you prefer violent rapists and murderers over people who have views you disagree with. at least you're honest i guess

I saw a brown person today. YUROP IZ IN RUINS!!!1!

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Stealing this

mr. Goldstein pls

oops, meant for

>prove my assertion!
not how it works, antiwhite subhuman


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Hope you're not white, you subhuman marxist.

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I'm just here to be the dissonance in your echo chamber.

What if the people I disagree with also happen to be rapists and murderers? Checkmate

>everything is sex

says the mutt
>what is the trail of tears

42% of the youth in germany is from africa and the me, you retarded commie cretin. Why do all you reddit commies think you have 40 extra iq? Is it because your gender studies professors told you so?

I'm native French.

Prove your assertion, not mine.

Brown kids*
Big difference retard

Right-wing email lists alone disprove this. If you don’t believe me, sign up for Tea Party and DailyCaller shit. Ugliest lowest IQ propaganda you can find anywhere outside a Nigerian prince scam.

Can you even get a job in Hollywood nowadays I'd you don't want to throw half the US into gas chambers

Yea Forums is not an echo chamber, unlike your favourite subr*ddits and discord channels
>What if the people I disagree with also happen to be rapists and murderers?
then surely you have some data to support such a thing

Fake news, the actual number is 150%. YUROP IZ IN RUINS!!!1!

no you’re not, achmed

Niggers leave

>biased source
Try again

Imagine being this crazy. Meanwhile, while the crminal invaders are being termporarily detained, you're literally destroying the first world with an army of 70 iq niggers. That's what you're supporting.

you made the claim, fuckhead. the burden of proof is yours. fucking moron

This is why the liberals lost

Yes I am you ficking idiot. My grandfather has family medals dating from the Napoleonic wars.


How is it a biased source?

Im sorry, but are you retarded? Shitting on (deserving) white trash doesnt mean someone supports communism. Dont you have to be 18 to post here?

White America was kino as fuck though
Multiculturalism is cancer

Yea Forums is absolutely an echo chamber. If I weren't present ITT no one would be pointing out that OP's claims are complete bullshit and y'all would be rolling with the "I can't get laid, this is totally white genocide!" program.

Stop falling for bait retard

>country can't even defend itself against outsiders
American Indians deserved to be slaughtered. They were about as degenerate as it gets. Modern women would absolutely hate to live under Tribal Police, that's what makes me giggle so much.

>wtf i don't want borders now
There's no way you're not from reddit. kys, r/chapo.

kill yourself you fucking cultist slime
because it doesn't support his ideology

The FBI is run by the russians

Like your parents having you

>In another she stated, “I believe women can burn s*** to the ground and rebuild it into the anti capitalist utopia of science and art and compassion I (think) we’re all striving for.”

They've hired a literal fucking Paki-Maoist radical feminist racist.

>the burden of proof is yours
It's on you the moment the source you provided was too political. Try again

You should actually be terrified of nonwhites becoming the majority, because they'll start outlawing LGBT shit. No more estrogen pills for you.

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Oh lol so chapo triggers you kids? I think I found a new weapon.


>us commies are so smart
>the cnn lady told us so
You're beyond pathetic. You're too dumb for politics. Really, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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>board filled with racist incels triggered by some twitter feminist complaining about racist inels

Yea Forums is so low-IQ these days

are you native american? if not shut the fuck up

go back to your discord, subhuman