The Mother's Day Mishap

Just the facts:
At yesterday's game, Turner Carreker, 19, "placed his hands" on Chris Paul's mother and "pushed" Paul's wife. In short order, a subdued Carreker and his visibly shaken mother were removed by venue staff while being told by an irate, charging Chris Paul, "I'll see you later!" [Spoiler alert: Paul did not see Carreker later.]

Did I get all that right? Any information about events preceding the physical altercation? Also, why wouldn't there be more security for the players' families?

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She probably flopped

is Cuban a cheap ass that won't put his visiting player's families in the upper-level booths and suites?

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kek based

I don’t buy that the kid did anything wrong until I see evidence. The video circulating just shows CP3 threatening some kid, it doesn’t show the kid doing anything to deserve it. Chris Paul is a massive prick and I would assume he and his family instigated whatever the situation was and that he lied about it afterward

I didn't know Mavs fans got so unruly. Or what kind of parents does this kid have--his own mother was right there the whole time?? Wtf

>I don't buy [multiple corroborating firsthand witness accounts] hurr durr
Some of you anons really do have mush for brains. Read--all the way through--any number of articles covering this incident.

why would a kid shove a eldery women and another female while watching a basketball game with his parents?

something tells me chris' family is being over dramatic cunts.

>be ring chasing cp3
>always a prick and seething
>throw out a mavs fan

>stadium filled to the brim with cameras recording everything
>conveniently we have no footage of the incident

Just read one and it didn’t say anything about witnesses corroborating it. Also I don’t trust journalism

the one witness isn't even a witness. its a journalist reporting hearsay. thats the witness.

chris pauls wife said she was followed walking up the aisle during the game.

could the person have been getting popcorn? i mean this is fucking retarded

this faggot probably just bumped into his family and they made a big deal out of it. CP is just taking his anger out on someone for playing so fucking badly

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im thinking this

release the footage. also mark cuban the only faggot in based texas.
ESPN cites few sources here. Wouldn't be surprised if Paul is pressing for charges and requesting security cam footage at the moment.
t. Ted K., stay paranoid

normally would doubt that what actually happened was as serious as the players claim when it comes to stuff like this, but the only cell footage of the crowd has other mavs fans cheering for them getting removed/telling them to fuck off, so that combined with the fact that this kid looks like the classic rich white boy faggot that anyone who has ever been around new money has experienced tells me that he may have actually done what is being claimed

>literally says nothing like every other article
>durrrr i posted something hurrrrr
congrats on being a faggot user.

or you could be looking at over dramatic liberal mob mentality. facts don't matter to drama addicted fags.

ill be more than happy to eat crow if the footage shows the kid being an ass. but lets wait and see...a kid with his family, "putting hands" on a elderly women and female. lol okay, lemme see it.

cp3 is an emotional faggot and he had the entire bench staring the kid down
typical of their kind

kids mom is hot

There’s a mentality that midwits have where they just post a link and consider it a W no matter what the link actually says. Very reddit stuff

>kid is being an annoying heckler
>CPs family gets in his face
>he inadvertently touches someone
>they all chimp out about MUH HANDS ON ME
I’ll bet my 401k it’s some version of this

I was involved in a serious incident in middle school where a student died. The local news showed up, reported almost literally everything incorrectly, and spread all kinds of unneeded rumors and misinformation. That was all I needed to see how utterly incompetent news media is. Don’t ever just assume they are getting things right, because they genuinely don’t care if they don’t.

they care about the story and money
fuck humans and this culture


>a fucking hug

Attached: screenshot.jpg (1170x991, 164.06K)

is this real?

yes kek
CP3 confirmed beta

onions boy fans always cheer when other fans get kicked out its like some weird power fantasy for them.

this is the lowest move i think i've ever seen from cp3. using his family to sway the league's favor and refball back in his direction.

it didn't happen but if it did they deserved it

Fuck Chris Paul

I can't believe the dallas mavericks let mark cuban rape and murder chris paul's mother live on television on mother's day, disgraceful.

> Hello police, Chris Paul is trying to beat me up!

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I expect the 8 million retards on leddit calling for this kid’s head to apologize.

>and they say the ratings have been "up" tremendously for the playoffs because their biggest beta bitch, LeBron, choked a big, hard one for six months and his Fakers massively missed out on the playoffs

>Then we have Draymond "Seriously THAT ELBOW COULDA KILLED MEEEEE!!!! FUCK DEM FANS!!! I'M GON'NA STATE MA' MIND TA' DEM REGARDLESS!!!" Green and now Betamax CP3 despite no visual evidence thus far showing up whatsoever of this "incident."

>Yet the NigBA keeps on insisting that their ratings for this playoff season are drastically "up" compared to this regular season.

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nope i'm looking right now and they seem to be saying the (((reporting))) all along was clear that "put hands on them" referred to hugging obviously and no one would interpret it differently

eastern conference has to be carrying the ratings

hive mind

god what an insufferable faggot lmao

the true outcome of ring chasers that never got the ring
look at how bitter chuck is

>sources say
>experts have found
>said one anonymous source
lol nothing happened

lol every fucking time with these libfags

They called him a cracker and those are fighting words desu

>Google and ESPN are always 100% correct

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>Wouldn't be surprised if Paul is pressing for charges
Holy fuck get his dick out of your mouth

>And on the imageboard these words appear:
>"My name is Redditmandias, cuck of cucks;
>Look on my copes, ye Mighty, and despair!"

>"putting hands"

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>While being told by an irate, charging Chris Paul, "I'll see you later!"
Did he get up on his step stool to tell them that?

who is this semen demon


>I'm too fucking stupid to understand that people lie
Video or it didn't happen.

this is an ironic post right

Yes the media is totally honest and cares about the general public.










He's actually a 19-year-old man.
Do Americans really?

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nba players are so fucking soft these days they spend half the game yelling at fans, threatening fans, and getting security to throw out fans. they also play the race card constantly. the fact that these players can't take the heat and constantly get into it with people on the sidelines is what is causing the problem. millionaire professional athletes should be able to tune out or at least just ignore the rabble. being incapable of doing so is the epitome of weakmind

why would they even want to hug these non-famous non-athlete people?
this just seems fishy af, unless they were tripping balls.

>millionaire professional athletes should be able to tune out or at least just ignore the rabble

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"If she dies, she dies."

weird texans? idk. the whole thing is weird. this is the president of the players association so if his family were assualted and harrassed, why would he use ambiguous-lingo like "putting hands" rather than just flat-out saying a fan was being abusive and they needed to be removed immediately.
what most likely happened was cp3 was fucking enraged that the refs were fucking him (again), some hillbilly started talking shit to him and his family after the game, cp3 shit talked back, got fined for it and then went on social media to control the narrative before the news got out that he chewed some dumb kid out of rage. it's all super fucked up. the nba fucks chris paul so, so hard with calls and at the same time cp's behavior is damaging for the league. but because he produces such good bball and has the player's backing, the league can't really discipline him the way they should.

The female was a friend to the two boys! She took them down to courtside seats for the last minute of the game (not rich kids) - apparently there was some “touching” and the kids wanted to talk to them! Something happened when the mother and wife walked
Out of the arena. As she says she was followed - these kids didn’t go anywhere so it might be two other peope involved! Kid in green looks shocked and keeps saying “but I didn’t do anything” and the female says “ I know, just go” then Paul steps up and threatens the kid! Who stands there and looks at him with nu clue! CANT WAIT FOR THE RIGHT VIDEO SHOWING EVERYTHING! If the kid is smart he waits Ali til tomorrow then puts lawyers on the worst reporting! Here is a video of what happened before but the narrator is an idiot so…. He thinks the kid was the grown up! Cants see the lady? This went from assault to unwanted hugs from a 12
Year old! CP3 - Hope this will be his farewell tour