They are just trolling the right at this point. Marvel are planning to bring Miss America Chavez into the MCU, an insanely powerful Latin-American immigrant who is openly gay.
They are just trolling the right at this point. Marvel are planning to bring Miss America Chavez into the MCU...
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>Miss America Chavez
Jesus fucking christ i forgot about this stupid forced character
>miss mac
I fucking love her design, but she is always written intolerably
Why did Marvel go full retard a few years ago and make every character black, gay, swap their gender to female, and releasing all those horrible SJW crap comics that everyone hated like the new Squirrel Girl? All the comics flopped, did they seriously think they would make money or drum up interest in their dying industry?
Reminder she's an alien from another universe and is LARPing as a Latino.
>can only speak mangled Spanish
>m-muh heritage!
We've moved past the actually-making-money phase to the pure propaganda phase.
Phase 4 is gonna be hilarious. Its gonna be the last jedi all over again just with a dozen movies burning everything to the ground
They've literally given up on making money with comics and they're just spitting out faggot, spic and nigger characters to find something, anything that gets even a lick of traction so that they can cram that character into the MCU.
Now, every single one of them is an embarrassment and a failure, but America Chavez is particularly humiliating because she actually started out not completely unbearable, they got given her own comic and it was such a laughing stock that I can name at least two youtubers who have started their channels and their current livelihoods off of mocking each issue as it released.
Oof, cultural appropriation. Yikes.
You should go to Yea Forums where they never let you forget she exists.
I still can't figure out how this book ever got cancelled.
The live threads for this comic were one of the few good things Yea Forums did right
Ay caramba!
racism isn't a political stance
I guess i'm a dc guy now.
not only is she a lesbian, but she had two mothers
wow the future truly is female! what a forward thinking comic book character!
>an insanely powerful Latin-American immigrant who is openly gay.
Welcome to the reality dumb white boy
we're exited the golden age and we're now entering the age of the shilling of the Alphabet people
How do I unsubscribe from your blog?
I'm gay af and all this diversity for the sake of diversity is ridiculous.
Maybe it's for the best that Spidey is leaving the MCU. Sony doesn't have to be associated with the incoming shitshow, and I don't have to be tempted by one of the last few characters I actually care about.
Hopefully Spidey and Venom teamup will at least be fun.
wait for the hypocritical "logic" cycle that follows
>its not FOR you, white boy
> ok , I won't buy a ticket thanks for the heads up
> nazi scum! only racist misogynists don't buy ticket for this movie!
Please for the love of god don’t ruin moon knight for me
America chavez was an OK character until they decided that lesiban latina character can only be written by a lesibian Latine and brought a talentless Shit as writer.
you think normies will care about capeshit without iron man and all those other big guys.
Yea Forums Sent a troll fanletter to that series which got published.
Anyone got the comic strip of America Chavez carrying a woman in her arms while someone in back applauds her for being gay and badass
Isn’t Chavez’s the most hated and most SJW of the Marvel hero’s and didn’t her series bomb??
The future is multicultural, the future is progressive, the future is tolerant, and the future supports any and all non-cis-gendered human(or otherwise) beings on the planet.
At this point, all you're really doing is treading water. We've already won. Only thing left for you to do now, is drown in your own ignorance and filth.
no, they're just tired of making money like they were with the comics
user, Captain Marvel has been re-launched within the comics industry at least eight times. Even though she is unpopular, nobody reads her, and no writer can do anything interesting with her, new comics are still released.
I honestly can't tell which is the fake
Middle one bottom. It even signed C.O .
If she was written by anyone but a leisban latnia it would be considered racist. The fun thing is she’ll barely a lesbin laitana she’s an alien!
>this white woman isn’t diverse enough
>gay Latina immigrant?
>youre a genius
>fuck you gringo this is la raza's nation now.
uhhmm no sweaty she's some kind of alien from another universe that wont shut up about latino pride.
desu we care more about Spiderman or DBZ
So this is how the MCU dies.
I really liked her in Ultimates. But marvel gonna marvel .
They are doing the same with ms.marvel tv series.
I think this book is great. One if the themes is adulthood vs. teen years, with the teenagers havivg plenty flaws making them annnoying to any adult, like realistic teenagers should be. And i like her. I hear she is decently written in one of the Ultimates. The solo book being terrible does not mean anything.
Much like Marvel comics currently, introducing America Chavez will utterly destroy the MCU. She was literally created by some tumblr using fanfic writer Marvel brought on for diversity points.
>character designed to represent south american culture by a south american girl who can;t even speak spanish
She is bitchy and obnoxious and not really liked in YA, in solo she is also obnixious, but liked for she is Mary Sue for chubby chicano girl.
>What the holy menstration are you doing here.
People called it correct years when Young Avengers was first announced. That people only pay attention to America because she's drawn to be really fuckable. Take that away and that's like 80% of her appeal right out the fucking window.
If they get a hot latina in short shorts with.nice thights i will enjoy.
Ultimates? Does this mean the next Ant-Man and Wasp film will be about domestic violence and a stripper dressed as Thor?
>Why did Marvel go full retard a few years ago and make every character black, gay, swap their gender to female, and releasing all those horrible SJW crap comics that everyone hated like the new Squirrel Girl? All the comics flopped, did they seriously think they would make money or drum up interest in their dying industry?
Unironically and sincerely, the reason is to create a veneer of legitimacy for the movies.
Take a popular white male comic character, revamp them as a trans black woman of deafness, and a year later when the movie version comes out, Marvel can shield themselves from accusations of pandering by claiming "the character was already a trans black woman of deafness in the comics, which proves you're not a real fan and thus your complaints are invalid".
Oh, duh. Not sure how I missed that.
Wanna try doing a storytime of pain so that Yea Forums knows what this shit is all about?
Marvel and DC rates have been stagnant for 20 years and now they’re stuck with people who will work for minimum wage because they have no other options, hence the influx of weirdos
A lot of great comics artists have high-tailed it away from the industry and make a living from private commissions, or working in games or animation
wtf I like these characters now!?
of course they won't make them attractive to get men interested, they only do that to male characters to get females interested.
As a male you're supposed to already be interested in female characters, if you're not a misogynist that is! Women get the carrot and men get the stick.
Imagine that years helloween
>They are just trolling the right at this point.
And rightly so...
Why do they keep buying ?... That's what i don't understand. They're pissed yet they give them money to produce more of this shit.
Oh and with sales in the toilet there’s no payout from royalties to offset the shit pay
Basically anyone with an opportunity to work outside comics takes because every other art-related job pays better
This is fan art, right? This is too good to be current year marvel art
Do that artist have a drawing of her and Kate rubbing their axe wounds together?
Wait, if shes from a latin american country and openly gay, isnt she betraying her religion and culture?
The thing is, I dont mind experimental shit when it is done for the sake of an interesting story. Hell back in the 70's they went into some weird sexual themes that were actualy really neat, since there wasnt an agenda behind it, it was just exploring interesting concepts that could stand alone.
According to Uncle Ethan V Marvel refusal to stop publishing SJW comics is causing stores across the country to close. What good is propaganda if nobody is reading it and it kills an entire industry that in the digital age would need devoted fans to keep alive.
>In the comics, Miss America is a Latin-American immigrant who is openly gay
>She's also insanely powerful
She’s from another dimension populated only by women.
>Stan Lee lived long enough to see his beloved industry and life's work atrophy into a husk of vapid virtue signalling, uninspired art and characters who's only defining traits are their race/gender with which they beat you around the head with.
Feels bad, man.
i knew it was coming
They should get a hot brazil tranny to play her like Bruna Butterfly
another dimension of all women no less
Marvels thinks their audience is the women who decide what products end up in bookstores and libraries, and the women who frequent bookstores and libraries. That’s where they think the money is. When you look at it from that perspective their idiotic decisions almost start to make sense.
God, this is great. Every single thing the Yea Forums writer said was true but they knew how to write it so that the writer thinks the group is laughing WITH them instead of AT them. My hats off to you user.
>fat squirrel girl
of all the characters ....
ok. So she is not a hot blooded catholic latina. that makes me sad.
this. you can't "troll the right" if the right doesnt buy comics
>Miss America Chavez
What is it about this art style that I immediately dismiss it as professional caliber comic book art?
I see it and think "webcomic trash".
Am I wrong?
because it look like a fan colored manga page
I guess they want to try if their brand is as strong as they think it is. For that, a character whose comics have failed is a good test bed. Of course, you can always argue they already did that with Captain Marvel, as her comics haven't been that successful either,
Bland, complete lack of lighting or shadow, characters are undetailed, background looks like a placeholder, apart from spider girl nobody is actually doing anything (like seriously, where are the lines of action? what on the front page alludes to what the comic is about? see pic related for an idea of exciting poses - shit characters SHOULD be doing on your front page) and overall it just reeks of minimum effort. I mean, they're all smiling. Does that suggest conflict, intrigue, a problem to solve? Y'know, the things you'd actually read a comic book for? No it fucking doesn't.
comics were really drawn with pencils and pens and ink for 70 years or whatever and then the internet came and now you can draw digitally
>I mean, they're all smiling. Does that suggest conflict, intrigue, a problem to solve? Y'know, the things you'd actually read a comic book for? No it fucking doesn't.
holy shit youre right, theres no story because its just about them exisitng, Doesnt matter what the story is
>Im fat so buy this comic
Weren't they literally dying and sold themselves to stay alive? That whole issue with Fox was because they made an extremely bad deal just to stay alive.
Comics don't make good money here. They cost too much for too little story and they aren't as exciting as other media. Also, unlike it's foreign counterpart, the characters never fucking change. It's the same fucking thing over and over. Personally, I like the stories as I think they are interesting but I barely read anything that's on this site and I can see why others would not be interested either.
I'm honestly much more hype for the animations than I am for the comics. Too bad Marvel sucks dick at those. DC is great and the MCU is dead to me now. Whatever fuckery they're going to pull after Endgame is thankfully not my problem. Captain Marvel sucked bad enough and Endgame was a decent ending to what I knew as the MCU. Let them fuck up from here on. My investment has been satisfied.
and to add the costumes are lame as hell too, ms chavez on the end there just has on asics and walmart brand running tights
>not from the US or any hispanic country
Americans really exist only on the surface level of things.
Well, Victoria Alonso is a Latin American immigrant and a lesbian too
When do all the people behind this propaganda get thrown in a gulag?
spidergwen is so fucking stupid. total cringe character. if you want a female spiderman so fucking bad, use spiderwoman, or spidergirl (peter's daughter).
especially when she's also Gwenpool
> I can name at least two youtubers who have started their channels and their current livelihoods off of mocking each issue as it released.
Link? That sounds like it could be pretty funny
You are right. It comes out as a bland "meet the cast"-kind of a poster that doesn't have anything to do with a story. It's like a group of soap actors posing for publicity shot.
>SJWs killing the industry
>Not the main hobbyists aging out and newer generations having a far, far more rich and diverse field of media and entertainment without having to slog through decades of poorly written continuity.
>Not the endless reboots, #1s, expensive cross over events, outdated digital distribution models, draconian editorial decisions
This is like when people complain about Disney but leave out their horrible practices over over half a century and just focus on "MUH PROPAGANDA" like smooth brained faggots.
Comic books are still an extremely popular and viable industry. Just look at manga. The problem is exclusively that the modern comic book industry is run like shit and has horrible writers and management.
GEt WOKE GO BROKE like disney ..
is for chicanos not for latinos
I wouldn't bother. I tried watching some of their videos and they come out just as annoying as the things they try to make fun of. They are more or less broken records playing to a crowd of broken records.
>character is unpopular and sells terribly
>make a movie about her
i guess you can do anything when you have fuck you money
>Comic books are still an extremely popular and viable industry
>Just look at manga.
So you're comparing two extremely different markets and demographics with much, much different histories and thinking there's an equality of opportunity there. Manga culture and comic culture are not comparable. You couldn't possibly compare American television and cinema culture to Japan's. Our literary cultures are different, there's no real "light novel" market in America, and net fiction is not even close to being as popular. I'm not sure what makes you think comics and manga are in any way similar, other than pictures on pages.
>a lesbian Latino illegal immigrant who doesn't like whites and doesn't like straights and is a self insert for a shrill danger hair sjw dyke writer
Perfect fit for the new MCU to be honest.
>she actually started out not completely unbearable
Wrong. She was a cocky, stuck-up, smug bitch latina from her first appearance. The main difference was that she was actually straight and wore sexy clothes at the start. Then they made her gay and ironically removed her American heritage by making her a being from a lesbian universe.
I can't wait for the threads
>insanely powerful
Isn’t she like street level at best?
more jewish influence
Are you retarded?
Mangas and comic books are both cheap illustrated trash written for children. What exactly are the extremely different markets, history and demographics you're talking about?
Por que?
Have you guys been to Yea Forums checked it out just now it's fucking gross. It's like Yea Forums but for honry trannies.
She's from Argentina.
DC wins at representation
They should've gone crazier with the appeal, making her pregnant, handicapped, muslim, vegan and fighting against cancer. SJW would orgasm with it.
insanely powerful Latin-American immigrant who is openly gay.
Go woke get broke lok at gillette
Who will they get to play her?
Hard Mode: Michelle Rodriguez (too old)
Dante Must Die: Boner, i mean, Moner
I get the feeling one of these is gay
Well it's still latin america.
She's stronger than captain marvel
She's superman strong only with more powers.
>Mangas and comic books are both cheap illustrated trash written for children.
>Already doesn't realize that there are many successful and long running manga titles targeted toward adults that do not fall into the same category as people who read comics in the west.
Fuck off kid.
I gots yo Miss America Chavez right here
people who type like this act so smug in their typing style in makes me kek, because usually in real life they’re the type who can’t order a coffee in person without collapsing into a sputtering, schizoid mess
Comic books are nothing like manga. New manga with diverse settings and new stories come out all the time. Comic books are stuck with Batman, Superman, X-Men, and Spiderman, etc.
Now they are trying to stir up shit just to get any attention at all with their shit new ideas like Mexican America.
The japs understood how to get an audience. They make a good premise. Live off the books sales for a bit to prove it's a good manga and then shit out an anime to get people interested in the manga. I wouldn't have known dick about X-Men when I was a kid if not for the animated series and I came to love it because of that series.
>wah why can't every comic book character be a white straight male with a regular father and mother!
>they hated him because he told the truth
Is wanting public order a political stance?
Is wanting city utilities to function a political stance?
Is wanting kids to shut up and pay attention in school a political stance?
>diverse settings and new stories come out
Doesn't that mean these STRONK WAHMAN OC DONUT STEELE characters should be making a killing instead of sitting on shelves before being thrown out?
>pregnant with an unwanted baby that she can't abort because of evil white men
because they're (((ideologues))). they don't care about money. they'd rather propagandize to the masses. its the same with jewtube kicking off popular channels that commit wrong think. maybe they'd have a somewhat viable platform if they just left it alone, but they would rather hemorrhage money as long as they can still control the narrative.
I think calling America Chavez a "character" is pushing it a little too far
This, caricature is more accurate, I've seen more substance and nuance in Ben Garrison memes
This was the best part of the Dora movie.
Yeah that's done on purpose. Superhero outfits are "lame" so they have to be as fucking cosplay friendly as possible because that's what bitches are all about: throwing on the least expensive shit so you can wear a half assed outfit that dudes aren't interested in looking at.
>throwing on the least expensive shit so you can wear a half assed outfit
Or maybe because they are all poor young heroes who can't afford a fancy outfit... but nah, it's definitely your thing.
>women characters
>minority characters
they're going to introduce Franklin Richards or Legion as gay jewish trannys aren't they
You just have to make your invincible strong lesbian character actually fun and interesting.
Diversity doesn’t always mean race. It just means variety.
Please,don't fuck Eternals. From that list is the only thing I'm interested.
Gwenpool isn't Gwen Stacy though.
The comic book industry was never anything more than a medium for exposing young children to advertisements.
It's Ya Boi Zack!
His videos revealed to me just how mad and bad the current Marvel Comics is. Then I noticed I hadn't bought any Marvel comics in eight years. None of the new stories even looked interesting.
As a alcoholic I find this picture rayciss.
I thought straight-edgefags could drink? Even though it's a drug
He is ruined he is a jew.
Uncle Ethan is a closet homo, neck your self.
>0 mentions of how she always go comando as a important trait of her personality.
Yeah same to me. He helped me realize how bad things were in general, not only in the comic industry. Eventually every entertainment industry segment will succumb to these parasites.
I hope manga and anime somehow escapes this madness. You can still enjoy a story with strong female characters (like Nausicaa or Mikasa Ackerman) without being lectured to. And even read content from female authors that got where they are just on merit (popular shounen series like FMA or Demon Slayer come to mind)
>we're exited the golden age
When did the MCU ever have a golden age? They were serviceable action movies at best.
why is the west so bad at doing superheroes?
I hate dykes. And I imagined myself nuking the fuck out of this bitch and her dyke friends. Just nuking the lot of them. Can't stand these things.
Ironically Jews. NO seriously, Jews. Jews were the good and is also the worst part of the west's superhero Schick. Ironically again, Jews are the ones who can save the west comics. And by Jews I mean Asians, namely Manhwa and Manga. Beware, many of their titles are faggy but they're easy enough to avoid.
gotta collect nut after nut in preparation for winter cause she's a chubby bitch
I hope they go through with it so I have an excuse to post the best comic of 2017 for you all
>>Already doesn't realize that there are many successful and long running manga titles targeted toward adults that do not fall into the same category as people who read comics in the west.
You mean like "GRAPHIC NOVELS"?
Fuck off pseud.
Spider-Gwen has a top tier design though
Try being less gay.
you sound insane.
The sane man sounds insane in the insane world.
Mexican Carmen San Diego in a Captain America costume?
she is. dont be stupid just because they changed her name to poole
I'm aware, that doesn't contradict my statement. I never even mention race, for that matter.
Super high
everything but these
>And by Jews I mean Asians
What the fuck are you talking about?
Shonenshit is one of the few things worse than capeshit.
Seriously? Punish all your custmors with shit story because of what one guy did in El Paso?
Whats scary is that Disney REALLY thinks the same dudebros who were into Iron Man. Cap, Hulk Smash-Version, and guy Thor are going to watch ANY of this.
They're fucking awful because dykes get shilled by retards who think they're hot.
A woman can be intolerable, I say can be because although a lot of women are there are many of them that aren't. Usually it's the women who were brought up right. They tend to control their crazy drive just enough to get by without going full blown pain in the ass.
Dykes are not inclined to be nice or to be accommodating, ESPECIALLY AROUND OTHER DYKES.
They beat the ever living shit out of each other. Worked with all of three dykes in my life, One's in jail for murdering another dyke over seventeen year old pussy. Another had almost all of her bones broken one time or another from the many partners she had. The latest one broke he arm and gave her a concussion twice.
>dykes get shilled by retards who think they're hot
This. I see obnoxious yurifags fucking everywhere.
Anyone that actually has a lesbian fetish doesn't even know they have much in common with actual cucks.
how are comic books still "a thing"?
not even trying to meme or troll, I honestly wonder who is buying comic books? are there still comic book stores around?
I grew up with lots of autist types and we all loved computer games and movies but none of us ever owned a comic book. I cant even think of a single kid I knew growing up who did
>lose billions of dollars in boxoffice and merchandise
>lol take that nazis
Never seen dykes be violent, but every single one I've ever met has been a colossal cunt. I've had dyke roommates, dyke "friends" (friends of friends/friends that became dykes), and dyke coworkers, and they've all been hateful bitches.
Faggots can be annoying but Generally other than their occasional cattiness they're kinda okayish. Dykes are not okayish. They're always seconds away from losing their shit. Last intolerable dyke I worked with was threatened by Men. Went as far as saying she didn't want a man to say anything to her. Dumb bitch got fired.
Every comic fan I know just downloads scans now and never pay for books.
I've never seen them act violently either but they were always a hair breadth away from losing their shit. Like we'd be having a conversation and suddenly this one dyke would just make everything awkward. I've seen moody blacks take a joke. Dykes are incapable of taking a joke. And for some reason if you're laughing with your co workers AUTOMATICALLY YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT THEM.
Now they can go full anti-white. This is going to be a beautiful disaster.
It's already on the regular Storytime of Pain rotation. Can well imagine Maneaters will be joining soon.
New MCU character:
>Vote democrat. Consume propaganda.
Vote democrat. Consume propaganda.
>Vote democrat. Consume propaganda.
Vote democrat. Consume propaganda.
>Vote democrat. Consume propaganda.
Vote democrat. Consume propaganda.
Bugmen: wow this is such a refreshing new character
Try living with them. The year I spent with two dyke roommates was the worst year of my life. Hour long showers with each other, dental dam wrappers in the hallway, inviting another dyke to stay a month and letting her pay $100 for 3 months of rent, never cleaning their dogs' shit... It was a living hell.
>Marvel pumps out garbage like this almost daily
>won't do a comic about a horny nine month pregnant Anne Frank who hunts Nazis with a stolen Kar98
What a bunch of neurotic faggots
Thats Casey's Young Avengers. I only ever read the original Young Avengers.
Yet that isn't the problem. The problem is the actual America Chavez series.
see also: and the author here:
I recently bought a bunch of the original Moon Knight run. I've had the scans for a while. Still haven't read them. Now I need to in order to know how Dracula owes him money.
>are there still comic book stores around?
Yes, but they function more as locals for card games. Usually MTG, YGO and pokemon. They tend to be memorabilia dealers as well.
Wait. High fives can be too triggering. Can we just snap our fingers in approval?
An illegal taco-lapper. Nice.
She's always been Gwen Poole. She and her brother Chris are giant nerds.
Point of personal privilege
Snapping aggravates my sensory overload
Canceled? Why in the fuck? I mean, these people are clearly out of ideas with all those minority and female characters.
>goes to read the 99999th volume of some default white guy doing somethings whose parents are heterosexual and married, possibly catholic and is not challenging to relate to because his life reflects all of my experiences!
It's going to be real fucking awkward when you guys actually enjoy all of this "forced diversity."
Does baby boxing class mean fisting?
It's funny how most of the ppl complaining about this shit is doing so because they're lil bitchboi brains have to be placated with self-inserts for every series they come across.
ok that makes more sense. I cant see how a place just selling comic books would stay open
No human beings on Earth interact with one another like that. Gabbi Rivera is literally an autistic femcel with no friends and it shows.
Or maybe they just hate shitty writing?
They're inconsiderate. I remember a girl who I knew who was bisexual for a while say that she was done with women because with men, they'd try to at least to be friendlier, put the toilet seat down if they remember or take you somewhere nice on an anniversary. Dykes are not like that, and if they're not into getting off they don't really want to be around you. They'd go out drinking with other friends or go to clubs looking for fresh pussy. Never would they want to spend time with you. And the fights she said was frightening.
That's only going to happen when forced diversity becomes unpopular, because this board is contrarian about everything. Kind of like what you're doing now.
In June 2015, following the popularity of Spider-Gwen, all Marvel titles being published had alternate covers with Gwen Stacy reimagined as other characters, such as Doctor Strange, Groot and Wolverine.[1] One of those was Deadpool, featured on Chris Bachalo's variant cover for Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #2.[2] After seeing how many fans were cosplaying as a character who was not even featured in any comic, Marvel editor Jordan White approached writer Christopher Hastings and editor Heather Antos with the task of creating a story around her. Initially the plan was to do one-shot comic "Gwenpool Special #1" (December 2015), which was then followed by introducing the character prior to the special with a three-issue backup story in the ongoing volume of Howard the Duck (November 2015-January 2016)
yes it's Gwen Stacey
The MCU is dying anyway
This is gonna trigger Trumptards so hard and I'm here for it. Not gonna watch it though
Good. The right deserves it after the buffoon they chose to represent them.
Constantly bitch about how Men are frightened of superior female heroes and are surprised when their dyke shit falls flat. I'm so happy Marvel Comics is nearly dead.
But, no one dead and no one has. They forced diversity in Battlefield and Wolfenstein. They pulled that shit in Dishonored two and the expansion and both had dismal sales.
Get Woke Go Broke
Makes sense, why would queers respect monogamy or basic human decency when society is infantilising them so much. Perpetual teen mode activate
Will we ever get the new, good and beautiful super heroes?
She comes from a planet of superhuman latina lesbians in a dimension where Latin America doesn't even exist.
Cosplay slits look better than movie Superstars and make less money. What a time to be alone!
>Or maybe they just hate shitty writing?
Your commenting about shitty writing in a comic book, a medium plagued by terrible writing. I know because I've read plenty of garbage that doesn't come anywhere near this type of reflexive indignation.
>oh no, this comic has such terrible writing
Literally reads like most comic book garbage. The only difference is the obvious which has been reiterated 100s of times over regarding muh sjws. You guys have no self-awareness at all. And the attitude that you're trying to be even the least bit objective is laughable.
The people in her world all speak English interspersed with Spanish phrases. The writers are so confused about who these people are supposed to be.
Goddamit, why do cosplayers always look better than anything Hollywood produces? I don't just mean the girls (though they're definitely gotter), but the quality/accuracy of the costumes just always blows my mind.
Gilette learned the hard way as did Disney with Star Wars merchandise. Get Woke Go Broke.
Well you see, Yea Forums trannies don't really read comics. Or if they do, they read maybe 1 issue, because they're lazy and don't want to drive down to the FLCBS. Comic book stores really only make money if they're able to sell expensive toys and tpb, but that is simplified by going online. Even still, comic + game stores don't make much money, with 80% of them going out of business in 5 years. It's a terrible business model all around. I can go into depth about it if you want.
Shitheads like these?
Can't make money off these people. Even if there's a lot of voices on the internet praising this tripe, the number don't lie. The reading numbers were way too low to justify producing comics and waste comic book spaces. If there's like 4,000 people actually buying across the US, that's not worth it at all. $12,000 a month on that thing? No way they weren't bleeding money out. It's just bad business to pander to either extreme (unless you do it right, but goddamn the Chavez writer was so inept it's unreal)
Because cosplayers have more passion than the corporate workers.
Reminder that her parents didn't teach her Spanish because they thought it would leave her with an accent
it's 4am so I might be a bit fucked up but do people actually talk like that?
>power imbued by the demiurge
wait, wait, wait- the "demiurge" was a greecian concept of a corrupted demi-god that was the source of all evil that had spiritually/mentally trapped mankind in a physical dimension of torture that they were confused as to the nature of but were trapped in. it was like "i have no mouth and must scream" except the tortured didnt understand the depth and perpetual nature of their suffering.
they're saying that captain chicano here was created by the demiurge. how fucking stupid could this writer be?
At least you admit the average comicbook reader can't expand his mind enough to appreciate narratives that aren't pandering to their narrow life experiences and views. It's almost like you're admitting that it's a medium for fucking children and grown ass manbabies. The comic book industry appears to be dying no matter what, so I'm sure its current audience will keep it afloat despite all indications.
Dykes do. But they're not people so it doesn't really matter.
comic was in the 8-10/10 range for the first couple series then went to enormous shit right around the 6th storyline. even bkv is ruined
>america chavez
I can assure you my life experiences don't resemble comic books at all, as awesome as that would be.
Just like many terrible movies fly under the radar but certain seminal (awful) works gain traction and popularity for the wrong reasons. Its been said before, America Chavez is like The Room of comic books.
But it's a medium that has had some of the most complicated story lines and characterizations there ever was. Only an UNinformed Jackass claims Comics written by shittier people basically equates to its acceptability for its demographic, children and man children. As a child I had to get out my dictionary and encyclopedia to look up words and even went as far as inquiring from my elders about phrases I didn't understand. And it made me a better person and student. Lazy writing and even worse, Cultural Marxist diatribe, is a cancer and it's perpetrators should be unironically water boarded.
I think they've relaunched Captain Marvel twelve times and it continues to fail. I think that's it though, marvel the other day was begging libraries to buy their shit so i'm guessing they're just about had it.
Leftism is a religious movement and lgbtq are clergy.
What a Revolting Image. Disgusting.
Why are black girls so smart in the Marvel universe?
In America Chavez's world, whites are portrayed is annoying little pests.
I'd smash Momo like a train
Of course there are good comics out there, but most are garbage yet are enjoyed by their audience all the same. You guys don't know how obvious your hypocrisy becomes after complaining about the same shit over and over and then your mentioning "cultural marxists" only makes me that much more certain of the crux of the impotent rage.
>so you admit
Don't do this. That's what propagandists do. Don't ever say that a person.
Precisely. Attack them until they repent or die. Which ever comes first. And by Attack I mean rebuttal and Not violence, unless they shoot first.
They're dying, SJW comics I mean, and they've taken Marvel and no even DC with it and good riddance to bad rubbish.
If they make an Ultimates movie based on Al Ewing's run it would be kino. America Chavez isn't written to be insufferable in that team, and the story is incredible.
These people should be thrown into a mealstrom During a typhoon.
I understand your point, but comics were dying well before this new brand of sjw hit
>No you are the hypocrites
Read your own posts again m80.
Don't worry they were actually robots. It wasn't racist all along.
>Voting age is arbitrary
But it's not? It's based on the logic that children don't have the intelligence or forethought to make such important decisions. Which is true; even in the Marvelverse. One child being "the smartest person in the world" doesn't mean all children should be allowed to vote.
Shove your head up your ass and pretend you're not being poisoned by Leftism, if that's your wish. Out here in the real world these dogs admit they're out to infect and corrupt children with their Cultural Marxism. Dishonored two and expansion learned the hard way, as did Wolfenstein. They're all failing and billions of dollars are being lost. Marvel is literally bankrupt and DC isn't too far behind. They're literally dying and they're now bitching that young people in droves are resisting their programming. It made my heart glad when I saw that video of the little tykes singing Nat Soc songs. A revolution is coming and when it's done, there won't be a medium available that will ever listen to Cultural Marxist again.
>Intergalactic ISLA
>Editor note: International Spanish Language Academy
So the Intergalactic International Spanish Language Academy?
That's not true. Comics still sold in the tens of thousands. Sure it slowed down considerably with the rinse and repeat story telling but they had their solid fans who were in most cases around 19 thousand per comic. And now they don't even have these people. They offended them all. They're dead in the water.
Thank you. My point proven. All that over not having your self-inserts to cream over and imagine things about.
It’s a spic in Cap gear, what is there to love you brainlet?
Smart niggas don't understand rules
Wait. Is that white boi taking a selfie? AWW HELL NAW!
Self Insert, Nigger are you serious? 99% of Comic readers for nearly a century were Straight White Males. And that number's dwindled some because other men who are not White were also fans. Women were in the minority, less than a 1% and Faggots were even less than that.
You give us what we want or we so fuck yourself. And you know what happened, they told us no and then we said, well, go fuck yourself. And now they're bankrupt and they're begging LIBRARIES, to be their toxic marixst bullshit. They causes hundreds of Comic stores to close down. I know a couple who I bought comics from when I was a kid. I suggested they leave that shit and get into manga and they said, naw. And now they're gone and a dry cleaning business occupies the building they had for decades.
We kept the Comic industry afloat. And when we left, they're now literally falling into a crevice they'll never escape from.
She sounds like a supervillain
Captain America was created as a propaganda tool to push the establishment narrative at the time. Miss America is no different.
I'm going to signing off soon, i have too many typos.
>Fuck the rules
>But also fuck this white guy for breaking the rules
Don't even bother. You've been arguing with marvel drone tranny from Yea Forums. Just tell it to dilate and move along. Your first clue was it using the term "manbabies." That's a Yea Forums exclusive term.
>thank you for proving my point
was another one.
You're not getting anywhere with that Yea Forums-fag. Just hope it makes like its mothership tumblr and kills itself.
>black girl gives precocious speech
>"told you she was dope"
>white boy says he's being precocious
>"ayo sit down whitey"
0/10 propaganda attempt
If "niggers, faggots, and women" aren't reading comics anyway, seems like you guys shot yourselves in the face or cutting off the nose to spite the face; the destroying of industries just because it dares to bring in a larger, diverse group because you can't handle the tiniest changes where all of your favorite self-inserts still exist. Fuck it. Let them rebuild without the slightest interest in pandering to racist fuckwits like yourself.
I like how you faggots come out of nowhere to pat each other on the back like you're revolutionaries in it for the long, sleepless nights. You guys are pathetic. Stay on the internet.
Work was especially difficult and I'm so sleepy. Thanks for the heads up. Got to get up by 4am so this is probably it for me. Thank You.
All of my friends are keeping their kids from this shit. They've gotten them into Manga, Naruto and so on. Fuck Western Cultural Marxist Dog Shit.
Join the 41% lmao
Its like Ghostbusters. They make the shitty one so that when they make a normal one again, it will make more money. It will drum up controversy and give them free press. They were gonna lose a ton of money anyway after losing Iron Man and Captain America, this just allows them to paint that loss as "racist and sexist" and get more good press.
Maybe Kevin is just really tired of doing Marvel movies and wants to fail out of his contract. He'll still be in hot demand just for landing Phases 1-3.
>getting them into manga, naruto, and so on
Let me tell you that I'm into all of those things and be prepared for some hardcore weeabo shit. Its results are far worse than whatever you think "cultural marxists" have done. Man, you really have no idea.
>that last panel
what the fuck am i reading
Despite all that, Get Woke Go Broke rings true every time. Even the NFL is crying. Video Game companies are Dying. Disney lot billions with Star Wars merchandise and on and on it goes. I'm literally laughing at their failings. But do keep preaching progressive propaganda.
Failing all the way into the billions.
Manga and Manhwa is a lot like Western Comics. There's something for everyone. And Yuri and Yao shit writers creators don't force themselves onto Shonnen Writers and Creators. Everyone respects everyone's space. Unlike Cultural Marxist. If you don't adopt their dogma then you're a literal nazi.
>blah blah blah I’m a huge faggot blah blah blah please fuck me in the mouth
Galaxy Edge is a failure. And before Disney got their grubby hands on Star Wars in 2012 Star Wars toys made almost 4 billion. Now they're not even making a million dollars. Gillette's begging for mercy and just the other day the makers of Wolfenstein literally called straight white males nazis because they won't buy their woke game.
NO one's buying Disney merchandise, their billion dollar park is a bust, their hotel is a bust. Literal Billions are lost. And Now the MCU is about to get Woke and Go Broke. I Can't Wait.
Disney's making more revenue than they ever have despite their loses. Wait until you see the twist at the end and no one ever really cared about your failed dogmas and ideology leaving you and your kind in the trash bin of yesteryear.
>Sony doesn't have to be associated with the incoming shitshow
>Ghostbuster 2016
The west is not America. Euro comics are not this trash.
Are any of these panels connected with the others?
Nice. In the real world, we care about profit, liquidity and solvency.
You're not very bright are you? You can't take from Peter to prop up Paul despite Paul's loses. They're not a charity they're a conglomerate paid for by investors. Seven years ago they invested 4.8 billion for Star Wars. Despite what you've been told, The Force Awakens was quite literally the only thing that they've shat out that was at all a success. And once people saw what they were in for, Disney's Nu Wars fell flat. So much so that Toys R Us that had only Disney Nu Wars toys Literally had to close their doors.
Every movie and game that was released since The Force Awakens barely scraped by with a few failing outright. But that's not the worse of it, They invested billions into parks that has lack luster visitors. Everyone's shitting on the parks. And now the hotels they've rennovated and spent tens if not hundreds of millions on will be their next big failure. Disney had a time limit in which it should have not only recovered its 4.8 billion investment but made a profit. They have yet to reclaim the initial investment and to make matters worse they're looking to lose almost that because of the expensive parks and hotels that no one wants to use. This is a colossal fuck up.
>They are just trolling the right at this point
Nope. Comic book nerds are just that delusional and sheltered. Have been for a long, long time.
You guys keep betting on the collapse of Disney and by all means PLEASE hold your breath.
I wish every fag will be stoned to death
Over at the comics division, they already drove off the good writers and artists years ago. Giving up Spider-Man to Sony was literally Marvel's last throw to stay relevant.
>holy menstruation
Disney won't collapse that easily but they've lost billions on Star Wars and it looks like the MCU is next. They bitched about how tone deaf Marvel Comics was and now they're doing the exact same thing with the MCU. It's almost as if they took the dumb as bricks advisors Who steered Marvel into ruin and brought them over to the MCU to ruin that too. I'm a bit amazed that a billion dollar company can be as dumb. But then on /biz/ some one cleared it up with those at the very top usually has their heads so far up their asses they believe every choice they make is the right one. At the thing is why should they care because even if the MCU and Nu Wars fails and they're fired they're paid anyways so how exactly are they affected?
>tfw my English and Spanish is great
>people out there struggle with 2 languages while growing up
>quoting revenue
Yeah, you're definitely one of the 41%
The young employees are pozzed millenials who view comic book writing as a stepping stone for their tv writing career.
They should be shot. Shot and then shot again.
>definitely one of the 41%
Is that supposed to mean something?
Disney will live to regret this. No matter how hard they kept pushing this shit character, they couldn't drive any kinds of sales. All of her series lasted a pathetic number of issues and they had to keep "relaunching" her.
The general audience will give even less of a fuck than the 10,000 people who bought the comic every month.
It's incredible hubris on their part. I think the Disney higher-ups really believe they're immune to failure.
>Epics (the genre most comics are based off of) are valued by how difficult it is to relate with the protagonist in their core values or experiences
>Different equals better
Milquetoast xenophile faggots like you have zero artistic merit if you think that using a relatable character is bad, and you're a delusional moron if you think there are an infinite amount of white catholic guys in the world.
Where to people like you come from? How badly were you neglected as a kid?
>what the holy menstruation are you doing here?
thats so fucking dumb i choked on my drink
Read the post you're quoting again
One of their accountants said Disney cooks the books and now they're under investigation. They're going to probably have to pay billions in fines and the MCU will go the way of Marvel Comics. Coupled that with the utter failure Star Wars proved to be and Cultural Marxism will cost Disney hopefully North of ten billion.
Back to leftypol
The writer isn't fluent in Spanish and only knows enough about her culture to scream that she's 'diverse'. People were literally insulting her on twitter in Spanish and she was thanking them, thinking they were complimenting her.
Simple Corporate Politics. Some suite was tasked with increasing profits. Looks at his customer base. 99.9% young White males, just gonna make up a number lets say that's 1 million. Notices that no black people, females (which to him are all feminists from occasionally glancing at twitter), and so decides to pander to these groups in a misguided attempt to broaden the comics audience.
Any big fraud investigation will kill a company, pretty much any historic operation ends with the company changing names and/or selling a good part of the company. Would be fun to see Disney divest Star Wars for a fraction of what it paid for.
Did MCU got permanently cucked of spiderman? They have no face for MCU.
>product sucking has nothing to do with people not buying
This is some big brained shit right here. It's not very complicated.
So is Marvel confident with the rest of their movies? With RDJ gone,Spiderman was their big one. And no more infinity stones to tie movies together.
La abombinacion...
Though in there is some implicit notion, since you thought to speak the obvious about diversity not equating to race, that there's a preference for variety without the diversity of race. That's quite obvious given the comment in this thread alone.
They're really redpilling zoomers hard.
Didn’t Zack legit make his own comic recently? He mentioned in a recently video that he’s made around 1 mill off it or something. That’s amusing, considering he got his fame from mocking shitty comic books.
If they're going to do an LGBT superhero series then I'd rather they give us Northstar since he was their first out gay superhero. Then again, Marvel forgot to celebrate his 40th anniversary in April.
Toomuch makeup there.
I wonder how Disney views CM. It grossed over 1 billion but it was advertiesed to fuck and wasjust before Endgame, giving it a boost like Black Panther.
Sounds like something someone would write to make fun of WORDS WORDS WORDS, but its played completely straight
I thought rules were bad an oppressive. Why does anyone give a damn about the selfie stick. Were they not paying attention?
It got cancelled and they’re making a movie out of it? Where’s the logic in that?
Honestly, the MCU has to end at some point. It cant be held together with all these fringe heroes like Captain Marvel or whatever.
It also has a problem of feeling too cluttered. They'll add XMen to this shit now? Also Spiderman isnt there for now (I expect them to make a deal eventually)
This is the most blatant mary sue self-insert faggotry I've ever seen
Feel like I need church after being surrounded by the demons in this thread. These white nationalists are something else.
Hence why the written spanish in the Chavez comics is dogshit.
because white liberals construct minorities around the idea that all of them are suffering and battling white supremacy. That's not even a remotely accurate picture of minority lives.
what if the world were just bathed in flame?