Ewok Adventure: Battle For Endor

>"While Yea Forums is busy complaining about soicuck Star Wars fans I'll just run right past 'em to page 10!"*

>*Translated from weird rodent noises

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Here I go!

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Wait a minute, people are always saying that the Ewoks were hated. How did they get 2 television movies?

As I kid I had a few VHS tapes and this was one of them. My mom would leave me at home alone to work a second shift and I used to watch this a lot. When ever the old fuck would make these little bread puffs I would get so hungry but there was never anything to eat at home.

Was Teek a retarded ewok?

looks like my ex waifu .

Kids loved them, while only adults hated them.

He wasn’t an Ewok. Probably from the same genus but not same species

warwick davies daughter

If episode 9 takes place on the moon of Endor does that mean we'll get to see Teek?

Kids loved them, I liked them when I was a kid; but by the same token I like Chewbacca too and a planet full of wookies killing storm troopers would have made a lot more sense then them getting their asses handed to them by teddy bears.

Last known photos

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wasnt he in the Buck Rogers tv series

Ewok specialize in hunting and defending against the giant gorax.
Their traps worked just as well against the Empires AT-STs

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That IS Warwick , wonder if he drank jesus juice ?

Episode 9 is based on a Star Wars/Buck Rogers fanfiction.

>mfw ep9 reveals the real threat...

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A better duo than Rey and Finn

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When did you realize that Cindel grew up to be Captain Phasma.

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bet his fingers irl were up her butt like Judy

So Captain Phasma will finally return to Endor?
How will Teek and Wicket feel about this once they see that she's changed?

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is that the Lady cucked from GOT,

>episode 9
Did you just wake up from a coma?

could you woke starwars fan bois tell me how one never seen it to watch this

What was up in Star Wars land in the late 80s to mid 90s

Yes. Lady Cindel grew up to be Lady Briene of Tarth.

No wokeness
No executive mandated diversity
No obnoxious feminism

this but the jew coin an t. reeeee from sjw ruined it

H*cking epic!

Not so fast Teek!

wonder if she has a tite vegene

wondered myself I have fucked many all colors crack an meth hos an killed /throttled some out in the desert an I came home alone but doing this would be based can disney not get min wage rey in that outfit ??

I'm really enjoying this Ewok Renaissance on Yea Forums.

Ewoks were the Porgs before Porgs

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Why were the Ewoks so rapey, wtf George?

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I miss hunting these guys

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Except that no one ever liked porgs...

Ports are just like ewoks.
What about all of the Porg movies?
Video games?
Oh wait

Are you black?

Not possible...He said his mother was employed.

Edgy teenagers hated them.
Kids loved them.
Adults remembered the previous movie and understood what Yoda said.

>Single Mom
Getting dicked rather than looking after her kid

Phlogs > Gorax

Don't forget to have sex

teek was based you fucking redditor

Teek was OP
Wicket's spear flailing and Cindel's whining barely do any damage.
Nerf Teek now!

And Wilford Brimley starts play with only a single dose of space-diabetes medication.
Wtf Lucasarts?

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Utterly based

That would certainly redeem the franchise.

My body is ready

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You just know.

...that they're good friends?

This thread is too good for Yea Forums.



Endor was secretly the source of the Galaxy's meth supply, but Teek kept comsuming it all. That's what caused the CIS to get butthurt and try to secede from the Republic.

The Ewoks worked because they were obviously disregarded by the Imperial Garrison, being little teddy bear looking nobodies. If the script/story about Endor being full of enslaved Wookies, the story wouldn't have worked because there would be no excuse for the Imperial Garrison to be lazy and let a revolt happen since from the very first movie Wookies were shown to be very dangerous if enraged.