/nba/- euro time edition

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first for eMVPiid

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its over

Reminder that American posters aren't human


How many mvps does he have?


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>4 years since an american MVP
>only 2 american teams with more recent chips than the raps
wtf ameribros...?

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I like how the whitest foreign player is the one with the chip and finals mvp

Reminder that British posters aren't human
look ma i did it!

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got under your skin did he

truly a great day to watch embitch boys seeth

Flag posting is a concession.

>can't get out of the first round

>criticism of Jockitch is support for Embitch
nice cope. they're both shitters who will never get a ring

one day after they won a playoff game?
you need to get a grip
vorpbabbies can take their illegitimate mvp and masturbate with it while the sixers prepare for game 5

Americans always the first to resort to it, they've got no jokes

I like Americans.

its absolutely /int/ tier
that being said may God smite every french poster where they stand (sit)


concession accepted

>muh buzzwords
this is too good

This. I can’t count the amount of times Americans restored to flag posting after I btfoed them

>flagposting is bad when it's about American sports
>flagposting is approved when it's about Yurop sports

foreigners literally crying now
>mommy, they started it!

worst thing about flags is watching my fellow countrymen doing research on other countries to come up with targeted insults instead of just calling everything that's not us yurop

your whole country is just gassed bro don't take it personal

been this way all year its very sad

We run this general broski

I wish I was American.

>The Greek Freak
this will never not be funny

Bruh I’ve spent years on /int/. Don’t get me started on this shit I can’t change this threads narrative energy real fast.

Cry third worlders

You're on an american website speaking american for a reason

just become a male order bride/husband. there are plenty of old, fat perverted losers looking for love. they'll marry anyone

He is Greek though, born and raised in Greece

It was unreal watching the Toronto Raptors, the Vancouver Lakers, and the Thunder Bay Bucks win 3 championships in such quick succession

>Penix Sucks

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le mass reply can I pls get yous any yous at all please I’ll suck dick for yous man

>speaking american for a reason

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No that's cringe.

open up buddeh

And just like that the third worlders conceded. Too scared to even reply directly lmao. Just remember we run your shitholes.

lmao like clockwork. americans have not upped their banter in 12 years.

damn we starting a riot against the americans

then enjoy third world bloc

Wait, when’s the last time and American won an mvp? Doesn’t a nip own this site?

your concession has already been accepted

I was born and raised in Slovenia. No, i'm not Slovenian.

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He's right though. We all speak real English, aka American English. British "English" is cringe and no ESL speaks like that, unless they're some Harry Potter nerd.

>be leaf
>be emotionally retarded

commonwealthers do

We knew that Jokic won this shit 2 months ago
Why do you guys care

You think Bulgaria is bad, but it's actually unironically great.

what's the nba equivalent of pic related?

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There will never be another American MVP or FMVP

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American isn’t a language tho

Why is Jokic called "Vorp" on /nba/ i feel like i missed an episode

good, that means no LeMickey

No, their versions of the language are even worse.

I didn't say it was.

like i said before.../nba/ is just like game of thrones...

we got the americans
the canadian clan
and the foreigners...

the foreigners and canadians MUST stick together...

it's derived from british english that's all

Future MVP Paolo Banchero would like a word

Value Over Replacement Player
VORP - Value Over Replacement Player (available since the 1973-74 season in the NBA); a box score estimate of the points per 100 TEAM possessions that a player contributed above a replacement-level (-2.0) player, translated to an average team and prorated to an 82-game season.

he makes analytics sissies cum their pants

>be american
>be fat
>be completely 100% aware of your rapidly receding global influence
>have no investments in healthcare or education
>will be a favela in less than 5 years, according to Americans themselves the southwest already is
>not have any MVPs in 4 years
>lose your own national championship to Canada
>get BTFO by this post
>replies "uhhhhhh..... leaf"

jokic is very good in advanced stats and that's the funniest sounding one

Third worlders writing paragraphs to cope with our superiority you love to see it

Fuck I don't remember who won that fight. Would that imply OG that was the GOAT in the past, who is now a bit weaker than he used to, but at the same time the only one that can defeat the new young foreign prodigy player on the block?

Embiid was robbed

>be completely 100% aware of your rapidly receding global influence
this isn't remotely true, we still rule the world and it's not close, and we are the primary problem with the world

This video aged like fine wine

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>The Leviathan
Weird synchronicity, I literally just finished probably the last essay of my undergrad and it was about Hobbes

kek typing this much


concession: accepted

congrats on probably graduating


>embiid was robbed
basically this board for the next year kek

>sticking together with canadians

I'd rather it be me vs the world.

Some shit that nobody watches? Idk hornets maybe

post kino Bulgarian cities and Bulgarian cuties

>regular season awards


ngl vanvleet being there got me pretty good

damn bulgaria ok poutine got a nigga confident