Is this the best political talk show?

2 hours of based every night

>Nick Fuentes on Women
>Nick Fuentes on Kanye vs Taylor Swift
>Nick Fuentes Goes off moments

Attached: nick fuentes.jpg (640x360, 49K)

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won't bother

What's up my Nickers?

He’s a good filter- anytime somebody like OP likes him I know they’re a retard.


el atrocidad...

looks like a prepubescent child

Yes it is.

Yes. Only retarded leftists disagree.

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he'll wake up one day realizing that he has ruined his life
no matter what he says, he's a nazi, a sexist, a racist etc in the eyes of the mainstream media
when the internet bans his channel, patreon and any other source of revenue from his teenage fans, he'll regret it

He will get shut down soon. Thank God

or the media and the elites they represent end up hanged in the streets and nick is there to dab on them as they struggle
>t. ben shapiro

just by looking at the thumbnails of the videos you posted i can tell this is some faggot shit and you're a retard. shills OUT

Based Nick

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Thots detected

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Liberals don't watch his show
the only triggered ones are alt-righters
Nick literally only cause infighting

being an American Nationalist is incompatible with being a Catholic

America = revolution, enlightenment, free masonry, protestantism, white people

Catholicism = order, tradition, Europe

I guess he can be both since he's a racemixed goblin mutt with no real roots anywhere

isn't he 4 feet tall

This is his most kino debate. He btfos destiny and hasan piker

booger nick

hello im a mexican come join my white ethnostate

I would play the shit out of this

>White people

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He's a virgin

based volcel


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holy based i love hispanics

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yes yes I know communist brainlets fear the amphibian

he's a retard

based boomer


why the homophobia?

I like this guy. He really makes decent human beings look like altruistic, problem solving, civic-minded, geniuses in comparison to his alt-rightist buffoonery.

>his alt-rightist buffoonery
back you go

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Unironically yes. They're going to kill him.
Sup nicker