>“Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantilize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control.”
- Simon Pegg
“Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy...
>late capitalist
>free trade is scary
kys, leftypol
Also Simon Pegg, "I write and act in Star Trek movies and cameo in Star Wars! It's so much fun!"
It's one thing to find enjoyment in light entertainment. That's the purpose of it, after all. Like a glass of wine on a vacation.
Making a habit out of that shit until it becomes a life-consuming burden and encouraging that behaviour? Evil.
> nerd culture
All culture
Simon Pegg made a career out of nerd culture. Heck, he got a fucking interview from a gaming magazine just because he played Resident Evil 2 in one episode of spaced.
Also, he did this: youtube.com
He looks like someone recovering from chemo now.
I used to be a lolbert like you and tried to reconcile it with a social trad ... doesn't work, just take the anti-capitalist pill
>Also, he did this: youtube.com
You do realise he's making fun of nerd rage in that clip?
that is edgy but also deep
.....okay, so, the MCU fanbase (at least in its current state) is the most cancerously arrogant, bitchiest, bullishly smug-faced zeitgeist of 2010s pop culture aside from SJWs. The capeshit bubble will eventually burst and their misconceptions on life will be shattered by reality soon enough. Fuck these """"people.""""
>The same faggot who appeared in Star Wars, Star Trekk, a shitty super-hero show and the commercial known as Ready Player One
Huh, weird, I had no idea there was no Spider Man in the previous Marvel movies until that Civil War movie. I got dragged to see it by some co-workers. I never watch super hero movies so I had no clue what the fuck was going on. I guess Spider Man showing up was supposed to be a big deal? Why does everyone care about this stuff so much? Is the acting better in the other movies? The only good super hero movie is Ernest Scared Stupid.
Next time how about you post the infographic about tax income vs federal aid taken. I'm sure as soon as you learn that conservative states that aren't Texas have a strong tendency to take more money in federal aid than they contribute in tax dollars you'll be voting straight Democrat right? Criticizing Republicans? Seeking to do away with those welfare leeches?
acting in movies =/= being an obsessive manchild
I wish this were just about money.
Acting in movies is being the part of the problem, you retard faggot nigger.
How Nerd Culture worked before social media was a different beast altogether
>I'm sure as soon as you learn that conservative states that aren't Texas have a strong tendency to take more money in federal aid than they contribute in tax dollars you'll be voting straight Democrat right?
Retard, that's because those states are full of niggers. May want to read that pic again.
>Everyone remembers the day they saw that "Captain America Civil War" trailer and saw Spideu holding Cap's shield and saying those 2 words
What were two the words?
>the anti-capitalist pill
wtf I want to give all my money to brown invaders and women now
Thanks, cuck
And do what instead? If you admit the world is dying, nothing matters. Reproduction, passing on ideas, trying to fix things, nothing has a point.
Pizza time!
>making a living
>part of the problem
my most anti-war friends are vets
I thought blasphemy was when you denigrated God.
>He wasn't just speaking to the people at the airport battle, he was speaking to you, a fan
>You know how the rest of the scene goes because I assume everyone who's reading this has seen Civil War at least 5 times
>Holland and Downey had one of the greatest mentor and student relationships in cinema
> - David Cole
If you want to see an industry that's entirely motivated by capitalism, it's the anime industry. People like these shows about cute girls being cute? People are buying the merchandise? Okay, we'll make 50 of those a year. We'll keep improving the algorithm, sanding off any rough corners, enhancing the feel good hit, until watching an episode makes you feel like an addict, gibbering around of the floor in a fit of ecstasy, gagging for more.
That's not what's been happening in the West for some time. They aren't pandering to what people want or what sells, they're actively trying to re-sculpt people's tastes and opinions, for some insidious purpose, that we can only guess at.
Good advice, but don't fall for the trap of thinking people like McKenna aren't just another layer.
>>“Zionism is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantilize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control.”
>- Warwick Davis
Goddamit, Warwick, you got the product and producer mixed up.
>"Seig Heil!"
Oh wait, thought you were talking about the Raimi movies
>nerd culture relies entirely on the socialist institution of copyright and IP
>somehow it's capitalism's fault
Noose yourself nazbol tranny
So why is he in The Boys, made by the most capitalist company ever?
Because hes just another subhuman with no principles.
>cuck Spidey to have him fit your shitty narrative because you were late as fuck to the game and could only get the rights to the characters nobody cared about
>In the comics Spidey was ALWAYS the leader, he was the only reason anyone knew The Avengers was it's own series
>Actual rights holders realize they are sitting on a gold mine because his rouges gallery alone can sustain itself
>socialist institution
how many levels are you on, bruv
It's blatantly obvious to anyone with a brain that it's not
this, you can only remain a lolbertarian if you want to remain under the whip of the cucked J-right, or some sub-100 IQ tea partier retard waving a "don't tread on me" flag by the side of the road while people laugh at you.
Anyone with both pride and brains moves on to natsoc
Ever heard of a thing called national socialism?
Whites have all the money in the US, already.
Note how anime also actually has some decent niche content for exactly this reason (or a"range" of content)
Based, the only way to stop corrupt tyrannical government control is to empower the government so we can root out the corrupt elements and squash them with an iron fist.
Fuck other people.
We are in competition and I don’t care if their lives are destroyed.
> late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantilize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control
He's right, but wrong to assume a Commie regime would be any less soi. Communists would use the same methods to subdue their populations.
>national socialism
Let's be honest, you're just racist social democrats.
You mean (((whites))) right?
>Simon Pegg
>Hates nerd culture
>co-starts in Spaced, Ready Player One and The Boys
>you're just racist social democrats.
Yes, I like a strong safety net. But not for illegal aliens
>Communists would use the same methods to subdue their populations.
Wrong. If you become a nuisance they just send you to gulag. Commies don't bother with entertaining you, just starving you and working your ass to death.
>late capitalist
The rides only begun.
Why do people treat Civil War and the other Russo Marvel movies like they're some kind of landmark piece of high art? They're legit some of the laziest and least impactful movies I've ever seen. Plus nearly all their good ideas are stolen from anime (IE: The Soul stone scene steals from Berserk, some of the Shield stuff from Winter Solider is stolen from End of Evangelion)
Jesus Christ, what a loser.
You retards support giving all the people who outsourced your jobs a free pass, tax cuts, tax breaks, tax havens, and blaming the problems of THEIR policies on the exploited laborers instead of the employers that created the entire situation to begin with.
You’d rather egotistical billionaires keep raping the world, literally and figuratively, than admit literally all of the things you complain about happen because 5000 rich people control the fucking global economy in the first place. Pro-tip: Cesar Chavez wasn’t pro-immigration.
someone post it
I can't wait for the day they finally realize this
>late stage capitalism
Kinda unrelated but I don't get this term, for all we know we're barely at the beginning of capitalism. Seems dumb to call something "late stage" while we're still in the middle of it.
>copyright laws literally the result of Disney spending huge sums to prevent the mouse from being public domain
The left is full of nags that can’t communicate effectively and the right is full of retards that don’t fundamentally understand anything about the left.
bond burger
>says Simon Pegg, who was in Star Trek and Star Wars
The stats are easy to find moron. Most billionaires are white. Jews are over-represented, but still vastly outnumbered.
It's far worse than that.
Nerd culture is a manifestation of a long-running social engineering scheme to replace traditional religions with a new artificial cultural system whose canon can be revised on the fly to suit the needs of the hidden elites.
>copyright, a literal fucking staple of capitalism
>no one is allowed to profit from the copyrighted (patented) item but you
>You’d rather egotistical billionaires keep raping the world
You're literally nuts, and have very low iq. There's an iq differential of 70 points between the rich and the poor. You're poor because you're dumb, you jealous, crazy faggot.
>all the retarded leftists in this thread
Hope you're not white. Among the demographics in the West, only white and asian males earn more than they get back, so they pay for all the "free" shit. It's literally just a wealth distribution scheme between the races and genders.
>tax cuts, tax breaks
Oh, no, you're saying these white men aren't forced to give all their money to the brown, retarded hordes? That's terrible.
Artificial monopolies are not capitalism, fuckoutta here cronyists.
Or it's just popular, and changes in media made it easier produce and distribute disposable items like comic books which became popular enough that movies based on them would later be popular. The culture being rewritten on the fly is a natural consequence of the ephemeral nature of media and information in general nowadays. No elite needs to be behind it on purpose, though they might appreciate how they can exploit it.
Yeah yeah, go suck off more Zionist cock you pretentious twerp. Go vote for anti-immigrant presidents that use illegal immigrant labor and jack off about your IQ while enabling stupid aristocrats with no talent piss away generations of prosperity.
they sure as hell aren't socialist either
>Cesar Chavez wasn’t pro-immigration.
>this leftist didn't support open borders
Yes, he did, you chapo cretin. He was a leftist, and you "people" are, first and foremost, anti-white. There's nothing more important to you than hurting whites, especially white men.
They’re the ones hiring them in the first place. Funny you guys don’t know CATO libertarians are literally the biggest open borders lobbyists on Earth.
is that because they lost friends or because they saw how inept the military is?
You just don't have a brain.
>leftist are the ones that want to stop the replacement
lol No. According to polling, you leftists love "diversity," open borders and out-groups as much as republicans hate these things. You're just lying to get support here. You're really as anti-white as any other leftist.
Any form of central planning is socialism.
>leftists are good
Rightwing whites would have closed the borders ages ago if it weren't for you commie traitors. Basedboys and roasties destroyed this country. You cunts love open borders and diversity, and real men and women, rightwingers, hate the shit.
You can literally look into the lobbying dollars and find CATO libertarians and neoconservatives as the absolute top in both open borders and outsourcing you stooge. You’re in no place to call anyone else stupid if you can’t grasp that.
berrypicker af
United Farm Workers literally beat up illegal immigrants because they saw them as a threat to unionizing agriculture.
But you guys don’t read, so you’d never know that.
>libertarians and neoconservatives as the absolute top in both open borders and outsourcing you stooge
You commie liar. I'm talking about the views of the voters for the two parties. Dems love diversity. I mean, really fucking love it. And Republicans hate it just as much. It's their most important issue, by far. When they chant, "send them back" at trump rallies they mean it.
Bernie was anti-immigratiopn until he realized he wanted to get elected
>i'm clever because "i read"
if they don't read, how do they know what your posts say?
>this jew was anti-immigration
I bet. lol You're so easy to fool. Don't vote. You're too dumb for it.
Also Simon Pegg
>Stars in Star Trek movies
>cameos in Star Wars movies
>cameos in comic book movies
>thinks all jews are the same
>calls other people dumb
All leftist jews have the same politics, though.
>Sony taking Holland's Spider-Man out of the MCU
oh no honey no, Disney did that
You're either stupid or disney shills. Either, Dont Breed.
>You retards support giving all the people who outsourced your jobs a free pass, tax cuts, tax breaks, tax havens
This. We need to tariff the fuck out of these billionaires that take advantage of foreign slave labor and gut the American work force. Low domestic taxes are still good, though. In fact, we should just scrap the Federal Reserve and have the Treasury directly issue currency and scrap income taxes all together.
And Trump hires illegals you fucking dunce.
Do you not get that? The rich created the problem and then sold you the solution, his cronies like Betsy DeVos operating some of the for-profit detention centers.
More like Simon's got it Pegged
Peter Parker is such a complex yet simple character
uh those are the opposite things Dave
proofreading, google it
>And Trump hires illegals you fucking dunce.
Trump's doing more to close the borders than leftist candidate would, by leaps and bounds. He's forced to something about he invasion since his base hate the it so much. Conversely, a leftist president would just open the borders permanently and give amnesty to all invaders, because that makes you pathetic leftist white more happy than anything.
wait you're probably talking about the filtered version
>the rich are responsible meme
Take credit, leftist white. You've labored since 65 to create this "multicultural utopia." None of it would have happened without you.
you do know that natsocs purged socialists from their party during the Night of Long Knives right?
Every corporation hires illegals. Just a few weeks ago ICE raided multiple poultry plants that had dozens of illegal alien workers. All of these employees had to be screened to work there, all of their HR department knew they were illegals and they hired them anyway. There will never be any legal action taken against these factories for choosing to hire illegals.
You give Yea Forums traffic, which advertises and shills for corporate media. You're part of the problem too fag
You are a brainwashed slave. People like Trump created the fucking labor disparities with their practices in the first place, and you’ll give them even more power without ever holding them accountable as long as they’re mean to the powerless people they themselves hired and brought in. You’ll accept lower standards than what you could get by holding EMPLOYERS accountable because you are a fearful little racist more afraid of immigrants than your wealthy masters. They own your labor and they own your mind, and you love them as long as they give you big stupid WWE rallies to yell about the browns.
Reminder that the invaders would have been expelled decades ago if it weren't for leftist whites and their love for "diversity."
>thinks it was because of diversity and not because corporations preferred cheap labor
You're very stupid.
>brainwashed slave
>leftist saying this
>evil, rich, old men are why us cucks and roasties love open borders
Why has he autistically acted like that about Star Wars IRL then?
80 iq commie, again, recent polling has shown that leftist do, in fact, love "diversity," open borders and out-groups. I'm talking approval in the eighties for all those things. You're just lying. You most likely love it too.
What do you think would happen tomorrow if the government clamped down on illegal labour in the US? Who would complain?
>literally blaming evil old white men for what he has caused
kys, subhuman
It's because of both. There is no left or right when it comes to actual power currently. It's different forms of appeal to the layman that both lead down the same path. Liberal Capitalism won out after WW2 and the Cold War, and both of our "left" or "right" fall under that same umbrella. This is also why people keep throwing around terms from the early 20th century to describe the two perceived sides. The terminology has frozen.
In 200 years they will still be announcing the coming of late stage capitalism.
>some of the Shield stuff from Winter Solider is stolen from End of Evangelion
>it's both sides
Not at all. One side loves the shit, and one side hates it. The only hope of stopping the replacement lies with the right. That's just reality.
That’s literally exactly what I’ve been saying this whole thread. Here’s the literal reality.
>corporations outsource and import illegal labor to avoid labor laws and minimum wage
>company owners hide their assets in Panama, Caiman Islands, Swiss banks, shell corps etc
>CIA destabilizes and tries to set up as many puppet regimes as possible in South America as Cold War policy
>literally overthrows Guatamalan government for fruit company, Coca-Cola hires death squads against labor activists
>these destabilized governments provide cheap labor in immigration escaping their countries we intentionally fucked up for US economic interests and anti-communist purposes
>rich man who dodges taxes, employs illegals, outsources labor speaks against the laborers being exploited
>offers no penalties to any of the people engaged in these practices because e has always been one of them
>defers the anger at a global system of exploitation against different levels of the global working class, effectively getting white identity people on board with many of the people that sold out their country to begin with
Yes, and I'm saying that "right" doesn't actually exist in most of the minds that matter. Although that may be slowly changing.
>and that’d why you should vote for Elizabeth warren, who has promised to decriminalize illegal entry into the country and grant every illegal free healthcare and college.
Tom Holland was a fine spider man, but fuck him if he thinks Toby wasn't the definitive Spidey. He fits the meek confused teen perfectly
I’ve never said that once in the thread and I’ve been clear I don’t support open borders. You bootlicking cucks will put a band-aid on a bullethole, provided to you by the fucking gunmen and then be pleased with it.
Most of this good content is at least 10+ years old, and almost all of it comes from manga created much longer ago than the anime show/movie based on it.
Anime after 2010 is near universally a product designed to get shekels from incels. Most post 2000s anime don't even bother setting up the shows plot anymore, jumping right into the story because the plot is just a background for them to plaster the same 3-5 girl harem every main character in every show gets to hang out with (platonically of course since not every incel will project themselves into the MC and you can't risk losing those shekels).
You don't watch anime to see people you like overcome challenges. You watch it to see your self insert interact with your chosen waifu. Anime is rapidly entering cumbrain territory.
Im not paying for that
>if you don't like totalitarian communism, to give all your money to women and brown people or anti-white marxism, you're a bootlicker
>special snowflake leftist that don't hate whites
You're just lying, but, even if you're not, almost all other leftist do support the cancer.
Hmm I wonder what it could be about those southern states that lead them to take lots of tax dollars........ I wonder what it is about Mississippi and Alabama.... hmmmmm..................... who lives there.... hmmmmmm
You just believe in strawmen sold to you by the very people profiting off all this illegal labor. Any policy that doesn’t hold them accountable is useless.
You're literally orchestrating the invasion of almost all whites countries right now. Again, according to polls, you leftists love it, and want more.
Orchestrating? You’re ignoring all the fucking corporate lobbying pointed out to you the entire thread. Who the fuck do you think is benefiting from all the cheap labor?
You’re like those guys who hate Jews and vote for Zionists. Shit, you probably are that guy.
stan lee died and rejoined with the holy spirit
Yeah, again for the tenth time, none of the immigration would happen without the political influence of you "diversity" lovers. If 30 percent of whites weren't cucks, this country would never have allowed the present situation. There'd be no amnesty, the invaders wouldn't be called "undocumented", the borders wouldn't be open, there wouldn't be subhumans on twitter crying about the poor children that have to be detained for a few days, etc. It's all due to you.
>Southern states take more aid
>Southern states also full of niggers
>Ronald Reagan gave amnesty and still is a conservative hero
>this is the fault of leftists after the fact
fuck you
>>Ronald Reagan gave amnesty and still is a conservative hero
>more dishonesty
That was part of a deal with leftists. The leftists wanted it, not him. He was supposed to get mroe border security. That never happened, of course. And he's loved by boomers in spite of that, not because of it.
>being this dishonest
Just kys, dude. You clearly don't have a soul.
>le late state capitalism
>le capitalism will collapse any moment now says increasingly nervous man
>marxist garbage
Kys commie
funny how the people terrified of masculine brown people and women are always using that word
Honestly if you don't believe that taxation is theft and believe you have any right to a rich person's money, you are an immoral piece of statist shit.
Everybody with a brain is Libertarian. Why most tech people lean libertarian. Only retards need the state.
>Why most tech people lean libertarian.
I wish. Most of them are censorship-loving commies now. When silicon valley started hiring a bunch of women, the roasties brought authoritarian, effeminate ideologies, and the beta devs didn't have the willpower to resist.
>natsocs purged socialists from their party
Then they would not be natsoc
Libertarian capitalism would just turn into feudalism. 18hr work days and child labor were the results of laissezfaire industrialism
>All cutlrue
Nah, just American """"culture"""""
>What do you think would happen tomorrow if the government clamped down on illegal labour in the US? Who would complain?
The drones who have been brainwashed by mainstream media into being against things that are not profitable for multinational corporations?
You're an idiot.
>the socialist institution of copyright and IP
along with the socialist institutions of private banking and mega-churches I'm assuming
so you're saying it doesn't actually differ from traditional religions in any meaningful way?
> non-aggressive control
That's an unnecessarily complex way of saying "soft power" but OK.