Love a women who friendzoned him and married his school bully

>love a women who friendzoned him and married his school bully
>Love the son of his school bully too


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literally Yea Forums, except smart and talented

My gf is pretty reasonable when it comes to taste in movies and tv but she has a big childhood obsession bias towards Harry Potter, I'd argue with her how it really isn't that great and pretty inconsistent and she would literally cry so I let her have this one, I still buy her wands and other harry potter shit. But it all paid off when she got a hufflepuff school uniform for a theme party (childhood heroes themed). It's the hottest thing ever and there's probably something pedo about it kek but I fucked her that night in that outfit and we still do that now and then.

>women universally love his character
what do they mean by this?

Cool blog post.

Simple. He personifies the smart nerd(s) that had the hots for them all across their school/college years but they always held at bay just enough to not crush his hopes completely.
Women's constant need for attention is literally insane.

he was the bigger person

>My gf
cool story bro

>love a women who friendzoned him and married his school bully

Cucked himself with a doe Patronus to both, James & Harry Potter.

this is pure female power fantasy
in fact it perfectly encapsulates how they think
beta bux, chad fux

It's insane to me that Rowling thinks grown-ass adults actually act this way. Is she autistic or something? Or is it as says and all women are like this?

The ultimate fictional cuckold

Your gf and I fuck while she wears that outfit too user shes a cool girl

post pics

I'm a 32 yo female boomer and I've had a crush on Snape since I was 16. I never considered that he was a cuck until Yea Forums started pointing it out in threads like these. I just thought Alan Rickman was hot in that wig and that Snape's character was always entertaining. I guess now I have to think less of him because, yeah, he really was a fucking cuck.

>dating a hufflepuff
Have at least some standards, user.

tits or gtfo

>he doesn't know about the Hufflepuff orgies

>be expert in potions
>some jock wants to fuck the hot redhead you want to fuck
Why didn't he just poison James? Not kill him, but give him something that makes him angry towards Lily.

tits or get the fuck out

Women want to be fawned over. Nothing upsets a woman more than having no romantic interests, even if they would never actually date them

I'm a woman and I think he's a faggot and so is Dumbledore for hiring him. All my female friends do too.

>Why didn't he just poison James? Not kill him, but give him something that makes him angry towards Lily.

He owed him a life debt, plus, Lily would have figured that shit out pretty quickly and counted it.

A well-written character would have the sense to grow up and walk away from a dead relationship, both figuratively and literally. But a side character inexplicably drawn to the protagonist is symptomatic of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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There is nothing wrong with wanting to rail girls in schoolgirl outfits.

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I mean if you are going to stay incel forever might as well forgive them. Healthier for you in the long run.

Nobody likes well written or wise characters. If everyone was wise in HP it would end with 1 page (every one lived happily ever after)

But user, why do you think Hufflepuff exists, it's a dumping ground for tards.

>He died a virgin.

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10 year olds aren't allowed to post here

Is he the OG incel?

If you posted then clearly we are.

Biggest cuck in YA history

>implying he didn't make Lily polyjuice potion and make hookers drink it
>implying this isn't why he became good at potions in the first place

No worry she dresses like a grown-up slut when she fucks black guys on your back.

Then why not poison Lily?

>When you finally confess your love to her.

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Women appreciate Harry Potter for two distinct reasons:

1. Its aesthetics are reminiscient of peak white culture (therefore peak world culture), in that it is a boarding school setting therefore the kids must either have wealthy parents, or, in this case, some unique disposition (magical abilities) which sets them apart from "le other [girls / proles / muggles). The setting itself is absolutely peak white culture, in a cold rural setting within an ancient castle, whose professor speak in RP accents etc. Consider that both Emma Watson an (((Daniel Radcliffe))) were both privately educated at similar IRL schools, and therefore fit their respective roles perfectly (with state-schooled Rupert fitting his role as the Oliver-esque poorfag). It's life on easymode essentially, with no worries about money throughout ones childhood or adolescent, and a guaranteed job at the end. Balls, gowns, ancient portraits, all make for the upper class environment girls love because it affords them a sense of superiority and distinction from their peers (plus a choice of equally upper class guys).

2. The fighting in Harry Potter is not done by hands or traditional weaponry, something very unique in fiction. Even Star Wars has lightsabers and laser guns, both advanced versions of swords and rifles (masculine). Instead Hermione can use her nerdiness to battle her enemies (using her academic knowledge and bookishness) and even if she is forced into combat, it isn't as if she has to adopt the nu-feminist idea that "gurls are just as strong as boys hehe!" as seen in many modern movies where some "badass" dyke karate kills ten guys twice her size. Instead she can muster all her repressed energy (which is abundant in nerdy girls) and use it to create a force which shoots from her wand (which satisfies her penis envy) to overwhelm the inner force of her enemies.

It's the ideal female-friendly story.

Rowling thinks fantasies are "real" so whether adults actually act this way or do so in a platonic realm is immaterial.

>implying he didn't turn himself into lily and get a magic picture of himself naked and horny

>engaging in group sex with a bunch of inclusionary slowtards and trannies
Gonna be a no from me, dawg

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But the main hero is a white male who is an incarnation of the chosen one archetype(a bad one at that)

Dubious yet based analysis

The Pierce copypasta is better.

They like it because its high school bullshit like 90210 but with 'classy' British people and wands

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based and redpilled
careful though as once the tumblrinas and their paid babysitter find out you might get in trouble

Why didn't he just use said pictures to blackmail Lily into fucking him? In fact, why don't people in the Harry Potter world make Polyjuice nudes more often? It'll be the easiest thing in the world to blackmail or discredit someone, imagine if we had perfect deepfakes that anyone could use.

She liked touching the Mudblood herself, working her fingers into the girl’s tight canal, tweaking her little pink nipples, running her fingernail over her clit and even digging a thumb inside her arse. She loved seeing how deep she could get her fingers inside the girl’s vagina, and she loved seeing how many fingers she could fit inside at once. She loved forcing out moans and screams and — especially — tears from the helpless, naked girl. And she especially loved the times when she sent the girl into orgasm after shuddering orgasm, leaving her sobbing helplessly as her body continued to shake and tremble even after the touches had long since stopped.

Once the girl was fully and truly wrecked — her arse and her cunt and her thighs covered in her own juices and often mixed with blood — only then would Bellatrix lower her back down, covering her shaking body with the thin cloak, running her hands over the girl’s face, carefully smoothing back the damp strands of hair, stroking her scalp with her fingers until the girl’s sobs faded away into a fitful sleep. Then she would use her wand to move the girl from the floor to the bed, uncovering her once more to gently stroke her still hard nipples and still swollen clit, watching the girl’s body react even in her sleep, a moan leaving her lips as she climaxed once more.

Then it was Bellatrix’s favorite part, her last moment of the day with her little pet. She would once more part the girl’s legs, but this time using her hands instead of her wand, and then she would lean down, press her lips first to the muss of hair above the apex of the girl’s legs then to her swollen slippery clit and then down even further, getting the true taste of the girl all over her lips and her tongue.


>god tier great gatsby, atlas shilled, and lew miserables.
>orwell, faulkner and hemmingwey under those slog fests.
God what shit opinions.

tits or gtfo

>Why didn't he just use said pictures to blackmail Lily into fucking him? In fact, why don't people in the Harry Potter world make Polyjuice nudes more often? It'll be the easiest thing in the world to blackmail or discredit someone, imagine if we had perfect deepfakes that anyone could use.

The pictures have a life of their own, and they'd figure that shit out pretty quickly. At best he should have hired some scank and have her use polyjuice.

How can one man be so based

>in fact it perfectly encapsulates how they think
>beta bux, chad fux
Not really, Snape decided to become a cuck after Lily died. He never was her beta bux when she was alive.

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Is this the new pasta?



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>All my trans friends do too.


tits or gtfo

Is she jerking her girl dick?

>>Love the son of his school bully too
He didn't really love Harry though did he? He was mainly protecting him to sort of atone for what he did (mainly being a Death Eater, being a dick to Lily that one time and not being able to save her) and to honor Lily
not a boomer but I love him too, I only just got into Harry Potter like this year

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Hagrid is

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It's funny how Harry named his son after Snape. Pretty much giving a big middle finger to his own father. Snape would be proud.

Wtf happened

Why did harry settle for an ugly weasly?

Why would he fuck his best friends sister?

pictured here is the /pol/cel trying to show the world how strong he is, by sucker punching old women, lol

Its mind boggling. Why would anyone choose any other girl than Hermione.

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It was either her or the chink insect. Harry is a repressed faggot who never picks attractive women because he has no internal idea of what it could look like. He probably gets ass fucked behind her back.

you see how she fakes pain soon after?

But he named one of his kids James Sirius

>Love the son of his school bully too
what? he fucking hated Harry and used every occasion he had to bully him, he only protected him because he loved Lily

Harry never became his dad and gave into his alpha genes by cucking Ron with his wife and his sister.
James would be disappointed.

if I died protecting my son, he better be fucking Hermione.

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I wish we could've seen more of James in the movies. Do the books portray him a bit more?

Tits or gtfo

I haven't read them since I was a teen but from what I remember correctly is there's a lot of heresy on how fucking cool James was from Sirius who I think legit loved James in a homo way.

Then there's Snapes flash backs and perspectives from the 5th and 6th book making him out as a complete jock tool who just loved to bully and be the center of attention.

He doesn't mellow out until dating Lilly and even then if I remember correctly he just wanted in her pants because she wasn't like all the other girls swooning for his wizard dick but in the end he falls in love and stops being a twat because she was so deep and different huur duur.

based James Chad

I'm just saying guys such a pimp that if he magically came back from the dead he'd have a ntr harem of all the girls cucking his son and all his friends with reckless abandon.

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Grannies do that all the time hopig to get money out of it

Not defending his reckless immature behavior

And yet harry named his son after him

wasn't he supposed to be like 25 in the books? why did they make him so old?

Did Rowling go too far when she vividly described Harry's first attempt at "taking the whole knot"?