For me, only 3 Star Wars movies exist.
The rest is just shitty fanfiction.
For me, only 3 Star Wars movies exist.
The rest is just shitty fanfiction.
hot take
Can you enjoy and understand the two (three soon) movies without watching the 6 others?
Yeah. It is not exactly low concept character driven stuff.
>prequels made by the creator
>fan fiction
nice cope
Zoomer cringe
it's possibly the only way you can enjoy them since you won't have any investment in the worldbuilding and the already established characters that were destroyed by the new movies
They contradict the originals so much that they might as well be in a completely different continuity.
The only Star Wars films I like are the original and Phantom Menace.
For you and most sane people
Anakins origin story would be based if it wasn't for all the shitty politics in between
>3 Star Wars movies
there's only one STAR WARS film, it came out in 1977, after that Lucas lost his mind
For me it's the Special Edition on DVD
OP is a giant boomer faggot. The only good SW movie was Solo and Last Jedi. The rest were movies for old people.
I like how people are finally coming around to the realisation that TPM was the best prequel. Shame people bullied George out of following his true vision for the rest of the PT.
For me, only 3 Star Wars movies exist.
The rest is just shitty fanfiction.
This. The problem with the Prequels isn't the basic plot but the execution. Had they been only about Obi-Wan, Anakin, Amadala, and maybe Palpatine it would have been great. Obi-Wan and Anakin would train each other while Amadala and Palpatine try and keep a decaying Republic together, only for him to reveal his true nature in the third film. His sith powers would have been hinted at but instead played off as comedy or as a replacement for Qui-Gon until it's too late, mirroring the surprise the Jedi had when confronted by him. Instead we didn't get a character-focused story with lots of deviation into stupid technicalities nobody cares about. The Phantom Edit fixes a lot of this though.
It's also why the sequel trilogy sucks: it has great execution but the basic plot is garbage. No amounts of editing could fix that.
Same here. Only watched the Phantom Menace once and it was enough for me to realize Star Wars was over and I have never seen anything since.
holy shit incredibly based
But i am old
>masterful edition only to include Jar Jar
I've been thinking that the PT could have worked better if we never actually saw Anakin's transition into Vader. We just see the pieces get set up.
You know which prequel everyone loves? Metal Gear Solid 3. And what MGS3 doesn't do is show you the whole story of Naked Snake's transition into Big Boss. It just gives you the context. That shot of Snake standing over the grave is all you need, you can connect the rest of the dots in your head, and it's actually better that way.
Leave Amadala as a side character, she seemed so central to the plot of 2-3 that it was just unnecessary, it should of just been Obi-Wan, Anakin and Sheev, replace the Amadala scenes with more of Yoda desu
based and jarjarpilled
>Starts talking about video games
Stopped reading, your infantile garbage "medium" isn't allowed here, redditnigger
It's not surprising that the same people who attack the prequels are always unversed in real film or anything artistic, and that the people who praise the prequels (Zizek, Paglia, Brody, etc) are always literate, educated, and versed in real film.
The fact that everyone points to Plinkett as the authority on why the prequels are bad speaks volumes. Mike Stoklasa is one of the least artistic people on the planet - he can't process movies outside of the conventions of Hollywood films, his approach to narrative is tempered with the same surface-level requisites listed on tvtropes.
Any complaint that people have about the prequels illustrates a weak grasp on film. How many art films would they claim has 'too much sitting and talking'? They would watch the end of Breaking the Waves and whine about dated CGI. Their sensibilities for 'good dialogue' in what is intentionally pulp comes from bad pulp, ie, the original Star Wars, the only pulp they've ever seen. They would similarly view any homage-driven art film and miss the entire point.
Lucas' only mistake in the prequels was doing something daring, original, artistic and literate, not realizing that the manchildren conditioned by the original SW trilogy to loathe anything cerebral would lash out against his cinematic risks.
How the fuck are you connecting these two very different types of storytelling together? How does P.T. reference any of this?
Anakin and Obi-Wan should be a similar age when they meet. Much of episode 1 would be devoted to them developing a brotherly relationship which is only strengthened by the death of their mutual father figure. Give Padme more of a personality, and make her less of a boring uptight senator. End the trilogy with Anakin pulling some Dark Empire shit, and adopting dark side abilities for a good cause. The Clone Wars are won and Palpatine is put in jail, but Anakin has ultimately seen too much, and the peace can not last. End on a shot of Anakin visiting Palpatine in jail.
This pasta was stale when my great-grand-senpai made it up.
>prequels that focus on the development of the main villain of the franchise
>one is executed way better than the other
How are you not making the connection?
>Thinking Big Boss has the same character development as Anakin in the prequels
Listen to yourself you dumb cunt
No, Big Boss was better.
Ok I agree with that, sorry user
that's cause you're a basic bitch, flick watcher, go watch marvel films you fucking pleb
>Redeemed his dad's failure by swimming in lava
how did he do that?
Solo was GOAT
As much as Solo isn't GREAT, and kind of breaks Han's character arc in the OT, it was like an actual movie with real characters and stuff, and just that one thing goes a long way when you're talking about Disney Star Wars. It's the best one by quite a long shot.
The Last Jedi is top 3 star wars and you are all NPCs
Because none of you can ever into cinema and have basic bitch normie taste?
Why is it good though?
The true MVP here, TPM is the only post-OT movie that reminds me of the OT at all.
Because it was refreshing and not like the typical star wars bing bing movie that Disney was making that "fans" loved like reshot trash like rogue one.
Because it injected more pathos and logos in the series, because it's visuals and scripting and directing drew from the prequels and the ot. Because it was actually written and directed by a filmmaker with talent and not someone for hire who has made 30 things like Ron Howard or JJ.
>if it doesn't remind me of the OT at all it isn't good
This is why your franchise is shit and stuck in a rut.
except 2 of the prequels are literally better than two of the OT movies dumbass
It wasn't though. It undercut what little good ideas it had with some terrible plot conveniences, and by resetting everything at the end.
Injecting big sounding words like "logos" is not an argument, and doesn't make you right.
Are you faggots joking? Solo was a terrible movie by all metrics
>really bad action editing and VFX
>you're alone? Your name is SOLO
>Han doing the chewbacca noise to communicate
>plot involves too many twists and turns, none of which are clever or interesting
>Han needing a love interest to turn him into a "bad guy"
>Pando Lando and his retarded robot
Only good thing in the entire movie was Darth Maul
I wish I could strangle you
>If I dont understand the big word then its not an argument
Rethink your approach
Lel stop thinking about plot for once, it had star wars themes, new pathos and logos and also had maximum pottery to even the prequels
Logos is an ill defined term that people usually take to mean the word or the law of God.
fuck off
I only said it was the best Disney Star Wars, which it is.
>Han is a dumb kid from the slums who gets involved in the world of organised crime to save his childhood sweetheart, but is ultimately left cold and brokenhearted
There's an actual character there. In comparison, who is Jyn Erso? What are her motivations? What is her character arc?
>prequels = not dogshit
The penalty is death
You can have that while also having a good narrative on the surface level. And yes, I know I'm taking the bait, but these things have to be reiterated for the sake of any onlookers who might be silly enough to be impressed by fancy words.
>I only said it was the best Disney Star Wars, which it is.
R1 was much much better
it's the only disney sw movie that didn't take a giant dump all over established characters and actually attempted to create new likeable people in the world
No it wasn't. R1 was pretty, but shallow. Go ahead and name all of the characters, if they're so good. No checking.
the ones that matter are
>Jyn Erso
>Saw Gerrara
You claim Solo was good because of Han's arc, but Han doesn't have much of an arc and is entirely uninteresting. The ONLY reason you care about him is because you already like him. This tragic story about the daughter of a scientist who was doomed from the moment she was born is exactly what the "Star Wars Story" movies should be. Standalone movies that add to the lore with interesting characters that CAN'T be raped by Disney for 25 spinoffs and sequels. R1 was everything I enjoyed about the EU, particularly comics that took place in the Old Republic.
In terms of "feeling like star wars," it was the only one to do that since the OT. Though admittedly I got that feeling when I saw Caravan of Courage in 1991. Haven't seen CoC since, but I'm sure it's shit.
>The ONLY reason you care about him is because you already like him.
No. I consider all Disney non-canon. Disney Han is not my Han, he's a character who shares some superficial similarities. I like him on his own. Dumb naive street kid gets involved in organised crime is just plain a good story. "I'm kind of important because my dad's kind of important, and I'm basically a macguffin with no personality or agency" is not.
I agree. r/prequelmemes rules.
dumb street kid who gets involved in organized crime CAN be a good story
For me, no Star Wars movies exist.
Parts of it were. Cut out everything involving Lando Calrission, the Millenium Falcon, the Kessel Run, and the proto rebels, and you'd have yourself a pretty solid gangster movie in space. It's not a good movie, but it contains maybe half of a good movie, and that's as good as it gets with Disney.
see here's the thing
I think R1 is legitimately a good Star Wars movie
no, it doesn't compete with the OT
but it's definitely better than AoTC
I don't agree. It's just a well shot Star Wars movie. The characters are bad, and the plot is a footnote in the opening crawl of ANH. If you want to isolate certain still images from Rogue One and hang them on your wall to look at, then sure, but it's not a movie.
It's narrative was literally George Lucas' idea for Episode VII, Luke on an island as a hermit and a grill coming to see him and he has to regain his connection to the force.
AOTC is 10000x better than RO
>an adult man has a superior opinion on a series of films made for children
You must really beat pussy away with a stick user
RO isn't even that "well shot"
Good framing in areas doesn't mean the movie was well shot when it had tons of reshoots and choppy editing esp in the third act and tons of CG greenscreen that most obvious.
What was his tax policy
That's not "the plot" though. Those are certain key events that could have been woven into good narrative, but weren't
>Luke makes one mistake
>his nephew goes full school shooter
>he runs away, leaving his friends and family to die, instead of trying to do anything to help
>for some reason no one thinks to look for a Jedi at an important Jedi temple
How is that good writing? You can put Luke on the island, and tell a good story about that, but they did not.
>the plot is a footnote in the opening crawl of ANH
that's unironically what makes it good
You got played and should have known that Star Wars classic mythos tone of killing your precious headcanon with an updated version of Luke making a mistake is kino
Do you even into drama?
okay but real talk-
i couldn’t be more stoked for a dark Rey becoming a reality but here’s few things that make me feel worried??? I know we’ve only seen the snippet of whats to come but hear me out:
First off, the way dark Rey comes into the shot - man, it’s so eerie and horror-like! Reminds me so much of the way they play off jumpscares in movies! I honestly doubt this is an actual scene and not some sort of a vision or a bad dream, really! She looks almost surreal. As if that wasn’t actually her, just her body being used and moved around.
I saw somebody mentioning that Rey might get at some point ‘possessed’? And it really does look like that imo. She’s so pale, her cheeks are sunken, her eyes are really dark and heavy. I know the point was probably to look menacing and unhealthy, but to me she simply looks dead and the thought alone breaks my heart.
Rey is behaving so much unlike herself. We see her loose her temper, act very violent and bOi don’t even get me started on this thing!!!
Do you see the way she moves her lightsaber before they actually start the fight? It’s his thing, that’s one, and two - is she teasing him?! In a way????? No??? Yes!!!! I think yes! Also, do you think we’ll be getting this whole scene in the movie??? Do you think they talk during/before this part???
that's unironically what makes it sad and boring retread like Solo omg remember the kessel run heres a shitty movie about it
I don't have a headcanon. I'm fine with "punished Luke" as a concept. All I ask is they write a script that properly justifies it, and they did not.
the script is Luke experiencing a turning point with a force vision that ends in tragedy a la Anakin in the PT
Anakin sees padme dying, tries to prevent this, ends up causing her to die
Luke sees Kylo killing his padawans/Han/others, tries to prevent this (in a split moment), realizes he's wrong, causes it anyways
Well, that was the bad part of Solo. The good part was the characterisation of Han and his relationship with Woody Harrelson and his gf (when she wasn't doing kung fu).
>AOTC is 10000x better than RO
unironically he was a free trade extremist
the whole reason they invaded naboo was to pressure the republic into ceasing the taxation of the outer rim's trade
The terrible lighting, cliche ending of khaleesi killing the baddie who is 2 feet taller than her by being stronk and monologuing about her smarts
The general lack of anything new and just pandering off Chewy and han who is now a manlet and plays second fiddle to an even smaller girl
Not what i wanted in a han movie, movie wasn't needed. Nothing like the prequels or even the last jedi in terms of originality.
>shit, I made a mistake
>time to be a coward and run away
>sorry, everyone I care about, you get to die now
>I'm going to hide in a Jedi temple and hope no one thinks to look for a Jedi there
It's stupid.
I am officially about to lose my mind looking for this fic I know it exists!!!!! Rey and kylo starred in a dystopian tv series created by Luke and it was very tension-heavy between them…it was rey’s first major role and it’s driving me NUTS can someone please put me out of my misery
>>AOTC is 10000x better than RO
Just watched AOTC upscaled in 4K and I have RO in 4K, yes AOTC is much better lmao you like movies that were reshot with different directors by Disney in post 2015.
Top kek indeed..
Blame Lucas then, you're mad about Lukes reaction to the situation and not even the situation that caused it.
Lucas still wanted Luke on that island after a jedi killer massacred his temple because that is the final arc of campbells heroes journey, the hero has to be brought back into the fight after a haitus in classic stories sometimes deal
I am so not ready for “The Rise of Skywalker”
I’m not mentally prepared. I knew I wasn’t since the moment I saw the trailer, but now seeing the D23 clip…I-
>no retort from the RObabby
Lad RO isn't even as good as TFA. Sit down. RO and Solo are the worst and parody tier even for nuwars.
How about this
>Kylo Ren goes dark side, does what he does
>Luke approaches Snoke, can't even touch him, get's utterly destroyed by the strength of his dark side ability, and barely makes it out alive
>in desperation, goes looking for a solution, seeks out the old Jedi texts looking for something
>doesn't find what he needs, is defeated, resigns himself to die
There you go, he's still on the island. It's just not completely stupid.
>>Luke approaches Snoke, can't even touch him, get's utterly destroyed by the strength of his dark side ability, and barely makes it out alive
>>in desperation, goes looking for a solution, seeks out the old Jedi texts looking for something
>>doesn't find what he needs, is defeated, resigns himself to die
This is stuff and material outside of the actual happening with Luke and Kylo and therefore outside of the mystery and psyche of Luke, Kylo and Rey together.
We don't need to see Snoke beating Luke because 1 snoke was a little bitch that JJ thought of that Rian killed like he deserves and now the emperor is back anways so thats better Ian Mcdaramid is beast
Lukes way more OP than Snoke even though both are dead now so I understand wanting Luke to maybe go after him but maybe he can't actually find or locate him, but does know of an ancient jedi temple and currently there are zero jedi but him.
>he thinks a forced love story with zero (0) chemistry and "I hate sand" is good
not to mention AoTC relied as heavily on CGI as fucking Avatar, but the CGI in AoTC was utter garbage
like so ugly I can't watch it anymore
Kylo Ren’s hair wasn’t that floofy and beautiful in TFA for y’all to doubt reylo is endgame
I mean for me
>Luke BTFOs Snoke as a younger man
>Doesn't realize Snoke has bound himself to Kylo
>Kylo turns to the dark side and resses Snoke
>Luke goes to the island to find out how to defeat Snoke
It keeps the idea that Snoke is afraid of Luke, and gives Luke something to do that isn't sulk. It also seeds the idea that Dark Siders can bind their spirits to be brought back later, which lets you bring Palpatine back if you feel you need to.
back when everyone was retardedly praising TFA I still thought R1 was better by several orders of magnitude because it is
>Snoke was a little bitch
Yeah, the script made him a little bitch, depriving the ST of any real antagonistic figure you could take seriously. That's another mistake. They didn't have to write it that way.
Shut up Reylo fag
>he can only cite the most basic bitch elementary tier argument known to mankind about episode II attack of the clones on the internet
Lel senpai, cinema isn't for you at all, you have no eye and are the definition of an NPC. Do you actually think you aren't a retard?
How I imagine Ben to behave when Rey is dressing his wounds:
>Yeah, the script made him a little bitch
Yes Rian said fuck you JJ Abrams when he introduced some retarded non-sith Emperor wannabe
L2 make kino
>cinema isn't for you at all
>unironically defends one of the most poorly written and poorly shot movies of the 21st century
It unironically isn't, the beginnging and ends of both movies are done better in TFA and TFA's first 7 min probably is better than anything in RO still lmao and I admit it's an easy soft reboot of ANH, it's just directed more tightly and RO manages to have worse characters and villians, underused Vader for sure and his first scene with the other officer looked bad, last scene good but so much other sloppiness.
TFA is entirely derivative and unoriginal
it may be polished, but that doesn't make it good
R1 might be unrefined and have a fucking retarded space dogfight and assault sequence at the end, but it has more heart than any SW movie since jedi
So I was thinking about the epix leaks where ben has to beg rey to kill him and my mind keeps going “what if after rey kills him she falls to the ground and starts crying over his body begging him not to leave her” and then I remembered this
if you need me I’ll be looking for my wig
I'm sorry you have such NPC, cold take opinions lad. Go watch marvel movies and rogue one, like I said, Cinema just isn't for you.
I would consider RO to be just as derivative and unoriginal as TFA it's practically made to be easily digested by mystery meats
>posts wanna buy some death sticks as an example of "good cinema"
yikes and cringe
from what does R1 derive?
do you understand what derivative means?
>that part you quoted isn't even in the shitty encoded and non audio quality webm I posted
Imagine Reylo as domocratic candidates. They start out as bitter rivals but then realize how similar their policies are. As they grow closer to each other on and off the political scene imagine them constantly making snide remarks and innuendos towards each other on the debate stage...
That's just stupid though. Cutting off your nose to spite your face. JJ did a pretty poor job, but the correct response would have been to take those characters and try to make them work, unless you just want to sabotage the series, in which case, job done, I guess.
>derive: obtain something from
>"they derived great comfort from this assurance"
Star Wars fans derived entertainment or emotions from a product of omg Death Star lmao, lmao Rogue One!, lmao Vader and shitty space CGI! AT-ATs!!! OMG
It's called being based, saying fuck you to anything you didn't like from the previous entry when you make your kino
That's why half of star wars fans didnt like it just like the prequels.
They're both kind of uniquely bad. I probably enjoyed R1 more though. At least it was pretty, and parts of it were fun to watch.
I was just in a play. In one scene, many characters are killed onstage, and every time one of them dies, they toss up a handful of red artificial rose petals. Today, at the cast party, our director explained why she decided to use the flower petals instead of fake blood (which she is good at making): the actors needed to not have bloodstains on their costumes for the following scene. I casually mentioned how Rian Johnson made a similar decision for The Last Jedi, using the salt plains of Crait to create great visuals and convey the violence of war without showing blood and carnage. Our director has only seen A New Hope, but other cast members started talking about the movie.
Then came a surprise for me: a fellow cast member said that when she saw The Force Awakens the love story went completely over her head. Naturally I got excited and asked her which characters she was referring to, and sure enough, she said Rey and Kylo! I of course went into fangirl mode and tried to sum up my experience, how I didn’t see it either, but The Last Jedi made me realize their relationship was heading in that direction, and then I went on Tumblr and found out the seeds had been planted in The Force Awakens and people had been analyzing it ever since. My castmate said she had only become aware of Rey and Kylo’s romantic dynamic
Then my best friend spoke up. She is not a big Star Wars fan, but she has become a bigger one since I showed her The Last Jedi a year ago and has happily read Ian Doesher’s Shakespeare parodies of the films. She has been very supportive of my passion for it, and though she initially wasn’t keen on Reylo, she has listened to me talk about Reylo and Bendemption.
She summed up Rey and Kylo’s relationship this way: “It’s basically a situation where they’re attracted to each other but their morals are mutually exclusive.”
Just when I thought I couldn’t feel more proud of my friends or blessed to know them, I was proven wrong....
>At least it was pretty
Occasional wide shots and mostly shots from 3 feet away plus uber greenscreen with CGI doesn't mean it was pretty. The lighting and everything was fine but not pretty.
His "kino" isn't good though. This is the equivalent of "artists's shit". You can say fuck you to the world and make a provocative statement, but then you need to put your money where your mouth is and deliver on a good product, or you just look like an asshole.
>splitting hairs
>calls someone else seething
it's the same fucking scene, retard
>His "kino" isn't good though
Exactly what reddit and this reddit 2.0 says about actual kino
Try not watching movies on your failtop or 25 inch tv and watch AOTC and RO and you will see even that scene is directed better than anything in RO, babby.
The OG's are overrated, admit it. The best star wars content is Episode 3 and the Clone Wars.
Episode 1, m8.
>deliver on a good product or you just look like an asshole
>the last jedi was the highest grossing film in 2017
>universal acclaim
you're a good goy and you fucked up
>over the shoulder, close ups of weapons, and an awkward dolly are good direction
dude just stop
It would improve them in an interesting way since you'd have nothing to compare them to. Now, you may still think they are shit, but at least it won't have tarnished something else you most probably would have enjoyed.
Lol I watched the tfa with my hubby. He never watched sw or doesn’t even know anything about it. And when kylo revealed his face in the interrogation scene his comment was just „oh“ he didn’t expect it at all like Rey. And when kylo came closer to Rey he just said „does he want to sleep with her?“. There you go even strangers can see what’s obvious.!
2 and 3 are both better than 1 and 3 is kino along with Empire and TLJ, m8.
Sit down Maulfag
shut up, Zach.
>awkward dolly
>when the characters feel awkward in the bar looking for an assassin
bravo retard
the awkward dolly was after the assassin's hand was cut off you dumb fuck
that scene was literally just fan service
That scene was pottery that literally extended from a 10 minute scene beforehand where Obi Wan jumped out of a building to start of a huge chase scene for an assassin, fuck off potterylet
>not even a good action sequence
Yikes what do you watch on?
the Mugar Omni Theater
Maybe your IMAX theaters in Boston are just weak shit, I saw it in NY in 2002 and it was great.
You will enjoy them more going into them with no expectations. TFA at least is nicely directed. If you watch the originals or prequels first then you will be disappointed by how derivative the sequels are and how little they contribute to an overarching story. Episodes I through VI are not only more inventive in their works building, but follow a continuous story to its logical conclusion and it seems like the sequels just don't know where the fuck they are. The sequels just present stuff you've seen already before, in a story that has no direction.