Is it morally okay to watch illegal streams?

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>la liga
>barca,atleti,real winsol

this league can disappear

Its morally wrong to pay millionaires playing a hobby.

It is morally correct to do anything you can to boycott and/or desecrate any domestic corporation that exports any business from your country.

Is it morally wrong to kill a fetus?

It really is.

is it morally correct to pay for watching 22 monkeys run after a ball?

Absolutely. Thank God for the Supreme Court.

actually yes. but then again I remember they want us to pay to watch ads, so no it is morally okay.

>entertaining myself for free while damaging jews
count me in

Pretty based , no more moloch sacrifices for roasties

The thing about piracy for sports streams it that you still watch ads, you watch about the same amount of ads as a paying customer. Ads are where the money is anyway so what's the problem?

legality and morality are not necessarily complementary and often take opposing stances. your question makes no sense.

Stealing things is always morally ok, being nice and obeing the law is for weak ""men""

>obeing the law

chilean grammar

>£26 a month for Sky TV
>£20 a month for Sky Sports
>£25 a month for BT Sport
>£8 a month for Amazon Prime
That's £79 a month just to be able to watch every broadcasted game, and that's only the price for the initial contract. After 18 months it jumps up to £106 a month. Plus you can't even watch matches that kick off at 3pm on a Saturday because of some shitty law that prevents the broadcast of those matches, so you can't even watch every match.

Piracy is the morally superior option, instead of promoting these anti-consumer subscription services.

football would still exist if they business around it didn't, what a fucking joke

bitch ass dane

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Of Couse. If the cunts didnt charge so much i might pay.
I get all sport chanells on my Cobra box for peanuts.

stop hiding behind a 400 bucks a month paywall then

not my first language, not my problem


I call it “bringing back soul”

is it morally correct to expell an invasive parasite?

Why not subscribe to only one of those? You don't have to watch everything. Many matches are even at the same time.


Good, bring back the 3 foreigners rule

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Fuck them. They could do just fine when they didn't ask 10 different subscriptions 20 bucks each. I remember when most sports were streamed regularly on cable tv. Fuck them and fuck the cuckold fans who paid

>emotions disappear
can they take my pain please?

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Pirating doesn't do shit to lower revenues.
It's the same with music and movies/tv. The people that pirate weren't going to pay for it if they weren't able to pirate, so it has no meaningful effect. In fact, it's a benefit, as it raises awareness of the product with more people watching/listening.

Not my problem.

i never understood why the price would go UP for loyal long-time customers

You can combat piracy by putting at least some games on free-to-air television. Out of 306 Bundesliga games, there are exactly three allocated for free TV. No one wants to pay 30 euros on DAZN or a Sky package just to watch their team play 5 times a month, but it works because there are just enough retards that legitimately think you will get to prison if you watch a free stream. for those who did not know yet


That argument is false and has always been. You would pay for it if you had to, otherwise you would not want to watch it in the first place.

It is morally wrong to steal from anywhere poorer than you. You shouldn't pirate streams for sports that nobody watches, but big corporations that make millions can safely be stolen from. If they start going out of business, that's when it's time to start paying.

>otherwise you would not want to watch it in the first place
That's the exact point though. If pirating was unavailable, most people would just not watch/listen.

is that a hitler poster on the door

People are hypocrites so they close their eyes on this but it's just a different poison.

IPTVs and shitty streams websites are literally run by the mafia or at best scammers.

You're literally financing some East European mafia or some African scammer when you pirate.

Still better than UEFA tho.

This is the most based post in the thread.

la liga is only shown on its own PPV tv channel so all of these packages combined don't even cover it lol

Because if you are a devoted fan of a club like, say, Aston Villa, you want to watch Aston Villa games, and over the course of the season, the games will run on all the different channels. And you don't wanna see Man City vs Everton in prime time on Sky, you wanna see Aston Villa no matter if they play Liverpool or Norwich

I would never pay for an illegal stream. That's truly insane.

this goes for the entire entertainment industry

It would be one thing if they actually offered their product online. Must of these sports wont sell you a stream. I'm not gonna be held hostage by TV boomers.

I mean, you wouldnt stream a car would you?

>Still better than UEFA tho
Exactly. And, by making them money on inoffensive crap like football streams I'm potentially keeping them from doing other ilegal and potentially more dangerous stuff.
So you could say that, by being a pirate, I'm actually improving the planet.

Not my problem


It's not only morally okay to do so, it's a moral obligation.

You're paying as you watching ads and get your personal info stolen


of course not, especially not if the mother is American. Lord knows the last thing this world needs is more yanks

depends what bitrate the stream is.

if you stumble on to some full HD stream, you can't help but feel guilty. if it's one of those letterbox 480p streams with pop-ups asking you to click on a girl's tits, then no, because the value of such a stream on the market would be negligable. no company would sell such a shoddy level of performance or product. plus you're seeing the advertising on the side of the pitch.

>personal info stolen

>If they start going out of business, that's when it's time for them to start looking at their business model

I agree.

The only thing piracy does is make broadcasters lose potential subscription sales. It won't make people players or staff lose jobs, it just means these broadcasters will be forced to bid a lower amount for the TV rights, which in turn will cause player transfer fees to crash down to a more appropriate level.

It is not morally justifiable to spend £142m on the Coutinho transfer when that money could have been spent developing grassroots football or charitable work.

give me all the sports I want for one subscription and for a somewhat reasonable price (make it separate packages for what and when I want to watch, I hate all that shitty inflexibility of modern sport streaming services) and I wouldn’t mind paying for it, until then streaming it is.

>Lad near me got some bumper fine and a prison sentence for making money by streaming sports
>It's local so I have to look into it
>Didn't even host them himself
>Just knew a site that did stream sports and sold the link to boomers
>Although he gave them his own third party link that would link them to the site that did the streaming so he could get paid twice through the ad revenue

They had him billed like he was some computer genius that had hacked worldwide sports.

>want to watch a league
>have to pay like 4 subscription services to watch every matcha
Nah fuck this. When everything was on one pay tv channel I actually did pay for it but this is horseshit.

If you're not using an adblocker/pihole then you're an idiot.