What the fuck did Dave Chapelle do this time? I'm out of the loop and getting tired of it

What the fuck did Dave Chapelle do this time? I'm out of the loop and getting tired of it

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watch his special then you brainlet
and stop posting twatter caps of some random retard


I like Dave Chappelle. He's one of the greatest comedians of all time. But seriously though, fuck his new special. And no, I don't think he should be "cancelled." I think he should stop attacking disenfranchised people that are in less fortunate circumstances than himself just because he thinks they're different. He knows better. But hey, controversy sells, so fuck me, right? People like me, the "triggered SJW baby safezone snowflakes" blah blahs or whatever they're calling "people who try not to act like dicks," we're the butt of the joke, right? So laugh at me all you want.

But forget words for a second and let's talk numbers.

When it comes to discrimination, transgendered people have it the absolute worst, especially black transgender people (numbers provided by UCLA and the Williams Institute):

Family chose not to speak/spend time with them: 57%

Harassed or bullied at school (any level): 50-54%

Experienced discrimination or harassment at work: 50-59%

Doctor or health care provider refused to treat them: 60%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: — At work: 64-65% — At school (any level): 63-78%

Disrespected or harassed by law enforcement officers: 57-61%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: By law enforcement officers: 60-70%

Experienced homelessness: 69%

Suicide attempts among trans men (46%) and trans women (42%) were slightly higher than the full sample (41%)

These numbers are not an accident. They are a direct result of our culture of intolerance towards the trans community.

I have seen, first hand, how this prejudice leads to trans children killing themselves. A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday, and you're lying if you don't think jokes about her being trans aren't what pushed her over the edge. This shit isn't funny. It isn't a joke. It isn't a game.

Trans lives matter.

People on this board will fall for this.

They really don't

Trans people aren't even people.

nice pasta

chapelle shit on President Trump and Trump supporters in his last special, and now he's shitting on liberals. Soon he won't have an audience left.

Trans rights are human rights.

>tfw the alt right is a diverse and inclusive group

He’ll pull out the racism card

alright Mr. Goldstein. I’ll make a Netflix, but just for the next 30 days

>Soon he won't have an audience left.
he has always shat on everything, people complaining aren't really his audience, and people complaining have always existed

This is straight from Reddit, ain't it?

He came out of his machine that transports him from his alternate sane dimension to this one and torched the ever living shit out of hyper-sensitive liberals. He made fun of some conservatives and stuff too, but funny enough, they seem to all be taking it in stride.

not like this. this isn't 2002.

Great, we don't need a new set of rights then :grin:

Made some jokes about sexual orientation and transgender/transsexual people. People got mad.

The usual really at this point. Same shit came around his first Netflix specials.

He said fuck trannies. You can’t be pro-black without girl cock.

It's not fair. He can say things only because he's a nigger. The jokes are not that witty or funny, you can find thousands of better jokes on Yea Forums every day.

Imagine white comedians are allowed to make fun of niggers. There'd be too many materials.

I have sympathy for trans people just like I do for all people with an intractable mental illness. You belong in a mental institution though.

he dindu nuffin


>not like this
exactly like this, only difference is that people now have a platform to perpetuate their hivemind
but in the end, just like before, it's all empty complaining, he got the same backlash after the first netflix special, and got paid very well to do another one, and netflix is the only source of entertainment of these people

why does she stop speaking english in the middle?

What rights are trannies missing?

Lies, damned lies and statistics.

She went into a blinding rage

the right to make you fuck them/get fucked by them

>trans lives matter
Apparently not to themselves since they keep becoming an hero

again, this isn't 2002. Its different times with the same jokes. people are way too sensitive nowadays. social media only perpetuates the liberal anger. he needed to pick a side and instead went full bore on both.

Reddit pasta?

But yeah trannies kill themselves because they are mentally ill. You can be as sympathetic and empathetic as you want.

They will never be truly seen as their gender expression by anyone, themselves included. Just wear pants, what’s the big deal anyway?

>he needed to pick a side
side of what? he isn't losing any audience, these people could care less about Dave Chappelle, to a point that they're oblivious to his old material

Pick a side! Like a football team! RARGH!

he made a fairly boring comedy special but we have to pretend it is cutting edge and anti-PC because that is the role we have in this charade

There was a case study of a trans person being cured with high does anti-depressants. After the new meds starting affecting him he lost all desire to change sexes. It's not a study just one person but may be smart to try this before chopping off the genitals

Fuck chappelle, he wants to be anti-pc but constantly whines about racism 24:7

it's either funny or boring, nothing else really matters
sad to see that some people need to validate their points of view with a comedian

He said he doesn't believe Michael Jackson molested kids, and that he finds it easy to write jokes about trans people because the trans community hate his guts so of course he fires back.

just pirate it fgt

>I like Dave Chappelle. He's one of the greatest comedians of all time. But seriously though, fuck his new special. And no, I don't think he should be "cancelled." I think he should stop attacking disenfranchised people that are in less fortunate circumstances than himself just because he thinks they're different. He knows better. But hey, controversy sells, so fuck me, right? People like me, the "triggered SJW baby safezone snowflakes" blah blahs or whatever they're calling "people who try not to act like dicks," we're the butt of the joke, right? So laugh at me all you want.
>But forget words for a second and let's talk numbers.
>When it comes to discrimination, transgendered people have it the absolute worst, especially black transgender people (numbers provided by UCLA and the Williams Institute):
>Family chose not to speak/spend time with them: 57%
>Harassed or bullied at school (any level): 50-54%
>Experienced discrimination or harassment at work: 50-59%
>Doctor or health care provider refused to treat them: 60%
>Suffered physical or sexual violence: — At work: 64-65% — At school (any level): 63-78%
>Disrespected or harassed by law enforcement officers: 57-61%
>Suffered physical or sexual violence: By law enforcement officers: 60-70%
>Experienced homelessness: 69%
>Suicide attempts among trans men (46%) and trans women (42%) were slightly higher than the full sample (41%)
>These numbers are not an accident. They are a direct result of our culture of intolerance towards the trans community.
>I have seen, first hand, how this prejudice leads to trans children killing themselves. A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday, and you're lying if you don't think jokes about her being trans aren't what pushed her over the edge. This shit isn't funny. It isn't a joke. It isn't a game.
>Trans lives matter.
No you don't
Nobody's lives matter ilu stupid fucking deluded tranny go chop off your dick and kys

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Nah, he’s just conservative when it comes to gays and trannies.
Of course he supports black political causes and so on.
People are shocked for some reason though, I guess Americans really need to pick a team

Dave doesn’t give a fuck, he doesn’t need a side. He could just walk away from all this, holding his bags of money, just like he did last time

I'm guessing this is a copypasted reddit post, but the truth is mentally ill people kill themselves all time.
I lost my childhood best friend that way. Until we can rewire brains, we're just going to have to accept the fact that a lot of people don't want to live with a fucked up head, and no amount coddling or parades or support groups will change that.

He dared to make fun of the globohomo Marxist mob.

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This is the funniest joke I’ve ever seen on this board
Pretending trannies are human, fucking priceless

I want to fucking rape dave chappel, fuck that nigger thinking he can tell a few jokes and be honorary white i want to drink his fucking cum

gays and trans really dont have feeling...

He committed the unforgivable thought crime of making fun of members of the left wing voting bloc

still not watching the special. All of this seems so forced

>he needed to pick a side
Kill yourself. That line of thinking is exactly why the world is going to shit the way it is.

He's a hypocrite that hates PC culture except when it helps blacks. Fuck him.

Kek, link me the original reddit post please

Nah, fuck fenceshitters. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too anymore, you either hate all PC culture or you're a faggot.

if you get off this shithole, you'll see there's a lot of people who are as tired of this garbage as you. Meteor 2020

>that $2 joke
Good special

All of these stats you listed also correlate heavily with mental illness friend :^)

/pol/ has more non-whites on it than white people


Fuck the_donald for ruining /pol/ and this entire site with their cuck civic nationalist garbage.

Trams is a lifeatyle choice, similar to chosing to be a nazi. They chose to self mutilate and hate their natural human form

Transgenderism is a sign of late-stage culture decline. Don't worry dickhead, it will keep being pushed and pushed until it either:
A) It breaks through to the other side and we end up with a crumbling society full of sexual degenerates or
B) the people snap back and we have boots marching down every street in our countries as we desperately try to mend the crumbling foundation that has been gradually eroded away for the past 50 years.

->I have seen, first hand, how this prejudice leads to trans children killing themselves.

Then why didn’t you stop them? Oh you weren’t actually there? Then it wasn’t first hand.

>Dave that's wrongthink!


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Yea Forums has always like Dave though.

No, fuck all of you assholes with black and white thinking. I hate PC shit but I believe in mostly left-wing ideas. I just don’t think nagging and whining is useful, it’s counter-productive if anything and making a more tolerant society shouldn’t mean people can’t have opinions, it should mean people leave each other alone and don’t impose laws and bullshit on each other over arbitrary identity garbage.

Unfortunately all these stupid liberal academic narcissists have a bunch of corporate capital and want to sensitivity train society through god awful medium thinkpieces.

>one of the main points of the special is about how he can't say anything without people trying to burn his career to the ground
>OP's pic

>when it helps blacks
PC culture has never helped anything, it's pretty much the reason why many comedians have joked about it. It has been, more than anything, a weapon of destruction.
Still, you can shit on PC culture and still hold different views about many topics. It's not being an hypocrite, it's just not settling for the stereotype.

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Damn, I know that feels when too

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Being a based nigga seems to sell more these days, he hopped in.

post the cake one next, discord raider subhuman

>ob this app
is that some nigger speak?
what does it mean?

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He dared blacks to better their lives, stop being dependent on welfare, and stop being slaves on the Democrat plantation.

why'd you let a 7 year old tell you their gender

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nah motherfucker you not gonna get me with this self-perseverance bs...PAY THE FUCK UP OR ELSE...GIVE ME MY REPARATIONS...40 ACRES AND 10 MULES

I think he means how annoying is all of the people jumping on Dave's bandwagon just because they feel it validates their views. Even though you know Dave has a whole lot of material that would irritate them more than the people irritated right now.

Imagine if it was a white comedian that said these things lol

well, that's kinda the point of the joke

If everything you said was true then it’s obviously better not to be trans. SO STOP CUTTING OFF YOUR DICKS YOU FREAKS!

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Why don't trans men and trans women just fuck each other?
It's almost as if they don't regard trans as the real thing.

>and making a more tolerant society shouldn’t mean people can’t have opinions
youre implying that society(western) isnt tolerant. Youre a retarded leftist with no experience, just off yourself famalam

>There is only side A and side B

lmaoing @ ur life, faggot.

>ob this app

What the fuck does this phrase even mean?

>men can't have breasts
Gyno is a thing.

I understand everyone being triggered from this and it is probably a copy pasta but this 100 percent correct and based

the alt right is a POC movement!!!!

How cold is it under that rock? Got any furniture in there?

They want him to be a good negro and go back to his plantation. He's having some independend thoughts.

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imagine getting jewed so bad you think nigger twitter is the center of the world

>Dave Chappelle: White Supremacist

Found the title of his next comedy special!

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Nice one, dude.

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y'all cant behave!

Imagine coming to Yea Forums of all places and not understanding slang.

not everyone is a social media zombie. ob seems like obviously, what the fuck is app?

most people here dont speak nigger

People hating Dave Chappelle because Dave Chappelle said some highly offensive shit is my favorite argument to people saying he was cloned and the OG Dave is dead.


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>t. leftypol discord subhuman

>venti instantly clings to the only attractive male

this is the problem, EVERYONE is so fucking sensitive, the right cries like the left now and it's so fucking stupid




Trump is doing trail of tears 2.0 after his hero Andrew Jackson. America jails more people both per capita and raw numbers than anywhere else on earth. You’re naive if you think it’s some tolerant benevolent society. Legal segregation existed in boomers lifetimes. It’s literally only young white people that think racism was solved, and they feel that way because they have a huge chip on their shoulder because their parents prosperity doesn’t exist anymore.

The USA is the British Empire 21st century edition. Plenty of pros, great place to live if you have money but absolutely nowhere near the best if you don’t. Better than all the impoverished narco-states to the south so you get loads of illegal immigration, but it’s worth pointing out the CIA spent decades backing narco-terrorists like Noriega and Los Zetas cartel was Mexican special forces trained by western intelligence. We took out Guatemala’s democratic government for fucking Chiquita banana. Western prosperity is in large part based on endless rivers of blood drawn from less developed countries with no ability to resist, same as the Brits were, same as every empire and imperial culture ever. The people acting like the US or white people are unique in this are dead wrong, but they’re the top dogs for now even if China is racing to colonize Africa to catch up.

>Doctor or health care provider refused to treat, 60%



is he, dare I say it, /ournigger/?

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No they don’t. Stop projecting lefty. The world is laughing at you and your failed movement.

>America jails more people both per capita and raw numbers than anywhere else on earth.
maybe because it's the only country outside of africa with so many niggers
law enforcement isnt big in africa

this was written by someone who never saw Dave Chappelle before, and for people who don't even know him

that drawing looks offensive.

so what's the right way to be offensive?
>fuck drumpf! kill all white and asian men!
is that it?

are you going to go on TIA to complain more about how trans minecraft bees are hurting your feelings? LOL

>non-whites now claim Dave Chappelle is a white supremist
rofling @ their lives

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i don't know what that is or what that means. go back to your discord/subr*ddit you pathetic subhuman

what the fuck are you talking about
maybe you should see a psychiatrist, you're not making any sense

He has an audience still, it consists of people who can take jokes.


The reality is, most black activist are just a subculture of white leftists. I remember getting accused of internalizing white supremacy by a Mexican kid dressed like a member of vampire weekend and he got really upset when I called him out on it. The left feel like they own minority identity, like it’s their property.

Prisoners have no 13th amendment rights and states with the most private prisons (one of the only countries on earth where private prison industry even exists) have the most prisoners.

Reagan/Bush admin arrested all the crack dealers and users while Barry Seale trafficked enormous amounts of cocaine undisturbed through Mena Arkansas, Norriega was on CIA payroll while engaged in trafficking (only killer when he became too friendly with Cuba), loads of the Contras in Nicaragua and elsewhere were drug traffickers, Pan Am moved heroin from the Golden Triangle during Vietnam, and let’s not pretend those Afghani mujahadeen we funded and armed against the Soviets have nothing to do with Afghanistan’s opium. The Sackler family admitted in emails to have intentions to get millions of Americans addicted to pharmaceutical opiates.

So do you think all that jailing is really about drug crimes that the feds themselves have spent decades facilitating and providing cover for, the pharma companies making billions on addicts with absolute impunity? No doubt there is high violence too, but more people are in jail for drugs than that by a wide mile.

just finished it

honestly best standup ive seen in couple years

i hope billy burr has something to top this

I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you are black and anti-gun, you should clap yourself back in chains, because you've sold yourself back into slavery.

You have the right to die in a fire faggot.

I hope for a) so I can fuck my brains out, before helping out with b)

Boomers won't be the only ones having their cake and eating it, too

I'm a MAGAchad but this always makes me laugh.

Just watched it. He is literally our guy

Then don't choose to "transition". You don't transition into anything but gimped version of what you were before, mutilated and stunted. If I cut both my legs off because I felt like I'm supposed to be an amputee, that was my fucking fault. Or, more accurately, I'm mentally ill and it never should have been allowed to reach that point.

Why don't you push for these people to get the treatment that they so desperately need rather than blaming the world for not enforcing their fantasy?

HRT correlates positively with higher reported levels of happiness and mental stability, while levels still remain below normal population.

Meaning HRT is more effective than most other treatments and surgeries but obviously not perfect.

Maybe these people should get TRT instead of HRT. I want to see a study on that.


I'm sure that has nothing to do with being told by everyone involved that this is a good thing they're doing, and that they're such a pretty girl now. Hell, even the feeling of "sticking it" to the people who try to warn them against transitioning probably spurs them forward temporarily.

This. Instead of encouraging men to destroy themselves, maybe boost the key hormone in their health and well-being.

Sounds like you need to share a safe space with that user you responded to

He has been militarized. But I guess it's ok because he's black?

Imagine if a white comedian said this shit. Still they are coming for black masculinity next. They have to.

This transphobe needs to be blacklisted from Netflix. Who do I contact at Netflix to know that I am not satisfied with Netflix supporting bigotry in 2019?

Doctors disagree with you. Care to explain why anyone should take the medical opinion of a guy on Yea Forums over the people that spend 10+ years of higher education to prepare for their job?

>HRT correlates positively with higher reported levels of happiness and mental stability
yeah because the people who go on HRT will be so honest about it not working
you grossly underestimate their ability to maintain a lie, and saying "therapy didn't help" will draw the ire of everyone who's still settled in their delusion

He already was a white supremacist.

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based and redditpilled

Would be interesting. Anecdotally I know one person that went from body-building to trans, so they weren’t initially low T.

They're not cutting off their dicks. They're undergoing a surgical procedure that is the current best known treatment for their condition. Why do you think you know the proper treatment better than doctors?

Well, you put good effort into this pasta, I’ll give you that.

>But hey, controversy sells, so fuck me, right?
holy fuck nailed it






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>current best known treatment for their condition
The studies that conclude on this are shakey at best and downright completely misrepresented at worst.

undergoing a surgical procedure where a surgeon cuts off their dick

Didn’t he make fun of trannies in his last special too?

>the current best known treatment for their condition

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I mean, is it really that hard to believe there are people that prefer to be feminine and would be happier taking hormones that make them more feminine?

I’ve never liked macho shit or macho culture at all. Don’t like sports, don’t like the military, DO like Johnny Cash and Clint Eastwood and that vibe of stuff, but otherwise mostly dislike staples of “masculinity”. I’m not gonna hop on hormones, but I get it man. If transitioning was some instant sci-fi shit, I’d at least think about trying it.

Damn the trannies are super mad, I gotta see Dave's show now

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I absolutely hated his “comeback” specials from a few years ago but if it’s got people chimping this hard I guess I should give it a watch. What the fuck did he even do?

>is liberal when it helps his group
>is conservative otherwise
Sounds like most non-whites.



30 years ago being gay was a mental illness you fucking retard.

Chapelle might just be the only good comedian left.

A feminine man is a feminine man, not a woman. Don't confuse culturally macho shit with masculinity and actual gender roles. Take some fucking responsibility for your life, be competent. Sports have little to do with anything; high test doesn't mean you like sports, most sports are boring gay shit.

You know what I think? I think that life as a man is too much for them and that they want to be soft, pretty, pitied, protected, taken care of, and above all to be called brave for turning their very life into a liability against even themselves. Once they're trans, the pressure to be anything other than trans is off.

I can tell she (he) meant 'than' instead of 'that' but what did she (he) mean by 'ob this app'?

My fav part is when he finds out he's black and leaves his wife for being a niggerlover.

>telling jokes is now attacking

You're such a fucking shill it's embarrassing.
If you wanna bring up research how about the studies proving that most "trans" men that don't undergo transitioning just become gay men in life and don't suffer from the severe mental distraught and suicidal tendencies that those that do transition have.

I get that some people this is a lifestyle but shoving hormones down the throat of anyone who feels a little confused during puberty is fucking disgusting.
That shit is permanent and shouldn't be so easy to start hormone therapy.

If my child becomes trans I will go through the legal process of disowning them and taking it upon myself as it would have been through my bad parenting. My girlfriend knows this and agrees.

made fun of trannies and said school shooters are all white
it was pretty funny

Why do they call it that?

soneone gave a n-word a pile of money and a mic
and thusly in accordance with the bylaws and provisions of being an n-word he had to n-word

>trans girl

Maybe you shouldn't be telling kids to chemically castrate themselves because of your obsessive desire to destroy heteronormative society. Just a thought.

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Good post user

>You don't get to have your cake and eat it too anymore
Stupid nigger. The phrase is: You can't EAT your cake and HAVE it too.
The other way doesn't make any sense
>Oh I've got my cake
>Now Imma eat it too
As opposed to
>I ate all my cake
>I have no more cake

>A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday
Great post. Well written by ending it with a positive note

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Probably meant "on this app" because normalfags and niggers only use their phones nowadays.

>mfw trannies kill themselves
>mfw faggots die of AIDS
>mfw whores get raped
>mfw niggers get shot by police
>mfw non-whites (aka subhumans) get deported

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mumbOnlylatest Niggerthe Niggero jungle marble mouth murder music mash up

>going this far for bait
don't know if real

Who is behind this post?

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She dated him for a bit before dumping him after discovering that a man she met at a Yea Forums meetup, GASP, acted like a Yea Forums autist.

It says it was tweeted from the web app though?

Science is unironically a liar sometimes and this is unironically a valid argument in certain circumstances

Could be on Twatter through a phone browser.

Unironically this

Relevant picture

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Yeah but then it's not really an app in the way normies know. Whatever I don't think I'll ever understand twitter users.


If you don't want your children sodomized by AIDS-ridden trannies you are a white nationalist.

Do you think they can tell the difference? This groid's IQ is probably just above room temperature.


just post the salty reddit threads and twitter screencaps there must be several

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So basically what a comedian should do?

Exactly. He got butthurt than white people were laughing at his show and got all mental and left 3rd season to Africa.

He’s mental

Nothing makes liberals angrier than black people saying the wrong things.

you will never pass



This mentality is actually making people kill themselves. Good fucking job. Also doctors can be wrong. Remember when smoking was healthy or leeches could cure you?

I just checked reddit and they were saying it’s his best yet. I didn’t see a single person complaining.

>the right cries like the left now and it's so fucking stupid
It works so why wouldn't they do it

>mentally ill people experience discrimination

Yeah no shit, Sherlock, a psychotic is going to find it difficult to do any normal person thing too, doesn't mean they get to go around demanding to be treated as normal. Fucking psycho. They only raise the probability of being locked up for their own protection.

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>No Sniff Connoisseur
That pic is very problematic and sniffphobic

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That filename should be agdq not agdg. There aren't any girls in agdg.

Reacting to based tranny bait gold
10/10 post, would dilate

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You don't need to torment psychotic people though. You don't go up to schizophrenics and yell OOGA BOOGA BOOGA.

I thought his joke about trans was pretty tame this time, but apparently there is more at the end that I missed? Quick rundown?

>A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday, and you're lying if you don't think jokes about her being trans aren't what pushed her over the edge.
Maybe convincing children they are born in the wrong bodies as a goof wasn't such a good idea.

T. Based retard that doesn't understand comedy at all

No, but we generally separate psychotic people from society, because they are easily tormented. I say "hello" and the psycho hears OOGA BOOGA BOOGA.

I refer to a trans girl as a he and he thinks he's all oppressed.

The state in every country has a monopoly on capital punishment as well but we still lock up murders

The state makes the law drugs are illegal for citizens to use posses and sell no one forced anyone to use drugs period

Trannies = /pol/tards
Blame the media

>a white woman left one of his practice sets for the special at The Punchline comedy club in San Francisco, telling him, "I'm sorry, I was raped." Chappelle replied "It's not your fault you were raped. But it's not my fault either. Ta-ta, bitch!" to which the audience laughed raucously, as though that were a real punchline.

How is that a joke? There’s no legit punchline... That’s just called being an asshole.

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>t. Eurasian tiger
Niggers and sjws don't care about asians, chang gutierrez johnson

transgender people are people too. based post.

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They have a lot of useful idiots, I agree.

Being an asshole is hilarious though.

triggering some millennials.

How do you explain males with “female chromosomes”?

sjws hate asians

They are outliers who either chose to be male or was chosen for them who should pick one and stick with it

Now if we are not being disingenuous how many in the tranny community suffer from the incredibly rare disease and would you be fine with them being tested for such before being seen as just mentally ill

That's not what most trannies are.

if trans want to be considered human they should learn to take a fucking joke

I am being honest and also not the original guy you’re replying to.

I don’t give a fuck about the tranny outrage here but saying XY is exclusively male is factually untrue. Outlier or not, chromosomes does not cause a specific gender but it more often correlates to it.

People who get triggered by trans people are animalistic science deniers

based on what, the "study" that was nothing more than an online survey that asked trannies how they felt a year into their HRT?
only for them to kill themselves later? HRT is a sham and we are helping people embrace this illness and not learn with how to cope with that. you don't tell a depressed person that his life is shit and to kill themselves. you let them know its a lifelong struggle and help them deal with their issues.
i've done more methodical shit in high school psychology class

Psychology is pseudo-science.

That is how we assume everything not every pit bull is he exact percentage of certain breeds but they are correlated to it
Same with chromosomes having a literal 1 percent chance of being born a freak to the system does not negate that two genders exist and the cross over between them are obvious aberrations those people do deserve consideration inside ONE of the two

As for most trannys they do not posses this condition

Ta-ta bitch!

Yeah, its a mental illness that can potentially be healed, but chopping off dicks and selling hormones is profitable.
Here is another thing to consider. There are millions of indigenous people living on this planet and they deal with this issue differently. They don't have the means to do sexchanges, but they have medicine they use against mental illness. The Suicide rate among indigenous people with gender dysphoria is close to zero. Their society takes care of this disease one way or another.

Actually you are ignorant the conditions. You faggots are clinging to dos not result in normal chromosomes patterns which DO present themselves as their evident gender but they wind up with things like XYY and other combinations

So, again, I didn’t reply to you (?) or the guy I replied initially because of the tranny thing so let’s leave that out of our conversation.

I’m not denying that there are two sexes but sex is bi-modal, not binary.

Chromosomes DO NOT cause male or female sex. And also, gender is not the same as sex.

Hooefully I’ve cleared things up a bit for you so you won’t make another mistake when you’re trying to school somebody about science.

I haven't seen the new one yet but are people forgetting that in one of his last specials he talked about dancing with a tranny, befriending them and having breakfast with them the next day?

Actually chromosomes do correspond to two sexes the only ones that don’t at those born with the conditions mentioned that result in a extra sex chromosome so yes healthy human chromosomes correspond to female
And male

As for your word game with gender that makes the case worse because your attributing your gender to things you learned late in life that are subjective to culture

If I asked a regular chromosomes man to tell e why he feels like a women he would have to use stereotypical archetypes of women’s thinking that are not only learned after birth but different in some cultures

No, you fucking retard. Recent studies show that there’s more to it than just having a certain set of chromosomes assigned to you.

Most males tend to have XY chromosomes but there are people with a different make-up that are still male. This suggest that chromosomes are not the causation of sex-assignment.

I can link you the study, if you want me to?

The Buddhist call this Karma.

Dave is in Hollywood. I'd be surprised if he hadn't been balls deep in a tranny or two.


This isn’t evidence of anything?

You’re a dummy dumb user.

Show me a example m8

Again your thinking of conditions that add a extra chromosome to the mix and therefore don’t disprove those born with the proper ones are either male or female

They already have hook line and sinker. Idiots can't recognize bait anymore.

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Holy shit.

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Trannies kill themselves mainly because they're already mentally ill to want to change their gender. Mentally ill people tend to kill themselves. Getting bullied just increases the chances.

How does one feel like another gender without using culturally learned stereotypes to describe it

What a female or male is differs in cultures so again this is a mental fixation on the social aspects

Yeah, but what I’m saying is, is that it’s not the SOLE reason to be assigned a certain sex at birth. Studies show that you don’t necessarily have to have XY chromosomes to be a male.

Yes, gender is a social construct that we tend to change depending on culture and sociatel norms. Things we in the West consider girly aren’t necessarily viewed the same in other cultures / societies. Pink, for example, wasn’t a girly color until somewhere in the 1900s, I believe.

I don’t disagree with your last paragraph. Because that’s the way we as a culture and society have agreed that certain features or behavior is assigned to a certain gender / sex.

tl;dr "reinforce my delusions until it kills me"

>ob this app

Can someone translate this monkey speak?

how can a black man normalize negative attitudes towards transgender people when it means he's throwing his beautiful black transgender sisters under the bus? aren't they already going through enough being black and trans?

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So what if somebody would rather be pretty and soft rather than aggressive and competitive? The world needs nurses and caregivers more than it needs a lot of the other shit people do with their lives.

No m8 sex is defined by these because those specific sets of chromosomes correspond to production of reproductive elements belonging to a female or
Male even if other unrelated conditions cause deformities or issues with those having a PAIR of either of those will result in your body attempting to produce those

You are looking at conditions where a person has a malfunction set of chromosomes some with less and some
With more as disproving that two healthy sets directly link to either male or female

And the fact you see my other point you should then agree the majority of trannys with no genetic conditions are literally mentally ill and using socially learned stereotypes to claim a gender which have no bearing on objective reality they were born with the makeup that makes them in NATURE a man or a female

That’s fine they still are genetically not a female which has a scientific understanding their proclivities to being a soft man or a hard women do not negate this and asking us to join in their delusion is a purely exercise in mind games and how willing others are to go


Here you go, my dude. Scrollw down the page to find the link to the original study published by Nature Communications.

He made fun of trannies saying that Trans people have taken over the gay rights movement and in a way are setting back rights and support for gay people. He pretty much just made some jokes about the irony of being trapped in a body you dont like and this pissed people off. He's a comedian so who gives a fuck

Oh this is going to cause some conniptions tonight.

Should we build a roof over the whole world because agoraphobes are fraid of deepness of the sky? Most of the people are willing to tolerate trans anyway, that is the most they can rely on longterm: general tolerance and acceptance from their own community. More than enough to enjoy life.

>I want to fucking rape dave chappel, fuck that nigger thinking he can tell a few jokes and be honorary white i want to drink his fucking cum

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But it’s clear gender roles are not just biology, otherwise there wouldn’t be cultural pressure and stigma to act and dress a certain way to begin with.

Congratulations your study proves my point
People with healthy chromosome pairs will develops either sex it is other conditions unrelated as in defects that cause deformities

Humans are supposed to have hearts on the inside but disorders outside of genetics will cause it t form on the outside they does not change that the human body is meant to have inside

Chromosomes do control sex in a healthy individual things outside of its control can cause deformities there has never been a reproductively healthy man or women born with these conditions reversing to the PAIR of chromosomes
They are born with

See my post for the study I got the info on. I’d explain a lot more but I’m phoneposting and should go to bed so this probably be my last post.

I get what you mean but what I’m talking about is actual people having XX chromosomes but still developed male genitalia.

To give more credit to the study: scopeblog.stanford.edu/2015/02/24/sex-biology-redefined-genes-dont-indicate-binary-sexes/ Even Standford University cited the study.

But nobody is disagreeing it’s a mental disorder. It’s just that it helps people with their existential crisis to have gender reassignment surgery.

Lemme ask you a question: what makes a woman, a women?

It’s clear that reproductive biology is now to the point of you running your own argument gender being based on culture would mean that again they are just soft men or hard women

There is no biological imperative that they be addressed as the other sex their entire issue with their mental fixation on society calling them a gender that they LEARNED and defined later in life

A women with XX chromosomes that don’t have unrelated defects that effect those chromosomes

I don’t have to define a women past that the tranny without any of these disorders do which results in highly stereotypical response they learned

If you have to mutilate yourself to fit a cultural expectation you are not physiology sound

so you're talking about birth defects that are 5 times more rare than downs
you are retarded

SeeThese are conditions that effect the natural role of chromosomes outside of them

Again a man can be born blind with genes that perfectly form eyes due to unrelated genetic disorders

Why should people be bound by biology when they can take hormones to look and feel more like how they desire in the first place? Some dude takes steroids to be more masculine, no problem. Some dude takes estrogen to look more feminine? The sky is falling.

At the end of the day, most people aren’t seriously saying biology is irrelevant. People are against biological determinism and having their social role, and self-presentation chosen for them at birth. If I tell somebody to call me a different name, there is not a single person that would give a shit. What do you honestly care if someone wants to be called a different pronoun?

And he’s taking about things unrelated to the chromosome pairs causing you to be born with fucked up genitalia

>accused of internalizing white supremacy by a Mexican kid dressed like a member of vampire weekend
Can you please explain what this means?

Because if I decide to not it should not be a problem but it is and the reasoning they use for it is it mentally damages them

We are being asked to cater to you due to your mental state which is a mental illness

>obvious bait
>replying anyway

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because this shit is not working but not only that its being pushed onto teenagers and helping little children "explore" their gender

that shit is confusing and damaging to an impressionable boy or girl thats why

if it was just adult trannies wanting to chop off their dicks whatever, but they are pushing it onto kids while being as obnoxious as vegans

I spent 5 minutes trying to find out what ob meant because I thought it was ebonics.

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This as well

Kids that literally express interest in stereotypical female behavior are literally being put on pills to change their biology by adults

This is the sick fucking reality you are ignoring


he made some jokes about how trannies are histrionic mentally ill retards who can't take a joke and are holding the LGB movement back with their drama, and that he's not going to stop making jokes about them. guess what their response was?

Sports curb the competitive nature and hone the ability of men to rely on each other and follow a heirarchy. Not to mention it keeps your t levels up from physical activity.

You sound like a coping lanklet who hates "jocks"

Fem men cannot be relied on in a society because they want to use female tricks and their asshole to gain status instead of their strength and intelligence.

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The thing I can't stand about the whole trans movement is that it just feels like it's setting back gender equality. The whole mentality of "I played with a doll when I was a kid so I MUST be a woman! Only girls play with dolls! Only boys like trucks! It's literally impossible to be a man who just likes to wear skirts! I'm just a woman trapped in a mans body :) " Instead of accepting people for being more feminine or masculine, or for preferring things that their gender does not typically prefer we are just cementing gender roles even further. Why can't a man just wear a skirt? Why does he have to be a woman?

You hit the fucking nail

I have dated almost exclusively girls with masters or above in psychology and this is the issue we sit up in bed and argue about and they just wind up laughing because they get it they are just unable
to say anything against it

I am 28 and was taught what your describing all my time in school and that expecting women to like dolls or that they naturally are the way they are is sexist conditioning

You guys clearly haven’t read the study or haven’t understood it so I’ll say it again. Having physical anomalies doesn’t negate the fact that chromosomes DO NOT assign sex at birth but rather are a indication of what the person could be. There are other factors that together ultimately decide which sex you will be.

If you didn’t get that from the study or the standford article then we have a fundamental disagreement here.

I was talking about a woman as a gender. And you do have to define it because otherwise you can’t delegitimize a trans person.

What makes a woman, a woman?

when you can't even tweet out a proper sentence, does your opinion really hold any merit?

>all those journalists writing articles like its a flop
>everyone is having a grand time during the special
jesus christ they are just never right are they

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fuck off

>Best treatment for self hatred is genital mutilation
This is a weird timeline we live in

LGBT ideology doesn't make any sense and is paradoxical and contradictory in every single way. They entirely rely on emotion which is why they push the ontological nature of their new identities so hard.

Once you actually think about their ideology apart from just believing "they're born that way" it literally doesn't make any sense at all. Transgenders argue that gender isn't real and is just performative traits put on people but then base their entire new identities on the same body of performative traits. Male to female will always wear makeup, dress, long haired wigs, etc because it's a distinctly feminine despite how much they claim it doesn't exist. They would be nowhere if they didn't fool the world into believing they were "born this way." It was very deliberate and coordinated to push that narrative because otherwise everyone would see how nonsensical their beliefs are.

so basically everyone is a faggot crybaby. My god America, learn to take a joke

What the fuck I'm I reading.

Again I explained both your posts m8

Those chromosomes do define sex as that is what they are SUPPOSED ON BE and what their functions are the fact the study uses factors like low or high instances of certain genes means there is normal distribution known to science so yes when chromosome pairs are healthy and in the normal range they define sex having unrelated genetic defects issues cause genital deformities does or change this

And yes the tranny who has no genetic defects that tells me he feels like a women is the one who has to define that feeling

A women with a deformed penis even in your study has one of the two chromosomes pairs and if they feel like the other gender they have to define that as well

We can tell what you body should of been and even what went wrong your study proves this

Believing your the other gender outside of these factors requires you to define it

To be*

I don’t really believe anybody is being forced into it. There’s more pressure against it than for it, socially.


new fags gunna new fag

roflmao all these seething incels replying to your post

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Those kids don’t have true consent by law the parents of many of these kids are making the decision for them and even the kids that go along with it are most likely going to appease their fucked up parents

Are you going to deny that there are kids literally being put through drug treatment and the best reason the parents comes up with is because he likes to wear makeup and play with dolls


Yes but you also don't let the mentally ill harm themselves, you don't tell agoraphobic people to wear a helmet everywhere they go so they're never in an open space. You don't let bulimic or anorexic people define their own diets and you don't let suicidal people kill themselves. Why would you allow someone who's sick to make what is ultimately a cosmetic change that can be seriously harmful to their bodies?


There defense is the kids will act out lol

Just spit my dew out at the chinaman impression

I don’t think your characterization is at all accurate to begin with. A few cases of abusive parents? Yeah, sure. Any parent forcing a kid to transition was abusive to begin with.

They put the kids on puberty blockers, it’s not like some kid plays with dolls and immediately gets estrogen.

That's actually a good card to play, tell each side how dumb they are without telling them

He told the truth

Putting a child on puberty blockers causes permanent change you fucking disingenuous psycho

Based nostradomanon predicting newfags

Absolutely based. This is gonna get a lot of incel (yous) lel. They cain't handle the truth.

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You’ll never be a woman

>shitting on everyone no matter the consequences

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>people who try not to act like dicks
Stopping you right here sport, not even gonna read the rest. You are the asshole. Imagine you're hanging out with your friends (this is a hypothetical scenario so pretend you have friends), cracking jokes and having a good time with each other, then some random person who happened to be in earshot walks up to and starts bitching at you because something you said offended them. And they keep bitching, and then they start stalking you, and then they start cataloguing every potentially offensive thing you've ever said, and then they try to get you fired from your job, etc. That person is you.

Does this help you wrap your head around how fucking insane you are? You're not some progressive paladin championing the disenfranchised, you're spiteful little cocksucker that will find any excuse to drag people down to your miserable level.

kek seething incel

>pet minorities with mongrel complex and deep self hatred projecting it to the ones that don't have it

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>I never thought I'd see Dave Chapelle punching down

Where do you think "culture" came from cumbreath? Do you think we were monkeys hurling feces at each other and then *POOF* we were living in cities and "le patriarchy" was magically instated?

>"begone thot you won't be getting this"

>Some dude takes steroids to be more masculine, no problem
Steroids are almost universally illegal you stupid fucking cocksucker. Jesus fucking Christ, how old are you?

>and asian men
You wish we chose your cringe side, cumskin

a very n-word approach to life

Holy shit, learn English you fucking pajeet.

In what ways has the right succeeded? Getting the orange second-rank plutocrat into power to accomplish nothing other than giving free money to rich people and territory to Israel is not an accomplishment.

lol shut the fuck up you seething hapa faggot

please don't bring Yamato into this

>mfw cumskins are the ones that an hero the most

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what the fuck
is this taken from mathebonics class?

The afroadjacency matrix is a swuare matrix used to represent a finite negro graph. The elements of the matrix indicate whether pairs of vertices are afroadjacent or not in the negro graph.

Are you typing your manifesto already?

Did anyone here watch the epilogue?

>You know, I hate watching other comedians do comedy. Not because I hate other comedians, but because I love comedy so much.
>It's like watching somebody else fuck your girl. And I say, "I'd fuck her better than that".

This is exactly how I feel about my job. I've never heard anyone put it this way before.

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Waiting to copy off yours, "supreme gentleman"

>original post is about him shitting on both political demographics
>strawman to make it about niggers somehow

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The hell is that creature.

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Honorary cumskin, like this one

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its an n-word in denial saying it so calling out n-wordery is apt

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