/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Totally unbiased Edition


>Countdown to the sPAIN GP:

>Previous thread:
>/f1/ Essentials:

>WDC Standings:
LEC: 104 (+18)
VER : 85 (+26)
PER: 66 (+12)
RUS: 59 (+10)
SAI: 53 (+15)

>WCC Standings:
Ferrari: 157 (+33)
Red Bull: 151 +38
Mercedes: 95 (+18)
McLaren: 46 (+0)
Alfa Romeo: 31 (+6)

>WEC Standings
HAM: 339.22 (+76.08)
RIC: 255.13 (+46.86)
MSC: 222.45(+63.53)

>Mick Schumacher races without scoring a single point:
27 (26 starts)

Mick wants to know what Vettel thinks about the crash
Bin8 nervously acknowledges Ferrari is behind in the development race
Are Edd ratings are up and are more retarded than ever
W*lff does not exclude doing back to 'much slower' old spec

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I was just about to hit the post button

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oh fuck clerc is mad now

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now THIS is some good content

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Its up

Hamilel is Guardiola of F1

How much would she dominate W Series by?

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so im watching f1 since 1990 season and on the internet since 1994, on forums and shit
but i've NEVER seen such a rancid fanbase as me*c "fanbase"
fucking kek, this is gold
i fucking love this season
> t. 38yo boomer

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noice, totally forgot to check if it was up

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Sainzfags, I'm going to need an explanation for why the gap between him and Lechuck was the same as the gap between Checo and AMX despite Checo losing 30 horses in the marina.

but guardiola is a coach

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reddit bulls how we feelin?

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first she should dominate me in the bedroom


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how were the schumibros back in the heydays? was everyone rooting against him at the time?

Migg sounded like he was about to cry during that radio message, he can't catch a break

his biggest ideal after his dad rammed into him and took away his points, understandable

the "bros" were the same as hamiltards now
always searcjing for excuses when shit hit the fan
real fans just watched and moved on, had a chat with other fans, in a bar or whatever
but there was no titter back then
and no black tokenization

Wtf are these ratings.

Bruh that Williams is so hot I would impregnate it.

he just needed to finish the race and get points. too prudent to push hard.

>Valtteri Bottas says that the brush with the wall that cost his fifth position in the Miami Grand Prix occurred because he was distracted by the battling Mercedes duo in his mirrors.

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he lost 30hp worth of talent when he hit his head, this moment will be remembered the same way Hungary 2009 is remembered for Massa

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is this fucking real?

kek I knew

No. The real pic gave Hamilton a 10/10 for his brave and stunning performance at the start of the race

No shit there's a Mercedes (he thinks Hamilton) behind him and he shits his pants like he always did to hand over a free position like a cuck RIP 2017-2021 Fraudcedes seasons. Bottas literally bended over for a nigger.

You Will Always Be a Cuck

damn that's a hard hit


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kek i love these vids

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>he will inevitably get drs'd
>lets them by so russell can pass hamilton

Tifosi bros how we feelin

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top kek

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cosi cosi

hamspammer status?

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hopefully hanging by a tree

I fucking said as much


any euros that were legitimately angered by the interviewer or any of the post race celebrations need to kill themselves immediately

Those aren't real ratings, are they?

wtf he's so quick

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need more power

no u

They are

Now with low quality integrated subs.


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I guess someone reported him for spamming haha totally not me ;)


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wait until you hear Max only got a 9

I have produced a season-adjusted f1 all time wins list
each win counts for a value of 1 divided by the number of races in that season
therefore a value of 0.5 would mean such a driver has won half a season's worth of races
no this definitely isnt a stat made up to reduce hamiltons accomplishments and make schumi look better
definitely not
i have everyone but here's the top 10
5.381 Schumi
5.289 Hamilton
3.217 Prost
2.889 Fangio
2.761 Vettel
2.563 Senna
2.491 Clark
2.296 Stewart
1.938 Mansell
1.737 Alonso

i honestly kek'd all the way through the interview because it was a bigger trainwreck than Monaco last year, but the atmosphere has been unsettling all weekend long and i feel it gives some insight into what those liberty merchants are planning to do

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i laughed my ass off because i knew it will be a shitshow, like only the burgers can make
almost snl-esque tier (translation: retarded comedy for boomers)


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for me, it's the stock dance animations on the podium

It's retarded, but based

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basado magic alonso

>gets mogged by teammate 8.0
>gains 7 positions and beats teammate 6.0
ya that makes sense also
>DNF get 7.5
brilliant work again Straw

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is that Mugello 2020?

The drivers were extremely dehydrated after the race and the next thing they have to do is put a football helmet. I bet they only did it because the FIA ordered them to but in reality they hated it

the based kinda of retardation.

there's no need to have a retarded ape embarrassing the drivers

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I laughed too, it just seemed in the thread that it was happening in that a lot of people were unreasonably angry that a retarded American was allowed to interview the drivers or the over the top police escort, or the helmets
just seemed like an anti-fun atmosphere
just wish you guys would call me amerifren instead of amerimutt

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I don't know actually, i tune in on the formation lap and i turn it off after the post-win radio message. If Ferrari wins i mute it for a few minutes while I'm looking at other stuff and go back to watching when the italian anthem is played