>Chappelle: do you know who I'm talking about?
>brainlet audience: TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP
>Chappelle: Naw I'm talking about YOU NIGGAS
Chappelle: do you know who I'm talking about?
Other urls found in this thread:
what's the joke?
people who attend standups are facebook tier humna beings.
His Jussie bit at the end was fucking hilarious.
Chappelle=Louis CK=Burr>Norm>Neal Brennan>everyone else
He's talking about the fact that if you do anything in your life, someone can bring it up 29 years later and ruin you.
Switch the top tier with Norm and this list is okay.
>Yea Forums likes Louis CK now that he's been #metoo'd
do you brainlets have any opinions that aren't influenced by politics?
He's doing a purposefully shitty impression of a retarded person nitpicking, and the audience act like literal bots who assume it's a Trump impression simply because everyone impersonates him (Dave never has, because he actually puts effort into being original). He didn't mention Trump once in the entire show.
It was glorious
His NPC audience.
The LGBT bits were boring as fuck.
Bitch, I’m a liberal, just not a faggy leftist one. I liked Louis while he was the Cuck King around here
Liberals and liberalism in the current era.
>Nah, nigga, it's an impression of you
Holy based
>I’m a liberal
Do you maybe ever stop to think that not everyone on this board has the same opinion? Oh wait, that would require actually fucking thinking.
this nigga tries too hard to be mysterious
>calling your entire audience nitpicky retarded assholes
how does he get away with it
Audience laughs uproariously, spewing out their drinks and applauding like crazy
The second impression sounds like Joe Rogan. Not what he said, but the voice
Do you think any top comedians could survive against a chimp?
I expected whole audience to yell TRUMP but turns out it was just one guy whispering insecurely
Fuck you OP and your lies
>Using horizontal power rankings instead of vertical
>Louis CK greater than Norm.
Wanna now how I know you are a true, complete, and utter plen?
>>Chappelle: Naw I'm talking about YOU NIGGAS
They edited it. I swear to you on the netflix player I heard BLUFTTHTHHH multiple times.
This. They also subtitled them saying Trump a few times.
No wonder the clickbait crowd got steamed
god damn we need a maga version of this onions goy
What? Him telling his nigger audience in Atlanta that they're retarded wasn't funny?
stand up comedy is so cringy
What form of comedy do you like, user?
Is Trump the most influential human so far for the 21st century? He is literally on the news everyday and people cannot stop talking about him
i have to admit this is based
Any that is in context, so not stand up comedy
How are you gonna be funny standing on a stage in a room with a microphone talking to people you don't know? It's hard and that's why 99% it's pure cringe
If you think about it, there are probably a few anons on this site who've initiated as much as him
yeah they edited it, when I watched it the whole audience was chanting trump for five minutes straight.
>How are you gonna be funny standing on a stage in a room with a microphone talking to people you don't know?
By telling a story that's funny.
>Any that is in context
Are you autistic?
im pretty sure it was the same for obama and bush
>are you autistic?
No, jokes just don't land without the context. Some stand up comedians are better than others but in general it's bad
like this youtube.com
Joke 1: NIGGER
Joke 2: UR DUM
Is this what passes for comedy these days? Holy cancer...
Incel spotted
Seriously, someone please explain the first joke to me. Is he implying that blacks wrote the constitution?
I used to like Dave but you can tell he lived in Africa for 10 years. Transphobic asshole.
He is the chosen one
broadly speaking america was built by slaves, it's just a joke user, you don't need to take it literally word for word.
Dilate, you fucking freak
Success of the joke depends mostly of the delivery
He can't hold Osama bin Laden's jockstrap.
What time in the special? Surely it'd still be on Netflix yeah?
Nice substance there pal. That said. Fuck liberals, fuck conservatives and fuck libertarians.
>couldn't stop himself from cracking up during his jussie joke
one of the things I like about Dave, and there aren't that many, but this one is that most comedians when they insult their audience they try to laugh it off like "haha I told a joke, you guys get it, I don't mean it, it's just a joke" but with Dave it really feels sincere
I mean that's literally why he fled to africa, he fucking hates his audience
based anarcho-monarchist
it was very funny
so what about this its funny again?
Dave Chapelle was never funny and I've literally been on Yea Forums since 2014 so you can't say I'm a newfag
they get it, he gets it. It's not literally THIS audience, its the public. its the proverbial audience. The audience understands that at least enough to laugh.
CK is not funny. Replace him with dave attel
Not only are you a newfag, you are an idiot also
if you try to take all his jokes literally you'll both be missing out, and confused
You're not a newfag, "newfag" is a label reserved for people who got between 2007-2011. You're just a full blown faggot fucking redditor.
Maybe you need to turn up your volume? I can clearly hear multiple people shouting trump in sequence right after he asks them to guess.
You're not a newfag. You're cancer.
He's setting up for a joke; hell, for the whole set. But also:
they didn't edit anything, I was being facetious.
the joke is just that it's a terrible impression, even to the point of not talking at all like the founding fathers would have (ie calling the other guy "nigger")
Well he is the fucking president.
>OMG did yall SEE the new CHAPELLE special!!!!!!!!
The joke is that your offended.
this desu
lol at caring about some comedian commentary about race obsessed amerifats or whatever it is
>What am I gonna do if Trump gets re-elected? Probably get a significant tax break.
Yes, i'm intellectually offended. If blacks had written the constitution, they would've outlawed slavery
It's not a joke at all.
A couple of people did blurt it out
>far left retards are mad because he can't stop making tranny jokes
>far right retards are mad because he's black and breathing
dave is pretty based
Yea Forums is that way
apparently he's of african descent
Based radical centrist poster!
Gen Y faggots need to shut the fuck up. It's not 2004 anymore, Chapelle is washed up
Its okay bc hes black
Dave Attel is not funny
this special was boring and not funny. It was basically spoken word of him complaining about stuff just like that fat dyke's netflix special that everyone was talking about a few months ago.
agreeing with your political opinions isnt comedy
This cope
And it was bland. American nigger humor praise is pathetic.
He ropes all the SJW in with the first joke.. The purpose of the joke is to show that power white men take advantage of POC.. Which is why the SECOND joke works.. because everyone is already assuming Dave is on their side, and that's why he pulls the curtain and shows that everyone that thought Trump is a fucking retard.
Based Dave.. Brilliant as always.
>be american
>pay 80 dollars to get into a theater
>get called retarded
>start clapping
jesus christ
>far right retards are amazed they can understand what he is saying
>not being constantly offended by every little bit of pop culture is "radical"
Yea Forums isn’t a hive mind you fucking moron
Maybe Dean Martin is more your speed, retard.
And this is why you’ll forever be a sad, pathetic incel with no friends. Kill yourself hombre
Yes easily. Decades from now he’ll be remembered on the same level of influence as people like Einstein and Hitler because he caused a worldwide paradigm shift and arguably the beginning of the (slow) end for American dominance
not even close... i dont know how old you are but back before trump, most days, you didnt think about what the president is doing.. Now most days you think about it at least in passing.
Wow do you think it has something in common with the fact that you were ten years old? Jesus christ. Hmmmm isn't it weird that the news talks about the president every day?????
public schools fucking failed you.
Louie has always been funny. You only think Yea Forums stopped like him because you were influenced by a meme.
you, literally
Black Man not funny.
Old Jewish judge hip and funny, because TV said so.
Dave attwl hasn't been funny in 15 years
So what's the verdict on Neal Brennan?
the very last punchline was really kinda genius
bravo dave
this old nigga dgaf
Why did they think he was doing Trump other than DURRR?
Blacks are the only ones allowed to be racist or masculine by our current zeitgeist.
Leftist whites are attracted to black media because it's an outlet for instincts/feelings they themselves aren't allowed to express.
damn nigga you smart
but it wasnt at all. picking cotton doesnt build America. America was made by pioneers, settlers, the calvary, the Irish, the British, even the Chinese. Niggers picked cotton, deal with it. slaves werent forced to build anything.
When black people talk you're supposed to clap and act amazed
fuck him! I need money!
switch norm and louis and we are solid.
His moth joke on Conan kills me to this day.
He'll be remembered as one of the best presidents, libbys will be seen as overreactionaries and lose any credibility for the next 100 years.
Lmao, maybe in Israel he’ll be remembered that way
I know this guy.
Love how trump turned liberals in antisemites. I'm thriving, as with the majority of the American population, but keep saying the sky is falling.
>liberals call people nazis
>liberals hate jews and want to kill them all
wtf is he wearing?
he looks like he collects hot sauces
man Trump really has to life in this guys head rent free 24/7 if you think this impression sounds anything like it
Nice to see a fellow leftist
bush jr yes obama no
and bush jr didnt have the same hatebase, most people just figured he was a retard
people REALLY hate trump, i know otherwise normal people who would slit their wrists before shaking hands with him. i dont get it, i dont get why, but that's how it is.
honestly bush jr was probably more sinister considering his dad and i feel like he was just a bad speaker/retardation was an act
>centrists don't hold convictions or serious beliefs
They do, they just aren't NPC drones who fall perfectly into one side or the other. Like you.
>brainlet audience: TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP
Actually lold when they did that - the levels of projection with those scum is beyond comprehension.
can someone transcribe the "I ain't a nigger either" joke
>Intellectually offended
This guy trying to act smart, shut your mouth retard.
The sad thing is I feel like 2014 fags and later are probably most of the userbase. I want to leave so I can avoid these kids but I have nowhere else to go but the grave.
Dave asks why he is allowed to say nigger but not faggot on Chapelle show. Lawyer says he can't say it because he is not gay. He replies he ain't a nigger either.
so is he I dare say it , /OUR Nigger ?
His Jussie shit at the end had me fucking dying
said the same shit anybody who wasn't retarded pieced together
some MAGA homophobe white boy isn't going to be fucking watching empire
tips fedora
Sit down
this is very Clever an btfo outa offended white sjw faggots ,
Most blacks /races dont get upset at memes they see it as jokes , not them
Incoming opinion. As a long-time fan of Chappelle and his comedy, I thought it was just okay. He had quite a few clever jokes, and I agree with much of what he said as well. That aside, I didn't laugh out loud or anything. I mostly just watched and chuckled from time-to-time.
I think it's simply getting a lot of attention for being politically-charged, and people are feeling obligated to "defend their side" or some such nonsense. Anyway, it's nice to see him being politically incorrect, and stating some good facts. It just wasn't HILARIOUS or UNWATCHABLE like people keep saying.
pretty good joke desu
All new friends
At least learn to fucking recognize bait, you’re embarrassing yourself.
I think it's refreshing to see, even if his material isn't as funny as his earlier work. Cultural tastes are cyclical. The wheels are turning back on PC culture.
this guy is asking the real question
I think CK did nothing wrong and you're fucking retarded. Old Chappelle > Norm > Burr > New Chappelle > CK > everyone else
the Chinese face was funny as fuck
A jannie suit, which is a subtle reference to him being a nigger.
>slaves werent forced to build anything.
Yes they were, stupid. Among other things, the original white house.
Holy Based
The joke is literally that he made a founding father refer to another founding father as nigger.
JUST started this special on bongstream.live come have some laughs user
also we're streaming new Dave Chapelle show on Bongstream dot live
hurry up and finish the constitution nigger im tryna sleep
It was one guy who said Trump. We can all watch the video so why embellish the story?
>slaves werent forced to build anything
Based retard doesn't know what a slave is
I'm not a pedophile... but if I was... I'd go to Bongstream and watch Chapelle stand up
The faggot nigger joke had me rolling, his style definitely changed but I think that has to do with how society is versus him actually wanting to change
there's a lot gay men in the audience with their wives
peak boomer humor
The school shooter joke was funny but I don’t think white folk would like it that much it’s more of an /int/ joke
>Louis ck jerking off in front of women
>Louis's stand up
>"school shooting is a white person kind of thing"
>as opposed to regular shootings, which are a black person thing
One of the times in the show he was pretty cringe.
Don't get mad, it's just a joke
are you implying saying the word nigger isn't funny?
Chris Rock was BTFO of NPCs 20 years ago
You're right, just disappointed.
It’s a joke with some truth there’s no need to get upset :^)
>a joke that has something to do with politics
>if you agree, say it's funny
>if you disagree, say it's unfunny
you guys are literal npcs.
based autist
Dubya just seemed like a good old boy you’d have a beer with but who’s dad made him get a job he didn’t want and let uncle cheney stick his hand way too far up his ass. The revisionist history on him is mind boggling considering how at his throat Jon Stewart and the like we’re at the time
Who else didn’t laugh?
There’s only one guy who’s upset and that’s probably because he was going to shoot up a Walmart anyways
Wow good logic Ben Shapiro, glad to see /pol/ worshiping Israel now.
Jokes are supposed to have some truth to them to be funny
do you actually think people didn't like CK just because they were memeing about him about the IBGs?
the whole point of Yea Forums memes is riling up simpletons like (you)
Post the updated one faggot not the 2016 one
Then he went full blown whitey hating bitch in "Kill The Messenger"
Nah, jokes are just supposed to be funny. and it was.
get over yourself, faggot.
God late Carlin was really garbage and unfunny. Its a shame nobody ever calls it out.
Is that why you keep posting it here on Yea Forums trying to get other anons to agree with you? Try reddit out. They love uppity niggers who make racist jokes there.
>rent free
Dave never mentioned liberals once.
Norm isn't funny, the whole "confused boomer in the woods" routine was funny once, maybe 20 years ago.
>Chappelle, CK, and Burr being better than Norm
>expecting Carlin to do a bit about emojis
He would most likely go on about how there’s apps to do everything for you now and order everything for you now and then would probably mention something about a pedophile app that helps you find the most attractive children to steal and mention how some big name hollywood jew would be the spokes person for said app
>slaves weren't forced to build anything
You are memeing, right?
Imagine unironically believing this.
I don't think any of those whitoids are Jewish. Nice propaganda though.
Not funny. Literally hasnt been funny since his freakout. 10-4 good buddy
[citation needed]
This would be funnier without opening (george carlin). Not much, but more.
speaking of,
I don't know what he meant about imitations not being his thing. He did a great one as The Juice or a straight-laced stereotypical WASP
>and bush jr didnt have the same hatebase
He did, it's just people revisionized "We're always at war with Eastasia" something fierce. People fucking hated Bush, just it wasn't quite as insanely zealous as with Trump. On a scale of -100 to 100, -100 being Satan and 100 being adore and worship, Bush was treated at -50 and Trump is at -100, while the standard bog republican is -25.
He gets cucked by Jon Stewart in his shows to talk about politics
No comedy is actually good enough to elicit laughter.
got em hard with the abortion bit to.
No one is more based.
>free healthcare for illegals
I think abortion should be legal, and everyone should have a gun.
Does this make your binary head explode
white people love him. He could spit in their face and they would force themselves to find it humorous.
He really is brilliant though. Sticks and Stones brought shit to a new level.
No, people are just brainlets.
>founding fathers calling each other niggers
actually pretty funny
People just want to laugh even if it's at themselves sometimes; and the audience knows to some extent that accusatory behavior and the ruining of careers can sometimes exceed what's necessary.
holy mother of based
I believe the children say "Where's the lie?"
No impressions of Trump have been accurate, I have liberal friends who laugh at Alec Baldwin but I think they just do it for the sake of normalcy.
Comedy is an artform and just as any other, it can be a form of expression as much as a conduit of laughter. His intention here was not to make people laugh but make people look at themselves in comparison to someone they hate and consider their behaviour isn't much different.
streaming sticks and stones on bongstream.live
It's been at least a decade since I've seen this. Time flies
I thought the joke might have been “the constitution was too nice and inclusive” to have been written by old evil racist white men.
Carlin>them, but not by too much
the way he pronounces his name had me rolling
it was just misdirection.
The car metaphor bit was the funniest part.
they thought its just a joke
I only knew about this because of the Vice article. Seen it 3 times since then. This is the best Netflix comedy special ever.
>>get called retarded by a nigger
FTFY user. Americans love to pay niggers to abuse them or say semi-intelligent things. Look at Neil degrasse tyson and blacked.com
>centrism is bad but race mixing is good
How do you reconcile these two opposing views?
I think the most baste is when he advocates disarming white people.
Nice bait
He just waited to long to come back, I don't care about anything he had to say because he's so disconnected from the culture he could've shaped. It has some good jokes and points but nothing revelatory or hilarious, I can't remember his last few specials enough to compare them but none of what he's done holds up to his first few specials
In a time of oppressive censorship it is revolutionary to speak the truth openly. He took a risk to speak out against the liberal authoritarians.
How much did he risk though? He has his money he doesn't work for anyone in hollywood and he has no plans to make a new movie or show. I get what he's doing and I respect it but he could've come back 8 or 9 years ago and done everything he's done now and been revolutionary him coming back now was just an obvious attempt to cash in on his name before becoming forgotten officially, That's it. He's still talented but the spark of life he used to have is gone
>culture he could have shaped
>nothing revelatory
>These are the public's actual expectations of a stand-up comedian in 2019
how about just expecting it to be funny
It was hilarious tranny
Stop embarrassing yourself kiddo
Patrice > your list (which is pretty good list)
Retarded reddit nigger it's obviously a tranny
Literally nobody in the audience said Trump.
Trans scum need the rope
Keep crying tran tran
He was fine but considering people consider him the next coming of christ for two seasons of a tv show 15 years ago, I'd like a little more especially since the nigga didn't even attempt to come back to try to do a correspondents dinner for obama or anything
man I don;t know what the fuck is going on
>if you no no like meme man celebrity billionaire President
>you must be (other thing)
fuck off, tardling.
I don't need a citation for arguing a negative, faggot. You need citation that any of these mutts are Jewish.
Yes it is you fucking retard it's 90-90% stale memes that are repeated on youtube comments sections and reddit
Found the seething T. Dilate incel
neal brennan should be beaten senseless for trying to be a comedian
Do you ever stop to think that this plebshit board doesn't have any good opinions and is a hivemind full of incels and virgins?
Is it the original?
>Neil isn't as smart as some 4channel incel fagtard who frequents /pol/ has npc memes saved, and cries about trannies on discord
he works at a fucking planetarium
he isnt that great of a science guy
Norm > Pre-hiatus Chappelle > pre-cuck Louie > Burr > post-hiatus Chappelle > post-cuck Louie > who cares
>I'm going to downplay a literal astrophysicist
He's the fucking sitting chairman of The Hayden Planetarium and works for NASA you absolute retard.
Prime Bill Cosby>>>>>
>>I'm going to downplay a literal astrophysicist
all that up-playing you are doing deserves it
Playing off the theory that Betsy Ross took credit for a slave’s work
He is literally an astrophysicist with dozens of written papers under his belt and has done more than you, incel.
the joke is the misconception that many retards on twitter think, which is that black people literally made america what it is. Not that slavery didnt impact us as a society, but it wasnt some nigger with a quill writing shit out and T. Jefferson taking credit for it. But most woketards are truly retarded so they clap and think "haha white people sutpid".
>literally an astrophysicist
you dont need to keep saying literally
yes, he has a job which seems pretty amazing for a black guy but it really isnt
>dozens of written papers
>you mean, slaveowners would just uh, steal credit from slaves?
woah, no way?
you're an actual pseudo brainlet if you think astrophysics isn't important.
one negro isnt the field of astrophysics
Why all this norm sucking? Hes not that funny
They’ll rip your balls off
do /pol/niggers like you re-contextualize the entire reality you occupy? The joke really simple: that it would be funny if Jefferson stole everything from blacks because that's pretty much what whites did for a century. It's not some bizzaro reverse dogwhistle against "muh woke" boogerymen.
>black comedian says nigger as a joke
It only works when a white says it honestly
we get it, you have a problem with blacks. Thanks for sharing teenager.
On the netflix version they did. The youtube one cut it out.
How the fuck does him doing stand-up in 2010/11 make a difference in the quality of his work?
>taking a simple joke and missing it this hard because you're some /pol/nigger faggot who thinks Dave is some undercover redpilled stormfront poster in disguise.
Apparently Dave loves to be counter culture, except for on the subject of shitting on white people - he's quite happy to go along with current mainstream culture on that. I groaned out loud when he stated on stage (wasn't even a joke, just stated it in a "LETS BE REAL YALL" way) that white people are disproportionately likely to be mass shooters - which is just statistically false.
There were also the standard 3-5 Dave Chapelle ```jokes''' where both the setup and the punchline was just Dave saying "white people be evil and shit!" to riotous applause.
You realize you have to be CHOSEN to do the WHCD?
>which is just statistically false.
except it isn't. Cope.
Ironically Trump was on the wrong side of holding old shit against someone with the "grab em by the pussy" comment. It always creeped me out that NBC not only recorded him without his knowledge but held onto the tape for a decade.
It is literally false - per capita, whites commit precisely as many mass shootings as other races. It's just that there are more whites in the country.
So, you got triggered by a joke you didn't like?
ok ok neil degrasse tyson is the greatest scientist who has ever lived and the smartest human. also he has a giant penis and if it wasnt for white people he would be a god now.
>insults the audience
>they clap
The only people who were better comics than Cosby, in terms of using stand-up comedic techniques, were Pryor and Patrice. Prime Bill is still so far ahead of everyone and you have to commend him using that talent and intelligence to pander to normie scum so much that he becomes a fucking institution.
>I don't know what per capita means
buddy, it's an extremely niche bracket that these shooters fall under. They all "happen" to be white, they all "happen" to have similar ideologies (cough cough, right wing extremist cough cough), they all happen to be around the same age, follow the same internet personalities, post on the same forums and write similar manifestos...
but sure, /pol/cel, they are just as likely as any other race!
I wasn't offended in the slightest, but I did find it dumb and not funny. He was trying to say something "profound" as the entire joke, but it was just a dumb regurgitated pop-culture myth. It would be like if I, a korean guy, went up on stage, knocked the microphone against my knee a few times, chuckled distantly, then soberly blurted out (in a sage, serious "let's be real" tone): "Leaving the fan on overnight will kill you."
CK was the only funny guy left in comedy for awhile before he got shitcanned, and his leaked set was way better than his last special.
So long as he's shitting on everyone I'm fine with him shitting on whites.
why does it bother you that the last dozen mass shootings have all been schizoid whites emboldened by right-wing memes?
>>I don't know what per capita means
Apparently you don't, because what I have said is exactly, 100% correct. Sorry that you were born a shitskin.
Literally pointless sarcasm
Not him but
So you got triggered. Got it.
He went at blacks, whites, chinks, pretty much everyone mate. Calm down.
Of the last dozen mass shootings in America, eight were black, one was hispanic, and three were white.
That's literally untrue though?
Repeating lies doesn't make it true.
are you too retarded to notice all the replies disagreeing with him? Yea Forums hates that cuck but there are still fags who post about him just for (you)s
The El Paso shooter and the dickweed who shot up that church in Charleston were the only ones who were right wing.
Ironically the Dayton shooter from the same day as the El Paso shooter was a communist and a member of Antfa.
To be fair, if you are paying to go to a comedy show you need to be prepared that there is a chance you will get roasted yourself by the comedian(s) there.
It's pretty dumb to think otherwise.
Re-read my post, retard.
It is... literally true? Niggers shooting up a block are also mass shooters. You don't get to arbitrarily decide that someone who kills five other people with a gun isn't a mass shooter.
Not him but blacks shooting each other really doesn't affect everyone the way a white mass shooter does. Hoodrats kill other hoodrats, say 4-5 other hoodrats. White shooters kill innocent people in a rampage of always 10+ people.
A schizoid wouldn't commit a mass shooting, or do anything interesting what so ever anyway.
I have no clue where you got that image macro, /pol/nigger but over half of these people are either whites or mutts and I don't think you know what constitutes a mass shooting.
But nice propaganda, we got it. You're brainwashed. The only reason you're doing this is to try to build some distance between right-wing schizoids and conservatives. As if they don't technically share the same base ideology. It's just a dodge, since you keep churning out insane faggot mutts who end up citing Trump and stormnigger rhetoric every day.
How come there is no "Civil Rights Act passed" in 1964?
So it's really just you trying to conflate all homicide with mass murder? Okay, I see the disinfo now.
by being black
Whites are 64% of the US demographic
Blacks are 13%
Perform some simple arithmetic in your drug-addled shitskin brain and you'll figure out that niggers are proportionally more likely to be mass shooters than whites
There is literally an FBI classification for mass shooting you fucking faggot. Don't you people praise the FBI statistics? I guess they don't matter if they hurt your feelings?
Nobody cares about niggers killing each other, you mentally ill freak. People DO care about a white incel killing civilians.
It's from the literal wikipedia article for "mass shooting".
Blacks are only 13% of the country so if they're half of mass shootings that's bad news champ.
Yeah, you're definitely a seething incel lol.
...and yet, the majority of mass shooters are not black.
Explain the logic to me.
If 30 people get killed in 30 different incidents you don't care. But if 30 people get killed by 1 murder you do care. Why?
Fun fact: you are 977x (nine hundred and seventy-seven times) more likely to be shot by a nigger than by a white mass shooter.
>It's from the literal wikipedia article for "mass shooting".
except it isn't.
>muh 13 percent muh 13 percent...
can you faggots say anything new or original? Christ almighty, it's like you are all part of a shill campaign with the same 3 or 4 stupid arguments.
it's obviously not the people who'd pay to see his show who'd try to ruin his career over some tedious phrase. what they miss is they will do it if it's mr dumpf or anyone else who's activated their almonds in the past, because obviously this time is different and this time they're right and the ends justify the means.
That part was just part of the setup. He did a terrible impression to show he's terrible at impressions. If he hadn't done it, he'd have to accurately do one of Trump to lure them into his trap.
Why are niggers so violent and retarded?
A murderer is a murderer, these people are retarded. 30 murderers is worse than 1 murderer, even if the 1 was more effective.
Majority of rapists, pedophiles and murders in Africa are black.
Why is this?
How do we solve this nigger rape/pedo/murder problem? Can they be civilized?
Because statistics care about this funny little thing called rate and frequency. I know you don't care, since you're meme argument now is to compare homicide rates to mass shootings, as if they are even the same type of crime.
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.
The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.
IQ is 75% heritable among whites.
IQ is about 80% heritable.
IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.
>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.
white soiboys couldnt handle the banter
And blacks commit a lot of them.
Your feelings seem to be the ones hurt here.
>Majority of rapists, pedophiles and murders in Africa are black.
Well, they aren't but ok.
>why is this?
You never like the answer, so why bother asking? It's because they are black, that's all you want to hear amirite?
Except it is, turds for brains
You can check out the citation on every single event and most have a mug shot you can search.
>shill campaign
It must really suck to have literally all the data and facts against you and be left holding nothing but your drool huh
They don't even commit half of them. I'm really confused as to your argument, you know the El Paso shooter for instance, had a manifesto right?
Not everyone here is a zoomer like you
What you seem to omit is that nigs kill each other in their hoods and estate blocs. White incel mass shooters will end up killing you in places like walmart, best buy etc.
I'm not defending nigs here. Why are you defending white incel shooters? Unless you are one of them?
>almost all of these shooters from this year alone, are white
>Well, they aren't but ok.
Of course it is.
>You never like the answer, so why bother asking?
I know the answer, I'm asking your opinion. Why are there so many baby raping murderers in Africa who happen to be black?
>Because statistics care about this funny little thing called rate and frequency.
The homicide rate from the FBI uniform crime report is the total number of homicides for a year. If 30 people get killed by 30 different people it has the same effect on the homicide rate as 30 people getting killed by 1 guy.
You're obfuscating because you know you can't logically justify your position.
>retarded argument isn't working
>whips out literal /pol/ infographs and copypastas
Like clockwork
>It must really suck to have literally all the data and facts against you
kek, you /pol/cels think IQ is a cure-all axiom and foundation fucking law and that socioeconomic plays literally no role in crime when it has to do with the minorities you dislike.
You've never been sincere about facts, I even bet you frequent blogs like thealthype too. Like the drone you are.
>Why is Africa a hellhole
idk user, I guess centuries of literally raping the continent back to the stone age had nothing to do with it! Must be because they're blasted niggers!
>oh shit high school level math, what do I do?
kek, 'erry time
you're comparing two vastly different crimes with vastly different motivators and frequencies.
Why are you defending mass shootings exactly? This isn't containment, people are going to call you retarded here. Why do you bother?
I honestly can't tell if you believe that or not. I suppose you have to, because how else can people like you justify their delusion?
I can't tell if you are trolling.
I wish /pol/ could understand math, you wouldn't make fools of yourselves with half of the graphs you post.
You've got to have some serious Trump Derangement Syndrome to yell "DRUMPF" based on what he said.
>Neal Brennan
>tfw Jeffersonian Liberal.
like clockwork
I liked it when he yelled the word FAGGOT
You don't believe that European powers wrecked the continent and flung it into a perpetual warring dark age?
Yeah, I'm the stupid one here, huh? We can't even agree on reality. This is why you get laughed at. You're not intelligent people.
>all from ONE paper and althype
Ok lol
Based althype, BTFO lefties and living rent free in their heads.
>Belgium didn't literally start a decades-long civil war that resulted in multiple genocides, the toppling of democratic government and the actual depletion of any valuable resources with which to trade
>no, this never happened. This never continued for a century either.
the "facts over feelings" crowd, folks.
>White incel mass shooters will end up killing you in places like walmart, best buy etc.
you are more likely to be killed by a falling coconut than a mass shooter
why do you allows the media to plant fears in your brain? are you really that simple?