Why though?

Attached: penguin.png (946x1105, 789K)

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He read the mountains of madness by Lovecraft

even this penguin realised that life is pointless

Bounty hunting is a complicated profession

He was called to carry the flame

Attached: the flame.jpg (680x340, 46K)

one day i hope to join him

>Why though?

He left because we needed him to.

He'll return because we need him.

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Fuck penguins. Patrician bird coming through

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absolute lad

He wanted to escape civilization and live in wilderness.

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even penguins realize we live in a society

He was an evolved penguin, more sentient than the rest, yet still quite limited.

"Why did God make me this way?", he thought that day. "Nearly perfect, yet cruelly imperfect. Wise enough to see my own flaws, and still too stupid to fix them." He looked across the Pen-Pengu ice-sheet, and observed his dimwitted peers struggle with even the simplest of tasks. Despite its intelligence, he was derided by the other penguins, often deprived of food; getting barred from any sort of female contact was the last straw. It was one sacrifice too many.

So he left. Left Pen-Pengu, left the life he knew. Left Antarctica. He swam off the grid and went on a walk-about, looking for a reason to go on living.

Hard to imagine the penguin's anguish, honestly. Surprised he didn't just off itself. Last I heard, he managed to make his way to the Galápagos. The local penguins accepted him with more respect than he'd ever had gotten during his days back home.

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Jeremiah Penguin made his way into the mountains
Bettin’ on forgettin’ all the troubles that he knew
The trail was wide and narrow
And the eagle or the sparrow
Showed the path he was to follow as they flew.
A mountain penguin's a lonely penguin
And he leaves a life behind
It ought to have been different, but oftimes you will find,
That the story doesn’t always go that way you had in mind.
Jeremiah’s story was that kind. . .
Jeremiah’s story was that kind.

we just don't know

Attached: penguin kino.webm (1024x576, 2.91M)

He achieved gnosis and realized it's all a nightmare

>there are people on this board who don't understand that the big guy was in the back in case the bird tried to flank them and they just assume he was being a pussy

Too many petrels made his neighborhood a shithole

what even is life

Me too.

why are penguins so kino?


Based and puffpilled

Attached: Penguins 3.webm (640x480, 2.31M)


There's nothing for him to feed on there.

I think he just had enough. Enough of the same old routine. Enough of the other penguins. Enough of trying to find a mate.
And he just picked a direction and just walked towards it and kept on walking.
I liken it to people who just walk away from their lives and disappear. Or people that swim out to sea and never come back.
Sometimes they want to try to discover something more to their lives, sometimes they just follow their gut.

>we must imagine penguin happy

for mordor

>Go on......I'm fine......I just need to rest for awhile.....

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to ask the question is to already implicitly refuse any answer one could give you.

I want to be like that but I worry if I'll be able to survive out there.

You anthropomorphize them and imagine a lone human wandering off into the wilderness. Why is he out there? Where is he going? What is on his mind? You ask yourself these questions and realize that these imagines and videos are surprisingly deep.

Herzog always delivers.


Penguins keep many secrets from us

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What did Danforth see?

>it's Yea Forums sympathizes more with a penguin then with women and minorities episode

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I'll take penguins any day. They're cool and don't stab you in the back.

I can sympathize with minorities. Not women though.

my favorite

They live in one of the harshest environments on earth

i love this episode

T. Minority

Don’t. You’ll just become a meme like Chris McCandles which if I were to be brutally honest, even as an outdoorsmen who hates the guy, I yearn to do the same as him.

It's an existential question you fucking mong. And for the record, fuck all mudraces, women who haven't supped the cup of the left are fine. Shit's rare though. To be fair, most males are also leftist cucks now, too.

minorities? you mean niggers?

Nope I'm a straight white male.

He had to go.

Stop lying you idiot

To clarify I sympathize with them only to an extent.

Penguins aren't responsible for over 50% of the violent crimes though.


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>I liken it to people who just walk away from their lives and disappear. Or people that swim out to sea and never come back.

You mean people that kill themselves?

just post penguins

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Attached: Penguins 5.webm (1280x720, 2.71M)

Imagine having teeth halfway down your gullet.

What is up with that penguin? Is it a different species of penguin?

Meant for:

isn't that a penguin?

Attached: Confused Mouse.png (372x497, 243K)

It's an Adélie penguin messing with the chicks of an Emperor penguin.

Attached: Adelie Penguin Slaps Emperor Chick.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

I actually like penguins.

Why are Penguins the best animal species on the planet

What was his issue?

fuark that's nice


time... to die

Attached: Adélie penguins.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

if reincarnation is true, you'll have to live through the lives of all living beings and endure the suffering of every single penguin that has ever lived.

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it's ok
you've already done it an infinite amount of time
you just don't remember



he heard the call

Lanklets BTFO

Look cute and funny while living in very harsh and unforgiving enviroments

Anyone have the webm of the baby penguin climbing a slope, tumbling down and giving up?

it's an adélie, fuckers are bullies of the penguins

Can expect his wife and son to get sniped any day now.

Because penguins are sympathetic.


i want to live with penguins bros
i want to BE penguin


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H-he's fast!

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Penglets, when will they learn?

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>album cover

>You will never tackle an Emperor Penguin


Skip to 1:15


>tfw the Front Penguin will be taken under Herzog Penguin's wing and thought everything he knows so to continue the legacy.

Looks like a puffin

All the other penguins were going to the theatre to watch Star Wars ep 9.

I mean, the Penguin killed a bunch of people.

Why are pengs so cute ?

>You did your worst. You tried your best... Now it's time to rest...

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total chad. better not catch anymore emperors on his glacier again

just go to the zoo


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>not posting the full pic

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Now this is true kinography

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Attached: run lil penguin.webm (960x960, 2.82M)

>tfw no gf

i still can't believe they finally did it

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the chad stride

Animated by Rajesh Suryachand


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>mfw I thought Last Jedi was going to be better than Force Awakens.

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>heart of darkness

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humiliated while his hoes watchin

Penguins can swim...

Based Johnson poster
>you like herring, boy?!
>I make damn good herring!

Penguins don't subsist on my hard-earned money then spit in my face for it.

why don't they help him?

And that's a good thing!

H-he could've survived r-right?

They threw him there. It's the chasm of despair, a rite of passage. They watch him struggle and fight and then arise, possessed with the penguin warrior spirit.

Penguins have black feathers and are birds

>implying women and minorities wouldn't sympathize more with a penguin than with women and minorities

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see you... space cowboy

you ruined my week asshat

This wouldn't have happened if he was armed

I had this happen to me in real life with one of those old style ski-moving ropes that you had to grab onto a handle of to get pulled up a hill. Barely made that climb up with all ski gear on me.


God speed autist penguin

British documentary about penguins:


American documentary about penguins:


Need the sauce of this kino, kind user.


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hard day at work

What woman ever looked at the mountains the way this penguin did?


So fuck everyone but you and that toothless bitch on the back of some good ole boys Harley?

right in the eye

I typed out a short story about this penguin looking for the legendary hidden treasure of a famous penguin buccaneer. But the thread 404’d before I pasted it

>I win again, Lews Therin


It’s because the penguin is white

what is there to sympathize with re whamen and minorities?

Wah Wah wah Now here's a thread worth investing in!

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You got the one where that bird is trying to kill the empire penguin chicks and a chAdelie shows up and protect them

I love (hate) my country sometimes.