I forgot how fucking great this show is
I forgot how fucking great this show is
I play real sports, not trying to be the best at exercising
What's his name fuckin Shrek?
I took April's virginity
Mammy does NOT like the sluts
You're a big boy, from now on you gotta clean up your own fixins.
Scott will finger you with penis. That's the sort of fun we have around here.
The Righteous Gemstones is more Mcbride kino
I am yo MASTA, and you are my POSSESSION, disobey me and you'll FEEL MY LASH
If you don't want me to take your car, give me a sign
was that plum bit ripped off from the hodge twins
i remember them always saying the same thing
When that new show coming out? Can't believe its gonna have that Workaholics fag
Same old Kenny. Ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag. And friends with faggots.
I also hate it when new memories get in the way of old ones.
It's apparently out now. First few episodes aired.
3 the powers way
It's okay but definitely not EB&D
I see a bit of Kenneth Powers coming out of Jesse Gemstone more so than during VP which I like
Great lead in
Workaholics was based
>Dude, I have two white kids, dog, straight up WHITE kids, and I know they’re a lot more fuckin expensive to take care of then fuckin four Mexicans, dude
It stayed consistent too. All 4 seasons are great.
Vice Principals is more kino than those thwo
It was good but annoying that the only baseball action they ever showed was Kenny striking a guy out swinging on three pitches every time.
You're mom didn't raise you right
Cus he cant actually play ball
It’s the GOAT comedy for me. Season 2 and their adventures in Mexico is my favorite with season 4 being the weakest imo.
>Scott, pull out your penis and put it inside this infant
I see you're an educated and cultured man of taste, a true renaissance man by definition and virtue.
Love how this show gave Will Ferrell the ability to just go fucking wild. Some of the funniest shit he’s ever done.
And to be fair he’s a closing pitcher.
Imagine actually watching this show for baseball
For me? It's season 3
The sports comeback drama is part of the total package for me though. It’s a big reason why Eastbound is better than Vice Principals imo. Haven’t seen Righteous Gemstones yet.
For me it’s 2>3>1>4 but it’s such a consistently great show that it’s a close call.
First two eps are out, airs on Sundays.
Would this show be crucified by woke Twitter coming out today? Considering how they think Chappelle is evil now, Surprised some blogger hasn’t attacked this show for some retrospective hitpiece
It most definitely would be attacked. Vice Principals had woke fags screeching when it first premiered
>Vice Principals had woke fags screeching when it first premiered
Yeah. McBride even discussed it in his recent interview for Gemstones. Said the people shitting on it were idiots who didn’t watch past episode 3
Not a sports fan, guess this is a rare show that can balance both of our wants though
Loved vice principals too though
I started watching this again today as well. The Righteous Gemstones had me fiend for some more Danny Mcbride kino.
Fingers, ass, public play
As long as 4 is in the back I'm with ya bud
To be faaaaaaaaiiiir
Huh. I don't remember anything. And I watched it weekly. Weird.
It was all social justice blogs like vox. Real people didn’t give a shit just like the crap with Chappelle right now
I figured.
It's supposed to be a sports show and it's pretty inaccurate, they could've easily done an episode where he blew it by getting shelled in a game.
this show is actually bro flavored cringe
Absolutely kino comedy
Chapter 3 - Shit To Do In Mexico In The Nighttime
No one knows or cares what you're talking about, jock.
>not liking sports
I see you are a homosexual man
this shit is straight gold
Kenny is a closer.
Stevie taking off on the motorcycle is one of the funniest moments of the whole series.
I stopped watching after season 3. Is the last season worth it?
Still lots of funny shit but it’s the weakest season. Well worth watching though because Eastbound at its worst is still far better than the majority of other comedy series.
>You just mash your pubic hairs together?
>Start a fuckin rug fire doin that.
George Washington didn't do shit, he can suck my fuckin dick, I fuckin hate that faggot
That’s street talk, ya’ll.
Steve Little deserves so much more credit for his performance. He was game for literally anything as Stevie. It blows my mind that Danny McBride and Jody Hill didn’t already know him prior to casting him in the show.
Why the fuck is Steve little not in any of these vice principals / righteous gemstones shows. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKKKK
what the hell is he doing, printing that from a JPEG. motherfucker needs to be using TIFF files
Probs wernt great then ifn you forgot
That was the joke. No one actually looks at closers like they would starters.
>Well worth watching though because Eastbound at its worst is still far better than the majority of other comedy series.
I have to disagree, I struggled to get through episodes like the one at Will Ferrell's mansion. Season 3 was just weak overall, it's why I didn't even start the last season.
Because baseball is for ancient couchfags, that's the joke
Well Rod Beck would probably be the closest thing to a real life Kenny. I’m sure they based him on a few different players though.
Lol, HBO was afraid to even promote Vice Principals. There's not even any kino clips on YouTube. The whole show is about two white guys who set a black bitch's house on fire, get her fired, and then nearly kill a psycho Jewish slut teacher.
I haven't laughed as much watching TRG but the story is great and next episode has Goggins appearing as a preacher named Baby Billy
Jesus christ shut up it literally just ended a few years ago
I'm going to watch it, thanks.
Yes, s2 was amazing. I’m a real American and every Michael pena was comedy gold
Season 4 and Season 1 are the best unironically. The fucking "dog" in S4 is gold. And The Lost Boys music.
He's at the very end of Vice Principals and will be in the sequel. It's a cliffhanger
>Vice Principals
Based letterkenny user
season 1 was the best
doesn't this jew just shout in everything he's in?
There's literally a big scene in the auditorium where Goggins gives teachers Gold Stars like in the fucking Holocaust, and the Jew gets one with a sassy remark. Stupid faggot Vice and Buzzfeeders didn't even catch it. I think Vice Principals is about Stalin vs Hitler, with McBride as Stalin, but can't fully catch all the allusions. There's a deeper story. For instance, Steve Little's character is revealed to be named MiGs like the planes.
Did you see the ending? Little vs McBride is setup.
The problem with season 4 is Sports Sesh is completely nonsensical. It appears to be airing live on an ESPN or Fox Sports type network but is filled with swearing and content that would never make it to air.
In the special features to the first season, Ferrell's sign spinning monkey comes inside from the street, takes his mask off, and it's a big black guy. HBO made them cut it. It's truly racist and based.
Your biggest problem with S4 is that they swear on a sports show?
VP? The ending is McBride seeing Goggins from afar. Am I forgetting something?
Not really, it's just Bill Maher but with sports and roids. ESPN but HBO etc. Season 4 had the same sense of humor and quality writing as the original imo. The early scenes at the car rental place are near the top. "Ken, Ken, did you mash the donuts, son?" Or whatever the fuck.
McBride gets a new job. Steve Little is the new weasley beta assistant. His name is Migs. Right before the great Goggins foodcourt goodbye, which itself is an homage to the end of TDK Rises, with Wayne and Alfred.
Yeah. I just wasn’t that invested in it as the main storyline compared to previous seasons. Kenny’s sports comeback was just more interesting.
This scene must have been nearly impossible to make
Ah, yeah, I don't remember much about Gamby's new job.
Are you crying?
were you giving robocop a blowjob?
damn this is super interesting lol seriously
this was kino .. an could never be made again with the Rabid Left tards
Doesn’t matter. It ended in 2013 and woke culture didn’t get how it is until 2015ish