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Other urls found in this thread:


This is her boyfriend btw, Marvin Bartley

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good, women have no place in men's sports

why is he with a fat pig?

Why are we not allowed to make jokes anymore in 2022? 10 years ago literally nobody would have cared about this shit. What changed?

What was the joke?


She felt unwelcome because she isnt


Provide context you britmong

Occupy Wall St happened. The elites saw us 99% uniting together so they started pushing idpol to divide us and it working spectacularly for them.

I remember this lad at Burnley. Didn't know he was still playing.

I hate it so much. I just want to go back to 2012 when the world was normal and shit like this didn't happen.

not OP but from what I can tell no articles have actually said what the jokes even were so not much more to say lol.

and that is why women should be kept out of men's spaces. I am tired of holding my tongue on this, tell that "female" to establish herself at the women's game and leave us alone. you were never wanted and start knitting if this is too much for you

I just read three articles on this trying to find out what the joke was (BBC, The Guardian and a Scottish paper) and not a single one has a copy of the joke. They just tell you that it was "next level sexist" but they don't tell you what the joke was. What a joke.

It's like they know most people won't find it sexist so they just forget to include it and they tell you that it just was. We can't have people start forming their own opinions now can we?

>Guests walked out of a Scottish football awards ceremony that honoured Sir Alex Ferguson last night after a keynote speaker allegedly made 'sexist, racist and homophobic jokes'.
>BBC presenter Eilidh Barbour and Women in Journalism Scotland co-chair Gabriella Bennett led a protest walkout at the Scottish Football Writers' Association (SFWA) awards in Glasgow yesterday.
>Though they have not named the keynote speaker, it is understood that Bill Copeland, a Scottish criminal barrister-turned after-dinner speaker, is accused of making allegedly 'sickening' remarks about women, homosexuality and the Japanese
no one has revealed what the "jokes" were

>allegedly 'sickening' remarks about women, homosexuality and the Japanese
All at once, or?

It's like last year when they said the Rashford mural was defaced with racist graffiti, but didn't say what it was. Turns out it was just a cock and balls with a random swear word lol

Bill Copeland is a Former Criminal Defence Lawyer and After-Dinner Speaker

Bill was born in Govan, a quaint fishing village on the banks of the Clyde, home to Sir Alex Ferguson and Billy Connelly.

Copeland attended Allan Glen’s School and Strathclyde University.

Bill Copeland has been a regular performer on the after-dinner speaking circuit for many years, building up an unrivalled portfolio of experience in handling the entire range of speaking assignments.

He has travelled the length and breadth of the country from Wick to the Channel Islands – and even ventured out into the North Sea to the oil rigs off Norway!.

From corporate events for leading government bodies to major national and multi-national businesses, professional bodies and trade associations; sporting dinners for football clubs, major and minor; rugby dinners, posh and proletarian; golf club prize givings, annual dinners and days out, prestigious and humble; Burns Nights and Rotary Clubs – all have warmed to the unique brand of Copeland humour.

As an after-dinner speaker, Bill Copeland is equally at home addressing audiences of 70 as 700, and he’s happy to tailor and customise his speech to any specific requirements.

Bill’s wit has also hit the airwaves as a guest on BBC Radio Scotland’s early morning topical news and chat programme The Fred McAulay Show.

Attached: bill cope land.jpg (265x360, 23.86K)

>What was the joke?
>not OP but from what I can tell no articles have actually said what the jokes even were so not much more to say lol.
>I just read three articles on this trying to find out what the joke was (BBC, The Guardian and a Scottish paper) and not a single one has a copy of the joke.
>no one has revealed what the "jokes" were
He did a live re-enactment of the 'Sneed's Feed & Seed' scene from The Simpsons

Why does a lesbian have a boyfriend?

I hate life in 2022 so fucking much.

I don't see it ever going back sadly. Just count yourself lucky you got to experience some form of normalcy in your youth and that you're not in college in the times we're in now.

What the fuck is wrong with the scotts? Why are they so "woke"? in ENgland only blacks and lefties seem to be like this but in scottland its the whole fucking country.

>good, women have no place in men's sports

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Scots are basically the anti-England at this point. They dont have any positions other than choosing the opposite of English ones.
We have an unwoke Johnson as PM so they need to act as woke as possible. If we had a woke PM, they'd become conservatives.


Brazil Women’s National Team / 0 – 2 / Bangu Boys U15 / archive.md/xjdR2
U.S. Women’s National Team / 2 – 8 / U.S. Boys U17 / archive.md/bzs8o
Brazil Women’s National Team / 1 – 4 / Fluminense Boys U15 / archive.md/TFJTP
Sweden Women’s National Team / 0 – 3 / AIK Boys U17 / archive.md/0kQr2
Brazil Women’s National Team / 1 – 3 / Red Bull Brazil Boys U15 / archive.md/wVxWf
Australia Women’s National Team / 0 – 7 / Newcastle Jets Boys U16 / archive.md/NB3s6
Brazil Women’s National Team / 0 – 4 / Sao Paulo Boys U16 / archive.md/SzUI9
Australia Women’s National Team / 2 – 4 / Ceara Boys U15 / archive.md/BXUDh
U.S. Women’s National Team / 2 – 5 / FC Dallas Boys U15 / archive.md/v4OQI
Manchester United Women / 0 – 9 / Salford Academy Boys / archive.md/9pi1n
Australia Women’s National Team / 1 – 4 / Colorado Rapids Boys U15 / archive.md/3XLtc
Brazil Women’s National Team / 0 – 6 / Gremio Boys U16 / archive.md/CZouM

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There was a three page thread about this on Follow Follow back in January, titled "Is Eilidh Barbour no longer gay?"

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Apparently all the Rangers fans are supporting her and are joining the claims calling Scottish football journalism "bigoted", "misogynist" and "racist"


I thought Rangers were supposed to be the based and right-wing Scottish club. What changed? Why are even Rangers fans ultra-woke now?

Seriously did everyone get brainwashed in the past 6 years or something? Why is literally EVERYBODY supporting this shit now?

you could also argue it started with affirmative action or the civil rights act or the gold standard or the new deal or the 19th amendment etc etc. but i think we all really know the simplest answer

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It looks like the Celtic contingency couldn't handle "jokes" from a Rangers supporter.

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Using the word "racism" in 2022 has no meaning because things that were perfectly acceptable and fine to joke about as recently as 2012-2015 are now considered "racist" in 2022 somehow.


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Nice trips but this is actually me
Why yes, I do think women's sports are a joke, how could you tell?

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If you want people to learn what you shouldn't say, how come they don't reveal it so that others may learn what the fucking red line is, instead of blueballing everyone with this bullshit.

I fucking hate brits. If this was in Sweden, the exact wording of what was said would've been leaked immediately on flashback.

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In anglo countries, media writes stories like this and intentionally does not release what was actually said or what happened. They want to control the narrative entirely and not let people have their own opinions about events. If somebody says something racist was said, and you ask "what was said?" they will often be offended that you are possibly questioning their declaration that the incident was racist. You MUST accept that it was racist and cannot judge the situation for yourself.

Ok, after some digging it seems that his was the "joke"

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The context for non-scottish people out there:

nip = japanese
nip = scotch (a drink)
celtic has a lot of japanese players. QED.

Attached: nip.png (597x343, 72.21K)

Why wasn't this the first answer? Because people are generally retarded and beyond helping.

Rangers and Celtic fans have been in a competition to outcuck each other over the past couple of years. Bizarre weirdos.

Uhh, no. A nip is an amount.

There's a big poster by a Glasgow train station I walk past saying "unwanted staring is sexual assault"

10 years ago "muh joos" were just as powerful as they are now and yet society was fine, things were comfy, and you could joke about whatever you like without fear of cancel culture or whatever.

Only in the past few years did this shit change. It wasn't "jews". It was something else.


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why did daddy not love you enough, poor Eilidh



「nip」 sounds cute

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If only I knew how to post Twitter screenshots.
Some of the replies are simping on another level.

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This level of military grade mental gymnastics cannot be defeated

>doesn't know how to screenshot

Based boomer

I hate poor people as much as i hate rich people. Both of you should hang

This world is utterly fucked. We are so fucking screwed. These people have utterly destroyed the world. The world I grew up in pre-2016 has been completely destroyed now.

>If only I knew how to post Twitter screenshots.
what level of technical illiteracy is this?
just screenshot and upload the image

Honestly, Putin is right. He should just nuke the entire british isles. Good riddance.

>Society was fine

No, it wasn't fine, it's simply worse now because they dropped the charade that it was organic and are going for broke without any regard for who rightly names them. Kike piece of shit.

Are you literally a boomer? Hoe hard is it to take a screenshot

It's like back in the day someone was denounced for heresy. You don't ask the bishop what was said. You just accept that it was wrong

Thank me for correcting your stupidity.

Because normal people hardly use the Internet, they only use it to play games, stream TV shows and maybe watch YouTube while using apps like Facebook primarily for messaging others

Their occupation and indoctrination takes time. They can't just show up and inflict trannies and niggers one everyone out of the blue. It takes years of subtle brainwashing and division and quietly removing anyone or anything who could be an obstacle or would resist.

Women stop being lesbian after a good fucking, in this case fucked by a BBC


There was no wokeshit 10 years ago. It's entirely a post-2016 invention. There was no "slow boiling frog", they just dropped it on us all at once (maybe as punishment for Brexit/Trump?)

>sexism, ghosting, arrogance, mansplaining and insulting vulgar jokes are BANTER

>sexism, ghosting, arrogance, mansplaining and insulting vulgar jokes
10 years ago you would have been mocked and laughed out of the thread for insinuating any of these things are a problem on any Yea Forums board.

Women should never be sexualised, even when you're having sex with them.

Is this the Virgin Cope thread?

Bullshit, you zoomer fuck, because the slippery slope has been called out for decades and now we're in the shit-heap at the end exactly as was predicted.

Calling someone "virgin" is offensive and discriminatory to virgins, be a better person, user.

>He did a live re-enactment of the 'Sneed's Feed & Seed' scene from The Simpsons
Holy fuck, why isn't he on his way to the gallows right now?

I became a homeowner when I was 29 and have no debt. I'm not poor but certainly not rich either, but you sound like a gigantic faggot

Since when did enjoying edgy comedy become a "virgin thing" when 10 years ago most normies loved it and it was completely mainstream?

>No idpol before Trump/Brexit
Those two things were both results of idpol you zoomer retard

Think Peter's sussed out what was said, lads

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