Announced Ms. Marvel Showrunner Bisha K. Ali Deletes 5,000 Tweets, some containing #WhiteGenocide

>These include tweets defending the recent trend of political assault known as ‘Milkshaking’, the use of the racist hashtag #WhiteGenocide, and multiple interactions with her account responding in agreement to her posts with racist, anti-white rhetoric.


Well done Marvel. And no major outlets are covering this lmao. The MCU is finished

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Other urls found in this thread:

What did she mean by this? Thanks Kevein Fiege!

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Her face is too small for her head

Needs to be spreaded so other media start talking about this.


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As long as Disney continues to hire online activists like this cunt and the Mulan actress, they will continue to face this kind of backlash.

They literally couldn't have picked a better person for the job though? Isn't Ms. Marvel a muslim character?

Who cares? I certainly don't.

how hard is it to just not spout whatever opinion or insignificant thought comes to your head on an account that's easily tied to you?

she got denied by too much white dick in her past, AND THAT is a good thing.

nothing wrong with any of those tweets

>Isn't Ms. Marvel a muslim character?


Who cares what you care about nerd

I would fuck her

is ms. marvel supposed to be fat?

Based. The lack of fat brown girls in porn is an absolute disgrace.

>Another ugly troll is a butthurt activist
wow shocking.

20 years ago these people would be nothing and I wouldn't have had to read the shit the crazy voices in their heads say.

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>that face
These type of shitskin girls are always the biggest sjws and all their seething comes from the fact that no one finds sexually attractive. Some Indian girls I used to know were the biggest white male hating leftists I’ve ever met

I like her.

Twitter was a mistake

No one's making you read it now.

>not only Indian, but morbidly obese as well
Imagine the smell.

>hey let's promote a racist white hating sjw as show runner for our muslim hero

What was feige thinking? The MCU truly ended after endgame...

How do people acquire deleted tweets?

There are definitely some fat losers that would fuck that broad. She hates them too. She wants chad to fuck her undesirable disgusting doughy body.


You have to wonder about people that thing supporting /genocide/ puts them on the right side of history. Like how mentally off must you be?


Why do leftists whites literally support, and fill their own countries with, niggers that want to kill them?

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>20 years ago these people would be nothing
That's the most stupid thing I have ever read

but it's okay because uhh oppression or something

You can thank Social Media for giving every sore loser a fucking voice now.

I swear it’s always Pakis and Black muzzies causing shit. I don’t see Lebanon muzzies or hell besides the actual Jew insults Palis don’t say much

I seriously thought it was him at first glance

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why did she delete them
everyone at marvel and disney is like this

no u

Fuck Marvel and fuck sandniggers.

And fuck the niggers, too.

>political assault known as "Milkshaking"
You'd have to be a real faggot to think like this.

20 years ago there was no twitter. There was really not much of an internet except for message boards and a handful of porno and shopping sites.

Social media platforms encouraged these people to stop being pleasant and improving themselves, and instead become loud, annoying, stupid activists engaged in the most naked demagoguery. And it works because Twitter et al. feeds the part of the brain that seeks acceptance and community.

Ms. Marvel? More like Ms. Piggy.

you're the reason people want white genocide

everones LEAST favourite marvel character is getting her own show?
oh boy i can't wait for noone to see it and my boi zack roast it

>YAAAWWN man i'm getting sleepy guys

To think it is assault?


A paki that hates white people? How usual!

I don't understand. Why would she delete such uncontroversial tweets?

I wish Walt was still in charge. He never would have stood for this.

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tweet about it with the #disneyplus hashtag and that you won't signing up for this shit and people should rather pay for Netflix

you're actively looking for it, nobody is making you read the shit these people say on social media.

So Trumptards don’t harass them. What other reason is there Sherlock?

Then it should be "20 years ago these people would have been better people".

Also, have you seen this thread?

Stupid intensifies...

>you're activity looking for it

>come to Yea Forums
>see this shit

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if she didnt want to get "harassed", maybe she shouldnt have made 5000 tweets saying "kill all white people"

I'm not sure Trump supporters are even allowed on social media.

>why do leftists
They're decisions are half based on childrens movies from 20 years ago.
That's basically it. A generation of retards who were raised by babyboomer hippy fucks who fed them a diet of jewish media propaganda throughout their childhood.

Dont do this to imq :(

Retards, it's ok to back whites online, she's not getting shit for that

Don't mistake her head for her massive fucking underchin.

>Implying anything will be done
As long as she simply wants to kill white people Disney doesn't care.

Stop coming to Yea Forums
you know damn well you will encounter retards reposting social media drama for (You)'s.

I can attest under oath that this lady would never thrown away any milk shake

Isn't it about time we started making already established characters fat?

How long do you think it would take for nigs and other non-human brown people to realize that it was white people keeping their societies in tact if we all disappeared? Like a week?

You're unable to process a simple thought train so definitely don't read this book.

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It's gonna be fun watching this all implode.

why dont you stop coming to Yea Forums

This... So much this. Like when JLaw let her phone get hacked and somebody posted the pics on Yea Forums. I literally raped her by opening up this page that day.

1. They haven't had to deal with them.

2. They are afraid to go against the crowd.

3. Been saturated with the idea that you can live in a multi cultural society for so long that their ego can't admit otherwise.

End of the day blacks and hispanics have politicians just for them, they're openly tribal so you are just denying reality if you think it's one big happy mix.

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so will the alt right just take this ass pounding or will they get her fired?

I'm not the one complaining about seeing content which is common on Yea Forums
It would be a solution to your problem. THat or just avoid twitter threads but you seem to lack the self control.

She says Boris Johnson is 'cobweb made flesh'. What does 'cobweb' mean? He's delicate and blows away with the wind? I really don't get it.

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>That time Hugh Mungus talked in a public forum about how the police actively helped his daughter fight her drug addiction and wanted to thank them for doing such
>Crazy bitch from the video and her army of animals go to the panel and yell "Is she white"
>His family is Hispanic

People like that need to fucking die.


White leftists are all self hating cucks. I’d rather have my country be rid of them than all the brown/black migrants that come here

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No wrong tactics, only wrong targets.

To be fair, people have taken that and done weird shit like put heavy things in the cups.

>tfw not that racist indian fat blob

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>End of the day blacks and hispanics have politicians just for them

This. There's literally a "Congressional Black Caucus" and a "Congressional Hispanic Caucus". Meanwhile, Steve King (R) gets censored by Congress for saying white culture isn't 100% comic book villain tier.

20 years ago these people still existed and were still in power but you didn't know about it.

>cobwebs blow away in the wind

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Dude the alt right is a literal nothing burger. 500 guys on stormfront jacking off to kids. If you still believe the alt right boogeyman you're a gullible retard.

She is right

Nobodies posted proof of this orcs tweets yet. Butthurt whiteoids btfo yet AGAIN

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>British Comedian

Why have poc not killed you yet? Seems like a waste

What an ugly bitch
is this a femcel?

oh sorry m8, you guys like to be called Proud Boys now, yeah?

>America is "built on centuries of violence against brown and black bodies."
Works for Bob Iger, a Zionist for Israel a nation that occupies brown peoples' lands, makes them drive on separate highways, and lobbies the US to genocide millions more atop the 2 million murdered by Bush/Obama regimes.

Works for Disney, a company with no qualms making billions with Communist China, a nation that censors artists and tracks all citizens with Space Nazi-tier "Social Credit Scores."

>ms marvel has been canceled a dozen times for low sales
>american comics are one step from bankruptcy
>MARVEL: best person for the job is a muslim not a writer
only retards would choose to hire people based on race than on writing ability for a writing project and it shows

Her problem with him is that he's a white male. White men (in her mind) are a relic of the past that should be replaced. Her referring to him as a cobweb is just one way of saying this. He is useless and white, and if the world made sense, we would remove him.

>Steve King (R) gets censored by Congress for saying white culture isn't 100% comic book villain tier.
He asked why white supremacy is offensive. I know it's based and redpilled to dab on minorities and libs around here, but in the real world it's fucking dumb.

You stole our land and life away from us in the past were here to steal your inventions and your future Whitey's lmao

>white kid said racist things in the past
>gets denied college or job
>pol-"WOW FREEDOM OF SPEECH. You can't judge people from what they said in the past. Its pathetic you search a persons whole history to find something. You want to ruin a persons life for just saying a bad word?!?"

>this poo in the loo said something racist
>pol - "What? What the fuck, fire this fucking bitch. Holy shit. How is this allowed! Her life must be ruined. Someone comb her whole history to find more stuff. Not on my watch you fucking racist bitch!"

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Whataboutism. Cool.

>defending the recent trend of political assault known as ‘Milkshaking’
>Oh noooo the poor neonazi got wet
lmao this is what the rightwing considers terrorism right now
Imagine being this much of a pussy

>defending a hypocrite because it's convenient for you politically

I thought we lived in the same country here. Oh wait, I forgot you're living in the past.

in awe of the potential size of this lad

If the left didn't have double-standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all!

Yeah, I'm thinking she's based. Fuck white nationalists, and fuck the conservahicks that support them.

Now you do too. How does that solve anything?


stupid glow nigger

who is enforcing the double standard?

Read Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals.

Or, Have sex.

Because if whitey says something bad in the past their career is ruined.

If a minority or a woman says something bad in their past they say they’ve grown up and moved on and everything is fine

You don't need to genocide whites, they're already going out on their own.

the difference is that the first guy gets denied a job
this whale gets a high paying job for being racist

No one enforces it, just retards slinging shit at each other. You can stop being a hypocrite, just try it for a bit.


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choke on your own shit leftist subhuman scum

>he want to solve the problems before it gets extreme and violent

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>No one enforces it
did you even read your post?

why are white people even using (((social media))) in the first place?

>admits they are SJW's
Wow, we're making progress here.

She's just morbidly obese like 95% of tumblrista social JUSTice nuts.

>she dislikes Nazis
Ah, yes. She’s finished. Done. Call it now boys, Marvel will NOT stand for this.

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Ever since Yea Forums switched boards over to 4channel this website has been filled with so much fucking soi.
Pls dilate, trannies. You seem perturbed

what's good for the goose....

He meant it in the sense of Western culture, you disingenuous nigger. Do you think any Republican boomer in office isn't a total Zionist who would jump in front of a bullet for a Jew?

Actually the trannies started raiding this place after Trump's win in 2016

People like this make me hate my mixed heritage. Condescending and prejudiced arseholes who have the audacity to claim that "white" people, probably the most peaceful, compassionate and open minded group currently alive, are at fault for everything and must be expunged from history, society and the gene pool

Did you?

What is milkshaking?
And she actually used the hashtag as a call for white genocide? I thought only white peoples would use that as hyperbole to describe something that upset them.


It'd be nice if leftists ever applied that standard for white people. Even centrist normies don't defend white people. Why should we play by the rules of a rigged game?

yes and it's clear from your post that one side is typically punished and the other isn't

>He meant it in the sense of Western culture
He asked why it is offensive, white supremacy being one of three things he mentioned. Learn to read.

You don’t have to post in the thread.

>Why have poc not killed you yet?

I own several guns. I'm not like a Brit or a Swede that voluntarily takes a machete to the face for the sake of diversity.

Attached: American gun freedom.jpg (1000x912, 277K)

>characterizing your political opponents as nazis means they're nazis
you're new to political speech huh

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

>Why should we play by the rules of a rigged game?
Yes, to defeat shit monsters we must cover ourselves in shit.

Learn to understand the context of what people say, you autist.

She not indian dumb fuck

You first, asking why white supremacy is bad in the context of the human race you brainlet.

it's the act of bringing boys to the yard

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You really should have a hunting long gun in there. They're great guns and fun to shoot imo.

You literally will not succeed in forcing the left/niggers to abide by "universal equality". They're gonna literally just create nonwhite ethnocentric political blocs and disenfranchise white people unless you forcibly stop them.

If you're a white "centrist" or "libertarian" in 2019 you're just a walking doormat for leftist authoritarians.

Ever since Stormfront saw Yea Forums making jokes about Hitler and mistakenly took that to mean they were in good company, this website has been filled with so much many fucking stormniggers. Pls have sex, stormnigger. You seem retarded

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the male foreskin has 20,000 nerve endings and yet muslims, jews and americans remove it

Because King didn't literally mean "white supremacy" you double nigger.

>throw food
>get knocked out
many such cases. sad!

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quick call the cops; someone said it's ok to be white!

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>Ever since Stormfront saw Yea Forums making jokes about Hitler and mistakenly took that to mean they were in good company, this website has been filled with so much many fucking stormniggers. Pls have sex, stormnigger. You seem retarded

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You could've just said "my penis is really tiny"

She also dislikes jew.

Funny that.

>t., Zionist Jew who supports ethnocentrism for his own race



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It's gonna take more than dick jokes to disarm whites, sorry sweetie.

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>stormfront stormfront stormfront
delusion leftist scum. go back to your shithole

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>muh boogeyman
dumb nigger

memes and everything aside you do know this is not normal right? that the media and film industry in your country employ people who fucking hate you? i mean this is pathetic from an outside perspective is all im saying

Why is the idea that white people should hold dominant positions in the political, cultural, social, and economic structures of white countries, offensive?


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>sees gun
>thinks of penis
classic leftist. right out of the handbook. you might be a homosexual

Why is the idea that non-white people should hold dominant positions in the political, cultural, social, and economic structures of white countries, offensive?

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Maybe two negatives cancel each other out?

That's why I pirate

Man, you must have a really tiny pee pee.

You speaking from your experience bro?

muh whataboutism

Because there aren't whites trying to be mayors of major cities in Pakistan.

because nonwhites are incapable of creating or maintaining civilisation

link now senpai

You're proving their point, sweaties.

>pee pee
why do leftists talk like little children? do you not see how pathetic and embarrassing it is?

nope but nice try


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reply to my post if you are not a circumsiced mutt and slave of israel

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I literally have never been to Stormfront.

/pol/ became white nationalist because it's a 100% free speech board, and leftists/shitlibs constantly lost debates.

wtf is milkshaking

I'm sorry Aquaman made more money than Captain Marvel, please forgive me!

>you're somehow proving that his delusion is actually true
fuck off retard

Nothing's stopping them. Seethe harder, /pol/cel.

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im sorry

Because that is antithetical to the self determination of white people obviously, the same reason the world came together and agreed that colonialism is bad and forced Europe out of its colonial holdings.

If it’s acceptable for foreign minorities to seize control of the structures of the nations of other races, why was European colonialism a bad thing that needed to be destroyed?

fact of the matter is minority politicians in western countries don't do a good job

except the whole 'islamic republic' thing. moron

throwing milkshakes at scumbag nazis

What feeling is this meme of a nazi pepe getting ready to snipe a Jew supposed to invoke in this context?

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violence masquerading behind "just a prank bro" as an attempt to insight violence

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>nothing's stopping them

The vast overwhelming majority of nonwhites in nonwhite countries are de facto ethnocentric and wouldn't vote for a white person anyway. They don't have a Jewish/neoliberal zeitgeist constantly blasted in their face like white Westerners do.

Guess what happens if you go to Qatar and start preaching about "toxic masculinity" and "Arab privilege"? You get the absolute shit beaten out of you, and possibly killed.

Attached: Ben Garrison things you'll never see Saudi Arabia immigration.jpg (720x486, 71K)

Why on earth would anyone care what this nobody thinks about politics? Is she a professional political analyst with a terminal degree in political science from a high ranking university?

No, she’s a brown person making capeshit. Fuck off.

fact of the matter is majority politicians in western countries don't do a good job

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it should be impossible to delete anything from twitter , once its publicly tweeted its public domain.

White skinned catholic Cuban here, not circumsized.

>slave Israel
Hey I like Israeli Jews way fucking more than I like American liberal ashkenazi jews (that own all the banks (((money))) and all the media (((information)))), but I’m no bootlicker. I see the strategic advantage of an ally in the Middle East.

Then again, the thing about Israel i have the biggest issue is, is that Muslims and Jews are vying for Israel. It’s our (Catholics / Christians) holy land too, I’m annoyed we haven’t just taken it from the weaker races.

>implying you aren't the Zionist Jew who spams the "nazis were tranny" memes in every thread that mentions you kikes.

Pilpul harder.

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who ever said only conservatives use whataboutism?

mfw the divide of americans into extremes is inevitable and in fact no one is pushing against it

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How do I get an AOC girlfriend, lads?

aka anyone who doesn't agree with you

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>words words words
the left can't meme

It's great.

White people can be muslims.

>if you go to Qatar and start preaching about "toxic masculinity" and "Arab privilege"

Loool, never happens. Meanwhile, the Proud Boys will assault you with a hammer for doing the same thing. Also, Arab countries took in millions of refugees. /pol/ are ALWAYS wrong.

Aha yes have sex

What's milkshaking?

How big is her cock?

Yeah but the difference is republicans support an asshole that says mean / crude things. Democrats support nothing to do with policy, and just choose based on whether the person they like is 1) brown or 2) has a vagina. Every democratic candidate aside from Biden pledged to work toward free health insurance for illegals

There’s no comparison to the rights antics and the lefts completely losing their minds

>sincerely being concerned about the proud boys
you're so sad

It will absolutely get worse in 2020, mark my words.
Expect people to start killing each other.

Did Sadiq Khan convert to christianity too? :^)

that's a positive thing. the country needs a purge of the treacherous, subversive antiwhite scum that have been ruining america for decades


cancel when?

why are pakis so awful

I'm concerned about the well being of buttplugs that are being exploited for the purpose of "owning the libs". No inanimate object should be subjected to an incel's butthole.

no, literal nazis parading in the streets with nazi flags

He followed the rules of the country he was in and made it to the top. Nothing's stopping white men from doing the same. Keep your head up, champ.




We should never have allowed shit coloreds to settle in our countries.

Don't bother giving him any (you)s. He know damn well about that, he just doesn't care.

Literally doesn't happen. You're delusional.

>Loool, never happens.
It never happens because the Jews/left are mostly focused on disenfranchising white people. Still though, you have lots of cases where liberal women go hiking through sandnigger countries to prove they aren't violent, and then get raped/killed. Darwin Olympics, I guess.

>Meanwhile, the Proud Boys will assault you with a hammer
Fake and gay. The Proud Boys are Zionists and not even white nationalist. Their founder used to work for (((Ezra Levant))) who is an openly Zionist Jew. They literally ban Nazis from joining them. The left just hates them because they're mostly white. Also, Antifa start 90% of the fights, Proud Boys just tend to finish them, and it's perceived as excessive force.

>Also, Arab countries took in millions of refugees
Yeah, from other Arab Muslim countries. That's like saying /pol/ would be offended if we took in Norwegian immigrants.

Attached: Antifa gets BTFO by Patriot Prayer member Portland Oregon July 30th, 2018 one punch Chad Rufio MAGA. (600x338, 3.32M)

You mean kind of like this how this guy thinks everyone who disagrees with him is part of some shady Jewish cabal bent on world domination and is currently focusing their efforts on funposting on a Cambodian break dancing forum?

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oh, so whites would have to change their religion if they want to hold power there. but foreigners don't have to do the same. congrats on destroying your own shitty argument
>they're allowed to have different rules but you're not :)


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Marvel is the problem here. This thread has devolved into nonsense

Pakistan wouldn't even exist without Britain, her ancestors would've been torn apart by brown people otherwise.
Really makes you think.

So if someone starts attacking you and you attack them in self defense you’re in the wrong? Good to know.

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No, but they were never blindly ideological either
Yes, 100%
That’s not why people hate you.

>oh, so whites would have to follow the laws if they want to hold power there


If every Muslim would lay down arms there would be world peace. If Israel laid down arms there would be a genocide

Based poster. 100% agree, just swap out Cuban for Ukrainian and we're the same.

People don't realize how even more fucked up that region would be without having a stronghold around.

aka anyone who disagrees with you
yeah, i know that you're an antiwhite subhuman who thinks yelling "nazi" makes you the arbiter of right and wrong

Marvel is #CANCELLED

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Lololol, seems like I triggered a conservahick. Ya couldn't even provide a proper rebuttal.

That dude in the white shirt is confirmed to be a literal faggot on lolcows. Funny how the alt right and leftists movements have so many disgusting sodomites.

Call a black guy nigger and see who is more sensitive.

Are you implying that non-white politicians follow the law?

8 more years

You losers call everything nazis and racist now.

>only "nazis" question jewish power! shut up!
not an argument
not an argument

>I can’t read more than two words lazily slapped over a picture of Pepe the frog
The right can’t read. Not surprising.

Milo Yannipulos ring a bell? Homosexuals can be neo-nazi buttlickers too. Andy Ngo isn't white, but he's a proven neo-nazi buttlicker too.

>Ya couldn't even provide a proper rebuttal.

Says the cuck who made a literal non-argument.

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>The MCU is finished
What are you talking about? The MCU was always garbage, you were just too retarded to see it.

Maybe she should get the fuck out of the country if she feels that way.

>not an argument
Not an argument

why are they allowed to have discriminatory laws but western countries aren't? is it because you have one set of standards for nonwhites and another for whites? aka you're a racist

Are you implying they're not?

[citation needed]

This woman is being made showrunner and given a tv show about a pre-existing property and she has done NOTHING

Look at her career! she only started working 1 year ago and her writing credits are 3 episodes of different radio shows , two episodes of different tv shows and one season as a regular writer on the four weddings and a funeral tv show remake.

This woman has done basically nothing and is an absolute nobody and yet she's being given a whole tv show of some property she didn't invent just because she's brown and muslim.

what is this horse shit?

Not an argument.

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aaaand unsurprisingly this story isn't being covered by the MSM

i wonder why

>Can only think of one event that happened a couple years ago.
You faggots are so fucking lame. Why don’t you try getting yourselves killed like that one Antifa retard who tried storming that ICE facility?

lmao, I can hear the seething from here. Seems you're unprepared to have discussions with actual leftists when you're not being fed strawpoints by Prager U.

>neo-nazi buttlickers
holy shit you are cringe. go back to your subr*ddit you embarrassing tourist

at what stage does killing left wingers become justified Yea Forums? are we passed that point yet?

>when you're not being fed strawpoints by Prager U

It's funny you're so sheltered and retarded that you think white nationalists like Prager U.

She sounds like a schizo

>actual leftists
pic related

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It's when you bring all the boys to the yard

There's a screenshot of some tweets she made and her account is also private. Aside from the white genocide hastags it's not as disgusting as I thought it would be.

t. literal nigger

Pretty Ironic that a /pol/ schizo posting this image when all they do is public shooting random people

your guy is in office so what's stopping you? surely he would pardon you.

>why are they allowed to have discriminatory laws but western countries aren't?

Western countries have discriminatory laws. See all the headscarf bans. Hell, Alabama banned abortions for women, even for those who have been raped. That seems pretty discriminatory against women.

just last year

Attached: neo-nazi-rally.jpg (3000x2000, 508K)

>actual leftists
thanks for admitting you're part of a leftypol discord raid. do you subhumans really believe you have any impact here? you're not "making a difference" and never will

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You’re actually correct on this. You, couldn’t possibly be a Nazi. That would require studying their ideology and understanding history. What you are is someone who reads dank memes on Yea Forums and gives the issue no thought beyond that. Your entire understanding of the world can be boiled down to a handful of jpegs. You are like the retarded younger sibling of the National Socialist. What you are is a stormnigger.

Blame boomers and their shit teachings. Literally opened the flood gates and managed to squander wealth in a single generation.

Attached: i hate white men! i also only fuck white men2.png (1682x756, 1.32M)

>just stick your head in the sand while these perverts take over the brainwashing agencies
Dilate, kike

Social media is a trap.

Why aren't the MSM covering the epidemic of reptilians from the planet Xuton sapping us of our precious bodily fluids either?

maybe it's the fact that an anti-white far left extremist is the show runner for a popular TV show that will be viewed by millions upon millions of impressionable young children, you dumb fuck

What is that like 50 people, OH NO!!

western countries do not require that people adopt or convert to a certain religion if they want to hold public office. but thanks for admitting you do indeed have double standards and are indeed a racist

The Dayton Shooter was leftist. So were the two shooters in pic related. Lefties just kinda suck at actual combat so they get low scores.

Attached: leftist terrorists suck.jpg (502x800, 91K)

I'm surprised she deleted them. They won't harm her standing in modern (((Hollywood))).
Glad to see Disney are copying the last ten years of the comics. MCU could be on its way out.

can we just start the race war already while we still have good numbers? i don't want this shit starting in 50 years when demorats have taken most of our guns away

>anti-white far left extremist

Bahahahaha, anyone to the left of Hitler is "anti-white far left extremist" according to the modern right.

Do you even know what irony is?

There's no point in trying to convince him, user. Most faggots here know damn well that shit like this exists.

Boomer best girl

>here, let me psychologise you
doesn't work on me, leftist subhuman
cool bogeyman schizo. back to r/socialism you go

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POC purely vote for those who give them the handouts so if you bring in more you get more free votes from people who can't think for themselves just in terms of what they obtain.

oh look it's another greasy 16 year old fresh out of /r/latestagecapitalism. aren't you underage niggers meant to be back at school?

Explain pic related please.

Attached: Trump Israel wailing wall.jpg (780x438, 78K)

>I hate white people
this is your brain on reddit and tranny hormones. off yourself faggot

>western countries do not require that people adopt or convert to a certain religion if they want to hold public office

You can convert to Islam in literally under an hour. You can't change where you're born, however, and that can disqualify you from running for office in western countries. BOOM, headshot.

>t. cowardly antiwhite scumbag

picker of cotton?
perpetrator of crime?

>explaining something in words doesn’t work on me
I know. It’s sad, but you are what you are.

I would assume this is a shitpost no? In a world where Jordan Peterson is "alt-right" complaining about rightist mentality is ironic shitposting to the extreme, but you know that.

>to the left of Hitler
yeah, that infamous far-right socialist

>there are actual "human beings" who participate in raids on 4channel and think they're fighting the good fight
Leftists and shitskins truly are pathetic

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I actually might if things keep going in the direction that they are. Next thing you know it they'll hire a tranny who advocates to kill all straights lmao

you can bet your bottom dollar this fat dyke won't get fired or cancelled

Can't blame her for not wanting to get Gunn'd down

Piece of chit.

>I hate white people

Oh lawd, you're hallucinating things that aren't actually there. You're proving my point about the persecution complex. See

>double standards are ok because i hate white people and the west
yeah we know sweetie
no, leftist delusion and mental illness doesn't work on me

and that's a good thing

Would it capture your attention better if he said it in the form of a tasty treat?

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I told you niggers things will only get worse from here on out. And what do you do? Create petitions for blackwashing. Yikes

You're saying whites should change the laws so that only white christians can become politicians in white countries? I agree.

i think you've had enough treats sweetie

Attached: 1549806432389.jpg (509x672, 44K)

That is one fucking ugly woman.

>making things up that werent said
>completely ignores the evidence of people saying that exact thing
cope harder leftoid

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>double standards are ok because i hate white people and the west

Who are you quoting? I've just been pointing out that you need to follow laws and rules. I thought conservahicks loved bootlicking the law?

There's nothing wrong with eating tons of cake every day. Why are you trying to fat-shame people, bigot?

Attached: smuggies leftist fat-shaming.png (1600x1600, 1.25M)

Well tell your leftie waifu to keep her mouth shut

>a cobweb made flesh

Attached: 1566144704840.jpg (470x470, 70K)

see and cry about a smile again, leftist freak

how much pussy do you think this lad gets offered on the daily?

the tranny leftoids have arrived

Attached: 15308167063931.png (1250x700, 982K)

They're free to do so.

What evidence? Link the post, user.

Pro-tip: you won't be able to.

Sick burn, tubs

Attached: 1F278790-3835-4658-8693-527B91E0BAE3.jpg (1648x920, 815K)

are you referring to the working class you subhumans claim to represent and fight for? not very nice

She's a non-threat, especially after all the controversy. And I'm not a leftie myself, actually conservative.

its in the OP

does HRT make you illiterate or just delusional?

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I would be happy to kill myself if it meant all the racebaiters and outraged fucks came with me in the underworld

How do the two posts related to one another? Also, why would you want to hang out in an echo chamber? Dissenting opinions are good in the free marketplace of ideas, remember?

your discord raid failed and all you've done is make people hate you and your disgusting ideology even more. thread is at bump limit so you can stop posting now

Attached: 1554434569084.png (872x597, 667K)

>*gets stabbed*
>*stabs back*
>"wtf you sociopath you stabbed me"
>"you stabbed first wtf"
>"wow, whataboutism..."
Every leftist deserves the worst fates.

So you couldn't find any post about ME being "anti-white", and now you're blaming some random actress who triggered you? Her posts aren't even offensive lmao. Persecution complex indeed.

>Dissenting opinions are good in the free marketplace of ideas, remember?
sorry sweetie I dont believe in democracy or free speech for communists trannies

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>seething leftoid defends fat indian anti-white

nice goalpost moving bro

>I dont believe in democracy or free speech

Trumpy, is that you?

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u3.jpg (550x550, 31K)

Never said he was JIDF. He's just a Jew that lurks Yea Forums. You'd have recognized his posts before if you weren't a brainlet.

Why do you faggots think people will follow the rules when you people don’t?

Trump isnt even close to being far right enough for me
I'd literally put you "people" into mass graves

Attached: 1514554277459.jpg (1345x1208, 252K)

My point still stands, while you've just been getting more visibly flustered. That persecution complex tho.


Attached: MAGA.png (602x369, 137K)

>there are literal trannies and muttskins in this thread right now

Ah, here we go. The true alt-right. Screencapped.

even though he's a capeshit fan he's still based

>Defends someone who objectively hates white people and makes it known to the world
>stop making up stuff!
imagine being as dumb as you

You’re projecting sweetie.

Attached: E53E2728-CA4A-4609-80ED-4F4DC4F022F5.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

rent free.

Attached: stop-my-penis-ezulzv.jpg (800x479, 59K)

wow you got us tranny!
are you gonna own the altright epic style on reddit with that screencap?

Attached: chapo reddit pictures.jpg (1024x576, 118K)

>if you oppose nazis and white nationalism, you hate white people
the absolute state of the rightwing

>complains about people making stuff up
>makes stuff up
leftoid brain is all fucked up from hormones, sad!

>if she didnt want to get "harassed", maybe she shouldnt have made 5000 tweets saying "kill all white people"
Um swarthy... you're literally blaming a rape victim for wearing the wrong outfit.

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Attached: niggers chimp-out easily.jpg (1024x930, 179K)

You sound like a fucking jackass

People should actively look for and exterminate these people.

>opposing the status quo means you hate wypipo

LOLOLOL. The state of conservahicks

If you opposed the status quo you'd be attacking Zionist Jews and the ADL.

Attached: Jewish media mega huger compilation.jpg (4698x3405, 2.45M)

This might come as a shock to you, but non-trans people can stand up for trans people. I know it disrupts your id-pol centric worldview, but it's true.

>implying leftoidism isnt the status quo

What's wrong with opposing ?

The modern left runs on 100% idpol.

Jeb Bush is literally less idpol than the average leftist.

Attached: Jeb Bush family.jpg (575x324, 79K)

>trans people
hello r/socialism

>the clitoris has nearly 8000 nerve endings
Less in muslim countries.

Because tiki torch holders aren't the bourgeoisie elite in charge of the state.

Attached: Rothschild impressive.jpg (500x321, 33K)

Remind me who/what the POTUS is?


>status quo

Oxymoron. lmao. This is the part where you start seething about "spacing"

>Remind me who/what the POTUS is?

A sock puppet for (((Benjamin Netanyahu)))?

>Is being purposefully obtuse to avoid getting the point that people are just called Nazi’s for not being leftists.
Go back to Twitter fag.

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The guy that made this thread runs on idpol. The writer/actress in question shat on the status quo, and conservahicks got outraged thinking she was singling out wypipo.

>Because tiki torch holders aren't the bourgeoisie elite

They absolutely are. Just because the people funding the event weren't physically present at the event doesn't mean they weren't propping/supporting it.

>leftism being the status quo is an Oxymoron
top cringe

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And? Both seem fine with parroting nazi methodology. /pol/ get rekt yet again.

Who was funding it?

God I wish the memes about Russia and Israel supporting us were true, lol.