Is this the epitome of "show to make dumb people feel they are smart" ?

Is this the epitome of "show to make dumb people feel they are smart" ?

Attached: House-MD.png (800x406, 78K)

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I did not get these vibes from the series at all. What aspects do you think pander to an unwarrented feeling of intellectual superiority?

It made me feel smart so no

basically yeah. it's also padded with generic american drama so it would appeal to a lot of normies then they get hooked because the show makes them feel smart

No, that would Hannibal.

House is pretty neat. Went on too long though. I would recommend reading every review here after every episode, it's pretty interesting.

Didn't House stated miserable for the whole series?

>feel smart
You'd need to be smart to understand those sick as fuck metaphors that spoon fed you really complicated medical jargon. It was a difficult balance to pull off, that show was fucking amazing.


No he grew a heart at the end and him and his life partner rode off into the sunset, literally.

Kino ending.

huh, so tv likes house...........

so house is gay? lmao, glad I dropped this

Yeah, that ending sounds pretty kino

guys I am image restricted so I can’t make new thread, can anyone recommend me comfy procedural type show like house that I can fall asleep to?

Castle, Psych, Chuck are all great comfy shows from the mid 00s

>white collar
>the mentalist
Procedural / comfy shows where out of everyone's league white guy does whatever the fuck he wants with the day as the rest of the "good side" cast run around him like untrained monkeys.

This, Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory, you already know the bit

The original CSI was great for the first 11 seasons

>you already know the bit
Yeah contrarians add nothing to the conversation. The bit sucks.

>to make dumb people feel they are smart

threads like this unironically


Monk, Elementary
Also I like Burn Notice, it's absolutely stupid, but charming.

No this is.

Attached: Black-Mirror.jpg (892x583, 92K)

i see you're a man of culture as well

no that would be prison break

Oh god yes.

>life partner


Obviously Wilson.

it is, but at the same time its smarter then your average tv show so *shrug*

>its smarter then your average

Attached: 1531577060806.jpg (600x600, 35K)


wtf are you talking about? Nobody would feel smart knowing stuff only a doctor would know and House wasn't even pushing that either.

I think he could be referring to House's more general rhetoric, outside of medical diagnosis.
A lot of the time the diagnosis comes down to not knowing the medicine but figuring out the person who's contracted the disease, shit like "everyone lies" or House's constant fedora tipping can be considered pretty pseudo intellectual.
I enjoyed the show, but I can also see what kind of person it'd potentially appeal to.

The clever metaphors / roasting was the only reason to watch House. Him dicking around with Wilson / Cuddy, clinic patients and his team was the best part of the show. Who the fuck watched that shit for the medical mysteries?

They do take up a large portion of the show, despite the doctor banter clearly being one of the more fun aspects of it.

It's probably easy for edgy teens to self insert as House always gets everything right and pretends to be a shining beacon of morality.

BASED retard

>pretends to be a shining beacon of morality.
What fucking show were you watching?

No, it just makes losers feel special because they're miserable "just like House" except they aren't actually smart like him.

He's always doing illegal shit because he thinks it's right for his patient and waltz around spouting platitudes and sticking it to the man

Stay* fucking third worlder

That would be Sherlock.

>because he thinks it's right for his patient
Wrong. He does those things because he thinks his assumption follows logically and "it fits". You projected the other shit onto the character. He's by far the most amoral twat to roam the halls of that pretend hospital.

>He's always doing illegal shit because he thinks it's right for his patient and waltz around spouting platitudes and sticking it to the man
No, user. That's his ambiguity and ke knows it. He advises the contrary of what he has done himself with (to his leg) to every patient he met. The whole case with his leg shows that he's a hypocrit and can't handle it.

Maybe cus he learned from the experience and realized it made him a fucked up human being, regardless there was an episode where he accepted the patients refusal of treatment purely because he was too empathetic of their situation after coming in contact with them, the "house doesn't talk to patients" shit is partially to keep him from growing too attached and getting his judgement clouded.

rick and morty
big bang theory

No, that would be Hannibal.

>to keep him from growing too attached and getting his judgement clouded.
This a point among many others. He also says that if they can't know his face, they won't follow him and bother him.
The whole "everybody lies" point makes it necessary for him to meet the patients because his coworker cant get the hidden truth.
He was already a fucked up human being, as his ex wife, cunny, and wilson say.
He often gives the patient the choice (like that little girl with cancer), the only thing he dislikes is when you disagree with him or don't understand why you should live. If he solves a case and the patient doesn't want to live he wouldn't give two fucks.

>the only thing he dislikes is when you disagree with him
He dislikes when you disagree with him with a lukewarm shitty reason. All Wilson does is disagree with House and they're best friends.

>as his ex wife, cunny, and wilson say.

lmao, you've been here far too long, friend

House is a unprofessional jerk (just like me!) that just happens to be a great doctor and the lynchpin problem solver on the show.

You are either a baiting retard, or just not very clever to see this.

No, that's Sherlock

if the word cunny makes you uncomfortable maybe r/Yea Forums would be better suited for you my friend

Why can't House be a great doctor who happens to be an unprofessional jerk?

I used to watch the show when I was 18, I used to love it and obsess over it when I thought I was extremely intelligent. I think the show is mediocre now.

Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. he fuckin’ is?

The show is Pokémon except the diseases are the villains instead of Team Rocket.

So what's the problem?

he doesn't happen to be a great doctor though. that he is a great doctor is why people tolerate him being an unprofessional jerk. even there, show beats you over the head with how he's only tolerated even in spite of that because his boss has the hots for him (and is his friend and genuinely cares about him and thinks he'll kill himself if he doesn't have the job)

also repeatedly goes out of its way to show why house's behaviour is terrible and why you shouldn't be cheering for him and how his life is miserable because of it

not that any of this has anything to do with
>show to make dumb people feel they are smart

You are.


Maybe you’re just too dumb to pick up on it.

I am a problem in your life because House is a great doctor who is an unprofessional jerk? It's a good thing we're all in your head because otherwise that would be very confusing.


The seething dumb dumbs in this thread lead me to believe you are correct.

on what, your posing? that's obvious from miles.

No, that would be Fraser or Big Bang Theory. House is for watching Cameron and Chase be cute.

Take an English class.


I forgot about Psych, such a good comfy show to just have on
