What is Yea Forums's opinion on this?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on this?
Wait that was Aragorn? What the fuck
Fuck you, I liked it.
Unironically based and redpilled about class divide and the lie that is race politics.
Dem keedz...
Truly a meme award at this point. I refuse to believe people watch this shit
Viggo and Ali were really good and it looked very nice and it was kinda funny and entertaining
>the only injustices against the pianist were microaggressions like being served fried chicken for dinner
>the word nigger was only uttered once-- towards Viggo Mortensen
>the black guy was a pompous asshole the whole time to everyone
>huehuehue Viggo eat lots of food so funny
If you want to make a movie about racism maybe you should actually show some racism.
That's not what the movie was about though, did you even watch it?
comfy feel good flick
isnt this another gay nigger movie?
no that would be your future biography
>Thousands of white ppl show up to watch you perform at some refurbished plantation mansion
>they don't let you eat at the only restaurant in the mansion
>they give you a 6feet by 6feet closet as your dressing room
Imagine a time when you could walk up to a realtor and say "help me find a house far away from niggers" and it was ok.
You can still do that. Just be more subtle about it.
>How are the schools here
Owned lol
It's essentially driving miss daisy in reverse or the untouchables.
>we aren't so different after all, nigger
The movie felt dated but it wasn't bad.
it wasn't my cup of tea
Literally ended racism
Very colorful and diverse.
You can 100% still do this. They only care about getting their commission and they know what brings a property's value down more than anything else.
>What is the town's ratio of Starbucks locations to bail bond outlets?
>How far away is the nearest Whole Foods?
I liked it since I know a lot of guys like Tony. The black dude was a pretentious asshole though and didn't get called out nearly enough for his own shortcomings just because he's black and we are supposed to feel sorry for him.
>Black man is left to his own devices for two (2) evenings during the entire trip
>Gets drunk and beaten up the first night for acting like he's better than all the other black people he's come across, even after being invited to join them and hang out
>Trolls the local Y for some boipucci and gets arrested the other
>imagine thinking that the line "looking to start a family and get out of the city" doesn't mean exactly that
I liked it. Watched with family and we could relate, we are 100% italian american.
>President Trump wins
>Hollywood reacts by cucking themselves
It's pro gun and conservative kino. Not sure how they got away with it in the current year, but I guess that's half of why kinographers prefer period pieces now
This. It's not the "we're not so different, you and I" trite bullshit that's been tried over and over again. It's more of a "I know we're different, but we can try to work things out together so that way we both come out ok," which is more realistic. The fact that irl they stayed true friends was just a nice cherry on top.
Same here. Tony's son who makes a cameo in the movie has a restaurant that's less than 10 minutes from my house. Place is alright.
Not very good