Reads history books

>Reads history books
>"Yeah LOL sorry, I just can't enjoy the Avengers or Game of Thrones, too fantastical and inaccurate for me to empathize"
>"But did you read about this Norwegian VIKING, who defended a bridge ALL BY HIMSELF and then they won and then HE was sent to Valhalla?? EPIC. Let me also tell you about Nordic Mysticism..."

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who are you quoting?

>this Norwegian VIKING, who defended a bridge ALL BY HIMSELF and then they won and then HE was sent to Valhalla
sounds pretty cool desu

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I think Hardrada battled Harold over a bridge. He lost tho. Then Harold lost.

But the vikings lost at stanford bridge

You know this didn't happen, faggot. Nice man baby cope though, go enjoy your capeshit.

>then they won
They literally got btfo. Fucking idiot OP, obvious baby cope.

The vikings got their asses kicked any time they had to face a real army

The Vikings lost the battle of Stamford Bridge though. The eternal Anglo cheated and stabbed him from under the bridge after he killed 40 dudes.

Vinland Saga is literally better than any major Western TV show airing right now.

what a shit strawman
snowniggers are literal niggers in comparison to other euros

The mind of the average Yea Forums poster


>biggers of today live like savages from 3000 years ago

They are involved, yes we know this already.

this is 4channel

Was The Odyssey capekino?

Take your meds schizo


>soichild has their mind so rotted they cannot discern the difference between fictional and non-fictional events

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imagine thinking you won the anti-white argument when you admit nogs haven't evolved morally or socially for thousands of years

>the modern day negro acts like savages from 2000 years ago
pretty accurate


This comic actually reflects poorly on black people.

Well I MEAN, it was a different time

civilization has evolved since then.
at least white civilization has

Holy shit, some epic triggering here

Based. G*rmans and other snowniggers have been the bane of Europe since the beginning of time

vikings are handsome so its ok, niggers are ugly


What did she mean by that?

who is this tranny and why do i keep seeing him?