Seen any good movies lately?

Seen any good movies lately?

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My father died in 2004. I miss him.

This image makes no sense
My father was partly the reason i had teenage depression episodes

My dad left when I was a baby

My dad was a fucking asshole.
Not only would he NEVER knock, but he would ALWAYS leave the door wide open.

this image needs more
>"dude just cheer up lmao"

We are still here, Villmark 2, Aniara, and The Good Neighbor.

i think you mean dad checking in on you IN MOVIES starter pack. nobody does this.

>tfw your parents divorced years before the depression kicked in

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>depressive episode
I hope I never have whiny emo shitter children like that.

Miss the first step: father is getting drunk enough to attempt family stuff.

>doesn't relly understand why you're sad but doesn't try either
>rest of the pic is basically dad trying to understand why he is sad
Pics like this are why people think depressed people are little shits

I wish these people got a real disease like pancreatic cancer

What if they already do?

My dad is cold and has said i love you maybe 10 times to me in 26 years

These type of dads usually have white collar jobs. They have 70+ hour work weeks and barely spend time at home. When they do go home, they’re mostly gonna spend time with their wives. Blue collar dads are closer to their children and care about them more

>tfw emotionally distant dad who wont say he loves me

its ok I dont love me either

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I wish my dad even cared enough to make this much of an attempt

my dad is an asshole i hope he dies a slow painful dead

Yeah same here, the person who made this image doesn't know how good they have it.

>said i love you
do americans actually do this

Do you know what white collar means or you're just projecting?

>dad called me an accident when I was a kid
>always just ignored me
>tried to make me homeless
Feels bad man

my childhood friends whose dads had blue collar jobs literally never saw their children except like one day a week when they finally had an off day and would take the family out to a fancy restaurant like outback steakhouse

My friends dad would come near us while we played video games and fart
It was fucking disgusting, like a god damn Neanderthal

only functional households


Should have farted your bitchy faggot asa into oblivion

Imagine how awful it must be when your dad wants you to be happy but you can't, and that eats away at you both. I don't know which is worse, but at least you guys had some more reasons to get depressed and can change your environment to fix some of it.

t. never been depressed

I always say I love you when I get off the phone with my parents, have ever since I can remember

Lol sucks for all you fags. My dad fucking rocks.