>try to watch the boys to see what the fuss is about
>start getting into #metoo plot
And dropped, fuck this feminist horse shit
Try to watch the boys to see what the fuss is about
Other urls found in this thread:
So, I see you are easily triggered.
I hate this feminist witchhunt and anything that supports it. Regret is not rape, period.
>All rape cases on the news are phony!
How much a retard can you be?
So, just to be very clear, you think it's ok to rape women?
my advice is to stop watching before you get too angry about the choices that fucking jewish cunt made
>all womens lies are truth, listen and believe
Speak for yourself brainwashed tard
Didn't we have this thread before?
How fucking retarded are you?
>being this fragile
guess you were the snowflake after all
Clearly im not the retarded one if you blindly believe accusations from a woman, it cant be the anti-male agenda they have or anything.
>limpwristingly throwing back arguments even when they dont apply to your opponents
The left cant mene
>feminist horse shit
>feminist witchhunt
it actually happens though
try going outside
Nope, 99% of all #metoo attacks have been fueled by misandrist hate, look at how it affected victims like chris savino.
>it cant be the anti-male agenda they have or anything.
It's hard to argue in good faith with someone who says shit like this unironically. I just can't.
>equating the entirety of sexual assault with a hashtag
ask me how I know you're underage
We already had this thread yesterday fag
That hashtag was just a weapon used by modern feminism to attack anyone with a penis they had a grievance with.
It's funny because, in the series, IT CLEARLY FUCKING HAPPENED, so it's absolutely YOUR CHOICE to believe her or not. Are you actually on Fake Aquaman's side? Fucking retard.
>retards will take the bait of the same pasta thread
Nope, its just used as a strawman to side with the lying dykes IRL making up horseshit that insipid retards like you blindly believe.
Jesus Christ, I swear could punch the life out of every single motherfucker here defending abusers and rapists. God help me I never stumble into any of you.
>theyre rapists because i said so listen and believe
You are the bad guys, not the victims
>retards will say it never happens
Who fucking touched your peepee to get this triggered?
>retards will blindly believe every accuser because she has a vagina
>The case that obviously happened in the show is used as a strawman for the cases that supposedly never happened in real life
I can't deal with this faulty logic.
Its a strawman for cases that DIDNT happen in real life but these cunts want you to think happened.
I dig the irony of you criticizing a straw man while posting another, but just to humor you: the crux of people now believing some of these cases in real life is that they're either superfluous or vague enough to be misconstrued as lack of consent, while there are obvious, real cases of rape just like in the show that do not have this same ambiguousness. So to conflate the superfluous nonsense ("he touched me 15 years ago") with actual abuse ("I was raped but they never let me go to trial") is fucked up.
Im just done with all of this, all of these cases of mens lives being ruined because they flirted with someone or because some angry woman wanted to backstab them, i dint believe any rape accusations now anymore, ive been lied too so much that i cant believe them.
>that pic
You like that well heres another one
This one is riddled with jpeg artifacts, pulled straight outta Facebook. You can almost smell the boomer.
I think thats the point, lad
>Everyone here taking this bait hook line and sinker
There's no way the OP isn't taking the piss
I've been here long enough to know real trolling is often tongue and cheek and ultimately harmless. This shit reads like real incel tier nonsense.
You fucking loser faggot.
Can't even get over a fictionalized version of a real world issue. Like you've never watched a film based on something in history.
What an idiot.
Reminder that only fat legbeards use that term here
Thats the point though, it isnt a real world issue, at least not to the point the feminsist are blowing it up to be.
OP is a faggot
See? It wasn't trolling, he legit believes this.
>it isnt a real world issue
Projecting your virgin rage stilll wont get chad to settle for you, femcel
Ya know that the rape scene happened in the comic too right? Except it was toned down for the show? Like a lot.
And the show goes out of its way to humanize the rapist and show that he's a sad person that a lot of people say they feel sorry for. He's still a piece of shit, but he's not a sociopath. Season 2 may even be setting him up for redemption ala Theon Greyjoy
You're a little pol bitch, lol
Pretty obvious a dumb spic made this
You made a shitty /pol/ bait thread
It wasnt rape, it was sexual assault, there was concent
>there was concent
you can't really consent when you're being blackmailed and your job is being threatened
She never implied she was raped tho
You're an idiot
she could, but she wanted to be supe so bad her morals could go fuck themselves
She's a self centered asshole like all supes
She was throwing up immediately after he demanded oral sex. That's implication
You don't have anything to say to this post?
>what is coercion
This board is retarded, she wasn't raped. Rape is defined by concent and penetration.
but it's based on a comic made in early 00's way before all the meetoo nonsense
this scene is basically what happend in the book
you wouldn't do shit bitch
Coercion isn't consent user. If you were in prison and Tyrone said that you let him pound your boipucci twice a day, or he'll tell the other prisoners what you're in for, is that rape?
she threw up because she just sucked fish dick nigga
I don't think you understand what coercion is. Sexual assault and rape are not the same thing.
This is now a Banana Splits thread. Everyone post some Banana Splits.
I like how obvious trolls will start to have their grammar or punctuation degrade as they continue to reply.
I still need to see the new movie. I heard it's run horror nonsense.
She was raped in the comics
Only micropenis' threaten gun violence over the internet
You're... armed? To browse Yea Forums?
Please say sike
You're a little bitch boi
Yep this is a bait thread. Pack it in folks, he's not even trying anymore
The internet isn't live action.
She had the ability to walk away though. She chose to do it to get ahead. It was her choice to give up her integrity
One banana
You're a scummy retard
Lol, you're so weak.
So if you let Tyrone pound your poopchute to keep the other inmates off you, are you compromising your beliefs? Does it make you less straight?
>It was her choice to give up her integrity
Thid illusion of choice is precisely the way many have committed abused throughout history.
>"She needed to eat, and I had money. She could've always walked away!"
Lmao the only way this post will harm you is if you were looking at it on your phone and walked into an open manhole.
No one did, and that's the real problem here
Are you stupid? I didn't imply it was harmful for me, but for yourself and those around you. This warped idea of women isn't healthy, user.
Holy fuck you're a fag
The fish guy pressured the christian stargirl into giving him a blowy because if she didn't he said he would frame her for assualt and she'd lose her place among the seven. It's not that she regretted it. She was fucking tricked you dumb retard.
>make the same thread you got BTFO on the other night because you're a bitch
Shut the fuck up fag
What was her name, user?
looks like a natural response to threat of physical violence over the internet
It's in the comic, dipshit.
Well someone's a real bitch.
Sexual assault is literally the legal term used to describe rape, you unabashed insipid moron
>This shit reads like real incel tier nonsense.
Nope, the OP is clearly entry-level bait with half a brain cell put into it. Real incel tier nonsense is when they start getting into paragraphs of paranoid justification.
>If you want the job you'll suck a dick
Is not rape. She was free to refuse and leave The Seven. Similar to her costume change, she absolutely had the choice to not go through with it but then she would be fired. Both are unethical (and the first one is definitely illegal) but neither of the cases are rape.
A-Train does try and rape her in the comics and she blinds him for it.
The part where Deep one gets sexually assaulted as well made me slightly uncomfortable
That's what being coerced means you stupid fuck.
OP is a snowflake.
You're an intentional retard
fucking brainlet got fltered
Ok Mr snowflake. You should make a petition so they add a trigger warning for you
>Implying women don't literally get fucked, raped and abused by the elites and no one should talk about it
Yea Forumscels show their true colors once again.
Yeah, that part was really hard to watch, I felt bad for him.
Go home, Trudeau.
The whole thing is a big redpill about Hollywood, worth watching.
That's his pet fish